A/N: Last one shot! Hope you guys like it and thanks for reading and reviewing!

Title: The Principal's Office

Karakura, Japan



Ichigo turns off the running water and returns his razor to its proper place in his bathroom drawer. He can be very particular, everything has its proper place in his condominium. He turns off the bathroom light and opens the adjoining door to his bedroom. She's in her proper place, asleep in his comfy king sized bed.

He joins his auburn haired girlfriend on the bed, lying on top of the covers instead of underneath them. He places a series of soft kisses on her irresistible lips, gently coaxing her out of her slumber.

Her eyes are still closed, but her hands move from the bed to his chest. She frowns slightly when she feels the ironed fabric of his dress shirt underneath her fingertips and her eyes open slowly.

"Why are you wearing clothes?" Orihime asks, her voice groggy.

He kisses her again, and this time she responds. He pulls away, resting his forehead against hers. "As much as I love lying naked in bed with you, I had to get up and get ready. Meeting starts at 6:30."

She sits up slightly to see the clock, the covers falling and exposing her abundant breasts. His eyes automatically drop to the exposed skin before she pulls the covers back up to protect her modesty. She lies back down. "It's only 4:30."

"I wanted to set everything up. And maybe bring bagels. Or donuts. And coffee." He replies.

"I vote bagels and donuts. Everyone is going to need the pick-me-up. There's nothing harder than the first day back to school after winter break."



Both Ichigo and Orihime work at Karakura High School. Orihime as a first year math teacher, and Ichigo as the principal, now in his second year at that position. At 27, he is the youngest principal in Karakura High history. After only three years of teaching Literature, he was promoted. As a teacher, he was strict, but fair. He was always available to his students, coming early to school and leaving late to accommodate their schedules. He went above and beyond, and the superintendent, Kyōraku Shunsui, noticed.

So when the former principal, Ukitake-san, retired, Ichigo was offered the job and he happily accepted. He's good at being principal. He leads by example. His expectations are lofty, but clear, and the teachers and students have risen to the challenge. The students respect him, the teachers respect him, and he respects his job.

Well, in general he respects his job. For the first year, his conduct was impeccable! He put the job before everything else. Test scores went up, graduation rates rose, and fighting and truancy decreased. His ex-girlfriend accused him of being married to the job before she broke up with him. Maybe she was right. At the time, he was completely focused on his job and being the best principal he could be. But then Orihime entered the picture…

He shouldn't be dating a teacher. He's her boss, it's inappropriate, it could be messy if they break up, their coworkers could think she is getting special treatment because of their relationship, and so on and so forth. Despite all the reasons why he shouldn't fall for her, it happens anyway.

In September, she transfers from the middle school after teaching 8th grade algebra for three years. She's the first to arrive at the back to school staff meeting, not counting Ichigo who got there at 5:00 AM to go over his notes for his presentation. She introduces herself with a warm grin, going on about how excited she is that Shunsui-san asked her to transfer. While she's talking, he's thinking about how absolutely beautiful she is, but Ichigo immediately tries to put all such thoughts out of his mind. He's not going to date a coworker, a subordinate. It's just asking for trouble. He has no time to date anyway. Not if he wants this year to be even better than last year.

But she's so friendly, and they get along so well, and she's such a great teacher! As the school year progresses, he can feel himself falling for her. He steadfastly resists. He's not going to jeopardize his job. Despite this resolution, his heart stubbornly refuses to cooperate with his brain's plan.

It all comes to a head at the homecoming dance in October. He's been avoiding her lately, ever since he realized how much he wants her, but tonight they're both chaperoning and there's nowhere for him to run.

The students mostly steer clear of him, they respect him but he also has a reputation as a hard ass. They don't want him to ruin their good time.

They don't steer clear of Inoue-sensei at all. The students approach and chat animatedly, she compliments the girls' dresses, some of the older male students ask her to dance but she politely declines.

He's watching the students, making sure no one is spiking the punch or causing trouble, but he's also watching her. She smiles when a song comes on that she likes, sways slightly to the beat. She circles the room, chatting with other faculty members. Everyone loves Inoue-sensei. She's become a great addition to Karakura High School.

He should probably tell her that, let her know what a great job he thinks she's doing. He hasn't, because he has a hard time talking to her. He turns into a stammering idiot, trying not to be dismissive but at the same time trying not to get too close. He frowns. This is stupid. They're both adults. They're coworkers. There's no need for him to be acting like some sort of shy love sick school boy. She's busy laughing at something the gym teacher, Sado Yasutora just said. He doesn't want to interrupt. Maybe he'll talk to her later.

