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![]() Author has written 11 stories for Transformers/Beast Wars, Professor Layton, Bionicle, Transformers, Ninja Turtles, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and Sword Art Online/ソードアート・オンライン. Roxie: Hi everyone! I’m so happy to see you! : ) Laurel: What? How can you see anyone? Roxie: it’s a joke, sis. Laurel: oh. …it wasn’t very good. Roxie: I know, I know. Oh let’s just start things off shall we? Laurel: I think we shall. Both girls lifted up their hands, snapped their fingers, and out of thin air appeared a megaphone-pink and black-in Laurels hand, and a microphone-Blue and black-In Roxie’s. Laurel: *through megaphone* HELLOOOOOOO, FANFICTION.NET! Are you ready to RAAAAAAAAWK! Roxie*moves away a bit, rubbing her head.* Ow! Was that really necessary? Laurel: *through megaphone* YES, IT REALLY WAAAAAAAS! YEOOOOOOW! Roxie: *Anime angry face.* *through microphone* If you don’t STOP, I’m UNPLUGGING the megaphone! Laurel: *through megaphone* IT DOES NOT HAVE A PLUG! It runs on BATTERIES! YEOOOOW! Roxie: *through microphone* STOP INPERSONATING SAMMY THUNDER, AND LET’S GET TO THE POINT! Laurel: *puts down megaphone*Fine...Ruin my fun. stupid, stick in the mud… Roxie: I HEARD THAT! *grabs sisters mic and punts it into a wall that materialized out of nothing. It shatters into millions of pieces, not to mention putting a big hole in the wall* HA! Laurel: HOW DARE YOU! My PREACIOUS MEGAPHONE!!!!!!!!!!!! *runs to the wall, and fixes it (the megaphone, not the wall, it was cool.) with magic purple sparkles* And how did you hear my thoughts? Roxie: Those were your thoughts? No wonder there was an echo. And that weird ‘Ah’ from that Vocatold thing in the background. You know what this means?! Laurel: For one, it’s VocaLOID! you fail Two, I love that song...Len sings it best. He’s dreamy...*looks off wistfully* And three, NO! Oh! And four, *steals Roxie’s mic, and throws it into a random black hole, that was actually pink* Ha! HA HA HA HA HAAAAAA! It’ now in the realm of My Little Pony! Wait, what? Who made me say that? Roxie*shrugs, though is a bit shocked by the black holes’ color.* Fine with me. I was going to change it to a head set anyway. Roxie snapped her fingers and a headset in blue, black and silver appeared. She slipped it on over her ears. Roxie: Perfect fit. What I’m talking about is we must have this cool power. I can read your thoughts like they were being written in front of me. Oh, and I think you’re going nuts. You’re in love with someone already and you said your anime crush was Eclipse from Futago Hime. You’re cheating. And besides, he’s lameish if you ask me. Most of the robot things are. Who in their right mind will make a song about death? Or placement? If I hear Don Jo again I’m going to hurt someone. And who would make a something that famous in Japan but can’t make them sing ENGLISH right? Laurel: Do you even know HOW MUCH is wrong with your statements? Number ONE! You were NOT going to change it! Two! YOU are going nuts, Miss ‘I only had one real-life crush, and it was for half a day. And I’m in love with a blue-wearing, emo Cat boy on a show about eggs, who plays violin and loves Cat-nip’. Three! I am no longer in love with him, I don’t even watch the show anymore, FURTHER MORE, you are the one who watched every single episode! *clears throat, and picks up megaphone* Laurel: *through megaphone*HOW MANY TIMES MUST I SAY IT!? THEY ARE NOT ROBOTS! THEY ARE VOICE SYNTHESIZERS USED ORIGINALLY FOR BANDS WHO NEEDED A SINGER! LEN-CHAN IS NOT LAME! HE IS HANDSOME, AND SWEET, AND LOVES BANANAS, AND HE HAS A ROAD-ROLLER! AND, IF YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT DAUGHTER OF EVIL, IT IS A STORY ABOUT TWINS WHO HAD SEPARATE FATES, AND LEN WOULD DO ANYTHING TO KEEP RIN HAPPY, AND HE TOOK HER DEATH PENALTY! Laurel: *puts down megaphone* It’s DANJO! Dan = boy, Jo= girl! You didn’t complain about Nyan Roll! And it’s JAPAN! They are designed to sing JAPANESE, except Big Al, and Sweet Ann! *snaps fingers, and DANJO begins to play loudly* Dan Jo Dan Dan Jo Dan Jo! Roxie*Anime eye twitch.* You know, it’s a good thing I’m used to loud [annoying] noises. No one not related to me better show up. And you’re obsessed. And if that’s true, why can’t Al sing Fireflies or other AMERICAN songs right? Laurel: *butts in* You are just upset that the song that YOU ARE OVERLY OBSESSED WITH sounded like Kermit was singing it! Do you think I would get mad if he butchered Dance or Die?! Roxie: Nope! And Kermit would have done better! That dude sounded like someone punched his nose and he had a frog in his throat! (Kermit pops in. “Hey!) Sorry, no offence Kerm. (“None taken. I’m going back to Miss Piggy now.” Pops away.) Laurel: What the HECK just happened? That was weirder than the pink black hole to Ponyville...O.o Roxie: I have no idea. 0.0 Anyways, we’re gone waaaayyy off track here. Let’s pick this up later. Laurel: Okay...But later, you are going to have to deal with the SAVAGE, ANGRY MOB OF FANGIRLS-and maybe fanguys-WHO YOU JUST MADE ANGRY! *sits in a massaging chair with an evil laugh and smile* Roxie: *rolls eyes.