Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. All characters belong to J.K. Rowling.

A/N: Thank you for your support of my Always series! I love hearing from you!


His father thought he was so clever, Harry thought grumpily as he cleaned vials. Yesterday his Dad had made Harry stay in bed all day. I want to make sure you are well rested; his father had said when Harry protested he was feeling fine. He wouldn't even let Ron and Hermione visit! Visiting with your friends will make you too excited and then you won't be able to rest, his father had pointed out. Harry had huffed but figured it would be just one day and he could tell his friends all about Lucius and Dobby tomorrow.

Except that tomorrow was here and Harry was still not allowed to see them! First his Dad had started in with him needing rest and when Harry insisted he was completely better and was bored, his dad had smirked.

"If you are bored then I could use your help. I have some vials that need cleaning in my lab. Due to recent events I have not been able to get to them. You wouldn't mind helping me would you?" His Dad had stared at him in a way that Harry knew better than to say no.

So Harry was now stuck cleaning vials. Thankfully he was almost done. He called that out to his father who was working on a potion. "Already? Wonderful, you can then finish cleaning those cauldrons that are sitting next to you."

Harry made a face. "But Dad-"

"I really appreciate you helping me out." Severus continued as he stirred his potion. He looked at Harry out of the corner of his eye and hid a smirk.

Harry sighed and once he was finished with the vials he began on the cauldrons. He worked until lunchtime and when he and Severus sat down to eat Harry was stretching his arms which were a little stiff from all the cleaning he had been doing.

"Are your arms sore? Would you like a muscle relaxant potion?" Severus asked with an amused gleam in his eyes.

"No I'm fine." Harry muttered as he ate his chicken salad. He looked at his Dad. "Am I going to get to see Ron and Hermione at all today?"

"I don't see why not." Severus shrugged. "Though first, I think your room could use some cleaning. And I could use some help getting my potion files in order. But after that-"

"Am I in detention all day?" Harry burst out. He looked accusingly at his dad. "I'm on to you. Cleaning vials, cauldrons, and my room and now filing? This is a punishment!"

Severus looked slightly offended. "You consider helping me out with a few tasks a punishment? I'm rather hurt."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Sneaky Slytherin." He muttered. He ignored his dad's laugh as he finished his lunch.

Two hours later after cleaning his room and helping to file, Harry was finally released to go find his friends. "They are probably all celebrating as Albus has decided to cancel all final exams." Severus told Harry.

Harry brightened. "Really? That's brilliant! Although…I bet Hermione isn't celebrating." He looked up at his dad. "So I can really go? You don't need the lab scrubbed clean or the kitchen painted?"

Severus bit his lip to keep from laughing. "Are you offering?"

Harry quickly shook his head. "No sir."

"You may go." Severus relented. "I'll see you in the great hall for dinner."

Harry smiled in relief. He gave Severus a hug. "Thanks Dad. And I really am sorry for the trouble I caused."

Severus hugged him back. "You didn't exactly cause trouble Harry. You simply made my heart need a jump start a few times. Work on listening to me and trusting me more all right? I'm always here for you."

"I know." Harry said. He waved to his dad and then sprinted out into the hall before his dad could reconsider and make him scrub the lab after all.


Harry found his friends outside near the lake. Along the way he had gotten many congratulations on saving the school from the monster. It was nice to not have everyone look at him suspiciously. He felt like a weight had been lifted off of him.

"Harry! Are you feeling better? We wanted to see you yesterday but your dad said you were catching up on your rest." Hermione said when she saw him.

Harry inwardly rolled his eyes. Only his dad would find a sneaky way to ground him. "I'm fine. He was just being, um, overprotective. How are you two? How are Percy and Ginny?"

"We're fine. We didn't get into any trouble for leaving the tower to find the Chamber." Ron said happily. "I thought we would lose points or something considering how strict McGonagall is."

"I think she was just relieved that this whole chamber business is over." Hermione said as she ruffled through her charms text.

"Why are you studying? We aren't having final exams." Harry said as he plopped down next to them. He watched the squid float lazily along the lake.

Hermione's face fell. "You don't think Professor Dumbledore will change his mind about that?"

Harry and Ron laughed. "I wouldn't count on it." Harry said. He then told them about Lucius and Dobby visiting them.

"Blimey! That rotten coward!" Ron seethed. "Ginny and Percy could have died thanks to that jerk! So could you and your Dad!"

Hermione frowned. "What a horrible thing to do! I'm happy that you freed Dobby though. It is awful that the house-elves have no rights and are treated as slaves! Somebody should help them like Harry did with Dobby."

"Hermione, most house-elves like being servants. I wish our family could get one." Ron said regretfully. He noticed Hermione's glare and shrugged. "Well, it's not like someone is going to petition for them to have rights or start an organization for them or anything."

Harry interrupted them before a fight could ensue. "So Ginny and Percy are all right?"

