OK so this is a new chapter!

Thank you all who review/follow/favorite the story! As well as those who just read it!

I don't own Castlevania by the way. I'm stating this again because I use some lines from the show...

Anywho, this turned out longer than I expected. There will be some foreshadowing in this. There will also be more emotions! Yay!


This is the past

Onto the chapter!

The woods around them seemed to grow quieter as they neared their destination. The night sky cast a sombre feeling around them and the dead woods around them only added to the feeling. Adrian was curled up in the back of the wagon, head nodding as he tried to stay awake. Upfront, Sypha held the reins while Trevor relaxed, back against the backrest of the seat. Glancing out of the corner of his eye, Trevor suddenly spoke up, his voice like thunder against the soft clacking of the horse's hooves.

"There," He said, turning to look at the woods. Even Adrian jolted at the words, scrambling to see what the hunter had spotted. For a second, nothing seemed to stand out, and when Sypha gave the man a questioning look, Trevor pointed behind her to a large, worn down tree that was split down the middle. "That was my tree. I used to play in that tree." He lowered his hand. "We're near the house."

"It's...hard to imagine you playing." Sypha spoke after Trevor fell quiet once more.

Trevor's face grew soft in remembrance as he let out a soft, amused huff. "Yes...I suppose so." He looked forward, eyes glazed as his mind took him back to those memories. "It was everything, that tree. It was my house and my boat and my fort." A frown came to his lips. "Anything I wanted it to be." He let out a long sigh and looked back to the tree as they passed by. "Goodnight tree."

They fell into silence once more and neither Sypha nor Adrian wanted to break it. Adrian moved to the back of the wagon to catch one last glimpse of the tree, his golden gaze traveling over it as he tried to picture Trevor playing on it.

As they moved deeper, the road eventually opened up to a large walkway that surrounded a fountain. They stopped on the pathway that was framed by worn rails and blocked off the empty fountain. From where they were, the path continued up to what must have been a majestic mansion. Crumbling stone walls climbed high above their heads to form turrets and graceful arches. The shell that remained of the mansion teased the idea of what the building had been before ash coated its stone walls. Even Adrian, who lived in a castle much larger than this, could not help but take in what remained of the Belmont home.

A mournful sigh left Trevors lips before he and the others made their way into the crumbling mansion. Standing out of Adrian's sight, Sypha allowed a small flame to light the way for the group as they made their way past the main entrance of the mansion. Adrian's eyes had flickered to the flame in fear, but directed his gaze away as he clung to Trevor's cloak (which was back around the hunter's shoulders), keeping him between the dhampir and the flame.

"So this was your home." Sypha said, knowing it did not need to be asked.

"Yeah," Trevor sighed, eyes trailing around the collapsing walls and heaps of rubble. Above, the night sky shined down as the lack of a roof provided no shelter.

"You grew up here." Her voice was soft.


Sypha's hands traced the remains of a staircase. "I can't imagine what it was like to grow up in a single place." She turned to look over at Trevor, who had knelt down in an open area and was seeping away the dust and ash that coated the floor.

"Mmm...it...it was fine." He swallowed, but still did not turn to her. At his side, Adrian tightened his grip on the other, not out of fear, but support. "Wasn't the worst way to grow up."

Adrian bit his lip and hesitantly asked. "How...How old were you?"

Trevor glanced at the boy out of the corner of his eye before looking away and closing them with a soft sigh. "Oh...I don't know...a little older than you are now? Like...thirteen, fourteen, something like that."

"You've been on your own since you were thirteen?" Sypha asked, coming up behind the two.

"Maybe twelve…" Trevor tried to hide the slight waver in his voice, but Adrian caught it. "But who remembers that sort of thing." He looked to Adrian and tried to give a smile. "I just know I looked a bit like you, brat. Maybe a little bigger."

Adrian only frowned.

"What's with that face?" Trevor asked as he stood, his hand moving to ruffle the kid's hair.

"You...you were only a little older than me when…" Adrian's voice trailed off, brows furrowing.

"Yup, but as you can see, I turned out fine." Trevor huffed, placing his hand on Adrian's shoulder. "Look at the two of us, defying odds." Then he dragged his other hand through his hair as he let out an amused chuckle. "Who would have thought I'd be relating to the son of fucking Dracula of all things."

Adrian couldn't help but let out his own laugh at that. He never thought he'd relate to a Belmont of all things. Behind them, Sypha had a soft smile of her own.

