I do not own Naruto and make no claim on the story if I did own Naruto I'd be rich and would r be on here because I'd be on a yacht in carribean somewhere

This is also one of my first stories so be kind give reviews and let me know where I can improve as I have no one to beta the story I am relying on you guys to let me know where to improve. Thank you all

Chapter 1 prologue

We start our story on the night of October 10th 5pm while a certain blonde Yondaime Hokage is rushing to be at his wife's delivery all the while sweating bullets. You see months back they discovered they were having triplets Naruto was going to be his sons name Mito for one of his daughters and Narumi for the other and he was so excited and nervous at the same time as three children is a huge deal. He's rushing to the bunker where she would deliver being that she was the Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi she had to be contained in case the seal broke. He's sprinting along the roof tops for a while before he remembers how dumb he is and trips and smacks his head on the ground. "I'm the yellow flash for a reason why am I running when Kushinas ring has my hirashin formula on it" with that he smacks his forehead and is gone in a flash of yellow. "God damnit Minato you did this to me now get your ass in here!!" Shouted an angry Kushina at the top of her lungs. 3 hours later at 8pm we see an exhausted pair parents and Tsunade looking at 3 bundles of joy.The birth went about as well as could be expected for a Junchuuriki with triplets all 3 children were perfect Naruto looked exactly like his father blonde hair piercing blue eyes and his mother's facial shape his sisters both looked like their mother same hair and eyes with their fathers facial shape. While our new parents are cooing at their new children a man with an Orange mask bursts in the room in a strange swirl out of the air and takes baby Naruto "you will take your children and leave the Jinchuuriki to me if you do that your son will live choose now yellow flash!" With that the masked man launches the baby into the air and Minato catches his son with a flash and turns to his wife but she's gone so he flashes his kids home with Shizune to watch them and takes Tsunade to the battle.


3 hours later 11pm

The battle is nearing its end the masked man who claimed to be Madara Uchiha had retreated and we stumble on upon the end of the epic fight against the 9 tailed fox we see three babies on 3 separate alters and a giant fox being held down by a huge Toad and some glowing Chains while an old man is shooting fire Jutsu at it and a woman sits atop a giant slug "Minato do it now we can't hold this much longer" shouted Kushina, Minato nods his head and flashes through hand seals Forbidden art: Reaper death seal when the he finished a ethereal representation of the shimigami appears behind Minato and thrusts a hand into his chest and in his mind Minato hears the reaper talking "Mortal why have you summoned me here?" "My apologies Shimigami-sama however my home was being destroyed by the Kyuubi and I couldn't let that happen so I intend to seal it in my children" "Hmm your children you say well unfortunately mortal I cannot split the chakra 3 ways you see each being has a Ying and a Yang chakra which I can indeed separate however if I were to split it three ways it would destabilize because we only have two types of the chakra does that make sense mortal?" Minato nods "So what can I do then?" "We can deal the chakra in two of you children and the soul in another by doing this the children with the chakra will have full control from day one however the child with the soul will have a mere fraction of the power and have to fight the soul for use of it" Minato nods and thinks for a second "Then seal the chakra in my daughters and the soul in my son." At this the shimigami nods and gets to work within minutes the fight is over and the reaper begins to take out Minato's soul but at the last minute we hear a scream "Shimigami-sama!!!" The death god looks over to see non other than the 3rd Hokage "Yes mortal be fast as I have business to attend to in my realm" "This man is young and has a family, I am past my prime my wife has died my children are grown take me instead and I would forever be in your debt" "Hmmm this is something that's never done mortal if he is to live I will demand another sacrifice as well as payment" At this Kakashi appears in a swirl of leaves he has been watching the entire time and can't fail his sensei as well "Then take me please i have lost my parents my teammates I can't lose sensei to take me" "It appears this Mortal(pointing at Minato) means quite a bit to many ok you have a deal I will take the young one and only him" Kakashi steps forward and the sealing is complete when his body falls to the ground.


