Seeing the idea was not leaving my head at all, I started writing this, let's see where it takes me.

Disclaimer: I own nothing, except maybe the ideas that inspired the story. All the material regarding Naruto and Fairy Tail are propierty of its owners.

It was finally over.

The battle had completely destroyed the beauty of the landscape, leaving dry earth surrounding them from all directions, making one wonder if there ever had been any kind of life to begin with. The huge amount of corpses didn't help with the feeling of death and loss permeating the air, the survivors unmoving, as if they couldn't understand the scene their eyes were showing them.

Finally, someone moved. Or rather, fell leaving a 'plop' noise echoing throughout the place.

"Naruto!" at once, multiple shadows surrounded the fallen youth, their Shunshin no Jutsu making no sound at all, a testament to the mastery the men had of the technique, the breeze being the only sound on the newly formed valley. The young man looked fine compared to the rest of them, yet it seemed everyone was fearing the worst after his lack of response. No one knew what happened during the hour the blond and Madara were trapped on a dome of pure darkness so the worry was justified.

"Can't believe this moronic brat outdid all of us and ended the battle…" Tobirama Senju, Nidaime Hokage of Konohagakure no Sato could only shake his head in exasperation, no matter how much his own brother grinned like an idiot, one teenager wasn't supposed to endure the punishment this one did and still rise again and again to save them all. Weren't they supposed to protect the new generation and ensure their future? Guide them and mold them to attain their potential? To see one youth take charge and carry the weight of the world as if it was natural frustrated him to no end.

"Why, you mad bro?" in the blink of an eye, water materialized on the air and slices of it rushed towards the taunting voice of the first Hokage Hashirama Senju, the man laughing and dodging the deadly liquid as if it was a game he had played endless times before.

"B-Bastard!" the water slices multiplying and traveling more fiercely towards the cackling legend, multiple veins throbbing on Tobirama's face, "Stop acting as if this was all thanks to you! Only because that knucklehead could be your reincarnation it doesn't mean you won! " the rest of the survivors of the Shinobi Alliance finally waking from their trances due the landscape changing once again courtesy of Tobirama's attacks on his brother, the previous sorrowful atmosphere quickly changing to stupefaction, sweatdrops on all.

"Phsaw! Might as well be my win, seeing he is the closest thing to an heir I'll ever get."

"RRRAAAAGHHHHHH!" Hashirama's smirk suddenly disappeared, seeing how all the previously generated water began gathering on one spot following Tobirama's hands making the signs at godly speed for his jutsu.

"Suiton: Seigi no ikari no hanmā! (Hammer of Righteous Fury!)" aptly named, the water descended on the First before he could react and smashed him to the ground, making the earth tremble and leaving an imprint of the Shodai.

One of the men with Naruto stopped gaping like an idiot and tried to recover his poise, "Those two were my goal, my dream since I was a toddler… to see them like this makes me feel dumb for that." Despite missing an arm, Minato Namikaze looked as calm and collected as ever, watching his predecessors rearranging the land with their squabble while one woman healed his son with the Shōsen no Jutsu, doing her best to not miss an inch of the boy she needed alive to retire from the Kage position… and it's piles of paperwork.

She could swear it was currently growing on her desk at the Hokage Tower back home, despite the lack of sense it made.

"You know you have no right to complain right? Imagine how your image would be ruined if people knew you were totally whipped by Kushina." Minato sputtered and blushed, embarrassed at remembering those days.

"You only say that because everyone already knows your reputation as the Legendary Sucker Tsunade, hard to see you falling more." Before Minato could gloat more, he crashed on the ground thanks to a gentle bop on the head from the Godaime.

"Naruto is fine, just needs to rest for a while, any chance you can ask the toads to keep him on their home for a while?" the Yellow Flash could only twitch enough to liberate his remaining arm and put it on a Summoning Seal Tsunade had made using Naruto's blood.

A couple of puffs later, Naruto was on Mount Myōboku and the Kages started organizing everyone to retreat from the desolate battlefield and finally rest.

"Come back and face my wrath Hashirama!"