Their soft laughs trailed off and soon they were shifting through the rubble once again. Over time, Adrian was able to feel a little more comfortable and drift away from Trevor's side slightly. They moved stones and their hands were covered in dirt and dust. Trevor tried to find his way through the destroyed rooms through memory, hoping he'd be able to remember something that led them to the hold.

Eventually, as Trevor shifted aside rubble on the ground in one of the still standing corners, gold glinted up from beneath.

"I think this is it." He breathed, turning to look at Sypha and Adrian.

Trevor began to lift the stones from the ground, grunting as he had to move the heavy pieces. Off to the side, Adrian watched Trevor struggle a bit before he moved forward and began lifting the stones with ease, his vampire half giving him superior strength. He knew if his father was lifting the stones, it would take no time to move, but Adrian was still young so even with his enhanced strength, he needed to use both hands to move the larger stones.

Both Trevor and Sypha blink a little in shock at how easily the dhampir was moving the stones, the blonde not even breaking a sweat at the work he was doing. After a few moments, the slab beneath the rubble was revealed.

Stepping back a bit, Adrian tilted his head in confusion. "It's a big stone?"

"It's the door." Trevor replied, kneeling before it, brows furrowing.

"Do we lift it? Or…" Sypha trailed off, hoping Trevor would fill in the gap but he said nothing.

Pursing his lips, Adrian moved forward to try to lift the stone. While he knew he probably won't be able to lift it all on his own, he could start it and the others could help him the rest of the way. However, that thought was interrupted because as Adrian attempted to grasp the stone, his had could find no purchase on it.

"I can't grab it." Adrian spoke up.

Sypha hummed as she moved forward, kneeling down and tracing her fingers over the engravings of the stone. "Hm...ah I see now. You won't be able to lift it."

"Well, my family got it up somehow." Trevor grumbled. "I was taken down there as a child."

"Did you see them lift it?"

"No, they brought me through it once it was open. They told me they'd teach me how to do it one day. I suppose there was a...special trick."

Sypha hummed once more. "Were your parent's magicians?"

"Not as such." Trevor replied. "I mean, they knew a lot of stuff but this door was put in by one of our ancestors."

"Well, I guess the special trick was passed down the generations the way we Speakers transmit knowledge. Your parents knew the trick but...they didn't know where it came from, or what it really was." She sat back on her heels. "Stand back." She told the two, who moved behind her. The flame in her hand was put out and the area remained only lit by the light of the moon as Sypha began chanting. As her words continued to flow out, a soft blue glow began to shine from the slab. At the height of the spell, soft blue wings extended from the slab and, with a flap, were gone, taking the door with it. With the slab gone, the three could see steps leading down into the floor.

"Open sesame." Sypha said, letting her hands fall back to her side.

Adrian stepped forward in awe before looking up at Sypha. "Was that Enochian?"

Sypha blinked, taken aback by the question before smiling. "It was. How did you know?"

"It was a language in some of the books at home." Adrian replied with a shrug. "A lot of interesting stuff was in those. Sometimes my dad would read them to me." Then his eyes widened. "Wait, wasn't this considered an occult language?"

"Why yes, yes it was." Sypha replied with a laugh.

Adrian turned to Trevor. "You had a magic door opened by an occult language!"

"I didn't know it was a fucking magic door." Trevor grumbled as he began making his way into the hold.

"You know, Trevor, the word 'teloch' means 'death'." Sypha teases as she relit the flame in her hand when Adrian started going down the stairs.

"Shut up."

Adrian giggled behind his hand as he followed. "It's the magical door of death!"

"I will hit you."

"No you won't!" Sypha sang as she came up on the other side of Trevor, a smirk on her lips.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures." This only produced more laughter from the two beside him.

They made their way down the steps and both Adrian's and Sypha's eyes widened when they were met with the large circular staircase at the bottom. It had a grand feeling to it with the large tapestries depicting the Belmont crest and the picture of an ancestor at the far end of the room. When Adrian rushed forward to look over the railing, he gasped in awe at the spiral that led down.


Trevor smirked, a glint of pride in his eyes at the dhampir's reaction. "This is just the staircase, kid. You haven't seen anything yet."

As they made their way down, Sypha hummed in thought. "Belmont isn't even a Wallachian name, it just dawned on me."