5 years later Namikaze house

These 5 years have been rough for little Naruto especially the last year as they started ninja training and his siblings were already so far ahead but he couldn't for the life of him figure out how to control his chakra. His parents wouldn't let him move forward until he could for obvious reasons but they didn't even try and find out the issue and just left him behind completely he had gradually been pushed to the outskirts of the family seen as a failure. Little did they know he was anything but you see the Shimigami added a little extra to the seal in Naruto's stomach that night knowing that he was the child of prophecy and that he was getting the short end of the stick he added a chakra purification and absorption seal to the 8 trigrams, this add-on concerted the remaining chakra of the fox to normal human chakra and forced it into little Naruto's chakra coils making them expand at an insane rate, but there is more to it then that tailed beasts can reform if destroyed that is because they're chakra is linked to their consciousness and their consciousness actively pulls in the chakra around them and converts it to recharge at a rate of 1 full tail per year if depleted however Naruto was absorbing all of that meaning by his current age he had 5 tails worth of chakra in his coils , there however was more to it than that you see Bijuu can only live so long without the chakra recharge before their consciousness ceases to exist as the chakra is what sustains them the time they can survive is directly linked to the number of tails. Needless to say only having 4 years left before death made the Kyuubi angry really angry and just about the only thing to do inside his seal was to mess with Naruto's chakra network to make ninja training impossible and drive a wedge between him and his family for entertainment. But his family ignoring him wasn't the only problem the villagers somehow found out he housed the soul of the beast inside him and that made him more likely to be attacked and attacked he was and it only got worse when he started drifting from his family everywhere he went he was glared at and hear the whispers "Demon, Failure, Loser, Bastard child, Kyuubi brat" and it was getting worse. Today however was the worst day ever he had woken up like usual made his own breakfast as he was excluded from their training and decided to go out to the woods to do his own the second he left his door he was being berated and chased by angry villagers by 7pm that night he was in an alleyway crying contemplating ending his own life but it would only get worse coming into the alley was more and more drunken villagers from the festival "Let's hell the Yondaime and end this miserable excuse for a life!" "Yeah he's a failure and soils the name of our Hokage!" "Yeah he's the Kyuubi anyway so no one will miss him" within minutes villagers and ninja alike attacked the poor child and beat him to what they thought was his death and they took him out to the woods and dumped his body over a waterfall.


Time skip two days later

Walking along a river we see a tall well built shirtless shark like man with blue skin gills and spiky hair and giant sharkskin sword on his back debating what to do next. "Should I take another bounty?...No to boring maybe I should train some more to finally take out Yagura I don't know...wait what the hell is that in the river?" He thought while seeing a blonde child face up floating in the river appearing to be dead. "And people call me a bastard or a demon who could do this to child?" With that he dragged what he thought was a body out but then his sword started moving on his back "what is it samehada?" The shark man asked "His chakra is still strong and he seems to have a feint pulse...okay maybe I should take him back to the base?" With an affirmative motion from his faithful sword he picked up the boy and left for his cave hideout.


Same day Namikaze household

"Tou-Chan have you seen Naruto?" Both sisters asked they had been looking for him since yesterday when they finished their training and wanted to get ramen, just because their parents ignored him didn't mean they had to. "No girls I haven't why do you ask? If it has to do with training you know he has to wait until he finally masters the leaf sticking exercise and kunai balancing." Minato said Pointedly "No nothing like that I just haven't seen him in 2 days" At this Minato experienced a flurry of emotions guilt, anger, sadness, worry but most of all self loathing "ANBU find my son!" He screamed while slamming his fist on the table. "Oh great now I have to go tell Kushina" sigh "This will be fun"