At least most of the Kages did. Watching some of the most revered legends of the shinobi era act like idiots just killed the tension and relief that should fill the area.

It also helped nearly everyone with forgetting to question how Naruto survived after being trapped with Madara and the Shinigami on that dome, created after the Kages used the Shiki Fūjin.

A week later, on an undisclosed location, probably Konoha?

"What?!" Kakashi, Minato, Tsunade, Shizune and Hashirama yelled in perfect unison and shock.

"Not even one 'Nice idea Nidaime-sama!' Really?" if he was annoyed, Tobirama's neutral tone masked it pretty well.

"Ano… Tobirama-sama? Not to question your judgment, but why decide this on your own, without even asking Naruto?" ever the respectful one, Shizune just raised her hand meekly while looking really confused.

"Keh! As if I need his word to do as I want to, it's for the good of everyone after all." Shizune could only meep and hide behind her mentor, still feeling the glare of the younger Senju brother.

"Uncle, Shizune has a good point, now is not the time for such things. The war is over and Konoha still needs to heal, and there's many things to do before nonsense such as training trips."

"Such as, little Tsuna?" one had to give credit to Tsunade, seeing she was not giving to her uncle's stare and tone, which was known to even put Hashirama in his place every now and then.

A crack could be heard and papers floated on the air following a rush of air and a crash sound, another desk had given its life in the service of the village, though at least it had avoided the fate of some of its brethen, flying to the Hokage Monument on one of the Godaime's temper tantrums, "Such as all this damn paperwork! You three should be helping me with this agent of hell that keeps me from my sake!"

In perfect synchronicity, the three undead Kage level Shinobi started to step away while smiling sheepishly, such was their fear. Was it of the Senju woman or the paperwork? No one would ever know.

"You're right Tsuna! Time to use the ol' Mokuton to help Konoha shine again!" one puff.

"Now that I think about it, the Barrier Team was asking for my help since yesterday, better lend my expertise seeing it's so urgent." two puffs.

"Going to Ichiraku's, saves me from trying to find the brat later." puff number three. Thankfully, Tobirama's nonchalance stupefied Tsunade enough from giving pursuit or destroying more of her office.

It wouldn't be until much later, that all of them would remember the Nidaime's plan, and how they forgot to stop him.


"Ossan! Keep 'em coming 'ttebayo!"

"Trying to break your record again gaki?" Ichiraku Teuchi couldn't help but smile, it was good to know some things would never change. His bank account liked that too.

"Naruto-kun! You promised me you would taste my latest tsukemen recipe! Stop with the ramen!"

"Maa maa, that can wait Ayame-chan, its only tsukemen after all. Nothing on the food of the gods." Just as he reached for another ramen bowl, the young Uzumaki felt a shiver on his back that petrified him. Raising his face, sweat started to pour from all his body at Ayame's sweet smile, as if there wasn't an aura of death behind her that had Teuchi cringing too.


Seeing it was his ramen record on the line, the Uzumaki gathered all his courage, clapping his hands and bowing to his Ramen princess as if in prayer, "…Can we do that at my apartment later Ayame-chan? I'll even treat ya to some shopping and dinner after the ramen 'ttebayo!" If Jiraiya ever had a use, it was for his extensive knowledge on evading feminine fury that never worked for him sadly.

Fortunately, the young chef in training completely misunderstood him, 'Shopping and dinner…? Like a date…?' blushing madly and in a daze, there was no way she noticed the tall, fair-skinned man with white, shaggy hair, red-colored eyes and red markings on his face entering their bar.


"Teuchi." A brief nod on the direction of the owner of Ichiraku, Tobirama folded his arms and glanced at Naruto without showing any surprise to his presence, "Weren't you supposed to arrive later today boya?"

The jinchuriki could only deadpan at the Nidaime, "Have you tried to survive only from bugs jiji?"

"Irrelevant. Just follow me brat." And with that, he left the stall without waiting to see if he was being followed or not.

"Naruto, you have to follow him."

