
The sun has set and it was now night time and in the middle of the forest surrounding a small town named Cheddar, the sounds of moaning and groaning of something inhuman mixed with the curses and screams for help rang out before they were silenced. A 19-year old blonde woman is among the unfortunate team to deployed to deal with the situation in Cheddar.

That woman's name is Seras Victoria is among one of the unfortunate group members that have been assigned to apprehend the priest that is the main suspected to be the cause of the madness of people either disappearing or appearing 'dead'.

Heavy footsteps rang out through the forest, slowing down into the middle of a pathway along the forest, the poor young woman was panting as she just ran away from her ex-colleague who just tried to bite her and she hit him with her gun to get away.

She was lost in the middle of the forest of a small town with a zombie outbreak going on, her eyes were brimming with tears that were just waiting to spill out, but she hastily wiped them away. She promised herself that she would never cry on a crime scene, but then a snap of a stick caught her attention.

Seras turned around to see a woman stumbling towards her with her arms outstretched to grab anything in reach. The dead gray skin of the moaning and groaning woman told her that she was no longer among the living.

She raised leveled her gun towards her chest and was about to pull the trigger until something unexpected happened. An arm struck out and stabbed the undead ghoul in the chest, causing it to wail and then explode into dust and viscera.

The night was silent like the grave and Seras was shocked senseless at the man before whose arm just pierced clean through the ghoul's body like a wet piece of paper. She slightly lowered her gun but kept her eyes trained on the strange man as he let his arm fall to his side.

He towered over her by six inches, his features were hidden by his large red floppy fedora and she could barely see just a glare of his orange-tinted sunglasses and she had a heavy feeling that he was looking right through her.

"Beautiful night isn't it police girl?" He asked, his voice was a rich baritone that made her want to shiver

She was shocked at his statement, 'Tonight is anything but beautiful!'

He gave her a large grin, showing larger than life fangs, stating, "It's especially beautiful of course if you're a bloodsucker."

Seras' eyes sharpened before she aimed and fired her gun with a *Bang!*

The bullet tore through the man's shoulder forcing him to take a step back, but he didn't cry out in pain or even grimace, he just chuckled as if a bullet wound in the shoulder was something amusing.

She took a step back when she saw the wound in his shoulder reassemble like it was never there in the first place.

"You're not... human," She whispered in shock

She then fled the area, her gun still in her hand as she turned her back to him as she disappeared into the trees.

He chuckled, tilting his head to the side, making his sunglasses lover, showing one orange eye filled with mirth.

Seras stopped running when she found herself standing in the middle of a graveyard and a small church, where she slowly opened the door and entered the seemingly abandoned church with no shadow in sight.

She walked inside, her hands clutching her gun in a tight grip as she called out, "Excuse me?"

A shadow melted off the corner of the church, showing a young man in a priest's outfit who glided towards the clergy table with a regal look of peace on his face.

"Why is a lovely policewoman here at my humble church?" He politely asked

She gulped and said, "My team and I are here to confront a suspicious man who may be the cause of the disappearances of the townspeople of Cheddar and several police officers."

The priest smirked and took a step towards Seras who took a step back in turn.

He lifted his hand and willed Seras to come into his arms as he wrapped them around her body.

"Let me go," Seras said, positioning her gun to the center of his forehead while pushing him away with her other hand.

He softly said, "I would never make you into a mindless ghoul, the blood coursing through your body is warm and unbelievably sweet."

The priest pressed her closer to him as she inwardly flinched, she could easily feel his hard-on pressing against the crotch of her pants as he unzipped her protective vest. Showing her large bust size in her tight blue collared shirt, exposing her neck and collarbone as he nuzzled against the pulse point of her neck, making her gulp.

He smirked at her wary face, before her eyes filled with steel even though there was a hint of fear as she raised her gun once more as she said, "I'll shoot you. I'll blow your brains out and then I will tell everyone..."