3 days later a cave behind a waterfall on boarder of fire and water country

Our young hero groggily opens his eyes and looks around "grey everywhere and the sound of rushing water and it feels like I was run over by a Hurd of elephants" Naruto thought after he finally got accustomed to being awake he looked around "hmm some kind of cave let's look around he managed to put his shirt and shoes on and look around. The cave had rooms he was in what looked like a crude bedroom and bathroom carved out of stone with cheap furniture as he left and walked around he saw a kitchen in much the same style a living area a library and study as well as what appeared to be a dojo and finally he wanders up the exit to the cave after passing through the waterfall and exiting the cave he sees a shark like man balancing on top of the water fighting against clones of himself in a death match swinging his giant sword around gracefully like it means nothing. 30 minutes and 20 exterminated clones later a very sweaty sharkman walks back over to the waterfall "Ah you're awake when I saw you in the river I thought you were a goner. You've been knocked out the last 3 days not mention who knows how long you were floating before I found you, Do you want some food or a drink?" Naruto Starr's for a second "Um forgive me shark-San but I never got your name? I'm Naruto Namikaze and yes I'd love some do you happen to have ramen I'm starving dattebayo" at the sound of his verbal tic he blushed and rubbed the back of his head while the shark man laughed a deep hearty laugh "Hahahaha you're a interesting one there Gaki I'm Kisame Hoshigaki nice to meet you... wait Namikaze like the Hokage Namikaze?" Naruto nodded sadly "well kid I can't imagine how the hokages brat ended up left dead in a river" at this Naruto recounts the tale of his life up till now and which was eerily similar to Kisames own childhood minus the whole bijuu soul part. "Hey Gaki seeing as you hold no love for your village and your family doesn't seem to give a rats ass how about I train you from now until you're 12 then you can choose a village to join and become great enough to show them what they missed out on?" Naruto stared at his prospective sensei wide eyes and started crying "do you really mean that shark-San? You'll really train me?" "Of course kid and when I'm done with you I bet you'll be able to take on all the 7 swordsman of the mist on your own!" Kisame puffed his chest out saying it then finished by saying "Except me I am the strongest of the 7 afterall!" Naruto just stared he hadn't entered the academy yet but in all the time he spent bored over the last year he did read every book in his parents library one of which happened to be on Kiri and it's history of bloodshed and violence as well as the formation of the swordsman. "Wait shark-sensei you're one of the 7?" He asked wide eyed "Yeah Gaki I was the leader before I got framed for assassinating the water Diaymo" and so they talked for hours and hours learning about eachother and figuring out a plan of attack for his training. After testing Naruto's chakra levels and realizing they were greater than his own he decides to try and get someone to look at the seal as part 1 then part 2 test his affinities and try and determine why he lacks control from there they could train his control and elemental manipulation as well as his strength speed and strategy once he turned 8 they would begin on kenjutsu and train him extensively in the art by the time he was 12 he would be jonin level or Kisame would eat his own foot!


Same time back in Konoha hokages office

Inu walks in "Sensei from what we have gathered a group of drunk civilians attacked Naruto and beat him to death thinking they were helping you as he was a failure anyway and that they were saving your honor when they were sure he was dead they dumped him over the waterfall at training ground 44 and that washed away his scent his body couldn't be anywhere we looked the last few days and found nothing" Minato hung his head in shame "Thanks Inu you're dismissed" "Why just why didn't we help him I know he was stubborn and didn't catch on as quick but I didn't even try? I guess having two prodigies in the girls spoiled me and I just thought he didn't care. But that's no excuse he was my son and because if our neglect he is gone,God what will I tell Kushi-chan how will I even look at her focusing on the girls more because they showed more progress was my idea" he walked out of his office slowly with his head down not caring who saw Hokage or not his son was dead and most of the blame fell on his shoulders.


Time skip 5 years later Naruto 10 years old

"Kisame-sensei I finally got it!" Kisame grinned Konoha had no idea what they lost. A year after they began traveling together Kisame heard the Hokage had thought his son dead and The toad and slug sannin had left the village and disowned him as a friend and student hearing this Kisame sought out Jiraiya to have a look at Naruto's seal and what he found amazed them.