"But the ramen..." good thing Teuchi was used to his favorite customer's antics, otherwise the Nidaime would have been ignored completely in favor of his ramen, no matter how good it felt to be considered so important by Naruto, or his ramen at least.

"Later Ayame-chan!" Stuck on dreamland, Ayame never noticed when 'her future date' left too, the blonde clueless to her daydream of endless shopping, previous offer for a pseudo-date already forgotten.

Outskirts of Konohagakure

Walking through the forest outside Konoha, Naruto couldn't help but grin while putting his hands on the back of his head. Learning Senjutsu had made him feel at home in all areas where nature flourished, "So, where are we going jiji?"

Having learnt from Tsunade about his quirk with respect to authority, Tobirama restrained himself from pounding the Uzumaki, 'Having white hair isn't a sign of being old, damnit!' "Somewhere where you'll be forced to learn what you need to know from now on."

Not even a hint of anger or anything else could be discerned from his calm tone, damn but Naruto was impressed. Normally he had his superiors losing their cool with maddening ease.

"I don't like it, that doesn't sound as me learning mad cool jutsus from you…"

"You won't, fixing your mindset comes first."

"Wha-" fortunately, Naruto was too shocked at their destination that he forgot he should be mad at that jibe against him, jaw already on the floor.

They had been walking close to an hour, maybe two but they had reached what seemed to be the remains of an old Shinto Shrine, the building showing its age with how it looked like it could fall down on any moment. Naruto's eyes were glued to the entrance, seeing above the main door a symbol we was all too familiar with.

A spiral. His spiral, his mind reminded him hastily. The symbol of the Uzumaki clan, his clan.

"So, willing to learn now?" he allowed himself a smirk seeing the Uzumaki rush to the shrine, before crashing against the air and looking rather foolish, "Say hello to the Uzumaki's Mask Storage Temple, and its barrier." A life dealing with the First had left a mean streak on his brother, one he would gladly abuse on someone that reminded him so much of all his brother's faults and odd quirks.

Tobirama Senju was a realist, and known as a logical and pragmatic, but that didn't mean he was above petty revenge and childish tantrums, 'They thought Hashirama was better to train this brat for Hokage? As if! Might as well fix him like I did old Hashi… I'll make this brat into a real shinobi, not just an overpowered clone of my brother.' the following months, Naruto Uzumaki would know despair. It's not as if the Nidaime was mad and jealous no one took after him like they did for Madara and the Shodai, he was a first grade badass too! The three had marked a whole shinobi era and he felt the world owed him due respect. That the closest thing to his ideal image of a shinobi was Uchiha Itachi was something he would gladly ignore due bias too.

It wouldn't be until the next day that Tsunade, Hashirama, Minato and Kakashi would notice the disappearance of both shinobi. Konohagakure no Sato lost the ideal image of the Shodai and Yondaime Hokages at the temper tantrum both did that day looking for the Kyuubi jinchūriki, yelling it was not fair at all, and stuff about dibs on training future kages/family.

Four months.


Naruto wanted to die and have his soul obliterated, currently content with just lazing on the rooftop of the Mask Temple and reminiscing while watching the stars.

The Nidaime was insane! His training was notches above anything he had done before, the first hours of each day dedicated to forcing his body to memorize stances, katas, hand signs and every now and then, jutsu. By the time meals were done and still warm to eat (courtesy of clones), he had to be dragged to the table by his sensei, who seemed to take pleasure in making him eat dirt while being pulled from his leg to the Mask Storage Temple.

And for a while, even the meal was a horrible time for the blond, seeing he was being forced to eat food made by his clones that were slowly learning to cook. It took him a whole month to pass from poisoning himself to making edible stuff, time in which he was ever so thankful to his tenant for helping with the stomachache and any other problems with his body and nutrition in the past. His afternoons were sadly dedicated to basic education and manners, something Tobirama was fiercely adamant about after getting tired of being called jiji, citing it was an absolute requirement not only for a future kage, but as a person. It took him a whole week of beating and punishment to convince his scatterbrained student to comply, if only to avoid the pain.