The priest whispered sweet, honey-laced words, slowly putting her in a submissive state as he said, "I know you are feeling pain, but I will give you pleasure that will last forever."

Seras couldn't say anything as she stared at him until a loud smash echoed through the silent church.

A boot-covered foot smashed down the door and it was the man with the fedora who stated coldly, "That's enough. Punk!"

The priest asked, "Who are you?" Pressing Seras against him

The man stepped into the church, "My name is Alucard. I'm merely a tool of the special operations agency, Hellsing. I dispose of garbage."

The priest snorted, "Garbage? Hah! Special operations agency?! Have you lost your mind?"

"No, you're the maggot underneath the garbage! Look at you! That cheap outfit isn't even fit for a carnival," He hissed, Seras could feel his utter disgust for the man from where she was standing and it made her fight not to shiver in fear at the look of utter loathing.

He took a step forward and started to walk, saying, "What do you think you're doing? Wearing a priest outfit, you don't even know the meaning of shame. That's what makes you trash!"

The priest hissed, "You can die now!" Before commanding all the ghouls to stand and aim their weapons at Alucard.

"Commander..." Seras whispered as she glanced at the ghoulish form of her ex-leader

Alucard's tone got even colder and more mocking as he said, "You are a narrow-minded king who creates a host of ghouls to keep as slaves. You're a coward incapable of acting on your own. Even Hell wouldn't accept you!"

The priest ordered, "Kill him!"

The ghouls opened fire on Alucard, shooting hails of bullets into his body, tearing out the side of his mouth and shooting off his right arm, while Seras watches in horror before the priest snaps his fingers, making the ghouls stop their fire.

Alucard's body then fell to the floor in the puddle of his own blood, his sunglasses shattered as soon as they hit the floor.

The priest laughed and grinned as he yelled, "He was all talk!"

Seras looked at the bullet-riddled corpse in a mixture of shock and sadness before turning away, the priest just to force a kiss on her, but she turned away from him and the priest decided to rip off her protective vest and shirt allowing the fabric to fall to pieces under his strength. She was left in only her bra and uniform pants as she escaped his grip and ran away, minding the 'seemingly' dead body as she jumped out of the doorway.

The priest, however, caught her after she took several steps and started to grope her big titties roughly as he cupped her sex. She bit her lower lip so she wouldn't give the bastard any satisfaction from her. Unknown to either of them, the bullet-torn corpse was not truly dead yet. The priest thrust his hand inside of her pants to finger Seras through her panties, which made a mortified blush appear on Seras' face.

But, then an echoing wind brushed past the church, the night sky became red as the moon was just in sight of the tall window from the church itself.

The blood on the floor started to move of its' own accord, heading straight towards the supposed dead body that was shot to pieces, literally moments ago and the arm was dissembling into a reddish black shadow, connecting to its' owner.

The priest felt something it hadn't after the night he became a vampire. Fear. Pure, unadulterated fear as he whispered, "What?!"

The corpse of Alucard started to stand as he lifted his hands to look at the pair as the priest whispered, "It can't be?!"

"Guns are useless against me!" He smirked, sticking out his tongue

He asked, "You're a...?"

"An ordinary gun that is..." Alucard stated, resembling his arm

The priest hissed, "Damn ghouls! Kill him already!"

Alucard pulled out his gun and took aim and started to destroy all the ghouls in the church, making them dissolve into dust.

Seras looked at the scene in awe, "He's not human..."

Soon all the ghouls are dead as the last ghoul disintegrated into dust.

The priest stuttered, "Why?! Why are you... We're both vampires!"

Alucard dropped the empty magazine of his gun on the floor and filled it with another one.

"You instant vampires are cockroaches! Multiplying everywhere before you know it." He said as he cocked the gun with his teeth

"I can't stand your kind...half-assed vampire without the slightest bit of self-respect! You don't even know what you are! By the way, I have my reasons for serving humans, but that is not a story for trash like you. A silver cross from the great Lanchester Church was melted down to cast the 13 mm explosive rounds in this gun. So relax. And go to Heaven, forever!"