"No," Trevor replied. "The family originated from the kingdom of France, but we moved out of there a few hundred years ago."

"Why?" Adrian asked, looking up at the hunter, a quirk to one of his eyebrows. "Were you chased out?" He knew people moved, but as someone who grew up living in a moving castle and surrounded by science and magic that he knew others did not have, he sometimes wondered why people would leave their homes forever. Speakers he knew did not have a permanent place, but if the Belmonts had a mansion like this in France, why move?

"No, we were not chased out." Trevor huffed. "We're professionals. We move where the work is."

"What does that mean?" Sypha asked. They made it to the bottom of the stairs and for a moment, Adrian directed his gaze to the patterned floor.

"Well, all the dark things moved into the east." Trevor replied as he moved to open the door at the end, struggling slightly with the rusty handle. "I think it was...uh...Leon Belmont that entered the region first. And he built this house," The door opened and the three made their way through it. "And dug the foundations for everything under it."

The door opened up to a massive room. The shadows of this place were so deep that they could barely make out the bottom of the cavernous space. Out of the corner of her eye, Sypha caught sight of a lamp hanging on the wooden post that stretched from floor to ceiling, wherever the ceiling ended that was.

"Adrian, close your eyes for a moment." Sypha demanded, looking at the boy. He gave her an odd look at first but a gesture to the empty lamp helped him understand. With a sharp nod, he covered his eyes and, unconsciously, tensed his body at the thought of what was to happen. Wanting it done quickly, Sypha clasped her hands together and allowed the flame that had been in her palm to break apart. The gossamer like tongues of fire whipped out to light each of the empty glass lamps. Her eyes widened as the room lit up before the three, Adrian peeking through his hands at the sound of her awe.

There were layers of balconies from where they stood to the floor with pathways crisscrossing to connect all of the platforms. Shelves upon shelves built up like the walls of a maze upon each platform, each a colorful collection of books and viles. Cases filled with remains and odd objects speckled through the horde of dusty books. Near one of the walls, the bones of some monster hung suspended by chains. There were broken statues huddled in one area and tapestries projecting the Belmont crest hung from every layer of the hold.

"Wow." Sypha breathed, eyes unable to stay focused on one area as she struggled to take in everything she could see.

"That's...a lot." Adrian choked out, golden eyes also looking at everything he could. A familiar twisted feeling rose up within him at the sight, a feeling of confliction. Yes, everything was amazing, especially to his young and inquisitive mind. However, at the same time, this was a labyrinth of information dedicated to years of information of killing his kind. The bones suspended made him shiver slightly. He did not recognize the creature and, while he would love to know more about it, was desturbed at the thought it was hunted and brought back to be a trophy of some sort.

"How are we going to find anything in this place?" Sypha wondered, turning to look at Trevor who was gazing at the hold with a faraway look in his blue eyes.

He blinked at her question before turning to head down the stairs, the other two scrambling to follow him. "There's an index on the lectern at the bottom. Afterall, there's...generations of information here. All the knowledge about that we have found and learned since the days of Leon Belmont."

"Amazing!" Sypha breathed, her pace picking up to reach the bottom of the stairs. Adrian remained a step behind the two, unable to help the small shiver he felt as he descended the stairs himself.

Once they reached the base floor of the hold, Sypha flew to the lectern in the room, blowing the dust from it and opening the cover, fingers flying over the words she was seeing. Trevor let his hands trail over the dusty shelves in memory, before a broken shelf caught his eye. Moving closer, his eyes widened at the chest behind it.

"It can't be." He breathed, knocking away the remaining pieces of wood in front of it.

"What is it?" Sypha called over to him, but he didn't reply, focusing on pulling the chest out from the cobweb covered opening. Once he had it in the center of the room, he used a knife to break open the lock on the front. With a click, it fell off and the chest lit up. When the glow faded, Trevor opened the chest and laughed joyfully at what was inside.

"I can't believe it!" Trevor cried, fingering the chain in his hands.

"What?" Sypha called again, this time glancing up from the book. At the chain whip in his hand she tilts her head. "What is that?"

"This...is the Morning Star." Trevor sighed, eyes gleaming. "I can't believe they hid it."

Rolling her eyes Sypha turned back to the book, eyes tracing over the pages open before her. Soon, she realized that the book indeed seemed to categorize everything within the hold and her eyes sparkled at the information. "It's all here. You're right!"