The dance ends. All the students and faculty chaperones leave. He's about to head out himself when he gets a call from the janitor, who's sick and not going to make it in to clean up the mess left behind from the dance.

Ichigo sighs as he pockets his cell phone. This is one of those times when being principal really sucks. Everything becomes his problem. He grabs the cleaning supplies out of the janitor's closet and gets to work. He's startled when he hears the rustling of a trash bag behind him.

"I'm sorry Kurosaki-san, I didn't mean to scare you!" Orihime apologizes.

"Inoue. What are you still doing here?" Ichigo asks.

Orihime smiles. She's always smiling. "I left something in my classroom. And then I was on my way out when I saw you in here cleaning up all alone. This is a big job for one person. So I'm here to help!"

He wants to turn her down, tell her to go home, but cleaning all this alone would take him forever. "Thanks Inoue. I appreciate the help."

Orihime turns the speakers back on, providing them with some background music as they clean. They are almost done when a slow song comes on and she gasps.

"This song takes me back! They played it at my prom. Wow, that was almost 7 years ago. It's funny how time flies, right Kurosaki-san?" The 25 year old muses. She extends her hand. "May I have this dance?"

His brain tells him he should say no, but he just nods dumbly and allows her to lead him out onto the dance floor. She wraps her arms around his neck and his hands drop to her waist as they sway.

She's humming the melody, and she's so beautiful, shoeless (she kicked off her heels when they started to clean) in her simple blue dress. The lighting is low and they're all alone. Before he knows what he's doing, he's placing a soft kiss on her neck. She freezes. He does too when he realizes what he just did.

He should apologize. Ask her to forget that this ever happened. Beg her not to file a sexual harassment report. But when she raises her head to look at him questioningly, he kisses her again, this time on the lips.

His heart trips over itself when she tentatively starts kissing him back.



"Can you make sure to get some powdered donuts? They're my favorite." She says.

Her request brings him back to the present.

"Anything for you." He says sincerely.

She smiles, yawns, and debates whether or not she can get another half hour of sleep.

"Do you want to carpool?" She asks

He frowns. "You know we can't."

He is trying to keep this relationship a secret. He's probably taking it too far. Not carpooling to work, asking her to park her car down the street when she stays over at his place, not taking her out on dates around Karakura out of fear of running into students or coworkers. Heck, he wasn't even going to tell his family they were dating. His sisters are seniors at the high school, and he couldn't risk them telling anybody. They found out anyway. He completely forgot he had given them a key to his place. When they walked in on him and Orihime making breakfast two weeks ago, he thought about trying to pass it off as a work meeting being conducted in his home. But it was during winter break. Plus Ichigo was only wearing boxers, and Orihime was only wearing his white button down shirt, so the jig was up.

His sisters didn't talk to him for a few days. They felt lied to. Eventually, they came around. He even brought Orihime over to his Dad's place for a family dinner. Karin mentioned she was impressed he had bagged a babe like Inoue-sensei, who was clearly out of his league.

So Yuzu and Karin know, and his Dad, and Orihime's best friend and roommate Tatsuki knows, since Orihime tells her everything, but beyond that small circle their relationship is a secret.

Orihime doesn't like the secrecy. He doesn't like it either. He isn't trying to treat her like she is his mistress or his dirty little secret, but he does. Three months of this is wearing on both of them, but there is an end in sight.

Rumor has it that Kyōraku Shunsui is going to run for mayor in the fall, which means the superintendent job is opening up. Rumor also has it that Shunsui is going to pick Ichigo as his successor.

This promotion could solve everything. Not only would he make more money and have more responsibility, Ichigo would no longer be Orihime's direct boss. He would be her boss' boss, which provides enough professional distance for the duo to date openly with few professional repercussions.

But in the meanwhile, he is her boss. And they probably shouldn't be dating. Neither one of them is willing to quit, they both care too much about their students, so keeping the relationship secret for now is the best option.

"Why can't we just tell people Ichigo-kun? I don't think our coworkers would try to get either of us fired-" He interrupts her before she can finish.

"It would definitely reflect poorly on us, especially me. Shunsui could decide not to give me the promotion. This doesn't exactly show great decision making on my part." He argues.

She frowns. "You think this, us, is a bad decision?"

He sighs irritably. "That's not what I meant. Orihime, we only need to get through one more semester of this. When I get the promotion-" This time, she interrupts him.

"But what if you don't get the promotion?"

"I will." He insists.

She sighs at his stubbornness. "Fine. One more semester. I really wish I could tell Asano-san though. He won't stop hitting on me."