The priest sneered and held Seras in front of him, slightly choking her and her feet dangling several inches off the floor.

"She's the only surviving human. I know you can't shoot her. You are a servant of the humans," He laughed as Alucard's gun didn't waver in the slightest

Seras looked at him and he stared back at him as the priest's droning tone faded into the background.

"Police girl," He stated

"Yes..." She replied

The priest hissed in displeasure, "Listen to me! Are you listening to me?!"

Alucard stated, "I'm going to shoot you in the lung. The bullet will pass through you to hit that trash vampire in the heart!"

The priest paled as he stuttered, "W-wait a minute!"

Alucard continued, "I know you don't wish to die tonight. Would you like to come with me?"

The priest slightly tightened his grip on Seras' neck who was still looking straight at Alucard, "Look, you..."

"I won't force you. The choice is yours. Now answer!"

Silence swallowed the church as Seras made her choice

"Yes," She stated, closing her eyes

Alucard chuckled then shot her with a *Bang!*

The shot pierced Seras' chest and hit the priest, throwing both of them outside.

The fake priest screamed before turning to dust and Seras laid flat on her back, still bleeding on the grass outside, two of the three candles in the church blew out as Seras hit the ground.

Alucard slowly walked up to her, kneeling down as he held her body in his arms.

She whispered, "Alucard..."

"You chose this, Police girl," He stated as he licked the blood trail from her chin to her lips

Seras stared up at him with her big blue eyes

He stated, "One normally closes one's eyes."

Seras weakly smiled to which he smiled back before he sank his fangs into her neck, drinking her blood.

[1 1/2 hours later]

Seras groaned as she slowly woke up, she quickly found herself to be naked from the waist up but she didn't feel cold at all. She squeaked when her state of undress registered in her brain and she curled inside a red duster before she flinched as she thought, 'Wait a minute...A red duster?!'

She looked at the red duster she wrapped herself in and she slowly turned to the right and saw the smirking face of a man that shot her in the chest. She gulped and tried to stand, but her legs were still weak and fell on her butt.

Alucard laughed in amusement as Seras' face turned red before she stated, "Could you please stop laughing at me, Master?"

She then covered her mouth as she realized what she just said as Alucard stood up and walked over to his new fledgling.

"Yes, Master. You are mine," He purred as he knelt down as he took off his gloves and touched her face with his hands, grabbing her chin, making her face him as a shot of heat rushed through her body.

She barely held back a shudder at seeing him without his floppy fedora or his sunglasses. He was handsome with his pale skin, his black hair that framed his face in waves, his sharp jawline and his sunset eyes that just seemed to draw her in.

Seras was just about to kiss him before she realized what she was doing and she scooting away from him. He smiled at her and slight reluctance and it was quite refreshing to see someone not immediately bow to his whims, but he needed to finish turning her into a true Draculina.

He grabbed her head with one hand as he bit into the corner of his mouth, letting it fill his mouth before forcing her into a kiss. Her eyes widen as the taste of his blood filled her mouth as he could feel her body tremble with pleasure.

She grabbed his arms as she gripped his forearms as her nails biting into his skin which brought a slight shiver of pleasure down his spine as Seras closed her eyes and deepened the kiss between the two of them. Her shy and inexperienced tongue went against his masterful one as it twisted and wrapped around her smaller one making her press her body against him. He finally released her, their lips stained with blood and saliva as Seras panted against him, her cheeks became flushed as she felt hotter than she ever felt before.

"Master, Master! Please~!" She begged

"Please, what? Police girl?" He grinned as he ran a finger down her cheek

Seras barely suppressed a twinge of mortification at being called such a name which made Alucard smile as she subconsciously ground her hips into his own as heat pooled into her center as she felt her brain go mad.

