The first chapter since uh, March, so enjoy! NEW CHARACTER ALERT!
The desert countries were never particularly pleasant places for Vlad to travel through-for any vampire to travel through. They were bright and hot from the sun during the day, blistering heat rising up even from the ground itself as the sands offered no respite, the granules shifting in the weak winds while the sun beat down on anything within reach.
Still, during the night, deserts were tolerable. Once the sun had disappeared beyond the curve of the earth, the heat dissipated into the night, a glittering tapestry of silver sparks scattered across the deepest blue.
If there was one thing Vlad admired about the desert, it was the unhindered view of the night sky.
It was the same sky he walked under now, the faintest smells of bitter juniper trees wafting through the air from further away. He was on his way to visit an old friend and no vistas would slow him. Vlad was used to harsh environments anyway-his earlier travels through such places had allowed him his first meeting with Isaac.
The faint hissing pats of his feet on the sand were the only marker of his travel. A few yips and howls from jackals barely caught his notice, far away as they were.
His attention was taken by the partially crumbled building in front of him.
It stood along the barest hint of a sandstone rise, blocked from view in at least one direction, made from a sturdier stone itself, though it had obviously not seen repairs in years. Still, it stood sturdy enough, and the hint of burning oil Vlad caught in the air told him he had found the proper place.
No light greeted his eyes though. While it was no issue for his sight, it did make Vlad wonder if Isaac was not currently inside.
He approached the open doorway, not attempting for stealth, but still gliding along the sands, quiet rustling the only thing belying his passage. A sluggish wind swirled over the walls of the sandstone, pushing loose sand along the ground and stirring up more smells. The still sun-warmed air brought the old scent of burnt wood and a tickling bit of incense.
Vlad smiled. He recognized the incense. He also recognized the whiff of dried blood which had appeared just behind him.
"Isaac," he greeted, before turning.
As expected, his friend stood not six feet away, older and slightly taller than last they met, body toned from the practice of physical arts and necessity. His head was cleanly shaved, his eyes sharper for it. Dracula thought the man was now old enough to have reached the peak of his growth. With his black robes and amber brown skin, Isaac both stood out from the brass-red sand and easily hid in the night's shadows.
But Vlad had excellent eyesight; He noticed both the knife being tucked away and the barest lifting of the man's lips.
"Master Dracula."
Vlad pulled on a resigned yet fond smile of his own, knowing he could not change what his friend chose to call him by. "You are still the only one who manages to get so close sneaking up on me."
And he still wasn't sure if it was an innate magic or simply good bodily control. How could one hide a heartbeat?
"Luck on my part, I'm certain." Isaac's lips tilted up further, and his shoulders released their tension. "Please, come in my friend."
Once they both sat at a simple wood table, a lamp lit, cup of tepid water in both their hands, Isaac spoke again.
"What brings you here?"
Vlad thought for a moment. There were several reasons he had decided to come, and several more why he did not bring his wife.
"There has been a change in Wallachia. It is one that leaves me few options, and fewer I would take."
Isaac hummed and waited patiently, simply listening.
"Several weeks ago, the church attempted to capture and burn my wife. I was..." He paused, pushed down the emotions until they were only in his voice and not his hands. "I was traveling. I would never have reached her in time. Had not known the... circumstances."
He looked down at his water only briefly, but caught a glimpse of his eyes glowing with power. The absence of Lisa while he spoke of it made his emotions all come boiling to the surface, little restraint available to him. Still, when he looked back up, Isaac did not shy away. He watched placidly as Vlad struggled with the fist of anger clutching around what little heart he had.
But Vlad had watched the boy grow.
Not his whole life-and not for long stretches, like years at a time-but after Vlad had rescued Isaac, he checked in from time to time, during his travels. He'd watched the construction of mental walls to hide Isaac's strong, pure emotions, and knew how to view what lay beyond. Vlad easily saw the concern aimed at himself; The warmth from that thought was just enough to calm and continue.