The second month had been dedicated to more of the same in the physical training, along with survival training and foraging, for which they had actually left the temple and traveled to the former Uzushiogakure, trying to see if there was anything to salvage from his ancestry. As expected, there was nothing useful seeing people probably had done the same countless times, but Naruto had collected an assortment of trinkets just for sentimental value which left him satisfied. Afternoons were the same, but at least he had forced his sensei to allow him to nurture a small assortment of potted plants to soothe himself.

The third month was used refine his elements back at the Mask Temple, which meant learning at least basic jutsu and manipulation of the non-wind elements. Also, he finally had gotten some weapon training that was beyond Tenten using him as a dummy to sharpen her own skills and his reflexes. After that, the rest of the day was used to make him learn about the Uzumaki clan in its entirety, history, specialties, characteristics, way of life, common physical traits and anything one could think about it. While boring in the way it was done, by constant lectures and actual oral testing, he couldn't help but love it. Just knowing he was from an actual clan was enough to push him to do his best in soaking up knowledge, no matter how strict and methodical his sensei was. He would freely admit he was still bad at anything that was not kinesthetic, but his drive to honor his heritage and stubborn streak made him persevere.

Finally, the current month had been strange in that part of it was unusually lax, seeing Tobirama had decided to take Naruto to travel and visit all the people he had met on his life as a ninja, with the occasional spar to test how much he had gained from all the morning training. They had visited everywhere thanks to Tobirama's ludicrous use of the Hiraishin no Jutsu. The man freely admitted that was possible due the way his tags worked, and the paranoia of the times he lived in.

"These tags were meant to be used as warping points for surprise attacks against other villages and strategic points back then."

Naruto had enjoyed seeing all his friends, surprising Tobirama with the trust and rapport he seemed to have in all the hidden villages and many other places, to the point he had revealed one of the purposes of their travelling.

"I was expecting to have fun grilling you to the ground regarding politics and how to manage foreign affairs, but your method seems good. For now."

During that month, his favorite places were easily Kiri, Kumo, Snow Country and Demon Country, all of them had been interesting and reminded him the most of his travels with the Toad Sannin Jiraiya, seeing he had truly bonded with the Nidaime while traveling, talking about anything that could come to mind. He had done all the things he had set to accomplish with this trip, and for that he was grateful to the man.

'Still, why is sensei so stubborn about not going beyond the basics of fuuinjutsu and kenjutsu before mastering the basics? What a drag dattebayo…' he knew that his sensei was good on kenjutsu at least, remembering the whole debacle with the Raijin no Ken and Rokusho Aoi. And yet, he had only progressed as far as being able to hold most weapons properly, and swinging them without looking an idiot. Regarding fuuinjutsu, he constantly worked on his calligraphy, Tobirama citing he barely could understand what Naruto dubbed as writing.

"Your head looks about to overheat gaki."

"Sensei!" he had thought he had fallen asleep, though seeing he was just wearing his short sleeved blue kimono and pants, tied with his usual yellow sash and no mesh shirt underneath, maybe he just woke up, "what's up?"

"We need to talk."


"The past, the future and your resolve." Was that some regret on the Second's face? Naruto had a really bad feeling about this, in all this time he had not seen his current sensei both so serious and regretful at the same time. He could only straighten and sit at this.

"Hit me."

That night, Tobirama Senju couldn't hate himself more. And yet, he couldn't be prouder at the end of it, he had finally understood why everyone seemed to have so much faith in the brat.

Two weeks after that night, both master and student are seen walking towards Konoha, Tobirama watching his student's back as they walk, 'That week in Demon Country really got him out of his funk, it was becoming too annoying.'

"Sensei, look!" following the blond's excited gestures, he could see the village, looking as good as new.

As they neared the gate, Izumo and Kotetsu guarding the main gate as usual stiffened and triggered a seal, just waving at the duo as they entered the village. Unfortunately, the moment Naruto stepped into, the sky started to darken, the blond's expression doing the same.

"So soon…?" multiple people immediately surrounding the blond after being alerted of his return by the seal, all forgetting the stomping the Second was due to receive from the other undead kages.

