Reviews for Changing the Future (redone)
Akkun chapter 6 . 7/8
I'm just imagining what would have happenend if Luffy went and said something like "Ask Garp about a play-date with his grandsons!" right as they all vanished.
guestorino chapter 14 . 6/24
I'd think that after writing 12 shorts stories, you'd be done with all of this, but instead, you decide to continue to edit the story to match up with the current timeline. Dedication at it's finest.
prazzy chapter 14 . 6/4
Could you do a chapter about the first party were we see the reactions of everyone? Also I love you work!
ranma hibiki chapter 14 . 5/8
*sniff* while not sad. the ending was very Waffy! (warm an fuzzy) I could totally see the strawhat crew ending a long an emotionally exhausting journey on a good note. loved how things turned out for everybody important.
(and how many times did they end up actually killing Akainu?)
can't wait to see what you have in mind for a continuation(s)/Midquel(s).

keep up the good work! _
Will chapter 14 . 4/13
This made me tear up my god
Cielo17 chapter 14 . 4/9
It's beautiful, it's amazing i love it! Thank you for writing and sharing this fanfic
Lee McDonald chapter 11 . 3/16
A wee omake, since I love all things harpy and angel and like both Law and Monet:

Despite his abilities and prominence as Captain of the Heart Pirates in the future that he'd never, Trafalgar Law never flew a Jolly Roger. As a talented doctor and even better surgeon, but without the pain of losing his father figure and savior, his crew, with help from those in the Marines that knew the unbelievable truth, got permissions to be independent, wandering healers. They, to a man, swore that they'd never sail under a Jolly Roger, so long as his found family were never punished for extending their aid to pirates, though he made it clear that if the World Government ever went back on their deal, they'd be giving The Great Pirate Era one of the youngest, and greatest, doctors of all time.

Their independence made the sight of their submarine surfacing at Marineford during the marshalling period, in preparation for Whitebeard's retaliation for the announced public execution of Porgas D. Ace, a shock to many. When asked, Monet (who grew to adore birds and demanded wings once Law had demonstrated his ability to replace body parts with foreign elements, unknowingly resulting in a similar form to what the Pirate King would remember) had explained that wounded Marines are thankful and dead pirates leave treasure, though no one on Law's crew didn't know about his real goal. Ace's survival and, if they had the chance Blackbeard's death, though everyone was clear that if Law couldn't incapacitate him with a Room and Haki enhanced ambush, they'd fall back and leave the fight to heavier hitters. For now, though they waited. Law was killing time with Mihawk, and the rest of the crew was either annoying the Marines they liked or pissing off the ones they hated. Akainu in particular hated their continued presence but between Aokiji taking a particular liking to Monet and Sengoku reminding him, repeatedly, that their ship had better medical technology than the hospital inside the base and wasn't charging for it's use, which was a part of the freelancer's original deal, he bit his tongue and remained as far out of their way as his post allowed.

"Not long until we're even Strawhat..." Law muttered to himself, getting a small reaction from Mihawk, though it was dismissed just as quickly as they moved topic to Law's nodachi and the fighting style he used with it. After all, it was likely a grudge that lead the otherwise independent group to throw in with the Marines that they'd went to surprising lengths to distance themselves from...
Trace Carter chapter 1 . 1/6
(sorry to post this here but with PMs down I wasn't sure if you'd get my message)

hello and happy new year. pleased to say that I am hooked on This Bites and am currently binging it.

in other news, I need help. I've hit a serious roadblock in my one piece story, as I am creating severe deviations to canon events that I have not actually seen or read in the manga/anime.

some plot help would be appreciated.
Guest chapter 14 . 11/29/2019
This is sooooo good! Especially that last line! Thank you for writing this. 3
ChiakiAngel chapter 14 . 11/24/2019
I read through this today and I absolutely adored it. Thank you for taking this and making it what it was. :)
Guest chapter 4 . 10/30/2019
I cried at the merry part too
sacke110 chapter 14 . 9/25/2019
I’m not crying... I swear.
In all seriousness tho. I did not expect that ending. Truly, beautiful.
Once a year, more than anyone could’ve wanted.

Thank you for writing this.
sacke110 chapter 13 . 9/25/2019
Haha! Loved this chapter! Usopp kicking the asses of Brook’s old crew, Mihawk style. Fantastic!
Also heart touching when Brook talked to his former crew.
sacke110 chapter 12 . 9/25/2019
Truly wonderful
sacke110 chapter 11 . 9/25/2019
I seriously got chillz reading Doflamingo’s last laugh. His laugh must be the creepiest in the one piece world.
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