Disclaimer: I do not own Descendants or Isle of the Lost nor do own any of the character.
thought '...'
speaking "..."
I was thinking about how some of the ideas in the movie didn't work so here since Jay is Jafars son he should have some magic in him (Jafar should at least have his broken staff). Carlos being cruella's son has a thing for fashion and isn't afraid of dogs (Will keep Dude, but might add other dogs). Evie still uses her mirror, but should make potions which is why she is good at magic. All the villains are serious about getting off the island. Auradon Prep/Kingdom still using magic. This story will also show my take on their island life and what the life of a villains kid is like. I did not read the book isle of the lost so if people want to send some characteristic or summaries or anything about the book they think I should know I would appreciate it.
Mal's point of view:
Just like every other day on the island I get up from my small tower room that I share with Evie. Slipping out of the top bunk I gracefully land to the ground silent as I made my way to the window. Just like always dark clouds circle overhead and I knew if it were a bit darker you would be able to see lightning flashes. I could hear the soft wailing of a baby crying out for food that probably wouldn't come and as I scanned the few people that were on the street I could only image that everyone on the streets either had a sneer or grimace on their face, knowing that another hellish day was about to commence. It went without saying that the Isle of the Lost wasn't the nicest place in the world, but it was home. 'Its where all the villains call home' I thought, with a sneer on my faces as I moved away from the window to my side of closet. Pulling my dark purple leather outfit on and brushing out my violet hair, I went to wake up Evie.
"Come on E, time to wake up." I said shaking the blue haired girl awake.
"What time is it?" she muttered trying to wrap herself tighter in her ragged blanket. 'Got to try and steal a new one for her' I thought, trying to gently pull the blanket off of her.
"Time to wake up. We need to go find food." I said, giving her one last push. She groaned, but her eyes fluttered open.
"Alright, Alright. Let me get ready." She says, slowly sitting up. I rolled my eyes knowing that it would take forever for Evie to get ready.
"I'm going to get some mischief in then." I say walking to the small table by the door to pick up my leather messenger bag that held some cans of spray paints. "See you in a few." I say, exiting the room.
I walk out of the fortress we call home and made my way to on old factory that I haven't tagged yet. Standing on some old crates I begin to shake one of my spray cans. I could hear people moving behind me, only a few here and there since it were still pretty early. 'Carlos will wake up Jay and by the time that happens Evie should be ready' I thought starting to spray. I always kept my ears open in case of unwanted company, but it seemed like a peaceful day…for now.
Just as I was finishing up my 'Long Live Evil' logos -Maleficent my mother as the villain inside her green flame- I could hear the howls of Jay and Carlos laugh. Adding the last few stroked on the green flames, I begin to grin. Knowing full well that my day is just about to get started.
"They say I'm trouble, they say I'm bad," I start to sing as I jump down from where I was, shoving by two no body teens out of my way, "They say I'm evil and that makes me glad." I keep singing with a smile as I turn to see Jay had dropped down from the roof of an old building, I began walking away knowing that I needed to hurry to the meet up spot before the other do. Seeing as how I didn't see Carlos behind Jay I knew he had taken a differentroute, hoping the shortcut would get him to the meet up faster than Jay.
"A dirty no-good," Jay sang as he climbed down the latter of a building, "Down to the bone, your worst nightmare," He shoved an old barn door out of the way, already running into the building to get to the spot. "Can't take me home."
As I made my way further into the village I could hear Evie strutting her way to the meet up spot as well. I watched with a grin as she stomped her way on top of the table, interrupting a few people's breakfast by walking on their table making her way near the food market. "So I've got some mischief, in my blood," she jumped down, crawling under the bar that separated the eating area from the street, "Can you blame me? I never got no love." She paused in her pose, drawing out her note trying to catch as much attention as she can. Which she was successful, because I was able to pocket some people's food into my bag.
Carlos ducked out of someone's window and I couldn't help, but wonder what he was able to steal. 'Something good I hope.' "They think I'm callous, a low-life hood." He turned the corner, passing a girl who tossed up her apple, which she probably stole from some one first. Carlos snatched it away from her, continuing on his way, "I feel so useless, misunderstood!" I smiled happy to get a taste of fruit this month only to watch as he quickly takes a bite from the apple, and then tossed it over his shoulder back to the girl. I scrunch up my nose disappointed but not surprised, Carlos always hated stealing from kids.
