Reviews for He Who Fights Monsters
Guest chapter 4 . 7/1
Review: goooooooooooddddddddd job man
LandWhale172 chapter 5 . 5/18
Ah yes, the ‘why boner’
ShineLucario chapter 12 . 5/16
Interesting way to show what tsukune would actually have to do to stay alive without the girls I even like that brief hope spot in chapter eight: rubicon don't know how outter moka/akasha developed a crush on tsukune but I would take guess if things went way she would try to pull these two tv tropes I'll change my beloved and love redeems. Perhaps if someone gets permission from the the author they could do alternate ending to chapter and the rest of the story where what could have happened if tsukune didn't accidentally pull rosario off get put in situation he would have to kill inner moka perhaps she could slowly built up his trust and things could have ended on better not it's just what if scenario I still like this story and way it ends stay safe everyone have great year.
DaDragon562 chapter 12 . 5/3
THis was a brilliant story though I'm surprised you don't have Keito listed as a separate main character. I really enjoyed the entire way you portrayed how a Tsukune who only focuses on survival reacts to all these scenarios along with how he still brushes up specific friends and relationships

I wish you'd confirmed he wasn't a monster and that he truly had become more than just a physically tough human, I don't think he would be quite as powerful as he is depicted in terms of toughness, healing, and strength if he was "just human"

But his human ingenuity and all the ways that he fought and slew people and how that built up to his legend is epic and amazing.

Truly a great read, i'll check and see if you have other works too!
DaDragon562 chapter 8 . 5/3
Holy fuck

That scene with Moka is so heartbreaking and yet so in character for this Tsukune and for that Moka both inner and outer

I feel so bad for outer moka...

Considering she is really Akasha and not the real Moka, I hope him holding the Rosario means he will later be able to return her

I don't feel bad for Inner Moka, she's a psychopath who could have killed Tsukune draining him dry after what he did to her, and she would've definitely killed him even if he's really a monster at this point and just is too numb to realizing his humanity has literally gone.

But that innocent action of two friends trying to push their friend to ask the boy she has an irrational crush on, out on a date, only for it to release her psychopathic alter ego which makes said boy go to fight or flight mode and managing to actually suddenly find her weaknesses and slay her
Luckenzio chapter 12 . 4/22
Unnecessarily edgy at some parts but still one of the best stories from this fandom.
PugTheMagician chapter 12 . 4/19
I think this is hands down my favorite pure Rosario Vampire fic i have read, and the only reason it isn't my favorite Rosario Vampire fic is because it is currently tied for first place with a naruto crossover that looks like it has been deleted (i tried looking for a name for 20mins). I think the thing i loved most about this story is that you payed attention to what tsukune not joining the group had on the wider story. Ruby and her mistress dying in a fire because they never met yukari and tsukune and tried the whole plant monster thing. Mizore giving the whole dissapointed/disgusted look to tsukune the one time she showed up because he was no longer "weak just like her". Kurumu dying and that slug monster trying for revenge. These were all great. I think mokas death was the most well done though as it shows just how desperate/determined he will get to survive that he would not only drown a vampire to survive, but actually break a chair to make a stake just to finish the job. Lastly i like how you portrayed keito, she gets so little love in fanfiction, yet you made her lovable without detracting from her murderous/psycopathic tendencies. I was worried the story might be unfinished when i saw it was 12 chapters long but i thought the way you finished the story with tsukune a teacher in a school of monsters was just perfect
cassianaswindell123 chapter 12 . 4/4
This fic is amazing!
Krav chapter 12 . 2/16
I enjoy this no matter how many times I read it, just really well written.
Amalgum chapter 12 . 1/21
story was good but in the segment of saori, unnecessary brutality i didn't liked that .
like seriously ...
PointlessFigment chapter 1 . 12/30/2019
Honestly the Best Fic out here for this fandom.
DisgruntledSlav chapter 12 . 12/5/2019
Talk about finding a diamond in the rough. Not going to lie, I really wish this would continue for a bit longer, but either way I am glad for the chance to read this gem. The character development and the almost black comedy levels of casual death were both greatly amusing and above all else, I do genuinely like this spin on the central concept of it. Cheers for the hard work!
Darkxbladex957 chapter 12 . 11/28/2019
A definite must read whether you like the actual show/manga or not
IzzyRDZ chapter 1 . 11/23/2019
One of the best Fanfics I've ever read
Nysk chapter 1 . 11/15/2019
An INCREDIBLE tale you wrote here
Thank you.
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