"By a chance of fortune, another was traveling by who assisted in her escape. A Belmont." There, Isaac raised a brow, interest clearly peaked. "He was captured in turn. My son was the first to find and aid Lisa, and learned of the Belmont's fate as well. Apparently, they both decided his act constituted a kindness in response, and my son and I rescued him from his burning."
Isaac nodded his head, slowly, eyes unfocused as if taking in the story. "I would presume he was not happy about the affair."
"Not in the least," Vlad said with a grin.
Closing his eyes, Isaac let out an amused breath. "Was he an issue?"
"He's still an 'issue.'" Vlad huffed as he thought about the last Belmont. "He makes me believe the entire family must have forgotten the tenets of nobility, considering his lack of manners. And desire for cheap beer. And smell. It's as though he thinks touching soap will burn him."
The silence reigned for a moment, during which Vlad found himself raising an eyebrow to mirror Isaac's.
"So... You're still in contact with him," Isaac said, slowly, like a question.
"Ah. I've been unclear." Vlad paused for a moment, tapping one nail slowly on the table as he considered how to phrase the situation. "While the Belmont was rescued, my son and I arrived after he had already received severe burns. Lisa, of course, was adamant we treat him. The house we held in Lupu was already burned. So, for several days and nights, he stayed at the castle."
"Yet this was some time ago."
Isaac appeared to struggle with words for a moment, wrinkles drawing his brow up, before asking, "And afterwards?"
"He and my son traveled through part of Wallachia, to warn some colleagues of Lisa's about the current overzealousness of the church, but have since returned to the castle."
Isaac hummed and took a sip of his water. "I admit, I am rather surprised. I expected any interaction between you and a Belmont would be more violent."
"It may have been," Vlad admitted with some amusement, "if he hadn't initially been bedridden. He seems to have calmed down and, at least, decided to be somewhat civil."
"As much as he appears capable of, anyway." As Isaac took another drink, looking lost in thought, Vlad decided he ought to get to the point of his visit. "The Belmont's innate rudeness aside, I came to make a request. Or an offer, if you prefer."
"A request?" Isaac's full attention was on him, eyes unblinking.
It was the moment Vlad had been building to, the time when he needed to be clear, persuasive, but not demanding. Isaac had refused his every offer to move his life to the castle or even visit for a few weeks-not unkindly, but with a sad resignation behind it. It seemed no matter how Vlad phrased it, nor how he assured his friend Lisa and Adrian would welcome him, Isaac would never accept. The boy-man now-buried loneliness and desire in his eyes, each and every time. And each time, Vlad would back down, allowing Isaac his own choices.
This time, Vlad would be more convincing-his friend was loyal and trustworthy, and his presence would do much to ease Vlad's mind.
"Because of recent circumstances, I worry for my family. Wallachia has proved willing to follow the church blindly, which puts my family in an unfavorable position. More than just for their safety, though, I worry for their... state of mind. They can no longer leave the castle alone, and even together, they would face much opposition from those who allow the church to do thinking for them." Vlad could not help but scowl at the thought of it.
His Lisa, likely to be chased out of any town she tried to establish herself in, and for what? For intelligence, a willingness to help, and loving those who humans condemned.
"It sounds difficult," Isaac offered. "Humans can be of such a small mind. Yet, how would you request I assist you?"
With great effort, Vlad again pushed down his anger, banked it in a deep corner of his soul, ready and waiting for a better opportunity. Then, he looked directly at his friend, took note of his open body language paired with nervous fingers brushing back and forth against his cup.
"I would ask that you return to the castle, to protect my family," Vlad said. He softened his voice as he continued, "You have always been welcome."
