Author has written 23 stories for Kingdom Hearts, Ranma, Misc. Anime/Manga, Hetalia - Axis Powers, Pokémon, xxxHOLiC, and Green Lantern: The Animated Series. February 4, 2014: . . .fuck it all here's my tumblr. September 10, 2013: . . .I'm still alive? Lost my muse again; I'll find it again, maybe. . . Formerly known as Mariko the Forgetful Idiot and Forgetful Troper Mariko. One day I will stop changing my name. Ah, hi, it's nice to meet you! I am tropermariko, but you can just call me Mariko! /heart As my name suggests, I'm a troper on TvTropes. . .if you've never heard of it, that's good. It means your life hasn't ruined your life yet. If you have, then I pity you. Kinda, since I got addicted to it as well. . . Here's a quick info. I am currently 21 years old, and I live in Hawaii. No, I don't surf. No, I can't hula. No, I don't live in a little grass shack. And no, I don't live near a little girl that owns a strange blue dog and her family. That's Kaua'i, not Oahu. Be warned; I update pretty slowly. Half because my attention span makes gnats seem attentive, I'm not very good at planning out a story, ( most of my stories come from the fact that i think a concept would be AWESOME and don't know how to connect point a to point b ), and because I never know if a chapter is long enough, or good enough. I am also really hating FFnet's new layout. UGH. All I need is a user icon, okay?! I don't need my story to have a cover image, nor do I need to see an author's icon when I'm browsing new stories. And the font I use is too big, now; and if I make it smaller, I won't be able to read it. But, okay, I like having the story's summary at the top of the page. I'm stupid and forget what I'm reading about. And having it already centered is nice, too. . . I have also realized the amount of stories I write compared to the number I read is oh so far apart. I have come to terms with this. My attention span for reading is so much more there than my writing one. . . STOP CHANGING THE DAMN FONT, DAMN YOU. I AM OBSESSIVE ABOUT WHAT FONT I USE TO READ. Current Obsessions / Favorite Pairings: Avengers ( movie / EMH; can you guess my two favorite characters from EMH?! 8DD ) Transformers Kingdom Hearts My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Hetalia: Axis Powers Harry Potter Young Justice Rise of the Guardians Team Fortress 2 ( this came out of nowhere. oh well. more fanfics for me to read! /heart ) Romantically Apocalyptic ( if you would like to use an idea, pm or e - mail me. don't worry, i don't bite! unless you taste like pocky. then maybe. . .no. bad, mari, bad. cannibalism is frowned upon in america. . . ) Father Guardian Guardian Angel Matches Sequel SkyeBlue Untitled ( for now ) 一つの空 |
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