Alucard felt himself grow hard at seeing his beautiful fledgling grinding her hips into his own.

"Tell me what you want, police girl," He ground out

"I-I want you to calm this heat in my body, Master. I don't know how, but please," She trailed off, holding his body against hers as she felt like she was on fire.

"Good, then I will do as I please," He stated

He then slammed his mouth on hers, making her taste the remains of their last kiss as he started to fondle one of her breasts in his hand as he used his other hand to trail her back to grope her cute ass, making her groan.

Alucard ripped her belt and pants away from her, leaving her in only her boots and moist panties which soon joined the tattered remains of her pants. He let go of her lips, licking them, trailing to the side of her neck to breathe over where he just bit her, making her shudder. Then, his tongue trailed over her collarbone where he sucked and bit down on her stomach.

"M-master! Please, don't tease me anymore. I don't-" He cut off by kissing her, biting her lips as she moaned. She undid his shirt, practically tearing it apart to feel his hard pecs underneath, he undid his belt causing his large member show itself, making the blood rushing through her veins even hotter than before.

He lined herself up at her entrance and forced himself inside, breaking her hymen entirely as she screamed out in pleasure and slight pain. He pounded her insides as she quivered around his cock as he took to fucking her out of her mind. Her pussy became slick with her juices and the blood, overflowing her lower lips.

His thrusts were hard and unrelenting as she bounced up and down on him, her nails biting into her shoulders. She released her iron grip on his shoulders and moved to tangle her hands in his hair, pulling at every thrust he made, as she melted under his touch. Her pussy clenched around him every time he pulled himself out only to thrust himself back in.

His mouth then went to her breasts, sucking on her nipple, biting it between his fangs. Soon Seras felt her body tense up and constrict as her grip on his hair, tightening as her hands balled into fists.

"M-master, I'm going to, to-" Seras barely started before Alucard bit into her breast, triggering her orgasm which gripped his cock like a vice, her cum trailing doing his cock as she screamed her pleasure. Alucard allowed himself to cum as he fucked her continuously, cumming and thrusting all the while.

Seras wailed to the night sky, the moon being the pair's only observer, as the last candle in the church dimmed before fading.

[An hour later]

Sir Integra was standing on the road, waiting for her wayward servant to show himself with crossed arms as the agent forces behind her did their duties. Soon she saw him coming up the pathway, carrying Seras in a stray brown blanket he wrapped around her naked form.

Alucard announced, "Mission complete. All target activity has ceased. The limited power release is complete."

She frowned, "You spent too much time for just one target," before she looked at the red-eyed Seras leaning her head against Alucard's chest

"I'll call for rescue," She stated as she started to walk away

"No. I want you to transfer this police girl to the Hellsing Organization," Alucard stated

Sir Integra halted mid-step as Seras' eyes widened before she nodded at Integra

She turned back and said, "You don't make decisions."

He said, "The police girl made the choice for herself."

Integra turned to walk back to her helicopter, not looking back as she said, "It's time for the Hellsing Organization to withdraw."

She boarded the helicopter and flew back to the manor as Seras and Alucard looked on.

Seras looked at the man, no-vampire carrying her and said, "Excuse me..."

He looked at her and said, "This was a great night...wasn't it?"

She stared back at him with a blush as she remembered him fucking her...repeatedly in front of the church as he chuckled and went off with her in his arms as they vanished into the night as he took her to the Hellsing Organization.

Ending it! I am ending it! I am back, people! I just really needed to repost everything and put it in order. You know how you write and you get better with more practice? I just needed to cancel the story and repost it. Anyways, I am going to post all my old chapters with new chapters. The awesome ideas of the lemons I write are from Dynamosaurus Imperiosis Rex. Sorry dude, if I upset you for canceling the fanfic for months. I am back online.

~Kourtney Uzu Yato