* No I won’t. Laurel: YES YOU WILL! Either that or I will tie you up in a dark room, and force you to watch Vocaloid songs while I deal with them. Roxie: *chuckles and pats her sisters head* Oh, Laurel, no I won’t. I have many more Anti-Vocaloid and So So Vocaloid Fans on my side. But enough about that. We’ve probably lost all our readers by now. Laurel: *eye twitch* You will rue the day you dissed the Vocaloids. There will be consequences! *eyes a laptop that’s opened to DeviantArt, and covered with Vocaloid pictures, and YouTube, with millions of ‘PoPiPo’ videos* And WHAT readers? Roxie: Didn’t you know? We’re Chasm-Chan oc’s. The girls she and her older sister, who is sharing this account, made to represent them. *puts hands on hips* Weren’t you listening when she told us after bring us into the realm of the written? Oh wait; you were listening to ‘Po Pi Po’ videos again, weren’t you? What is so cool about a song about vegetable juice? Laurel:. You fail. You know nothing about the Japanese. I’m better than you. The professor likes me. He’d chose ME as his apprentice. See? *Poofs in Prof. Layton and Luke* Do you guys like me or Roxie better? *Layton: You, indefinitely.* *Luke: You’re the best! And you didn’t laugh at me when I didn’t want to go to Herzen castle.* *Layton: - Luke, are you complaining about me?* *Luke: No no no, Professor!* Roxie: *raises an eye brow and waved her hand.* (Layton: But Roxie is the one we love for infinity. Luke: That’s right professor.) Thank you, gentlemen. I almost have enough money to buy your newest game. See you! *Both men are poofed back from, where ever they were before. Probably lunch since Layton had a tea cup and Luke had two sandwhiches.* Now, since your avoiding my questions, I have to assume you didn’t listen to Chasm-chan, you were listening to Vocaloids, and you yourself have no idea why the song was about juice. So ha! Laurel: NOOOOOO! GIMME BACK LAYTON! I NEED HELP ON A PUZZLE! AND I NEED TO TALK TO LUKE AND ASK HIM WHAT HE THINKS ABOUT MY STORY!...And it’s a commercial! Why do you listen to a song about an ancient city and a song about dancing bugs…? All of a sudden a light came on in the corner of the room the two were in and a girl the same size as Laurel appeared as applause came out of nowhere, creeping the oc’s out again. She has Tiffany And Co. cats eye glasses, and behind them, bright purple eyes. She had shoulder length purple hair brought into a ponytail over her left shoulder, and a small rose clip at the base. Her skin was dark tan, with freckles on her nose. Her outfit looked like a Japanese school girl, with a dark purple-plaid skirt that went to her knees, a short sleeve white dress shirt, and a black sweater vest. “Hello Folsense! I’m am here and I shall take Sammy off your hands. I have need of him.” Laurel: *bug eyed in confusion* uh, you’re not in Folense and who the heck are you? Roxie: That’s Chasm-Chan. Or at least the young half of her. Laurel: young half? Another light came on in a different corner. Out of the light came a tall cute African American with shoulder length hair that was both blue and black, like Ikuto in Shugo Chara. Holding back her bangs was a X clip. She also had purple eyes but they were darker, hoop earrings gold ones, and long pretty nails painted blue. She wore blue skinny jeans and a blue jacket with a silver shirt underneath. She wore blue gym shoes and had a notebook in one hand and a Blackberry in the other. In her ears were earphones attached to an iPod touch in her pocket. “Don’t mind my sister. She just got to past a major cut scene in her game. The one I already finished.” The girl said with a teasing grin. The purple girl turned to the blue one. “Hey, you only got to finish it because you had it first and you were so clingy.” The blue girl smirked, unfazed. “You didn’t care. You were trying to get mom and dad to let you have a Flipnote account and you were making videos while you waited. Besides, you normally don’t like puzzles.” The purple girl opened her mouth but the older one held up her had. “Sis, we came here to move this along and to introduce ourselves. Not fight.” The younger sighed then nodded. The two girls then turned to the audience and waved. “Hello! I’m Chasm-Chan. The blue girl is my older sister…um, what do you want to be called?” The blue girl shrugged. “How about Water Toa?” Chasm giggled, and then