Hello my Freaky Darlings!
You are all understandably annoyed at my several year absence, and I come bearing a bit of good news, a bit of bad news, and an explanation that may or may not sate you.
tl:dr version:
Explanation: College killed my time and motivation to work on these stories, but now I'm "back".
Bad News: I probably won't be continuing any story here because of how long it's been.
Good News: I am still creating, and I'm inviting you all to come see the things I have regular update schedules for. See the bottom.
Firstly, I went to college and had pretty well all of my time stolen from me. I manage to keep up with some of the stories between classes, but that didn't last. Other things began to take priority, and I also had to wrestle with a habit of mine that made writing difficult; In essence, I would plan out a story SO FAR that I'd have all of the cool parts planned out but no energy to slog through the boring parts earlier on that lead to them. So, in short, lack of time and lack of energy. But I graduated early 2018, and I've spent that time getting things together to keep telling stories.
A lot of these stories were alterations of original stories that I had been too afraid to tell on their own, and used fanfiction to ease that fear. I'm trying to use my time to start telling some of those original stories, which I why I'm posting this notice in all of my stories.
You're not likely to see me on anymore, because I'm dedicating my time to a Webcomic called Lumination that's being posted on a site called Tapas and on my page(I'll throw links below). To be frank, I know a lot of you are upset that many of these stories died; I'm upset too, but I don't know if I can continue them. My style has changed, and my focus has been redirected.
Lumination is something that I've been far more disciplined with, and it's slowly becoming a story that I'm proud of. It's updated once a week on Fridays at the time of posting this, and will be bumped up to two pages a week on Wednesday and Friday in about a month or two(once I build up a buffer and further streamline my workflow). It's a story about a Knight, a Princess, and a Noble Beast... sort of. A few degrees off kilter and marked by Runes that give them magical powers, Shara, Laizel, and Neith have to navigate a world between all others.
If you like my work here, how I tried to make characters and stories come to life in my own way, then I'd ask you all to come give Lumination a chance. It's telling a story none of you have heard, but I think a lot of you would like. If you do read it, then I'd ask you to subscribe to it for free on Tapas to support its creation, or if you're feeling crazy generous support it on my P-A-T-R-E-O-N and get pages early. (I've been gone so long that's apparently a censored word in the editor -_-)
It's awkward as hell to come back after all of this time just to say I'm working on something new, but I came to love and appreciate all my readers, and I was stunned to see how many messages I kept getting about reviews and favorites even in my absence. It tells me that I didn't suck at telling a story when I was disorganized and updating randomly, so I just wanted to let you all know I'm now organized and posting regularly.
And if you don't want to check it out, I understand. You might be busy too; I started a lot of these in High school, only to have them die out when my whole day became classwork in college. You might still be mad at me for disappearing and then coming out of the blue to tell you about something new instead of continuing the beloved old; I'd be irritated too.
But if you find the time, or find the forgiveness you need, I'd still love for you to go check it out. Who knows, maybe if this all takes off I can start telling you all the original forms of these stories.
Think of this less as a goodbye, and more as a… I'll see you in the next life.
Hector Enix – The King of Leaves
(Remove the spacing and dashes from the below links; I had forgotten how the site here prevents their presence)
Lumination on Tapas: tapas. io / episode/1157176
My P-A-T-R-E-O-N, the King of Leaves - www . p-a-t-r-e-o-n . c-o-m. /KingOfLeaves