Reviews for Secret Santa- Unofficial
KonohasBlackReaper chapter 1 . 1/8/2014
I liked it. In my opinion, if Hibari really ever does get involved with Chrome, or anyone really, this is how he would react. All hard on the outside, but gooey on the inside.
You captured it perfectly. Kudos.
I'llBiteYouToDeath chapter 1 . 3/31/2013
I totally loved it. :)) It felt like it could happen in canon. :DD Good job. This goes straight to my favorites.
MayanMoonFlower chapter 1 . 1/25/2013
Such a wonderful story. Chrome's feelings and Hibaris blunt actions.
They were all in character.
Loved this.! its going to my favs!
Yui33Aki chapter 1 . 12/28/2012
No OOC-ness. Nice job on keeping them in character. Flashback was a bit confusing and how it was introduced.

Overall nice, thank you for the 'gift'. (smiles)
96bittersweetblackcat chapter 1 . 12/26/2012
XD aww love it! But I was a little confused about when the flashblack started just a little advice tats all but agian totally awesome!
ninetailsgirl94 chapter 1 . 12/25/2012
Very nice. It shows how a relationship like these two would be. Most 1896 stories I read, it had a lot of fluff, this didn't really. I loved how they were in character.