"Of course I am." Trevor huffed.

"Isn't all of this amazing Adrian?" Sypha exclaimed, her gaze seeking out the young boy only for the excitement to fade away when she found him. His small form was standing in front of a large shelving unit covered with glass. His arms were wrapped around his chest as though he could comfort himself as his gaze was locked on the components of the shelves. Within the glass sat dozens of vampire skulls, their soulless eye sockets gazing back out with a chilling blackness.

"Adrian, why don't you step away from there." Sypha called, but the boy did not listen. Instead, he allowed the reflection of his confused gaze to meet theirs in the glass.

"Why...Why do you have so many bones?" He asked, voice wavering slightly. "Why...so many skulls?"

Trevor froze and even Sypha turned to him, hoping he would be able to comfort the child.

"Er...well...um, we took them for research, so we knew what we were up against. As hunters, we needed to be prepared to fight off creatures of the night."

"But...there are so many skulls…"

"Perhaps there were changes in the vampires over time or...something….uh…" Trevor trailed off. Honestly, most of those skulls were probably trophies more than the subjects of research. He remembered some stories he was told when he was younger, about the great dangers that were faced and the trophies his ancestors had to remember their struggle.

"Something...like trophies or a warning…."

Trevor winced. Right. Despite the kid being young, he wasn't an idiot.

"Look, Adrian-"

"I know...I know some people do that." Adrian muttered, gaze still distantly staring into the case. "Even my father did that...in the past."


"My mother didn't like to tell me about it, but I heard some." Adrian continued, not listening to the older people in the room. "But...it's hard not to hear when that's what your dad is famous for. I heard how he would put people on pikes outside his castle and in places he attacked. Almost like his symbol...but my mom changed him...she made sure he stopped...so no one innocent got hurt."

"And that's what my family did, Adrian, what we are doing now." Trevor spoke slowly, "We hunted those that hurt the innocent."

"But how do you know they were all dangerous?" Adrian whispered. As he had been talking, both Sypha and Trevor had moved closer, wanting to pull the young gaze away from the case of horrors. It was as they grew closer that they saw what he was looking at. That golden gaze was centered on one of the skulls in specific. This skull was much smaller than the others around it, with larger eye sockets as though it had still been developing. Even the fangs were small, tiny pricks in the jaw.

This time, they both winced.

"Adrian listen to me," Trevor spoke up, swallowing back in nervousness. "Listen when I say my family only hunted monsters that were attacking innocent people."

"But how do you know the monsters weren't innocent?" Adrian bit back, eyes flickering to Trevor for a moment. "You got your information from people, right? From humans?"

"Yes, but we also looked into it ourselves." Trevor replied. "We only hunted what was deemed a danger to innocent people and even to other night creatures in some cases. If anyone ever hurt an innocent night creature, they should be rolling in their grave. But I know we only killed what was considered a threat."

"And what about the humans?" Adrian asked, fits clenching.


"What about the humans, who did wrong?" His eyes flashed and his teeth gritted. "What about the humans who hurt us? You said this war is hurting innocents, but why are all humans seen as innocent and we are all seen as monsters who need to be killed!"

"Now, wait, not all humans are innocent." Trevor shot back. "In fact, there are a lot of shitty humans. People who think killing others are shitty, the fucking church is shitty! Not all humans are innocent! I'm talking about the ones who kill the children who do nothing. The parents, who only want to care for their children-"

"But if they are innocent, why do they follow those who are evil!?" Adrian shot back, tears in his eyes. "Why do they sit back and let it happen? If they are innocent, why did they let your family be hunted down?!" It was more the words then the harsh tone that made Trevor flinch back as that golden gaze turned from him to Sypha. "Why did they...hic...w-why...why did they let them kill my mom?" His voice was choked off at the end, trailing off as tears made their way down his cheeks.

"Oh, Adrian…" Sypha sighed, her own eyes prickling as she moved closer.

Adrian wiped at his eyes, his wrist hovering over one as though it would keep the tears at bay. "S-She...she just w-wanted to help...help people! Hic...w-why di-d they...they kill her? W-Why did th-they che-er a-and…"

"Sh...sh, come here." Sypha cooed, pulling the sobbing boy into her arms and shuffling them away from the case of skulls.


"Some people...they just don't know about these things." Sypha said softly, stroking his blonde locks. "And they get scared of new and different things. But they are not really bad. They are just scared."