Flashback 1 year on the road

"Okay Gaki I found someone to take a look at your seal and he knows your family don't worry he knows what happened and won't make you go back his name is Jiraiya he is a seal master and your godfather" Kisame explained to Naruto as Naruto frowned wondering why in 5 years he never saw the man. "Hey Gaki I'm Jiraiya your godfather you must be wondering why I wasn't there for 5 years well I was Konohas spymaster back then and that required traveling all over to attend to my network that is no excuse I should've been there for you, and if I knew that lousy excuse for a student of mine would've left you hanging in favor of your sisters I'd have never left." Hearing this calmend Naruto down a bit but left some more questions "were konohas spymaster?" "Yeah kid I resigned from the village after we thought you died now let's look at your seal" Naruto's heart fluttered at that people really did care he thought now let's see what's up with my chakra. "This is Amazing" Jiraiya said out loud while practically drooling over the seal "This isn't Minato's work If I had to guess the death god altered the seal a bit for what reason I don't know however what I can tell you is I know what's wrong!" "Well don't keep us in suspense what the hell is wrong with my student?!?!" Kisame yelled for someone known as a demon and a monster he was uncharacteristicaly soft when it came to Naruto he didn't know why but he came to view the Gaki as his son. "Well papa bear" the sannin said laughing at Kisame's reaction "there is two new parts added to the seal a purification seal that purifies all chakra that the Fox brings in to recharge effectively cutting his chakra supply all together the second seal is a absorption seal that forcibly absorbs the chakra it purifies and forced it into Naruto's coils" the sannin explained "We know little about Bijuu but we know their chakra is tied to their consciousness and we know that each beast is proportionally stronger than the last the hachibi is 8 times stronger than nanabi and the Kyuubi is 9 times stronger than the Hachibi. Meaning one tail of Kyuubi's chakra is equal to all 8 of the Hachibi's Naruto has absorbed at this point all 9 tails into his system and is effectively at the same capacity as the Kyuubi himself" at this sensei and student gawked "IM AS STRONG AS THE KYUUBI" Naruto shouted in his mind while staring wide eyed at the sannin "What's next somehow my great grandfather is the Rikudo Sannin?" Naruto interjects sarcastically "No but the Kyuubi is in fact gone from the seal" the sannin states again dropping a bombshell on the pair "w-what do you mean he isn't in the seal should we be worried will he come back to get revenge for the sealing?" Kisame asked terrified he'd lose his surrogate son knowing he wasn't as strong as the 9tails "What I mean to say is the Kyuubi is dead" Jiraiya says this time it was two much and sensei and student feinted. 3 hours later "About time you woke up now I have to finish this story so I can return to my research essentially after 9 years with no chakra the kyuubis consciousness faded away to nothing and as for why you still have the seal even though it is empty that's simple no one removed it till now believing the Fox was still inside however while you took your little nap I did congrats kid no more seal, now before I leave I have a one time offer Kid my time teaching is over one of my students is leader of a terrorist group the other is a failure as a father so I can't offer to teach you... but I'm getting old and won't live forever and after the incident with you the roads removed your father from the contract and I was wondering if you wanted to sign it and become their next summoner and take the contract with you as the toads have broken ties with the leaf" again for what seems like the millionth time today the sensei and student pair gawked at the sannin "Hell Yeah!!! That'll really show the blonde idiot!" Naruto shouted and At this the sannin and Kisame laughed "Kid you're a blonde to you know." Kisame stated laughing at his students pouting. "Actually I know a few hair related jutsu I can leave you the scrolls for when you're older" he said handing 5 scrolls to Kisame "However these 2 one is to change the color and one the length" he reached in his pocket and handed the scrolls to Naruto "They're both permanent unless you use the counter however on a genetic level you'll remain blonde and most likely pass it on to you're future children" Jiraiya said embarrassing the blonde "Thank you" Naruto said hugging his godfather "The less I have to be like them the better" at that they parted ways two days later Naruto performed the two jutsu one lengthening his hair to waist length like Jiraiya and another changing his hair color to Orange as it was his favorite color. "Looking good gaki!" "Thanks tou-Chan" Naruto slipped and said and then covered his mouth. Kisame sputtered and spit out his tea " what did you call me Gaki?" "Well I said tou-chan because you have been more of a father to me than that bastard Hokage ever was and i started seeing you as my father a month ago I hope that's okay" before he could look up he was bonked on the head and heard a laugh "that's perfect Gaki because you've been my son for a while now" the shark like man said with a smile.

Flashback end

From that day on the father/son sensei/student pair got to work Kisame had bought Naruto had bought chakra weights professional ones at that they had 25 levels ranging from 50lbs per at the lightest to 500lbs per at the heaviest he had one on each limb as well as a vest and he began conditioning and chakra control and he was a slave driver. At 8 Naruto was at level 10 on the weights thanks to his Uzumaki healing factor and stamina and he had perfect chakra control to level of Tsunade of the sannin but still hadn't learned a single Jutsu as Kisame saw him as to young for that kind of power but he did start training him with kenjutsu and use of a Zanbatou by 9 he was a lvl 6/10 kenjutsu master he learned the shark style he also learned taijutsu from his sensei and was around High Genin level with the hurricane fist style which focused on blocks defense and heavy handed counters. And finally they started on Ninjutsu much to Naruto's excitement by years end he knew Kawamari(body replacement) as well as bunshin(clone), henge(imitation), Kage Bunshin , Mizu Bunshin, Raibunshin,Kaze Bunshin, Bunshin Diabuka and Kunai/shuriken kage bunshin. Kisame stuck to clones and variations as they weren't very destructive and he still didn't feel ready to give a kid that kind of destructive power yet. He also gave him Jiraiyas scrolls one contained fuinjutsu level 1-5 of ten books and equipment the other contained instructions to Jiraiyas hair techniques and his Katon/Doton jutsu he uses and toad techniques but the kicker was when he channeled chakra into the seal on the bottom of the Hari Jizo scroll out popped another scroll and a note.