"I gave you more than enough time, don't you agree... Uzumaki Naruto?"

"Naruto…?" confusion reigned among all the gathered shinobi, who seemed completely calm at the grave voice resounding everywhere, walking away from them. Only a few individuals had a vague idea of what this could mean, and it terrified them.

"Hai hai… it was more than I expected, thank you." Taking a tag out of his pouch, he flared his chakra for a second, throwing it between him and the gathered ninja.

A skeletal hand grasped the tag midair, materializing along the rest of the Shinigami's body.

"It is done. As heir of the Uzumaki clan, I bequeath all the promised relics entrusted to us by the death god. Per our accord, I also tagged all the other known artifacts related to you and beings of your rank that bind them to this dimension."

The spectral form seemed to nod at this, "Our pact is done then. Just one thing remains."

"Naruto! What's the meaning of this?!" being the first to recover from seeing his son act so respectfully, among the rest of this chaos, Minato could only gape and wonder.

Naruto just chuckled embarrassedly, glancing at the Shinigami to avoid all the stares, "Can I…?"

"You can."

Nodding, Naruto just went back to address all the gathered people, by now nearly all the village surrounding the main group, "I never defeated Madara… I cheated." Before chaos could erupt, the blond raised his hand asking for silence. The fact he was so serious and collected helped to avoid any reactions besides shock and silence.

"The moment the zombie kages performed the Shiki Fujin, I was sealed along Madara on a dome of darkness unlike what everyone expected, this was the Shinigami's reaction at sensing me without Kurama's chakra to cloud my presence and lineage from it." Closing his eyes, he sighed and tried to remember the events of the dome and how to explain it easily. Meanwhile, the Kages sans Tsunade could only rage at being referred as zombies.


"Gah! Okay! To make things short, I made a pact with the death god as Uzumaki clan heir and warden of its relics. Did I mention my clan was tasked with the bond that binds the Shinigami to this dimension?" As jaws started to drop, the Uzumaki could only laugh, "I learnt that from Orochimaru-teme, and confirmed it at the Mask Temple afterwards, moving on!"

Making hand signs at an amazing speed, Naruto placed his palm on the ground, "Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" pumping insane amounts of chakra, the usual marks and seals that followed a summoning extended upwards, instead of the usual pattern, leading to nine explosions of smoke on the skies of Konohagakure and an immense pressure on the air.

"My condition for this pact: First, the removal of Madara Uchiha from the Elemental Nations! Second, liberating the Tailed Beasts from this realm and the creation of a haven for them! The third and final one was surprisingly something both me and the Shinigami wanted so it had no cost!" grinning stupidly while doing Gai's good guy pose, Naruto allowed the Shinigami to continue explaining while the smoke dissipated, the Bijuu waiting patiently knowing this was coming for a while from talking with the last jinchuuriki.

"Balance. This entails breaking all current links between the Pure and Impure Worlds, so no mortal can break the balance of the world again. I allowed some of these links to remain per Uzumaki Naruto's request, in his words: 'Just enough time to let the realm and my home to heal.' As he mentioned before, I tasked him with gathering all the elements that bind divine beings to this dimension and he performed as expected. Finally, both the cost of my summoning and the third condition on my side relate to each other, so I allowed him to remain alive unlike previous summoners."

Only the kages and Shikamaru Nara caught some things that were unclear from this pact, the undead kages were obviously the links that were allowed to remain in the Elemental Nations while everything returned to a semblance of normalcy. But what about Naruto?

"That means you will finally let me know why I was not devoured after the whole Madara obliteration?" cocking his head to the side, Naruto just keep his gaze on the death god, as confused as everyone else about that.

"You were not my summoner, so it is stupid to think I would devour you like the others. I would have not answered the Shiki Fujin if I didn't sense you for starters, those souls are still mine despite the breach of the seal done by Orochimaru of the Sannin. As the ignorant warden of my relics, I decided to appear and make this pact with you. The cost was not told at the beginning simply because it would depend on how you did your part."

"So…?" Seriously, would it kill a death god to not be so redundant? Naruto wanted this to be done so he could enjoy some Ichiraku ramen, four months deprived of its greatness was hell.

