Author has written 4 stories for Danny Phantom, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Steven Universe.
Hello hello hello!
Hi everyone, sorry for my year of vacation from FanFiction! I have returned this time! And this time, I plan to stay. :)
First things first: I am continuing One Hit. It is my prized fanfiction story and i love it to pieces. I haven't had time to upload any chapters over the past year due to moving, graduating high school, starting college and having commissions to do all of the time. But now that I have some time, I will be back to uploading when i have the time. No excuses for hiatuses and I do apologize to my readers. Yes I know I left you guys at a cliff hanger. I actually had the continuation written, but it got erased. :C I will rewrite it! Don't worry. Plus I will be continuing the fic specifically because there are a lot more things to this story meets the eye. I know many of you think that the story itself is a Dash-Bash fic in its entirety. But soon enough you guys may change your minds. :)
Second of all, all of the ideas I have here on my profile are still going to be made possibly in the future. I have drifted out of the Danny Phantom fandom slightly over the past year due to anime and school. But I am still a huge fan of the series. Just not as obsessively as before! :)
Third of all, i will be writing fics for Pokemon, Soul Eater, FMA, Black Butler, Avatar, Danny Phantom, Steven Universe, Storm Hawks (possibly), and the Legend of Zelda in the future as I am expanding my horizons. :)
The City Underwater (Season 3 Story Arc) Danny F. X Jack
After a massive rainstorm suddenly strikes the city when Danny gets off of duty, Amity Park is suddenly thrown into chaos as the streets quickly fill with water, leaving residents scrambling for shelter. As rescue comes to save the Fenton Family, Jack is told to stay behind by workers as his family is lead to safety. However unable to just let his father drown, Danny decides to stay behind with him to protect him. With everyone in Amity fleeing for higher ground, their survival depends on Danny. But with another danger lurking towards them from the stormy skies above, will Danny, his friends and his family be able to ride out the storm? Or be swept away with it?
A Hero's Dying Heart (Season 2 Story Arc) Danny F. X Vlad
Locked in a brutal battle with Plasmius, Danny winds up being seriously beaten and winds up being taken by Vlad to Colorado. Knocked out for several days, he awakens to find out that something has gone horribly wrong. Kidnapped to be used for Vlad's experimental research, Vlad wound up creating a near fatal complication while performing an experiment on the unconscious teen. Nearly causing Danny's heart to give out, Vlad installs a pacemaker onto the teen's chest hoping that it would help stop him from going into heart failure. However, now that his human heart was slowly becoming weaker, Danny's ghost half suddenly starts trying to overtake him. Unsure of how much time he has before his ghost half completely wipes out his humanity, Danny finds himself racing against the clock to get help. But is he already too far gone to be saved from becoming a pure ghost?
Hero of War (Season 4 Story Arc) Danny F. X Vlad
Six years after the event with the Disasteroid, Danny Phantom has become a world renowned hero. Protecting the world, Danny has been well accepted by the people of Earth as their planetary savior. But just as the high life seems to feel at its finest, Vlad suddenly returns. Escaping outer space from an outer planetary portal into the Ghost Zone, Vlad Plasmius has spent his last six years building an army in hopes of wiping out the human race to expand the Ghost Zone. Mad with power, Vlad threatens that he will use his ghostly battalions to render the world useless. Now hoping for their savior to come to the frontlines, the humans gear themselves to Vlad's proclamation of war and hope that 20 year old Danny Fenton will help them to claim victory. With a inner dimensional conflict burning nearer, will Danny stand to fight with the humans? Or will Vlad, a master of manipulation and power, turn the humans against him?
Lockdown (Season 2 Story Arc) Danny F. X Ethan
After a new boy moves to Amity Park in search of a better life at school, Danny and his friends suddenly befriend him lightly and try to help him get used to his new home in the "City of Ghosts". Just as it seems though that Ethan is getting settled in, Dash and his friends suddenly start bullying him severely both online and at school. As the bullying gets worse, Ethan stops coming to school. But several days later after Ethan suddenly vanished, Casper High suddenly becomes victim to lockdown when a masked man wielding a gun rampages into the school. And what's worse? Team Phantom in the madness winds up being separated into different rooms of the school. Worried about the safety of his friends as gunshots echo through the hallways, Danny now musttop this monster from possibly killing students. But when his eyes lock with the gun man, is Danny going to believe who is dwindling beneath the mask? Or blame himself?
Over The Hills of Resembool (Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Childhood) Edward. x Al x Winry
Taking place in Edward Elric's childhood as he grows up from 1904-1910 when he burns his family home to the ground. After Hoennhiem, Edward's father, abandoned them, Edward's life continues onward until tragedy strikes, forcing Edward and his little brother Alphonse to have to grow up and become adults at the ages of 5 and 6. Tells the story of Edward's childhood from his mother's death onward with both in series events and made up.
No Meister Means No Living (Soul Eater) Soul x Maka
After a brutal encounter with Asura goes arry, Maka is left fighting for her life in hospital while Soul blames himself terribly for having had her end up there. However as Maka starts slipping away, Soul starts to question whether or not he'd like to continue on without her. His meister. The only person he's ever really cared about before. If she dies, he feels he shall as well. Could Soul maybe be right? Or is he questioning his existance for all the wrong reasons?
Brothers of Conscription (Post Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood/ Manga) Edward x Alphonse
After Creta and Drachma suddenly form a pact declaring war against Amestris one month after their journey comes to an end, Edward and Alphonse are suddenly being forced back onto the battlefront because of a military bill that was passed without anyone's whereabouts while Bradley was still in charge. Unable to cancel the bill, Gruuman is thrown into the hot seat, causing Mustang to break his promise with the boys that he made stating that he would prevent the boys from being sent back to war now that Ed has relinquished his state alchemist certification. Alphonse is still seriously weak from his endeavour of being trapped inside of the Gate, and is in no condition to be sent to fight. But with Drachma and Creta threatening to tear apart the land, how can Edward protect himself, and his brother, from becoming just another casualty in a merciless war? And with all of the reasons behind this conflict hiding in the shadows, what will Edward be able to fight for an unknown cause without being swept under the mat of conspiracy?