Dear Gaki,

I know I haven't been there for you till now but I want to try and help however I can. When your father told me you were killed something told me he was wrong so just Incase my gut was right I snuck into your parents estate and had my clones copy their library you have everything their Taijutsu and Kenjutsu styles as well as the Rasengan and Hiraishin and much more. Know that I love you and I'm ashamed at Minato's actions he was like a son to me before but what he did to you cannot be forgiven. If I looked at him as a son you're my grandson and as such I can't help but look out for you.

P.s good luck and know if you ever need to talk I'm here for you just summon a toad and they'll call me.

-Jiraiya is the sannin legendary author and super pervert and my most important title your godfather and honorary grandfather

After reading that and crying he ripped through the scrolls deciding to learn as much as he possible could and learn he did. With his senseis help he devoured the Fuinjutsu books and was at lvl 3 already and had a ton of knowledge in his parents kenjutsu and Taijutsu styles but planned to learn more to create his own. He also started learning the rasengan on his 10th birthday when his sensei finally allowed him to start. This is where we find our hero's one age 10 5'3 105lbs lean and muscular with long orange hair and whisker marks on his cheeks black anbu pants with white wraps around knees and ankles wooden sandals like his Godfather seal tattoos all over his arms holding his ninja tools a sleeveless mesh shirt and over top a sleeveless blue ankle length trench coat with high collar left open with grey lightning bolts on bottom as he discovered he had one of the highest lightning affinities around with water and wind a close second and 3rd and a large Kanji on the back for Raijin and a large Zanbatou strapped to his back in an open sheath with white strap the sword itself was beautiful black chakra metal blade that glowed blue in the light with a bandage covered handle that had grey bandages and a small chain hanging off the handle. The other was 37 years old 6'5 275lbs blues skin and gills black anbu pants with Shinobi sandals shirtless and a black cloak with samehada on his back. "Okay Gaki I have one last test for you before I really start teaching you the good stuff... and by good stuff I mean elemental Jutsu, Summoning, and advanced Taijutsu and Ninjutsu training" hearing that the 10 year old started jumping up and down "What do I need to do Tou-san?" Kisame couldn't help but smirk at the enthusiasm "Well kiddo this is harsh but to really be a Shinobi you will have to kill once and a while to protect your loved ones and your village and if I remember you want to prove your family wrong about you being a failure and you plan on being a kage to do that correct?" Naruto nodded hesitantly " Well Kages need to be the strongest in the village and to do that you have to be a powerful ninja with a strong reputation and to get that far you will be ordered to kill" he gave it a second to settle in "I grabbed a bounty scroll for a c class missing nin from Iwa Hito Genryusai he's Genin level however he has been seen raping women and robbing traders I'm going to help you find him but you have to take him out. If you do that I'll teach you the real stuff if not know that I won't think less of you for it and I'll always love you but you should most likely consider not being a Shinobi" Naruto gulped but nodded nonetheless steeling his features and hardening his emotions like he was taught "Hai sensei I won't let you down" hours later they come across their target raping a women inside an alleyway in the city of Amegakure. "Okay Gaki you're on" Naruto nodded and walked up the wall stopping at the window for the room his target was in he slowly slipped in the through the living room window and crept to the bedroom door cracked it open and heard screaming his blood now boiling at how much of a monster this man is he slams the door open and flies through hand seals Ninpo: Hari Senbon his hair grows and twists around to his from hardening and creating needles to shoot at the enemy and sticking him full of spikes before he could even pull his pants up. "Don't worry he won't hurt you again" with that Naruto pulls out a Kunai and stabs him right through the heart and promptly throws the hell up and breaks down in tears. After that day he wasn't right for weeks but once he got through it with the help of Kisame he poured into his training for the next two years.


