![]() Author has written 7 stories for Injustice: Gods Among Us, Calvin & Hobbes, Fire Emblem, DC Superheroes, Super Smash Brothers, and Marvel. Hey, you ever think about how since life is unfair to everyone...well, that kind of makes it fair in a way. Life is weird like that. Age: 21 Gender: Male Where I Live: Omaha, Nebraska, USA The SuperJimmy Multiverse 1. Injustice 2: The Novelization * Series: Injustice - Gods Among Us * Rating: T * Status: Complete * Synopsis: Five years have passed since fall of Superman's Regime, and Batman has been working to help the world recover. However, everyone is taken by surprise when a new force, the likes of which the world has never seen before, enters the stage. Now Batman must team up with comrades old and new before all of Earth is brought down by the merciless collector of worlds himself: Brainiac * Notes: I did like the video game, but there were several changes I would've made to its story - hence why this story even exists. 2. Duplicator Dilemmas * Series: Calvin and Hobbes * Rating: K * Status: Complete * Synopsis: Calvin is out for summer break, and he is ecstatic and elated...but he doesn't know what with his freedom to do yet. He decides to do another Duplicator test, but he doesn't know where to go from there. But when he and Hobbes get another visit from Galaxoid and Nebular, Calvin enlists their help to shake things up - leading to hijinx unlike anything the duo has dealt with before. * Notes: This was done for fun, and to make it up to myself after another, failed Calvin and Hobbes project that is now in the realm of limbo and will stay there for disrespecting the spirit of the comic strip. 3. Firepoint * Series: Fire Emblem * Rating: T * Status: In-progress * Synopsis: Stahl and Gaius have never been close, and an incident on the route back to Ylisstol furthers the distance between them. But then history is rewritten, and their world is replaced with a merciless hellhole, ravaged by tyranny and revolution. Now they must put aside their differences if they are to survive in this new world - and restore their own before it's too late. 4. Age of Wonders * Series: DC Universe, Marvel Universe * Rating: T * Status: In-progress * Synopsis: The world thought Captain America dead after the Liberty Brigade launched their final assault on HYDRA in 1945. They were proven wrong when he was unearthed from the ice 70 years later. Now he joins up with the Vanguard of Justice, an elite team of superheroes led by Superman. They must now take on threats of all kinds, while Captain America tries to adjust to modern life. * Notes: I hear the following voices for the Vanguard: George Newbern as Superman, Kevin Conroy as Batman, Susan Eisenburg as Wonder Woman, Nathan Fillion as Hal Jordan, Justin Chambers as Barry Allen, Phil LaMarr as Aquaman, Carl Lumbly as Martian Manhunter, Lacey Chadbert as Zatanna, Brian Bloom as Captain America, Robert Downey Jr as Iron Man, Chris Hemsworth as Thor, Jennifer Hale as Carol Danvers, Fred Tatasciorce as Hulk, James C. Matthis as Black Panther, Wally Wingert as Hank Pym, and Colleen O'Saughnessey as Wasp. 5. Of Crimson Hair and Eyes * Series: Fire Emblem * Rating: T * Status: Complete * Synopsis: Sumia never planned to tell the truth. She planned to keep her true feelings about Cordelia to her grave, out of fear of losing her most treasured friendship. She tried to tell herself that that was the best course of action...until she nearly ended up in that grave. Now she finds herself deeply torn as she begins thinking about if she should confess after all... Favorites Favorite DC/Marvel Superheroes
Favorite DC/Marvel Supervillains
Favorite Nintendo Characters
Other Favorite Characters
Favorite DC/Marvel Movies
Favorite Non-DC/Marvel Movies: Animated
Favorite Non-DC/Marvel Movies: Live-Action
Favorite TV Shows
Favorite US Presidents
Favorite Songs