"...T-They don't...know?" Adrian blinked, those words sounding familiar but couldn't place it. It was more than just the words themselve, but the content in which they were being said.

"That's right. Just like...how you were confused over the village. You didn't know more than what you were taught. It is the same with people. They don't know sometimes what they are doing, but that doesn't mean they should be hurt."

"...they don't know…" The words were whispered as Adrian began to calm down.

As his sobs tapered off and all that remained were some soft sniffles, Adrian pulled himself out of Sypha's arms. His own came back up to hug himself, and his gaze stuck to the floor.

"I'm sorry." He muttered to Trevor.

The man in return ran a hand through his hair and he replied. "It's...alright. I understand." All too well. "And I'll say this again, but I won't hurt anything that doesn't deserve it, alright? And I'll only kill the threats that need to be killed. Ok?"


"Now, beat up a few idiots here and there…" This got a small laugh from the boy.

"Trevor." Sypha sighed.

"What? I'm being honest with the kid. I'll only kill the real big threats, but a punch here or there won't do any harm."

"You can punch my dad when we get to him." Adrian spoke up, making the two look back at him.

"Huh?" Trevor asked.

"My dad. When we get to him, and after I talk to him and make him understand, then you can punch him for being an idiot." Adrian responded. "After all, if he stops being a threat, then you don't have to kill him."


"Do you want to take a moment before we start looking?" Sypha asked, interrupting Trevor before he could say anything. "Drink some water?"

"No," Adrian replied. "No we...we need to start looking. We need to find things that can help us get to the castle, right?"


"Then we should do that." Adrian huffed, a new determined look on his face. Sypha couldn't help but admire the strength of this boy. In the course of a few days, everything he knew was torn out from under him and, despite the break downs (which were understandable if you asked her), he pulled himself back up to continue their mission, a mission that wasn't even his to begin with.

"...Ok," Sypha replied, "Can you start by going to this section?" She moved them over to the book and showed him the section she was talking about. "We'll split up, try to see what we can find."

With a determined nod, Adrian took off.

Left behind, the two humans watched him take off and waited for him to be long out of their sight before talking in hushed tones.


"You're really going to let him think we can save Dracula?"


"Sypha, look-"

"No, listen." She cut him off, voice firm. "I know that it probably won't happen. Dracula has done too much to just...let him go. But...Adrian was so hopeful. But I did warn him that...that talking to him might not...make him listen."

"Sypha, do you want to know why Leon came here, to Wallachia?"


"He was hunting Dracula." Trevor stated, staring her in the eye. "He was hunting Dracula because the man had destroyed countless towns and torn apart many people. Adrian wasn't wrong when he said people would be found staked on a stick like a warning sign. And someone like that, someone who takes the time to make a message out of those he kills and any other twisted thing he did is not someone who just turns a new leaf. I bet that, when Adrian said his mother was able to make him a better person, that she changed him, that he just toned it down. Dracula probably came to tolerate the humans for his wife and kept anything he did small and unknowable. Oh, I'm sure he took care of his family, loved them and all of that, but he won't just change at a snap of someone's fingers, no matter how much he loves them.

"You think he still killed people."

"Probably, just wasn't sticking them on pikes." Trevor huffed crossing his arms. "You don't become Lord of the Vampires for nothing. And he definitely didn't just give up that title. And to escalate to where we are now," He shook his head. "You definitely needed to have some hatred before the death of your wife and torture of your son. And with Adrian out of his sight? He's probably going even more bat shit crazy. I doubt he'll listen to anything."

"Well, what do you want to do?" Sypha huffed. "I warned Adrian, but he isn't just going to give up on his father."

"Of course not." Trevor replied. "That's fucking obvious."

"Well, then?"

Trevor threw his hands up. "Don't look at me. I don't...comfort people."

Sypha sighed, rubbing her fingers on her nose. "I will think about it. I guess, until we find an answer to the castle situation, we have time." Shaking her head, she moved to the index once more. "Come on, this is your library. Help me start looking."

Adrian was scouring the shelves before him as he looked for anything that might give him a clue about magical teleportation and anything that could relate back to the castle. His skin crawled whenever he came across some odd knickknack here or there, especially when it seemed to be the remains of some creature. But he swallowed his fear down. He was still a little embarrassed by his breakdown earlier, the horror of what he had seen getting to him. He needed to be strong, needed to be strong enough to get back to his dad and talk to him.