Isaac's fingers slowed, then gripped tight at the half-full cup of water. For a short time, only ambient sounds reigned, and Vlad gave them time to fill the near empty building. Flickering from the oil lamp seemed to match the roiling emotion happening behind Isaac's eyes, and Vlad carefully watched the merlot-brown depths. When Isaac's breathing steadied, yet he still did not respond, something cold slithered into Vlad's chest.
Isaac tapped a couple fingers before saying, more statement than question, "You are worried for me."
Vlad still answered truthfully, with no excuses. "Yes."
It wasn't that he wished to make Isaac's choices for him, he had asked for a reason, but with an organization and a large number of humans against himself and his family-both in action and lack of it-the most primal part of his mind desperately grasped at reasons to bring them all to his home, his lair, and set himself as protector.
To compromise with his intelligent mind, and not drive his charges mad, he at least wished for them to come back to his castle after any traveling; A way to check on each of them without following them around.
If Isaac chose to stay in the desert, he would be far from Vlad, from any protection or warning. It would also mean fewer trustworthy and capable magic users and fighters to defend the castle.
Isaac pushed a small breath out through his nose and placed his cup aside. Vlad was inordinately proud and disappointed when Isaac looked him straight in the eye with a frown on his face.
"I am glad to hear of your faith in my abilities. To protect your family would be an honor. Yet, if it is only for my safety you offer this..."
Vlad was shaking his head before Isaac finished. "It is not. I think highly of you, Isaac. Your skills, your loyalty, and your mind. But I will not lie and say I am not also concerned about the reach and mission of the church."
"I see." A small smile snuck onto his face, softening his expression. "I will think on it, then. Perhaps, if you wish to know more of the church's movements, I will travel to Wallachia by foot. There are many things humans gossip about during long walks, devoid of their usual entertainment."
Though not ideal, it was more than Vlad got during previous times. "That would be helpful, thank you. If it is acceptable, I will also check in on your progress from time to time, using my transmission mirror."
"Of course," Isaac agreed easily. "I don't mind. And should you need my immediate assistance, I would be grateful to be closer to you. As well as away from the sand and the heat."
Vlad allowed himself to chuckle. "I understand. Though there is beauty to be found in the deserts, the heat is truly terrible. I don't know how Sharma stands it."
At Isaac's curious head tilt, Vlad clarified, "Sharma is one of my generals, ruling in part of the Delhi Sultanate, to the east. The area is not as dry, but still quite hot."
"I see I still have much to learn about the world. I have done little traveling in that direction."
Vlad had no response, and so merely hummed.
Isaac, seeming to sense his disquiet, gestured for calm with one hand and said, "I am not planning to do so now. Being closer to Wallachia, and available for your needs, is my goal."
Vlad murmured an agreement.
"Master Dracula." A bit of unease flitted across Isaac's face, in the twitch of his brows. "Do you believe the church or it's people would move against you so soon?"
"Then, was there something else you required of me?"
Vlad searched Isaac's expression for a moment, realizing the nature of his friend's unease: his own lack of enthusiasm and contemplative silence. It would sound like disappointment-and it was-though not the sort of disappointment Isaac was likely concerned about.
"Peace, Isaac," said Vlad, holding out his own hand as he explained. "While I would prefer for you to return with me, it is not an urgent matter. I am glad to see you will come to my castle in time. It appears... living with humans has made me impatient," he finished with a small frown.
Isaac chuckled, shoulders relaxing completely as he reached again for his water.
"I cannot imagine the feeling is comfortable, after so long spent marking time in longer stretches."
"No. It is something I am still getting used to," Vlad mused. "But it is a challenge I welcome." Because he wanted every moment he existed on this earth, with his love, his family, and his closest friends, to mean something.
While not the quick solution he had hoped for, having Isaac travel closer was still more than Vlad had expected. It was a step forward, so Vlad spent the rest of his time visiting with Isaac merely enjoying his company.
He left long before sunrise, appearing back in his larger study as though he had never left. All except for one problem.
"Vlad. Dracula. Țepeș."
