Reviews for Trials of the Flesh
Heart of the Demons chapter 20 . 7/8/2019
This fic was surely a fun read, Kenya. It captivated me from start to finish with its idea of humans carrying Cybertronian sparks. Conrad and Ratchet are among the most well-developed characters throughout the story, for their learning to trust one another is what helped save everybody in the end. I'm glad you managed to complete the tale when you did.
Alphabeat chapter 20 . 5/13/2017
Argh, I forgot to make sure I was logged in, but bravo! Wonderful work!
Guest chapter 20 . 5/13/2017
I like how you alluded to one of your other fics in the chapter with Vector Prime. I wasn't sure they were both by you until I peeked at your other works again, but I'm glad it is. (I'm reading that one too, which is probably how I found this one.)
Unfortunately, I was a little uncertain about reading this at first. The idea came off as a little corny, even though it was appealing, but once I started it was very hard to stop! I love how you portrayed the characters in this. Your story is good and long, well-written and certainly deserving of a re-read if I forget it (which I've only ever done with a handful of works, fan-made or otherwise). A good read, and one I'd recommend.
CodenameAgentC chapter 20 . 9/25/2016
I was feeling at first that this might be a waste of my reading time. I've read Juxtaposition and enjoyed it, but the whole Cybertronian-conciousness-trapped-in-a-human-mind thing is not quite my usual favorite plot direction.
But you gave me a pleasant surprise! Your style of writing and the plot twists kept it impossible to put down, metaphorically speaking since I read it on a computer. I love all your OCs and their unique personalities, especially Crazy Jon. He was so much fun. Only, Howard the duck was my very favorite. Whyyyyyyy did you kill him? X_X
Oh well. Huffer bringing in a load of other ducks was so sweet, and I adore Cinnamon Teals!
All in all, an awesome fic that I hope will get a sequel someday. IT DESERVES ONE.

-Agent C.
Guest chapter 20 . 1/7/2016
Cool! Great story!
Puppetmaster767 chapter 19 . 11/8/2015
Amazing story mate! I love the way you wrote the story and the plot was a far better one than I could have written. Please write more about Conrad and the gang- I can't wait to read more!
Anonymous chapter 20 . 11/8/2015
Wow. Just. Wow. I must say that this is one of THE most intriguing, best written, perfectly characterized stories that I have read so far. The way that you rounded up the story was fantastic and the plot was very realistic- there is no way that I could ever hope to write something as amazing as this. I hope that you do continue with Conrad and his friend's stories and I can't wait to start reading more of your stories! Keep writing!
phantom-jedi1 chapter 20 . 8/9/2014

Sorry to hear of the sad end of our favorite angry duck, but opening for a Weird Al concert? So cool.

'Til all are one indeed - sorry to see this story end, but it ended well. Thank you for a great ride!
kkcliffy chapter 20 . 7/31/2014
I love the Princess Bride names for the new ducks! It was awesome that so many Autobots came to the concert and that most of them are keeping in touch. I'm glad Thundercracker and Skywarp seem to have found soft spots for their humans. They definitely learned something from this experience. I hope you do continue to write in this universe! I've really enjoyed reading it.
dead era chapter 20 . 7/28/2014
Wow, this was a good fanfic! I actually like it a lot and I've never heard of any of the other stories like this, so you should be fine as far as being accused of plagiarism.

next plotline: long term effects of sparks turn conrad and co. into cybertronians.
Pfft, just kidding. I think this was a great way to end the story!
Cascade of Dreams chapter 20 . 7/28/2014
First off, excellent job! I enjoyed every minute of this fanfic, and thought you did a great job with the concept. This is one of the best fanfictions I've read, and I'm pretty picky about what I read. Continue or not, I'll be coming back to read this again, you can be sure of that! I loved how you presented the concept, and I also loved your writing style! You did a great job! Whether you continue this story or not, keep writing! Thanks for deciding to put up this story so that others can enjoy. Keep up the good work!

theheroofakatosh chapter 20 . 7/26/2014
Personally i think transformers prime is ten times better than the originally TV series and that the characters look way more better than their g1 counterparts , at least they didn't make a movie where they killed off the good characters.

Well i look forward to seeing on what you have planned next.
icanhascamaro chapter 20 . 7/26/2014
I loved this story. I definitely wouldn't mind a sequel. I wouldn't worry in the least about TotF and Juxtaposition. Similar in the whole ghost in my head thing, maybe, but your story had *many* ghosts, lol. Both were awesome to read.

I will, however, ignore Howard's fate. I would've far preferred seeing him meeting up with a lady duck and having a family, and being as mean as ever.
Dragon of Yin and Yang chapter 20 . 7/26/2014
Thank you! It was a pleasure to read your story!
Morhek chapter 1 . 7/14/2014
If there is one story I could ever possibly force Hasbro to adopt as canon, at gunpoint if necessary, it would be this one. For one thing, it sets up the situation the comics had fun playing with - there is now a Megatron and a Galvatron running around (something I thought you might lead up to with Glory and Honor, btw, with Galvatron still alive, but that's neither here nor there.) For another, the characterisation in this is fantastic - the original characters all feel unique and believable, and the canon characters are perfect. I did wonder why nobody thought of the Autobot X Program first, though the actual conclusion was great and probably came with less *FRANKENSPIKE SMASH* than Autobot X would have! :P

In summary, thoroughly enjoyed it, and I hope you continue this 'verse!
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