nodded. “How about you take over while I give this place a makeover?” Toa nodded. “Sure.” With that Chasm-Chan moved to the side and started drawing in a sketchbook she pulled out of her vest. Water Toa moved over to Roxie and Laurel and smiled as she took a seat. “Hi girls. Hope you don’t mind but we have to wrap this up.” Roxie: it’s fine. Laurel: It was getting boring anyway. Toa nodded then turned to the people (hopefully behind the screen). “Hello everyone. I’d first like to thank everyone that has read this whole thing. And to those who will rate and review as well, thank you. This is to introduce ourselves to you all, though we understand we’ve probably bored you. But we would also like to tell you some things about future stories.” Toa opened her book and started to read from the list. “First off, all stories will be open to the anomance reviews. Just because you’re not logged in or don’t have in account doesn’t mean you don’t have something to say. Second. Both I and my sister will write on here and so to help those who want to know who wrote what, we’ll say our names on the top. If it’s both our names, then both of us did it. Third, both Chasm and I will write funny and romance filled stories, but we’re a bit new to this. Personally, I’ve never finished any one of my stories. So if the story doesn’t seem funny or the romance is a bit lame, please don’t hurt us. We’re learning.” Chasm walked over and took a seat on a couch. The room had turned into a large hotel like place. There was a waterfall in a corner, an art studio by one wall, and couches and seats and beanbags in many places. There were a few windows and a door big enough to fit the girls. The room was purple, blue, pink and silver. And on the walls were posters from different shows and stories they loved. Like TMNT, Transformers and Bionicle. Professor Layton, Tokyo Mew Mew and Shugo Chara. The room looked awesome! “Man I’m good, aren’t I?” The other three nodded and slightly jumped as chapping was heard and it wasn’t from them. “Sis…” Toa said and the chapping stopped as Chasm gigged. “Sorry. But it’s fun. Ok, my turn.” She turned to the people as well as her sister started to write something in her Blackberry and the Oc’s listened. “I’m an artist. I mainly draw pictures and writing a story to post online is new to me. I have good ideas, but you might find drawings by me on DeviantArt faster than my story updates.” Water Toa nodded then took the floor again. “Both of us have story ideas for different things and will be in different places. The places I’m going to post my stories in are Transformers (and the other Transformers selection), Bionicle and maybe some crossovers, I’m not sure. I might even write a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles story or two. I doubt I’ll write stuff for anime shows though; I haven’t seen Mew Mew in a long time and the same for Shugo Chara. When I get the chance I might but I’m more into Bionicle and Transformers. And,” she held up her phone. “I mainly write on my phone or jump drive. I don’t normally just write and post, I like to wait and see if I like what I wrote an hour or more after I wrote it. So that might be a reason updates in the future I may be slow. Also, my family is normally busy or making it hard for me to have free time so I might not be able to post often because of that, too.” Suddenly a large clock on a wall started to gong the hour. “Uh oh, we have to go.” Water Toa said, glancing to the clock and her phone clock. “Your right!” Chasm agreed and quickly stood up. Laurel: wait, what about us? “Don’t worry; you guys will be ok here. I made this place into a palace partially. You’ll be fine till we meet again. Or the stories start.” Chasm-Chan said, waving around at the room. Roxie and Laurel, looking excitedly to each other, nodded. Water Toa stood up and slipped her phone in her pocket. “Well, that’s it. Goodbye, everyone!” She said as the others waved and Toa rushed to the corner where she appeared. The light was seen again and she ran through it, disappearing from sight. Chasm-Chan rushed to her corner as well. “See you! Hope you like us!” then she two disappeared into light. Now alone, the two oc’s looked at each other. “Want to finish our disagreement from earlier?” Roxie asked. Laurel nodded. THE END! (For now…: D) Ah ah ah! (evil laugh) Story News! Hi, Water Toa here. For those waiting for story updates, don't worry. The stories will be up dated soon, we've just had some misshaps and things. Hopefully a new story or two along with an new chapter for some of my stories will be soon. So keep a eye out! :) WT. I hope a guy would say this to me and care about me to make this real... Girl: Do I ever cross your mind? Jan 18, 2013 is the day I fav'd 600 stories! Woooo! |