2 years later final day of training

By this point Naruto was 5'6 125lbs he had come to terms with his past and decided he missed his blonde and let it go back to his original color he had matured and so much so he decided to blaze his own path entirely opting for a buzz cut to look less like his father or godfather he still kept the same outfit however he now had white anbu body armor over the mesh and he was sporting a full arm length wrap of grey bandages on his left arm and a pair of fingerless gloves in black with metal plates on the back, he had discovered rap music in the last two years passing through a concert in lightning country by a guy named killer bee and using Fuinjutsu found a way to store songs in a seal and connect it to what he called earbuds that he wore in his ears (Think AirPods) to listen to the music he wore them everywhere that along with his orange googles with blue lenses he would wear around his neck nowadays. Kisame has been gone for a week meeting Jiraiya to talk about a group called the Akatsuki or some nonese when his sensei returned they'd have a final spar to see how far he's come before he chooses a village to attend the final two years of the academy. He had grown much in the last few years thanks to Kisame and His godfather he had access to scrolls on every element he could fine and with his chakra he could create thoughsnds of clones with them he mastered the 3 stages of nature manipulation for each of his three affinities as well as the other two , he mastered his summons and collaborations with them and was told to come back at 17 to learn the sannin mode he had combined Hummingbird style Taijutsu with Hurricane fist and some scrolls on Juuken he found in his biological fathers library that Jiraiya copied for him which he promptly altered to focus on pressure points instead of chakra points and lastly frog kumite it was designed for sages but with his wind element he could emulate some of it the style he created was called Maelstrom fist and it it took the defensive strong counter attack nature of hurrican style and frog style combined with pressure point damage of juuken and speed and flexibility of hummingbird making him completely unpredictable he would dodge and flip and wait for you to tire out and then return with a barrage of headvy punches kicks and palms to various pressure points needless to say it was scary. In Kenjutsu he combined kisames shark style with his mother's whirlpool style and the toad style to create his own as well he liked to call it Flash Dance Style which was focusing on his speed and ability to parry he rarely if ever blocked he would parry a blow and come in with powerful lightning fast kicks to throw you of balance while pushing his advantage with lightning fast strikes with his blade which considering its size being a Zanbatou it was insane he could swing it that fast. That most likely had to do with being at lvl 25 if the chakra weights which he only ever took off once a week to adjust to the new speeds recently though when he mastered lvl 10 Fuinjutsu from new scrolls Jiraiya had sent Naruto created his own gravity/resistance seals which went up to lvl 50 and worked better than the weights he was currently at lvl 10 of those but out of everything his Ninjutsu improves the most learning all the water style techniques he could from his sensei and earth and fire from Jiraiya even though he didn't have the affinity he still mastered the manipulation so he could use them at full power but they took more chakra than if he had the affinity but considering his reserves it didn't matter what did matter though is he needed to use all the hand seals not having the affinity meant even mastering the manipulations he wouldn't ever have enough control to ditch some of the seals. Another thing he learned was that his biological father had a wind affinity as well and through that he managed quite a few wind techniques from his scrolls Jiraiya copied Naruto had also mastered the rasengan and Hiraishin through it all though he had one flaw he by far had the skills and ability of a Jounin maybe borderline low kage but he had little to no experience he went on some missions for his sensei maybe 3-5 but not much. At this point he was pacing around the hideout waiting for the man he looked to like a father to return when his door slammed open and a massive sharkskin sword was swung at his head by the man he looked up to "what the hell tou-san?" Kisame said nothing struggling to hold in his emotions he attacked with ruthless efficiency not holding back at all using everything he knew beating Naruto within an inch of his life not giving him a chance to fight back 5 minutes that's all it took "You thought I was your father what a joke a weakling like you could never be my son I only needed your power to help me take down the mizukage you were a tool nothing more!" Hearing Kisame say that The damn broke tears came streaming out "Why sensei why? First that bastard Hokage throws me out like trash now you?" Kisame laughs now "He threw you out like trash because you are you're defective you hardly have the power to defend yourself from me let alone what's to come!" At this Naruto stares puzzled "what's to come?" He thinks but that's his last thought before his father figure stabs him through his left eye with a chakra knife before giving him a cross body slash and leaving him for dead. "I'm sorry son but it had to be done" is Kisames last thought before he leaves the cave Naruto bleeding out he drops a scroll by Naruto's head before he leaves. He walks out of the cave and sees itachi standing there "it is done" "leader-sama will be pleased" says itachi uchiha before they both shunshin away leaving the area for good.