Pairings DC/Marvel * Love: Superman x Lois, Barry x Iris, Jay x Joan, Aquaman x Mera, Harley x Ivy, Cap x Sharon, Hulk x Betty, Star-Lord x Gamora * Alright With: Superman x Lana, Batman x Catwoman, Batman x Diana, Nightwing x Barbara, Nightwing x Starfire, Steve x Diana, Hal x Carol, Hal x Diana (one-sided minor crush on Hal’s part), Kyle x Soranik, Barry x Patty, Barry x Caitlin, Barry x Jessica, Wally x Linda, Oliver x Dinah, Roy x Donna, Miracle x Barda, Superman x Batman, Alex x Maggie, Diana x Power Girl, Diana x Supergirl, Hal x Barry, Booster x Kord, Cap x Widow, Stark x Pepper, Thor x Sif, Loki x Enchantress, T’Challa x Storm, Hawkeye x Widow, Hank x Janet, Scott x Hope, Vision x Wanda, Cyclops x Jean, Wolverine x Jean, Iceman x Rogue, Iceman x Kitty, Colossus x Kitty, Daredevil x Widow, Cap x Stark, Cap x Bucky, Cap x Wilson, Danvers x Jessica, * Despise: Superman x Diana, Wally x Donna, Oliver x Felicity, Thor x Jane, Star-Lord x Kitty, Danvers x Rhodey, Hulk x Widow, Pietro x Wanda (damnit, Ultimate Marvel) Super Smash Bros * Love: Link x Lucina, Palutena x Lucina, Snake x Samus, Samus x Zelda, Male Robin x Zelda, Mario x Sonic (Kidding! …Or am I? Yeah, I am.) * Alright With: Falcon x Samus, Mac x Samus, Ike x Peach, Roy x Peach, Luigi x Zelda, Samus x Female Robin, Samus x Peach, Zelda x Peach, Palutena x Rosalina, Marth x Link, Roy x Pit, Red x Pit, Falcon x Snake * Despise: …None, really. Though I believe Ike x Marth and Marth x Roy are a bit unoriginal, and I genuinely don’t get the appeal of Dark Pit x Lucina Fire Emblem Awakening * OTP: Cordelia x Sumia * Love: Male Robin x Lucina, Chrom x Olivia, Lon'qu x Cherche, Stahl x Lissa, Gaius x Maribelle, Kellam x Sully, Kellam x Cordelia, Henry x Sumia, Stahl x Sumia (damn shame it can't happen in-game), Frederick x Chrom * Alright With: Chrom x Female Robin, Chrom x Sully, Chrom x Maribelle, Frederick x Tharja, Frederick x Sumia, Gaius x Sumia, Kellam x Sumia (shame it can't happen, either), Virion x Sully, Virion x Cherche, Virion x Olivia, Stahl x Miriel, Stahl x Cordelia (Stahl x Sumia would’ve totally overshadowed it; just wanna throw that out there), Gregor x Cordelia, Gregor x Nowi, Lon'qu x Miriel, Henry x Panne, Henry x Maribelle, Henry x Lissa, Libra x Miriel, Libra x Tharja, Ricken x Maribelle, Donnel x Panne, Inigo x Cynthia, Male Robin x Chrom, Female Robin x Lucina, Frederick x Henry, Lissa x Maribelle, Olivia x Maribelle, Kellam x Stahl, Stahl x Gaius, Sully x Cherche, Lucina x Severa, Severa x Kjelle * Despise: Chrom x Sumia, Frederick x Cordelia NOTE: I want to say this right here and there: Though I may be a shipper when I comes to certain titles, I do not engage in shipping wars. Well, okay, it's a bit more complicated than that. While I might debate in favor of a pairing I like, and I'll go into detail about why I hate a certain pairing, I don't take opposing opinions as personal attacks. I will not bash or attack anyone with malice if they disagree with me on a pairing. As much as I love Cordelia x Sumia and despise Chrom x Sumia, I won't call anyone names or shit like that for shipping Chrom x Sumia. Who a person ships with who is their own business, and we have no right to shit on anyone personally for it. ...Okay, unless it's incest. That's just wrong. But overall, I don’t normally take shipping too seriously. Also, I'm not really into Overwatch, but Pharah x Mercy seems like a pretty good pairing. On the flip side, there's Game of Thrones - not really into it, but Jon x Daenerys looks like a really awful pairing. My Opinions On Living People * Love: Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, The Chris Squad (Hemsworth, Evans, Pratt, Pine), Kate McKinnon, Cecily Strong, Kenan Thompson, Melissa Villasenor, Alec Baldwin, Grant Gustin, Danielle Panabaker, Gal Gadot, Mark Hamill, Terry Crews, Samuel L. Jackson, Linkara, Angry Video Game Nerd, Geoff Johns * Like: Barack Obama', Michelle Obama, Elizabeth Warren, Tim Kaine, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton', George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush', John Kasich, John McCain, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, Robert Downey Jr, Tom Hiddleston, Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett Johansson, Chadwick Boseman, Tom Holland, Hayley Atwell, Brie Larson, Dave Bautista, Zoe Salanda, Vin Diesel, John C. Reilly, John Wesley Shipp, Tom Cavanagh, Candice Patton, Jesse L. Martin, Henry Cavill, Jason Mamoa, Ezra Miller, Margot Robbie, Katie Holmes, Gary Oldman, Beck Bennett, Alex Moffat, Mikey Day, Leslie Jones, Harrison Ford, Peter Mayhew, James Earl Jones, Billy Dee Williams, Daisy Ridley, Felicity Jones, Sir Patrick Stewart, Hugh Jackman, Ryan Reynolds, Donnie Yen, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Melissa McCarthy, Samantha Bee, Stephen Colbert, John Oliver, Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Joan Cusack, Jeff Goldblum, David Tennant, Tyler James Williams, Brad Bird, Tom Kenny, Kevin Conroy, Tara Strong, Laura Bailey, Maurice