Author has written 1 story for Naruto. Whats in a name: Well in this case, they're the mangling of my brothers' middle name and my first name by my brother and my sisters respectively. Granted, they were around 4 year old at the time, but an older brother can't be expected to forgo blackmail material of that sort of quality. What Do I like?: A long and varied list of things that will take up far too much space, and unlike other members of this site, I'm against the practice of putting every interesting thing I can find in a profile page. Who do I like?: This, I will elaborate on, as there are a damn good handful of writers on ; Gabriel Blessing, Ozzalos, Kur0kishi, Black Dragon6, and Gregg Landsman just to name a few. Greylle is kinda cool for his works on anime addventure, and there are plenty more that I admire for their works. |