So, just so you all know, this isn't just 'DC and Marvel coexisting together'. Well…okay, it's mostly that, but there will also be some minor changes and reimaginings to a few of these characters. Some characters here, for example, have had some alterations. Major alterations in one case. With all of that said, enjoy.

April 26, 1945

The Bohemian Forest

Steve Rogers could feel the weight of the world on his shoulders as their plane flew closer and closer to the HYDRA base.

Until Spring 1942, he had been nothing more than a scrawny little kid from Brooklyn who faced multiple rejections from the Army for being too frail and weak to enlist. But then Abraham Erskine and his Super Soldier Serum came along, and Steve was transformed into the super soldier Captain America. Donned in a red, white, and blue outfit with a A on his forehead and a star on his chest, Cap was created as a champion of the American People, and given a circular star-spangled shield made of an alloy called 'Vibranium'. After this, President Franklin D. Roosevelt placed him on a team known as the 'Liberty Brigade' – a group of superhuman people whose objective was to combat and take down HYDRA, a highly advanced science branch of the Nazis.

And they had taken out every HYDRA base in all of Europe, except for their central headquarters, which they had only recently determined to be located in the Bohemian Forest. Cap was still trying to let it sink that their mission was almost completed. After this, the Liberty Brigade would be allowed to go home.

"How you holding up, Rogers?" A voice called, and Cap turned to face Alan Scott, the Green Lantern, who was seated right next to him.

Alan was a blonde railroad engineer only a few years older than Cap and donned in a green outfit with a lantern-like emblem that shined white light. He wore a green ring on his left hand, and with it, he could create anything using his mind and his willpower. Cap remembered how he was in awe of Alan when they first met, and they had become good friends over the course of the war.

Cap smiled. "I'm doing fine, GL. Just trying to prepare myself. This is it…"

Alan let out a small laugh. "I know, right? I can't wait to kick some HYDRA ass just one more time."

"I truly worry for you, Alan. How are you going to live when the war's over?" Another voice pointed out. It was Jay Garrick, the Flash, who was sitting on the opposite side of the plane. He was a young brown-haired college graduate about Cap's age, and he was clothed in a red shirt with blue pants, red boots, and a big yellow lightning bolt on that shirt. He also wore a silver World War One helmet with wingtips on his head, and he had told Cap that it was his father's before he perished in the Great War. Jay was also a speedster, making mentions of a 'Speed Force' that Cap was still amazed by. He was close with Cap and Alan, and he had a little smirk on his face, one that Alan just laughed off.

"Oh, don't you worry about me, Jay. There's some criminals back home that have been begging for an ass whopping."

Now Cap was the one laughing. "Yeah, I really can't see you settling down, Alan. I just wonder what I'll do after all of this over."

Jay stretched his arms out, looking completely content. "Well, I'll still fight the good fight, but I plan to settle down with Joan." He took a look at a dirty blonde-haired nurse on the plane, who blushed and smiled at Jay.

"You're a lucky man." Cap replied, genuinely happy for Jay Garrick.

But then Namor, the man sitting next to Jay, just let out an 'hmm'. He was clothed in all-black, though he left most of his chest exposed, wasn't just some random American blessed with extraordinary gifts like Cap, Alan, and Jay were. He was the King of Atlantis. Nobody could believe it when he showed up, and they were further shocked when it turned out all of his claims were true. He and his cousin Namora, a blonde woman also clothed in black who sat a few feet away, had come to President Roosevelt's office, and they volunteered to aid the Liberty Brigade, saying it was in their best interests.

"What's the matter, your highness?" Alan retorted back. He and Namor had an…interesting relationship.

"Well, railroad boy, now I've been left wondering what my own future will be like. Of course, as you should know, I have to fulfill my duties as a King. Won't have time for this crime-fighting business you have an unhealthy devotion towards, Alan."

"Unhealthy? Namor, I swear to God –"

"Hey, hey! Keep it together, guys!" Jay interjected, motioning his hands for the two to break it up. Jay was the only one who could calm Alan and Namor down whenever things got a little tense, while Cap couldn't do anything more than watch.