LaMarche, Chris Rock, Kristen Bell, J.G. Quintel, Ice Cube, Dwayne Johnson, Will Ferrell, Angelina Jolie, Mel Brooks, Ioan Grufford, George Takei, Bruno Mars, Gail Simone, Timothy Zahn, Elon Musk, Warren Buffet, Stephen Hawking, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, SomeOrdinaryGamers, Phelous * Dislike: Hillary Clinton, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, Chris Christie, Mike Huckabee, Theresa May, Michel Temer, David Cameron, Emmanuel Macron, Doug Walker, Movie Bob, Mike Michaud, Mike Matei, Chevy Chase, Gwenyth Paltrow, George Lucas, Will Smith, Miles Teller, Josh Trank, Mike Myers, Ariana Grande, Kanye West, PewDiePie, The Mysterious Mr. Enter, Jared Leto, Shia LeBeouf, Justin Beiber, Val Kilmer, Russell Crowe, William Shatner, Terrance Howard, Irate Gamer, Tobey Maguire, Rob Liefeld, Bill Jemas, Joe Quesada, Dan DiDio, Paul Feig, Chuck Lorre, Charlie Sheen, Mel Gibson, Amy Pascal, Ellen DeGeneres, Michael Eisner, Ben Shapiro, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Donald Trump Jr, Eric Trump, Kim Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian, Edward Norton, Nicki Minaj, Phil Robertson * Hate: Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Ted Cruz, Betsy DeVos, Steve Bannon, Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, Angela Merkel, Dan Schneider, Ike Perlmutter, Nick Spencer, Brian Michael Bendis, Frank Miller, Chris Brown, Tom Rothman, Joel Osteen, Harvey Weinstein, Alex Jones, Bill O'Reilly, AngryJoe NOTE: Same thing as with the pairings - if you love Donald Trump or hate Alec Baldwin, fine. I will respect your opinion and not degrade or shit on you as person. Politically, this is the bullshit that's causing the toxic division between the left and the right. Donald Trump may have more power than he knows what to with, and maybe other leaders are far from perfect, but at the end of the day, it's the people and their dehumanization of each other and refusal to understand the other side that's truly causing both sides to grow farther and farther apart. The sooner more people realize this, the better off we'll be. 'I have some comments on Obama, Bush Jr, and Clinton. Bush Jr, I like as a person - he was a godawful President. Clinton is here more as a President (and you have to feel bad for him. He clearly wants to leave his bitch of a wife but he can't). And Obama...I'll acknowledge he didn't do much, but that's more Congress' fault than his - they pretty much refused to work with him on anything Footnotes - Honorable Mentions: Green Lantern (Alan Scott) and Star-Lord for 'Favorite DC/Marvel Superheroes'; Doctor Doom and Brainiac for 'Favorite DC/Marvel Supervillains'; Bowser and Palutena for 'Favorite Nintendo Characters'; Alan Grant and Elsa for 'Other Favorite Characters'; Logan and The Dark Knight for 'Favorite DC/Marvel Movies'; The Road to El Dorado and The Emperor's New Groove for 'Favorite Non-DC/Marvel Movies: Animated'; Dunkirk and Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade for 'Favorite Non-DC/Marvel Movies: Live-Action'; Forever and The Simpsons (classic era) for 'Favorite TV Shows'; James Madison and Barack Obama for 'Favorite US Presidents'; and "Mama" by My Chemical Romance and "Miss American Pie" by Don McLean for 'Favorite Songs'. - I'm gonna get into Star Trek, Doctor Who, and Overwatch one of these days. Just gotta find time. - College can be a colossal bitch sometimes D': - Since they got almost no mention anywhere else, I want to say that I enjoy the Classic Disney and Looney Tunes characters. I like the Disney characters more, but I ain't about to be hating on Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck anytime soon. - The Simpsons, American Dad, and Family Guy all have one thing in common: They should have died a long damn time ago. - Shout out to Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes and Young Justice. Both are great shows that I intend to finish one of these days, dammit! The DCAU looks great, too. (Only seen small bits.) - You've probably figured out by now that I'm really big into western cartoons. Yes, I am, but don't take that to mean that I hate anime. There actually is some anime that I want to get into eventually, but I grew up with western cartoons, so they're much easier for me to get into. - Saturday Night Live is strange in how hit-or-miss it is: There's a lot of sketches that are gold...and a lot that are 'meh'. But I like the show overall. |