"Yeah, they had a long talk with Mum and Dad but they are fine. I think they are just embarrassed, especially Percy. He can't believe he got involved with such a dark object." Ron said. "He's been busy apologizing to his professors and the Headmaster and everyone in our family. He'll probably apologize to you and your Dad again."

"He doesn't need to." Harry said honestly. "Once was enough."

"He's also been lecturing all the Gryffindors on not believing all the propaganda on being in Slytherin." Hermione spoke up, closing her book with a sigh. So much for the study schedules she had prepared. She leaned forward. "I heard Professor McGonagall talking to him and saying that she was really impressed with how he is taking responsibility for his behavior and he may be able to earn his prefect badge back!"

"And here we thought Lavender was the biggest gossip in Gryffindor." Harry teased. He yelped when she slugged him on the shoulder. "Blimey Hermione, you have got quite a punch."

Hermione looked satisfied.

"School is almost over, why would it matter if he got his badge back?" Ron wondered out loud.

"Well, he is probably hoping to still be eligible for Head Boy next year." Hermione answered as she pulled out Hogwarts, a History.

"Haven't your read that twice already?" Ron asked as he looked at the massive book warily.

Hermione shrugged. "There is so much information in it; you can get something new out of it with each read. And since there are no finals to study for at least this is an interesting read."

"Who is that?" Ron asked curiously where a man was standing by the entrance to the castle. He appeared to be watching the trio.

Harry turned. The man seemed to be his Dad's age and looked tired. He had on worn looking robes but he offered them a kind smile and then went into the castle. "I don't know. I don't think I've ever seen him before." He dismissed it and began talking Quidditch with Ron while Hermione read her book.


"We'll need to keep an eye out for Lucius." Severus said as he finished telling him about Malfoy's visit. "He may try something like this again. Draco will need to be watched as well as Lucius may enlist his help. I wouldn't put it past him."

Dumbledore nodded. "Yes I agree. I have to say, my boy, I am very happy to have everything cleared up. You provided the mandrake solution to Poppy?"

Severus nodded. "Yes I made it this morning. Those who were petrified will be back to normal by dinner."

"Wonderful!" Dumbledore said joyfully. "And did you relay my message to Professor Lockhart?"

Severus smile slowly. Early that morning when Harry was still asleep, he had gotten the privilege of informing Lockhart that they knew where the chamber was and he could finally deal with the monster. Lockhart had been saying to anyone who would listen that if only he knew where the creature was he could take destroy it easily.

"He said he would take care of it. I assume he has already given his resignation and fled the castle?" Severus said with satisfaction.

Dumbledore chuckled. "Yes he has. Oh well. I actually have already hired a new Defense Professor for next year. He should be here soon to sign the papers."

Severus sighed. "Who would this person be? Please tell me this one at least knows something about Defense?"

"Oh he does my boy!" Dumbledore said jovially. "I believe he will make a fine addition to the staff. In fact, he used to be a student here. He was in your year actually."

Severus looked curious. "Oh? And who would that be?"

Dumbledore didn't answer him right away. "That reminds me that I need to ask you a favor. This person needs a special potion brewed for him. He must take Wolfsbane Potion for a week preceding the full moon."

Severus shot up and scowled at the Headmaster. "You didn't! You hired that bloody werewolf? Have you lost every bit of sense you may have possessed? Lupin cannot teach here!"

Dumbledore sighed. "Now Severus. He is qualified to teach Defense and is a good man. He has had a hard life and your potion will be of great help to him."

"I can't tell you how much that warms my heart!" Severus said sarcastically.

"You settled your difference with James." Dumbledore pointed out. "Why can't you do the same with Remus?"

"Potter apologized for his behavior towards me in school." Severus said stiffly. "He was really just a follower taking Black's lead in being a bully. And Lupin, though he did not participate exactly, just stood there and did nothing."

"Perhaps he just needs a chance to apologize." Dumbledore said quietly. "He has a hard time keeping employment due to his…infliction. He also has lost his best friends. He is quite anxious to meet Harry."

"I would assume he knows the truth about Harry? Or does he not read the newspaper and just simply chases it?" Severus sat back down, his eyes narrowed.

"Comments like that are not needed." Dumbledore reproached. "Yes he knows the truth. He remembers Harry as a baby and he was friends with Lily as well. Give him a chance Severus."

Severus scowled. He did not care if he was being childish, he did not want that wolf near his son. "Fine. I'll make the potion but that blasted wolf better be responsible in taking it or else."

"I will be Severus."

Severus and Dumbledore turned around to face the doorway.

"I'm sorry, the door was open." Remus Lupin apologized as he stepped into the office. "Hello Headmaster. It is good to see you again. You as well Severus."

"Welcome Remus." Dumbledore smiled. "I'm so happy you have accepted this job. It will be wonderful to have you back at Hogwarts."