Asano Keigo teaches drama, which is appropriate since Ichigo grew up with him and Keigo is the most dramatic person Ichigo has ever met. "Knowing that you have a boyfriend wouldn't stop him from hitting on you." Ichigo informs her before checking his watch. 4:40. "I've gotta go. See you soon." He gives her a quick kiss goodbye. "Love you."

She snuggles back into the pillow when he stands from the bed. "Love you too." She returns as he heads out for the day.



"So I'm not telling you guys to teach to the test, but do keep in mind what modules the district expects the students to know. Okay. Any questions?" Ichigo concludes his bi-annual start of the semester presentation. A hand raises. "Yes, Matsumoto."

"Why can't I hand out condoms when I teach my Sex Ed section in health? They are teenagers with raging hormones! Wouldn't it be better-?"

"Matsumoto, we can talk about this privately, but the answer is still going to be no." Ichigo replies.

Rangiku huffs, crossing her arms under her bountiful breasts.

"No more questions? Ok, have a great semester everyone! Grab more bagels and donuts on your way out. I don't want to bring any home." Ichigo watches all the faculty stream out of the conference room, preparing for the wave of students who will soon arrive. Orihime doesn't look back at him as she leaves, discussing something animatedly with Ishida, who teaches 11th grade physics. The couple largely ignore one another within the high school, treating each other as distant acquaintances. All part of the ruse.

Ichigo returns to his office once the conference room has cleared, grabbing the necessary paperwork for his classroom reviews.



Ichigo leaves Ishida's 2nd period physics class. Ishida is a good teacher, but Ichigo feels he could be more interactive with the students. Ishida tends to be aloof, talks at the students instead of to them. Ichigo hopes Ishida will take the constructive criticism well when they go over the review together. Ichigo has a feeling he won't. Ishida and Ichigo have a contentious relationship, a rivalry of sorts. Ishida was also considered for the principal position. He seemed shocked when Ichigo got the promotion. Ichigo smirks as he remembers the look on Ishida's face.

The tardy bell for third period rings as Ichigo walks through the hall. "Get to class!" Ichigo shouts at students lingering in the hall. He frowns when he sees Karin talking to Hitsugaya Toshiro at the boy's locker. Ichigo's not sure exactly what's going on with his sister and Hitsugaya, but he knows he doesn't like it.

Ichigo approaches the two. "Hitsugaya-san, Kurosaki-san, any particular reason why you're not in class?"

Karin rolls her eyes. "I hate when you do that. The Kurosaki-san thing. You're my brother, not my boss."

Ichigo frowns irritably. "Actually Kurosaki-san when we're here at Karakura High School I'm your principal, not your brother. So I'll treat you like I'd treat any other student. Which means you'll be in trouble, just like everyone else would be, if they were ditching class."

"We're not ditching. In fact, we were just on our way. Right Karin?" Hitsugaya asks, taking her books from her. Ichigo frowns at the romantic gesture. Karin does too, taking her books back.

"I've got them, I'm not some damsel in distress. Fine, let's go. Before Ichi-nii continues his power trip and gives us both detention."

Ichigo grinds his teeth as the two walk off. One more semester until she graduates. Just one more semester. Why couldn't he have run into Yuzu? She's always so much more pleasant, always so proud of her big brother, the best principal ever.

Ichigo's bad mood ebbs immediately upon entering Orihime's classroom. She's at the board, writing an equation with her back turned toward him. She's wearing a black pencil skirt and a billowy beige top. Her hair is up in a messy bun, and as usual she looks absolutely beautiful.

Ichigo sits on top of a table in the back of the room and asks himself how he got so lucky.

Orihime turns around when her equation is finished and smiles at her class. "Welcome back guys! I missed you all over winter break. Did anyone do anything exciting?"

See? This is the interaction Ishida is missing. The way the students excitedly recount their winter adventures with Inoue-sensei, the delight she exhibits as she listens. She only allows the chit chat to go on for a few minutes before starting on the math.

Orihime is an amazing math teacher. She knows so many tricks. She makes everything so easy and relatable. She's really passionate about math, and the students see that. Ichigo has to fight back a grin as Orihime excitedly high fives the student who got the answer right the quickest.

She's excitedly writing a new, harder problem on the board when she drops the dry erase pen. "Oopsie." She mumbles, bending over to pick up the pen. She should have crouched, because this class is full of immature, hormonal teenage boys. Ichigo has to admit, even he was admiring the view, but the loud wolf whistle that rings out and is promptly followed by the class' laughter crosses the line.

Orihime immediately returns to an upright position, fighting down an embarrassed blush as she tries to calm down the class.

