Chapter 27 has been updated, rewritten, and renamed to "The Perks of Wearing Decorative Earrings". This is because 'The Perks of Wearing a Decorative Earpiece', which I think has much better flow, does not fit. Please enjoy it at your leisure.
And now, for your regularly scheduled preview!
"You are most definitely Wandering," Zelda concluded after approximately fifteen seconds of diagnosing. "You're also quite possibly the worst case I've ever seen."
"Thanks?" Realm hazarded.
Zelda rolled her eyes and let out a small laugh. "If you'd like to take that as a compliment, you're welcome to, I suppose."
"Well, why not?" Realm grinned. "Hey, once you help fix me, does this mean I won't get lost as much anymore?"
"Your magic should no longer cause random teleportations," Zelda agreed.
"Nice. What about the regular kind of getting lost?"
"That's a you problem, not a magic problem," Zelda said bluntly.
Realm made a face which most accurately translated itself to, Well, would've been nice.