![]() Author has written 9 stories for Naruto, Harry Potter, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Bleach, and Castle. ToF Update: By feb-march 2020. Hopefully OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Hey There!! I usually write only when I have the time to finish my commitments. I mainly read Naruto, Bleach, Harry Potter, Fate/Stay night, HTTYD, Noblesse and a few others. I am also pretty busy but I'll try to keep the chapters coming. I now have an aim of writing many Naruto short stories and pair Naruto with almost every major girl ( No harem) from the series , EXCEPT for Sakura. Can't stand that pairing. Her behavior towards Naruto borders on illegal abuse, regardless of whatever stupid thing Naruto does or says. If it had been the other way round, we'd have Feminists screaming with righteous rage. That's another reason I don't support Tsunade and Jiraiya either. Finished Stories: 1. Babysitting: Now completed. a ShikaTema fic. No OOCness. 2. Finding Magic: A short one shot! Harry Potter crossover with Castle[2009 TV series] 3. Like Me: A surprisingly popular one shot. Orochimaru talks about who in Team Seven is most like him. 4. Beautiful Hair: A heart wrenching one shot! Orochimaru summons Kushina during the sound invasion. Things. . . . do not go as planned. 5. Like Him: A sequel to Like Me. After the events of Like Me, Sakura can't help but wonder . . . Current stories: 1. Twist of Fate: Almost up to canon timeline. WIP 2. Sensei? Who? Me? : The first arc is done. This fic isn't in focus right now. 3. Mafia Heat: Castle, KH Reborn! crossover. : Yamamoto in NY to investigate a Vongola members death runs into Caskett. Working on the 5th Chapter. Not in focus. Future Stories/ Ideas: 1. Cracked: Naruto fic(10k -15k words) 2. Someone to love: Something of a Time travel fic. A Naruto that hates Konoha for causing the death of his lady love gets sent back in time. Two! Narutos :-Older!Naruto and Genin!Naruto 3. Convenience: HP post series AU. Drama/romance. Teaser: He had loved and lost. She never thought she would ever love. It was not a relationship of passion and love. It was a partnership of Convenience. 4. Taking up the Mantle: Naruto fic: Naruto gets elected Hokage after Pein Attack! AUTHORS AGAINST BASHING! Bashing is a sign of sub par writing ability. If you are good enough, write a plot that puts the character you don't like in a bad light. A plot that MAKES SENSE, not 'Oh-he-was-jealous-and-a-slob-and-insecure-so-he-just-wants-to-be-friends-with-Harry-to-get-his-fifteen-minutes-of-fame.' Give background, explore character development and if then you find the character reasonably developed into a negative character, go for it. Those who can't hack it, Bash it! Pairings I like and may appear in my stories: Naruto : I used to think that I was a NaruHina fan, but after reading a few NaruTayu, NaruTen and others, I realized that I'm less of a NaruHina fan than I am AGAINST NaruSaku... Earlier, all I'd read were a some NaruHina and a few NaruSaku that I hated. So I assumed that I was a NaruHina Fan. But now, as far as Naruto is concerned, I don't really care as long it is a girl and it isn't Sakura. Except Temari. In my eyes, ShikaTema is the OTP of Narutoverse. As long as they are a pair, I couldn't less about any others. Hell the story could be a Sai x Tsunade and I'd still read it. Almost all of my Naruto fic will have ShikaTema if you look close enough. Some may have it officially, some may not, but ShikaTema fans will always leave my fics with a smile. Then, moving on to others, I like KakaAnko, AsuKure, MinaKushi, ObitoRin. Bleach: For this one, My choices are a little off mainstream. I like Tatsuki x Uryuu , Soifon x Urahara X Yorouichi and HitsuKarin.[the only mainstream pairing] Don't really care about Ichigo's love life much. Although of late, I am leaning towards IchiHime followed closely by IchiSenna. On another note, UlquiHime doesn't make sense to me. I don't know why Orihime's goodbye to Ichigo before going to HuecoMundo isn't enough for people to see that she LOVES, not LIKES, Ichigo. Chances of her just one day turning around and saying , 'oh Ulquiorra-kun, poor misunderstood kidnapper and killer of innocent souls you, let me give you a hug!' is infinitesimal. Still, whatever floats your boat. Castle: CASKETT. 'Nuff said. Harry Potter: My OTP in the HPverse is RonxHermione. I don't know why people don't like Ron. In my opinion, he is the most realistic character in the series. He isn't larger than life - he isn't the Chosen one, he isn't smarter than the average genius, he isn't insanely popular for no reason, he isn't suave and a player - basically, he is just like almost every boy you and I have known in our lives. Yet still, as an eleven year old he was willing to sacrifice himself so Harry could get to the stone. As a twelve year old, he went down to the chamber of secrets with Harry and only a freak accident stopped him from going ahead with Harry into the actual chamber and against the Basilisk. At thirteen, he tried to protect Harry against a murderer while suffering the pain of a Broken Leg. Sure, when he was fourteen, he got jealous and made a mistake, which he admitted later, mind you. Did you never do something stupid in jealousy at fourteen? I know I sure did. At fifteen he went with Harry to face off Voldemort, someone he always admitted he was terrified off in the DoM and earned his battle scars. At sixteen, he stood by Harry while Hermione got jealous of his 'Cheating' with the Half Blood Prince's book, something the fans like to glaze over. At seventeen, he left behind his family, who was in real danger unlike Hermione's family since she had sent them to Australia and thus out of harms way, to go with Harry. Under the influence of the Horcrux, he argued and left. He accepted that he realized he'd made a mistake the moment he left and was out of the Horcrux's influence. On hearing Hermione's voice in the deluminator later he set off into the unknown, rescued Harry, faced his greatest far [that the girl he loved saw his inconsequential in front of his best friend] and destroyed a horcrux. After all that, I don't see why he gets so much flak from the fandom. KHR: I like mostly mainstream pairings here. Chrome x Hibari, Tsuna x Kyouko , GokuHaru FairyTail: Unlike most people, I don't really care about NaLu. What I do care about, however, are GrUvia and GaLe. p.s. - if anyone of you readers would like to make something from my fics, please do so and share it with me. I'd love to see it. |