"Hanakari Jinta." Ichigo says in his authoritative tone, his 'I-mean-business' voice. The laughter immediately stops, and everyone looks between their principal and their red haired classmate who had unwisely let out the wolf whistle. "My office. Now."



Jinta shifts nervously in the chair across from Ichigo. This isn't his first time in the principal's office, he actually gets in trouble pretty frequently, but that doesn't make him any less nervous.

Ichigo eyes Jinta for a while, enjoys watching the class clown squirm. Eventually, Ichigo speaks.

"So we both know why you're here."

Jinta nods. "Yeah, because I whistled at Inoue-sensei."

"And that was inappropriate because?" Ichigo asks rhetorically, expecting an apology and a promise to respect Orihime in the future, but instead Jinta answers.

"Because she's your girl so you don't like anyone else admiring her ass….ets." He adds hurriedly when Ichigo's eyes narrow at the profanity.

Ichigo tries to hide his panic at being called out by Jinta of all people, who seems completely oblivious in general. If the senior slacker knows, who else does? "No. It's inappropriate because Inoue is your teacher, and you need to respect her. Furthermore, Inoue is not my girl."

Jinta scoffs. "I don't know why you're denying it Kurosaki-san. Everyone knows. It's not like you should be embarrassed or anything. Inoue-sensei is hot! In fact, no offense, but I'm kind of surprised she's dating you. I mean, Ururu says you're handsome, I wouldn't know because I'm not gay or anything, but you're a principal at a public school. You can't be making that much money. Inoue-sensei is the kind of girl who could marry an old rich guy and be a trophy wife. That's what I would do, if I was a hot girl." Jinta rambles.

Ichigo doesn't even know what part of that he should address first. He takes a moment to compose himself before speaking. "What do you mean everyone knows? Not that it's any of your business, but I just told you we're not dating."

"How stupid do you think I am?" Jinta asks, feeling offended.

Ichigo's irritation rises. "Well, this is your fourth year in freshman algebra."

Jinta's eyes narrow. "Hey!"

"You asked." Ichigo retorts.

"Whatever. At least I'm not so stupid that I would deny that I'm dating a hot girl when I totally am."

"Where did you hear this ridiculous rumor anyway?" Ichigo asks, hoping he sounds convincing in his denial.

Judging by Jinta's eye roll, he doesn't. "From no one in particular. It's just a known thing. Although Ryushi Hiro is telling people he caught you and Inoue-sensei having sex in her classroom during lunch a few weeks ago."

That was a lie. Although they did have sex in his office once. They hadn't been thinking clearly at the time. In his defense, it was Halloween and she was dressed as a sailor scout. Plus, it was hours after school had let out, everyone was gone, and he had locked the door.

"This conversation is completely inappropriate so I'm ending it. You're going to apologize to Inoue-sensei for disrespecting her with that wolf whistle. You won't do it again. And to make sure you learn your lesson, you have detention after school today. And every day for the rest of the week."

"Come on!" Jinta complains.

"You can go." Ichigo says dismissively, pretending to be busy reading some paperwork on his desk.

Jinta grabs his back pack and storms out of the office. As soon as he's gone, Ichigo worriedly places his head in his hands.

If there are rumors going around with the students that they're dating, the staff must have some idea too. Had any of this gotten back to his boss, Kyōraku Shunsui? Ichigo massages his temples to ward off the stress headache he can feel coming on.

Maybe he should call Shunsui, try to gauge if he has heard anything. Or maybe he should just leave it alone, let it blow over. But it could be better to get out ahead of this thing. If he tells Shunsui, then at least he'll hear it from Ichigo himself instead of from someone else.

Mind made up, Ichigo dials the superintendent's number before he can talk himself out of it.

"If it's not my favorite principal, Kurosaki Ichigo! What can I do for you?" Shunsui greets jovially.

Ichigo takes a deep breathe, and recounts everything. Trying to resist Orihime, the Homecoming Dance, how long they've been secretly dating, that he's not giving Orihime special treatment, if anything he's harder on her than he is on the other teachers, the rumors about the open superintendent job, how much he wants this rumored promotion, and why he thinks he still deserves it.

When he's done, there is silence on the other line. Ichigo starts to become concerned that the call dropped a while ago and he has spent the last half an hour talking to himself. But then Shunsui laughs.

"Thanks for telling me Kurosaki-san, but I already knew." Shunsui informs him.

"What? How?" Ichigo asks.

"The way you look at her when you don't think anyone is looking. I know from personal experience what a man deeply in love looks like. But don't feel too bad. She's not much better. I watch her too. She's the only one that laughs at your sad attempts at jokes at those staff meetings. You're not funny, you know. She just loves you."