"Hogwarts has always been like home." Remus admitted a smile gracing his scarred face. He shot Severus a nervous smile. "I saw Harry with his friends outside. He sure has grown. And I can see he is a perfect blend of you and Lily."

"Yes, he is." Severus said as he crossed his arms. "You do truly accept that Harry is my son and not Potter's, I would hope."

Remus nodded. "Of course Severus. I was surprised, I will admit. I remember how James and Lily doted on him…" He trailed off, looking sad. He shook his head a little. "I do look forward to teaching him next term."

Severus looked away at the mention of Lily. Suddenly an owl flew in and dropped a letter on Dumbledore's desk and then flew right back out.

Dumbledore looked surprised and opened the letter. His face darkened and his eyes lost their usual twinkle.

"What is wrong?" Severus asked in concern. He wondered if Lucius was trying to get him suspended again.

"I have grave news." Dumbledore announced. He shook his head. "To think I thought we could all finally relax."

"What is it?" Remus asked worriedly.

Dumbledore gazed at both of them for a minute. "Sirius Black has escaped Azkaban."

"What?" Severus yelped. "How is that possible?"

"Azkaban has never had an escape before." Remus added. "What happened?"

"I don't know. The guards found his cell empty early today. Apparently," Dumbledore hesitated. "Severus, before today he was heard repeating, he's at Hogwarts."

Severus's eyes widened. Harry! "He's after Harry." He whispered. His face turned menacing. "I'll kill him before he gets near my son!" He hissed.

"Precautions will be taken before school starts up again." Dumbledore assured Severus. "We will all look out for Harry. Hopefully Sirius will be found before Harry's third year starts."

"How could he have possible gotten out?" Severus wondered out loud.

Remus opened his mouth but then shut it and bit his lip. Severus and Dumbledore didn't notice.

"And why would he escape now?" Dumbledore added in a thoughtful voice.


Did you see the paper regarding the whole chamber incident? Our pictures were in it!" Ron said excitedly as they made their way to the Great Hall for dinner. "My whole family included, even Scabbers as I had him on my shoulder! We're famous!"

"Yes Ron. I bet students will want autographs…of Scabbers." Harry snickered. He avoided Ron's punch. "Just kidding mate."

Ron scowled. "Anyway, it's still cool. And Dad entered a contest at work and if he wins, we get a trip to Egypt!"

"Now that would be fascinating!" Hermione exclaimed. "You could learn so much by going there!"

Harry laughed as they sat down at their table. "Ron does thrive on knowledge."

Ron ignored him as he was busy filling his plate with food. He did throw a roll at Harry which Harry happily added to his plate.

The Great Hall doors opened and the Colin Creevey and Justin Finch-Fletchley entered, with nearly headless Nick floating behind him. Mr. Filch also entered, his face beaming and Mrs. Norris in his arms.

"They're all okay!" Hermione squealed happily as students began clapping.

"Welcome back Colin!" Harry greeted as Colin joined them at the table.

"Thanks Harry!" Colin took a picture of him nearly blinding them all.

"Blimey Colin!" Ron grumbled through a mouthful of mashed potatoes.

"Attention everyone!" Dumbledore clapped his hands together. "I do not mean to interrupt your meal but I would just like to welcome back those who had been petrified as well as thank Madame Pomfrey and Professor Snape for making the potion to restore them!" He waited until the applause quieted down. "I would also like to thank Professor Snape and Harry Snape for their brave actions in the Chamber of Secrets. I award two hundred points to each of them!"

"I didn't know Professor's could win house points." Ron remarked.

"I doubt they usually do. This is probably a special circumstance." Hermione said as she joined in the clapping.

"I also award fifty points to Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger each for their assistance and research that helped lead to the destruction of the Basilisk!" Dumbledore continued.

"That puts us in the lead!" Hermione whispered as she blushed when everyone began clapping again.

"Therefore, the winner of this year's House Cup is…Gryffindor!"

Gryffindor burst into cheers and Harry was grinning widely. He looked towards his Dad who gave him a smile and wave. Harry's grin faded a bit as he noticed his dad looked a little pale and his expression seemed worried despite his smile.

"What's wrong Harry? We won!" Ron exclaimed, enjoying the attention.

Harry shook his head. "Nothing. My Dad looks a bit worried is all."

"Why would he be worried?" Hermione asked. "Everything is fine now."

Harry nodded and relaxed, joining in the celebration. Everything was fine now right? What else could go wrong?

The End

A/N: I am planning on doing Harry's third year. I'm already writing an outline for it. Is there anything you especially want to see happen in the next story? Should Draco stay the mean kid or become Harry's friend? Should Lucius change sides and become the spy or stay evil? How do you think Sirius should react to Harry being a Snape? Thoughts are appreciated and I'll see you soon in the third story! =)