After all, if his dad just understood things like he was beginning to understand, then maybe he wouldn't be as angry at the people. Maybe he won't be considered a threat anymore and Trevor and Sypha won't have to kill him.

As these thoughts passed through his mind, the corner of his eye caught sight of one of the lanterns on the wall. The flame inside made him flinch and shiver, adding to the crawling feeling on his skin. Swallowing, he tried to shake off his fear, closing his eyes to block off the sight of the flame. It was just like the torches in his home, small and manageable flames. It won't do anything.

His fingers clenched into his arms when they came up as a shield. His teeth gritted, tense and agitated. He has had too many breakdowns. He needed to be strong. His father had always said it was alright, that he would protect him and that Adrian could take his time with his fear, but his father wasn't here. Sure, Trevor and Sypha were trying to help him as well, but he couldn't keep falling apart on them, especially when they needed his help to get back to the castle. He needed to be strong to fight against anything that may want to hurt Sypha and Trevor. After all, that night creature didn't listen to him before, so what if there were too many attacking Sypha and Trevor? He needed to be able to fight.

He couldn't let his fear of fire pull him down. Not again. After all, that's how he got captured in the first place.

Digging his nails into his arms, Adrian forced himself to look into the flame before him, to be strong. Strong like Sypha, like Trevor, like his father, like...like his mother.

The thought of his mother made him flinch back slightly from the flames, those memories tearing at his mind once more. His breathing picked up a bit and echoes of his mother's screams reached his ears. However, there was something different to them this time, some other words sparking through the crackling of the flames and shouting of the people.

Gritting his teeth, he looked back at the flame. He just wanted to know-!

To know. Something about that clicked in his brain and he could hear suddenly past the screams of the people. Words he had understood at the time they were being said, but was too traumatized to process them fully before fear took over completely.

"Please!" She cried. "Spare them! If you can hear...hear me, d-don't harm them-AH!" Her breaths came out as a combination of pants and coughs through her cries of pain and tears. "D-Don't hurt them, plea-Ah-se! They do not know what they...they are doing!"

The words showed through very clearly. Though the image that came with the words was fuzzy and any focusing on the event made his conscious mind back off in warning, the words still come through to him.

His mother had told him that, hadn't she? That these people did not understand, did not know what they were doing was wrong. That these people were innocent. And Adrian knew this even if he could not remember his own response to the words at that time. Now he understood that they were innocent, just clueless. They all didn't need to be hurt.

Besides, he didn't want to see people hurt. Not really.

And his mother didn't want that either.

Taking a shuddering breath, Adrian looked away from the flames. They still sent a shiver up his spine from where they flickered in the corner of his vision, fear of the pain they were associated with still very fresh, but he remembered now. He always knew his mother had been strong from him during the attack, but now he remembered her strength even as...even as that happened to her (thinking of her charred remains still sent his mind into a shock, still unwilling to process that with an open mind).

His mother had been strong and wanted to help him understand the chaos around him.

Now, it was his turn to help his father understand.

And there you go. Another really long chapter! With some foreshadowing, of course. Also I cried a bit as I wrote it, but I won't say where.

So Adrian has had a small revelation. Yay. also, I meant for this chapter to have more, but then the whole emotional stuff happened and it reached over 5000 words so I was like, alright we'll do more next chapter.

Also, yes, I know I have made Adrian cry a lot. But look at it this way. the kid watched his mom burn alive and was tortured at the same time a year before this, got some ptsd, had been with his dad since because the humans are scary, got ripped/kidnapped from his home via his worst fear, left in the middle of no where, found by the person who is supposed to kill his kind, stays with them, sees a scary village covered in blood, finds out that his dad is doing some bad stuff and not all people are bad, and has had to face both his fear and the Belmont hold in less then probably three or four days. Maybe more, maybe less. And in all of this he is a 10 year old (body and mind slightly older!). Kid is allowed to break down.

Also, heads up, I do plan to go into season three with this story. That said, it should give you some idea where this is going as well as the fact that shit isn't going to get necessarily easier for Adrian. Now, some things will definitely not happen (cough sumixtakaxadrian cough no smut, let alone underage smut thank you very much. Not getting that here) but that also means new things will happen!

SO yeah, heads up.

Feel free to comment and stuff.

Until next time! :D