Evie and I find each other, about to beat the boys to our morning meeting spot, an old factory that some people use as a washing station. After some incidents in the past we made designated meeting spots for different situations. This one being a less serious spot just meant for meeting up in the village for some food, stealing, fun. We began walking together down an alleyway as we kept singing, "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the baddest of them all? Welcome to my wicked world, wicked world,"
I knew that if Jay was almost to the meeting place 'probably traveling by roofs, and old construction beams.' I thought with a smirk 'and Carlos probably made his way through various buildings, not caring that he was disrupting the people around him. His only thought probably about not being last again.' I thought, some how though they both ended up in the meeting spot the same time as us.
"I'm rotten to the core, core, rotten to the core. I'm rotten to the core, core. Who could ask for more?" The four of us sang as we threw open the door and ran past several workers, tossing bags of who-knows-what into a cart, shoving a few down, and stomping in bin of clothes. "I'm nothing like the kid next, like the kid next door. I'm rotten to the, I'm rotten to the, I'm rotten to the core."
I ran past a few women doing their laundry making sure to step all over it, while the others picked up metal bars that were lying around and banging them on whatever washing bin they could find. Dunking peoples head into the watery bins, and throwing clothes everywhere. Running through a tunnel, we make out way to the main street, where all the shops and tents were. Everyone out and about as the day was in full swing.
"Call me a schemer. Call me a freak," I sing as I pick up one of my spray cans from my bag and spray painted an 'M' on one of the tents flaps, "How can you say that? I'm just... unique!" I say smiling as I swish the current open exposing a man in the bathtub.
"What, me? A traitor? Ain't got your back?" Jay snatching up a kettle from a table in the food market where he quickly entered, interrupting two people having a meal. "Are we not friends? What's up with that?" He says taking the kettle and jumping over the table with some cool moves.
Evie pushed her way through a tent full of scarves, pushing around some random guy who was probably the shop owner, "So I'm a misfit, so I'm a flirt. I broke your heart? I made you hurt?" She says singing her way through the shop probably taking some scarves with her.
Carlos was in the food market, jumped onto a shelf with baskets of food, kicking the almost rotten ones off and taunting the people selling them, but secretly smiling as people swooped in to claim some of the fallen fruit ."The past is past. Forgive, forget. The truth is...You ain't seen nothing yet!" He jumped on a passing hay cart; laughing at the fuming fruit vendor women who seemed to consider coming after him, but she stopped when Carlos threw some hay in her face, her face scrunching up as if she expected a punch instead.
"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the baddest of them all? Welcome to my wicked world, wicked world."
Carlos jumped off the cart, finding Evie, Jay and I in the next building over from the food market, which happened to be a kitchen. Jay climbed up a few stacked boxes grabbing onto a moving beam, as Carlos grabbed the rope attached to that, pulling it and swinging Jay across the room. Evie and I made our way toward the exit while Jay hoped down from the beam, the two laughing.
"Come on!" Carlos called out, the rest of us following behind us.
The four of us finally reached the street again and as be started to bust out some dance moves others started to join in. With a group of people now we all broke out into a complicated dance. With their little electricity on the island and no wifi, the kids have to entertain themselves any way they can. Which is normally why people learn to make a beat with what ever they have, and bust a move whenever we can. Large dances numbers breaking out or dancing battles appearing out of nowhere were common on the island. As we all start to step, moving in harmony people follow our moves closely so we look in sync. . Dancing was one of the few things I enjoyed doing with my friends even though Evie and Carlos were defiantly the better dancers. Dancing and singing was one of the few things I enjoyed that wasn't meant to be evil.
"I'm rotten to the core, core, rotten to the core. I'm rotten to the core, core. Who could ask for more? I'm nothing like the kid next, like the kid next door. I'm rotten to the, I'm rotten to the, I'm rotten to the core."
Our song ended with a final pose from everyone. A pause taking place as every one tries to catch their breath. I blow a piece of hair out of my face as I spot a baby with a lollipop. Smiling to myself I lean over the baby and steal his candy after all your never be too old to steal something from a baby. I hold it up for the crowd to see, hearing the words "Rotten to the core" from some as I show off my prize, and laugh. I hear woofs and laughs behind me.
Just as Jay, Carlos, and Evie huddle around me laugh at our antics, but I can see from there pockets, that they all were able to steal some thing. Just as I was about to say something the people who were dancing with us scattered. As I watch the face of my friends fall and hear the heavy footsteps behind me, I knew it only meant one thing. Taking a deep breath I turn around, putting on a fake smile. "Hi mom."