Play Togireta Jikan/Interrupted Moment - Shimomura Youko (Radiant Historia OST)

"You will be exiled from this realm. What I decide to do with you from there is only for me to know."

"EH?" And there goes his hopes for ramen.

"All the conditions will be fulfilled in one hour, understood?"

A couple of puffs were heard and of all the village populace, only the Ichirakus and Naruto seemed to be missing, all the kages and most of Naruto's friends appearing where he previously stood via Shunshin.

"That brat!" Let it be known that an Uzumaki had a completely different view on priorities if the constant yelling and destroyed property was a sign, as he was not found during that hour by anyone.

"Ossan! Hurry and make as much ramen as you can, hurry!"

"Naruto…?" Ayame's thoughts were a mess, but even she knew there was only one thing to ask. His father was just carrying all the ingredients from Ichiraku's to the kitchen in the small house Naruto had took them after his escape.


"Why did you run?"

"I only have one hour, I wanted to spend it with the people I cherish the most in the village. Also, ramen." The young waitress could only laugh while hugging the blond, tears falling nonstop from both. Minutes later, Teuchi left the broth to watch the scene, touched that he valued them above all the others who would seem as the more obvious targets of his affection. Then again, he knew the only people he suspected came close were not around anymore.

'Sandaime-sama and Iruka-san would be so proud of how far you have come Naruto-kun…' he had heard how both had took to protect the jinchūriki after the Kyuubi extraction during the war, losing their lives (or unlife in the Third's case) in their efforts. He could only sigh knowing this was the last time they would see him.

"Want the recipe Naruto-kun?" Ayame only felt herself be dragged by the force of Naruto's movement to hug the old ramen chef, the three staying like that until the ramen was ready.

"It is time."

Naruto could only smile sadly at the gathered village, most still visibly angry he had disappeared and stopped them from any farewells but now unable to do anything.

"Everyone, I leave it in your hands. Ero-sennin's dream is so close, and I trust you guys to make it happen." With a last thumbs up to the kages who were starting to disintegrate, Naruto felt the bijuu approaching, each one making one of their tails approach and do their equivalent of a fist bump, Gyuuki and Kurama smirking at him while doing so in remembrance of Kirabii before entering a portal made by the Shinigami.

"Uzumaki Naruto."

"Anything else sack of bones?" seeing he was being exiled and possibly ending on somewhere unpleasant, he had to make one dig at the death god.

"You won't leave any regret or pending affairs in this dimension, they'll follow you to your next journey."

"WHA-" and he suddenly vanished from the Elemental Nations 'not even getting to have the last word? Stupid death god being a smartass.' After that he could only feel pain.

Earthland, near Cait Shelter

Currently resting on a grassy hill, a small blue haired girl watched the starry sky sadly, feeling a small shiver from the night breeze seeing she was just wearing a simple dress with a blue and yellow wavy stripes design, with white pointed edges. Seeing one star twinkling more than the rest, she rapidly stood on her knees and took a praying position while closing her eyes.

'I wish Jellal was here…'

A loud explosion made her jump backwards and trip, the smell of smoke and sulfur reaching her nose and making her hurry to stand.

Apparently the gods were not really paying attention, seeing that instead of her friend Jellal she got a blond in a glaringly orange jumpsuit laying on a crater, surprisingly without any major injuries.

And there we go! Definitely would appreciate all the positive and constructive kind of input I can get. Any grammar issues help also welcomed seeing English is not my first language. Will try to do a more through check seeing this is not beta'ed and I published as soon as I finished before leaving for home :P

If it's not obvious by now, I had the story idea, but no title or good summary so tips are welcomed :D Mostly a setup chapter seeing most of the ideas flying on my head are too far into the future. By the way, anyone has a good Fairy Tail timeline around so I can check some facts and such?

Tried to leave some hints to future events and possibilities there, would be fun to see if anyone can guess what they are and/or could mean.

Finally, no idea on pairings if there are, though I'm biased to multi/harem due being indecisive haha