Alan and Namor both looked at Jay, and then at each other. They did indeed keep it quiet, and there was silence for a few moments. Then came Robert Frank, the Whizzer. He was a speedster like Jay, and he wore a golden outfit with a blue belt and boots. And he smirked at Jay.

"This is the tiebreaker, Garrick. After this base is done and taken care of, we'll see who's the better speedster, once and for all."

"Oh, I'll be leaving dust in the air for you, Bobby!" Jay replied, and he and Whizzer just smirked at each other.

Seated next to Whizzer was boxer Ted Grant, aka Wildcat, and android Jim Hammond, the Human Torch. Wildcat simply had one a black outfit with a cat ears and whiskers, and bandages on his hands, while Torch was a blonde man who wore a simple red outfit with yellow here and there – an fireproof outfit, for Torch had the ability to manifest and manipulate fire. They just looked at Whizzer and Jay and silently laughed, and then began whispering among themselves.

And seated next to Garrick was Dinah Drake, the Black Canary. She was a blonde woman from Gotham, donned in black and blue with fishnets. She had the 'Canary Cry' a sonic attack that she weaponized to stun her foes. "Just remember the stakes, boys." She said to Jay and Whizzer, the latter just smiling.

Cap looked around the plane. Seated to the right of him was Kent Nelson, the sorcerer known as Doctor Fate. He wore a blue and golden outfit with exposed hands, with a yellow cape, but the most noteworthy accessory he donned was the Helmet of Fate, which granted Fate magical powers. Sitting to the right of him was Madeline Joyce, aka Miss America. She wore a simple red outfit with a blue cape and a shield on her chest. She had was capable of flight and superhuman strength.

And lastly, sitting next to Namor was Ted Knight, the Starman. He wore a red outfit with a green cape and boots, a yellow star on his chest, and a red fin on the top of his head. He wielded a 'gravity rod' and a 'cosmic rod' that allowed him to fly and create bursts of stellar energy – though Cap had no idea how that worked, exactly.

And together, they were the Liberty Brigade. Cap remembered hearing stories about all the others beginning in 1939. And then when President Roosevelt – God rest his soul, Cap thought – put him on a team alongside these icons, Cap didn't know what to think. He felt overwhelmed at the prospect of fighting alongside the likes of these men and women. But luckily for him, his fellow Brigadiers were quick to accept and even admire Captain America.

He then thought of his childhood friend, Bucky Barnes, and his love, Peggy Carter. Bucky was a sergeant in the army and Peggy Carter was a high-ranking British agent, and they had been fighting HYDRA alongside the Liberty Brigade. They were in another war plane, however, and Cap wondered how they were feeling right now. He thought of the emotions that be running through their heads. And he thought about what the future would hold between the three of them.

He didn't think anything would happen between him and Bucky – they had managed to stay close friends for years now, and he couldn't think of anything that could tear them apart. But Peggy was another story. He had a bit of a crush on Peggy Carter. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever met. He thought of her wonderful brown hair and amazing face, which were nothing less than perfect to him. They met shortly before he took Erskine's serum, and she was the first girl Cap ever talked to for more than a minute. She treated him well even before he took the Serum, something he greatly appreciated.

He hoped to have a future with Peggy after all of this was done.

"Alright, we're closing in on the HYDRA base! Ready yourselves!" the pilot, Charles 'Doiby' Dickles yelled to everyone, and they indeed began to prepare themselves for the coming battle.

"Y'all ready to kick some more Nazi ass?!" Wildcat boisterously shouted while cracking his knuckles excitedly.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Torch replied, emitting fire from his right hand.

And Alan's ring began to emit a green glow. "As ready as you'll ever be, Hammond?! Come on! This is gonna be fun!"

"I just want to finish these damned fools once and for all!" Namor yelled angrily.

Jay took a deep breath and looked at Cap. "This is it, Steve…"

Cap placed his hand on his shield and looked back at Jay. "I know…"

"A bit overwhelming, isn't it?"

Cap shook his head a little. "Yeah, it is. But someone has to fight the good fight, lest the world go to hell."

"I can definitely get behind that." Jay replied, before adjusting his helmet.

