Title: Privacy
Characters: Flash, Bats, and Superman
Word Count: 820
Rating: PG-13 for language
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be, and no profit is being made from this story.
Summary: Wally West gets taken to the Watchtower for questioning. Before the events of star-crossed, so no one knows each other's secret identities. Also, before whenever batman figured out Flash's identity.
A/N: So, I went back to review this and decided to re-write it and, muse willing, finish the fic. The basic information hasn't changed, but I'd recommend reading the revised version.
Wally West, the handsomest, most dashing Superhero who ever lived, walked out of the Biology building at his college and suddenly froze at the site of two, horribly familiar, figures walking briskly towards him.
Normally, he wouldn't have been worried about the two, but that was only when he was in full Flash gear.
Right now, he was still Wally West; bottomless pit, straight "A" student, accident waiting to happen, and, most importantly, the person least connected to the superheroing community on campus.
He'd spent enough time actively encouraging that last one to think he was safe.
As Normal-Joe Wally, he'd always tried to come across as so ridiculously clumsy that people would never suspect him of being a superhero, particularly not the Flash.
As the Flash, he'd always pretended to be so incredibly dumb that anyone sniffing around for his identity wouldn't even suspect he was in college, much less a high achieving student. And hey, the badies constantly underestimating him was a great perk in addition to the whole "protecting his secret identity" thing.
He made absolutely sure his two lives never cross-pollinated. He hung out with his Flash-friends as Flash, and his Wally-friends as Wally. That was it, the end, nothing more to the story.
A large, powerful hand fell on his shoulder and his eyes met the gazes, one more a glare, of two men he had gotten to know quit well as the Flash in the six months he had worked with them. Two men who shouldn't of had any reason to seek out one Wally West.
Batman and Superman.
'Damn, this is going to be awkward.'
He walked quickly towards the young, red haired teen that had just left what he suspected was some type of science building.
'Hard to think a kid could be involved.'
"Wow, he looks too young to be in college, doesn't he?" Superman spouted to his right. "What's his name anyway?"
"His name's Wallace Rudolph West. He started school early, skipped 2nd grade, and went straight to college after high school which explains him being too young, as you put it. His birth certificate puts him at only 17."
Batman stiffened a bit after saying that, he hated when kids were involved with his work.
"He lost both parents to a car crash at the age of nine, and was sent to the Central City Orphanage."
"Poor kid."
"It gets better, a year later to the day his class took a field trip to the Central City Forensics lab and, due to a freak lightning strike, he ended up in a hospital bed for a week with some nasty third degree chemical burns. Apparently, that's the reason he only wears long sleeved shirts. He had high grades all through high school, and received a full scholarship to Central City University. He currently lives by himself in the school dorms."
"Looks like someone's been a busy bat" Superman arched his eyebrows as his glaze slipped towards the Dark Knight.
"I don't slack when it comes to possible threats"
At this, Supes walked a bit farther away from Batman, just to be safe.
"But I have to admit, the kid doesn't seem the type to be in a criminal organization."
And he really didn't. Wally, as he liked to be called, was well liked by most of the people he met.
He didn't have any behavioral problems, besides eating excessively in class, and even volunteered regularly at local orphanages. On paper, he looked like the perfect kid.
"But people aren't always what they seem," he added, frowning a bit more and intensifying his patented Bat-glare as they approached Wally.
As soon as Wally had seen them approaching, he'd frozen to the spot.
In his extensive career as a masked vigilantly, he'd noticed that when civilians see a superhero approaching they're nearly always initially surprised. Then, depending on the person and the superhero coming their way, their expressions usually range anywhere from extremely excited to distrustful and weary.
Criminals, on the other hand, almost always show varying degrees of the same expression: fear.
That was the first thing Bruce saw on Wally's face before he quickly, almost too quickly, relaxed his facial muscles and pretended to look indifferent to the two superheroes moving in his direction.
Also something criminals tended to do.
They walked up to the teen and Superman slipped his hand on Wally's shoulder to deter any would-be escape attempts.
Suspects always seemed to think they could run away. Like criminals always seemed to think that throwing a gun at Superman after already emptying a clip into his chest would, by some miracle, be the thing to finally take him down
In both cases, they usually just succeeded in getting themselves hurt.
Wally visibly paled as Bruce met his gaze.
He stuttered out a shaky "Y…yes?" before attempting to take a small step back.
"Is your name Wally West?"
Post Note: So, I updated and consolidated the first two chapters. I'll update the remaining chapter at some point then get to work on writing new content. Bear with me though, I have so much homework my free time has almost dwindled to nothing.
-With love, Gilded.