A clearly irate Lisa stood at one of the bookshelves in front of him, arms crossed, still dressed in her day clothes. Despite the slight lean in her stance, she was clearly staying awake through sheer force of will until she got whatever she wanted.
Vlad stopped just next to the mirror, allowing the magic to dissipate as he thought up an explanation. He needed only to open his mouth before Lisa was cutting over him.
"You should have mentioned your trip. I looked for you for hours, and waited for more." Her hands tightened around her biceps and her heart pounded like a war drum. "There are very important matters I have wanted to discuss with you, yet you were unavailable. Worse than that, vanished! I did not know when to expect you back, or if I should simply decide without you."
Vlad finally moved forward, arms held down but slightly out to the side, shoulders drooping to bring him closer to her level; She would not accept an embrace until he had explained, but the reaction was automatic.
"I'm sorry, my love. I did not know you would require my input, but I am sorry for not informing you of where I went."
"We are supposed to be sticking together, Vlad. That's what you said."
"I did." Vlad stopped just within reaching distance of his wife, but did not try to close it yet. "I had hoped to take care of this quickly and be back."
"Take care of what?" Lisa almost snapped, eyes narrowed in suspicion.
"A visit to a friend."
His answer was not what Lisa had expected, judging by her loosening stance and numerous blinks.
"I see." She sounded a bit surprised, though she soon bounced back into frustration. "Why did you feel the need to go on your own?"
Vlad, knowing it would only dig a deeper hole, still told the fullest truth he could. "My friend is another forgemaster. Isaac, do you remember?" Lisa nodded, terse. Vlad was certain she recognized only the name. "He thinks little of humanity. Understandable, given his own experiences, but I also wished to make him comfortable when I offered to house him. He has turned down my offers to visit or live in the castle for years."
Lisa pursed her lips. "So, he declined?"
"Not exactly. He has decided to travel a bit before coming here." Vlad sighed. "It is not ideal, but I would not take that decision from him."
Finally, Lisa lowered her arms from where they were crossed and stepped closer. Vlad met her and silently rejoiced at holding her in his arms.
"You still needn't have gone off so suddenly," Lisa said.
"You're right," he agreed immediately. "I won't do it again. Not unless it's an emergency."
"Good." Lisa leaned up and kissed him, quick but loving. "Then I have some news to give you. I have written an old friend and asked for their assistance as well."
"Soon enough, every room in this castle will have an occupant." Vlad made a show of grumbling.
Lisa laughed. "Is it so bad to have company?"
Vlad hummed and pressed his face into her hair. He breathed in deep, relishing in her scent. "Perhaps. We shall see."
Her laughter filled his ears as he whisked them off to bed.
Knew we'd need that fluff last chapter, ahaha. ^^; But enough about that, Isaac has arrived! (And I think we can all agree his parts in s3 were perfection anyway.)
I've tried to keep him in character, and there had to be a reason he wasn't in the castle already, considering his obvious loyalty. Also, I didn't want Drac to have like, said he couldn't live there. :/ So I'm going off a personal headcanon I covered in All Blood Flows red (yeah remember those Isaac-centric one-shots from an age ago?) in which Drac has asked Isaac to come to the castle before, but Isaac declines, not wanting to "get in the way" of his family or smth.
So I hope it seems plausible Isaac might not immediately head on over if there was no need for his forging. He's still got some personal things to work out on his own before he gets there, and Drac isn't planning Big Murder this time.
I know, I wanted everyone at the castle too, but we're gonna get there! We just gotta kick our forgemasters' butts in gear.
(And figure out who Lisa wrote to, huhuhu. :3c )
And of course, thank you so much to everyone who keeps leaving comments. I always feel so happy when I see them. ( ˊ͈ ॢ꒳ ॢˋ͈)
Next Time: I may actually post a chapter that uses an M rating. Lemme know if y'all interested in something just a liiittle bit spicy from Trevor. ;3