After a few more moments, Dickles shouted "Alright, ladies! We're here!"

Namor opened the door and personally flew out himself – he had the ability to fly thanks to the wings on his feet. Namora, Alan, Torch, Doctor Fate, Miss America, and Starman all followed Namor and flew out of the plane.

Wildcat was the first non-flyer to jump out of the plane, a parachute on his back. Canary, Whizzer, Jay, Cap, and Joan all followed suit, and opened up their parachutes after a few moments. He saw Bucky and Peggy parachuting out of their own plane, along with the stubbled Sergeant Franklin Rock, whom Cap barely knew.

Cap was ready to finish their score with HYDRA once and for all.

It wasn't long after he landed onto the ground that he began to hear gunfire. American, British, Canadian, and Australian soldiers alike began charging towards the HYDRA base, which was barely visible at the moment, but Cap could see that it was a gigantic and silver fortress.

As soon as they landed on the ground, Jay and Whizzer immediately began super-speeding around while Wildcat pulled out an M1911 from his outfit and shot at a HYDRA soldier who was trying to blend in with the forest environment around them. Several HYDRA soldiers began to shoot at Cap, who deflected the bullets with his indestructible shield and began to shoot back at the soldiers with his M1917 revolver. Black Canary let out her Canary cry and four HYDRA soldiers were sent flying back into the surrounding trees.

Cap tossed his shield and knocked two HYDRA soldiers out with it. He couldn't help but hear Sergeant Rock let out a war cry as he shoot at the soldiers with his Johnson machine gun. Bucky had the same weapon, and he was shooting the enemy soldiers right alongside Sergeant Rock. Peggy Carter, meanwhile, was shooting at soldiers with her Martini-Enfield rifle. Cap threw his shield at another HYDRA soldier, sending him falling to the ground, before shooting and killing two other soldiers. He turned around to see a soldier just about to pull their trigger on the super solider, but Peggy shot the soldier before he could. They looked at each other and smirked for a moment before getting back into the combat, Cap bashing a soldier with his shield.


"The Liberty Brigade is here!" Eduard Clariss, the Reverse-Flash, shouted towards Arnim Zola. Zola was a short and balding man, while Clariss was a tall and buff man in a darkened version of Jay Garrick's outfit.

Zola gritted his teeth and had a nervous look on his face. "Well, go and fight them off, you dolt! I'll find Schmidt and Krieger!"

Clariss glared at Zola for a moment, but then nodded and super-sped away. They had been in the cell room of the fortress, where they practiced on their human experiments. Zola took a moment and looked at the kid in the glass cell that stood directly opposite him. He felt disgusted to be in the presence of a Jew, but this kid had potential. He was just sitting there with a cold look, while a coin levitated in the air – the kid was controlling the coin.

Zola just had to hope to God that the kid wouldn't escape as he was forced to run off and find Johann Schmidt and Albrecht Krieger. Their main, and most pivotal, base was under attack, and the two were nowhere around.

Zola ran through the cold-looking hallways, and HYDRA soldiers were running around him, all armed up. He had been looking everywhere for Schmidt and Krieger, but could not find a single trace of the two.

But then they found him.

"Zola!" Schmidt shouted, and Zola turned around to face Schmidt and Krieger. Krieger was a blonde and muscular man donned entirely in black armor, while Schmidt had a black military uniform – and a completely red head, with no nose. It was hard for Zola to look at Schmidt.

"S-sir, what are we going to do?! The Liberty Brigade has attacked sooner than we thought we would! They could compromise our entire plan!"

Krieger narrowed his eyes towards Zola and decked him in the face. "Silence, Zola! You're overreacting! Everything will be fine!"

Zola rubbed his cheek, and did not say a word – he was, quite frankly, terrified of Krieger.

"Krieger is right, Zola. You think the Liberty Brigade has arrived early?" Schmidt looked at Zola for a moment before he grinned. "Trust us, they are too late."

Krieger held a metallic brown orb in his hand, one that was emitting purple energy around it. He handed it to Schmidt before he flew off – he was capable of flight with the help of a special gas, and he also had superhuman strength and speed.

Schmidt looked at the orb, and he let out a sinister grin.