"So, everyone probably knows?" Ichigo asks.

"I can't imagine they don't. I spend a lot less time at the school than your everyday coworkers do and I figured it out." Shunsui replies.

"And no one tried to use it against me to get me fired?" Ichigo asks in disbelief.

"People like you Kurosaki-san! And Inoue-san too. If you guys were jerks maybe someone might have tried to use it against you, but these people are your friends! I'm sure they just want you to be happy. Wow. Is that why you were trying to hide it? Paranoid much?"

"Huh." All that running around and hiding for nothing then.

"I bet you feel pretty silly." Shunsui says.

"Yeah, I guess I was being pretty stupid. I just didn't want to do anything that could jeopardize the promotion. And while I have you on the phone, about that rumor… "

"You have nothing to worry about Kurosaki-san. I was waiting to tell you in person, but the rumors are true! After ten years of service to the Karakura school district, I am moving on after this semester. And I would like you to replace me, if you're up for it."

Ichigo smiles. "Definitely up for it. Thank you sir."

"Of course, you'll need to suggest a replacement for yourself. And it probably shouldn't be Inoue Orihime, since that could be seen as favoritism." Shunsui jokes.

"No, not Orihime. I was thinking Ishida Uryuu. A lot of the students are already afraid of him. That's half the job right there."



At 5:00 PM, Ichigo has finally completed all his work for the day. He gets to the parking lot and sees Orihime's old yellow buggy still there. He sits on a bench, waiting.

He's not waiting long, at 5:12 Orihime walks out of the building with Ishida. He's carrying a bunch of lab equipment, and he keeps refusing Orihime's offers to assist him. She sees Ichigo sitting on the bench. "Have a goodnight Kurosaki-san! See you tomorrow!" She says with a wave.

As she passes, he grips her hand. "Orihime."

Orihime looks at him with wide eyes, obviously wondering why he's calling her Orihime and holding her hand with a witness around. "Are you okay Kurosaki-san? You're acting quite strangely."

"You can drop the act. That idiot has obviously finally figured out that everyone already knew." Ishida says.

Orihime turns her wide eyes in Ishida's direction.

"Maybe you shouldn't call me an idiot Ishida. Since I kind of did you the solid of recommending you for the principal position next year."

Ishida smirks. "I hope you don't think that makes us friends. That just means you aren't as stupid as I once thought." Before Ichigo can retort, Ishida has already left, continuing on his way to his car.

"Everyone knows about us?" Orihime asks.

Ichigo returns his gaze to her, gently pulling her down into his lap. "Yep."

She turns her head slightly to look back at him from her new position in his lap. "But I thought we were doing such a good job acting!"

He kisses her neck. "Nope."

"But Kyōraku-san is still going to give you the promotion?"

"Yeah. I mean, I think the final decision is up to the board but his recommendation carries serious weight." He answers.

"Huh. So no more sneaking around? I can park in your driveway now?"

He grimaces at the reminder at what a jerk he had been, and so unnecessarily too. "I'm sorry about that. I really took it way too far. I'll never hide you again. In fact, let's go out to dinner tonight."

Her face lights on. "On a real date?"

He smiles. "Yeah. A real date. I have reservations at 8:00 somewhere really nice. So you should go home and put on something pretty. I'll pick you up around 7:30?"

She nods enthusiastically, getting up in order to head to her car.

He stands too, pulls her back into his arms before she can walk away. He kisses her passionately. "I love you." He says when he pulls away.

She opens her eyes and smiles up at him. "I love you too."

He's about to go in for another kiss when he hears someone loudly clear their throat. The two look up into an open third story window, where Jinta looks at them smugly.

"I knew it! You're such a liar Kurosaki-san. But congratulations! Inoue-sensei is a stone cold fox. You did good!"

"God damn it. It's one thing for students to know about us, it's a completely different thing to have visual evidence. I promised Shunsui we wouldn't go around making out in the halls." Ichigo mutters as he releases Orihime.

"Well, technically we're in the parking lot, so we're not really breaking the Karakura High no PDA rule."

"Why is he still here? Detention was over an hour and a half ago." Ichigo says.

"You should probably go kick him out. Who knows what kind of damage Jinta-san could do unsupervised in the high school?" Orihime warns.

She's right. Ichigo heads back into the school to make sure Jinta doesn't have access to the building after hours. Ichigo gives Jinta another week of detention for unauthorized trespassing. Just another perk of the power that comes along with being principal.



A/N: The End! Please Review!