First Chapter of my new story. I have everything outlined and a rough copy already written up so the updates shouldn't have to long in between. Maybe one or two a week. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Hopefully this will turn out better than THOHW.



Above All Else


Chapter 1- Draco's Inheritance

Draco Malfoy paced in his room impatiently. His back has started tingling an hour ago, and then itching 30 minutes later. Now his shoulders throbbed with a dull pain. He would be receiving his inheritance in, he glanced at the clock on his wall, ten minutes. Draco's hand shook slightly in his excitement of finally being able to find out who his mate was. A knock on his bedroom door interrupted his circuit around the room.

"Enter," he called. His mother opened the door and glided into his room, stopping in front of him and resting her hands lightly on his shoulders.

"Are you ready?" She asked him, her eyes shining with excitement.

"I've been ready for ages, Mother," Draco drawled, taking another peek at the clock. Four minutes now.

"Have you eaten? It's important that you eat a good meal before your transition. Your body will need the nourishments during the change," Narcissa reminded her son.

"Yes, Mother. I know, and I have." Draco hesitated a moment before asking, "You'll stay close? In case anything goes wrong?" Narcissa smiled gently and smoothed Draco's hair out of his face.

"Of course, my dragon. I cannot stay in the room with you, it would disrupt the magic, but I will remain outside in the hall should you need me." Draco relaxed at the reassurance and grinned at his mother.

"It's almost time. I will leave so that you can undress." Narcissa pulled Draco's head down to lightly kiss his forehead, brushed his cheek lightly with her fingertips, and swept out of his room, closing the door behind her with a soft click.

Draco breathed deeply as he slowly unrobed himself, folding the expensive fabric and setting in on his bed. He unbuttoned his shirt, laying it on tip of his robe. His pants followed suit, leaving him in his underwear which he also stripped out of. Draco looked at the clock. Two minutes.

He turned to stare at himself in the full sized mirror he had next to his walk-in closet. He would look different after the change. He let his eyes rove up and down his body until he felt the first spark of pain.

Draco hissed in discomfort as the ache in his shoulder blades became a stabbing pain. Fire seemed to spread through his bones, starting at his feet and rising up his body. Draco whimpered, falling to his knees as the skin on his back tore open, his wings pushing through. Blood splattered the floor as he choked back a scream. His vision tunneled as the pain mounted, until everything went dark and the pain, blissfully, disappeared.



Draco gasped, his chest heaving as he sat up straight. He looked around in confusion, realized he was still in his room, and slowly made his way to his feet. He glanced down at his body and raised an eyebrow. He was definitely taller, probably standing at 6 feet now. His body was still lithe and pale. He looked over his shoulder and smirked in pleasure. His wings were beautiful. A blinding white mixed with glistening silver, his wings practically shimmered.

Having studied the changes of his body, Draco turned to his bed to retrieve his clothes and froze in awe. There was someone laying curled up in the center of his rather large bed. A head of messy black hair fell around a tanned face. Their eyes were closed, and their mouth was open, soft puffs of air escaping with each breath. Draco rounded the bed and knelt on the floor, bringing him closer to the person who had to be his mate.

"Beautiful," Draco breathed, reaching out a hand to softly brush the cheek of the sleeping teen. They wrinkled their nose, huffing lightly as they buried their face into the pillows with a low groan. Draco watched as they stretched, muttering sleepily as they blinked tired eyes open. Forest green stared into shining platinum uncomprehendingly for a moment before the other teen shot up into a sitting position.

"Malfoy! What the fuck?"

"Harry Potter," Draco murmured, oddly pleased at the reaction.

"What are you doing in my room?" Potter demanded. Draco raised an eyebrow and gazed around in amusement.

"Funny. I thought this was my room." Potter looked around quickly, his eyes narrowing when he focused back on Draco.

"Why?" He asked. Draco shrugged, standing up and sitting on the edge of the bed. Potter tensed at his closeness and Draco grinned.

"Why, what?" Draco asked, drinking in Potter's every expression.

"Why am I in your room? Why were you watching me sleep? And why do you have wings?" Potter's voice had trailed off at the last question as he stared dazedly at Draco wings. Draco preened and straightened his back, fluttering his wings a bit. Potter's hand twitched as if he was stopping himself from reaching out to them.

"Which question do you want answered first?" Draco asked.

"Why am I here?" Potter demanded.

"You aren't, not really. This a sort of dream. When a Veela reaches their inheritance they make the change, the Veela blood taking over their wizard blood. The Veela goes into a dream like state where they get a vision of their mate. You're still in your room probably," Draco explained. Potter stared at him open mouthed.

"What the fuck?" He whispered, mostly to himself. Potter fisted his hands in his hair and groaned. "This can't be real."

"I assure you it is. Where are you?" Draco asked. Potter glared at him, his hands falling into his lap.

"Why would I tell you, Malfoy?" Potter sneered.

"I want to come get you. I want you at the Manor with me, where you belong," Draco answered easily. Potter bristled.

"I don't belong to you, Malfoy," Potter spat angrily. "And I'm not telling you where I am. How do I know you won't just tell Voldemort?" Draco leaned forward, his face so close to his mate's that he could barely control the urge to press their lips together.

"I would never let him have you. Never," Draco stressed, staring unwaveringly into his mate's eyes. "You are my mate. Mine to protect. Mine to love. He'll never lay a hand on you again." Harry blushed, lowering his eyes with a shake of his head.

"Whatever, Malfoy," he mumbled. "I'm still not-" Harry disappeared abruptly and Draco screeched in fury, clutching the sheets where his mate had been sitting seconds ago before he disappeared as well.



"Draco! Dragon, calm down!" Draco's eyes snapped open and his mouth clicked shut, cutting of his scream. Draco turned his head to look at his mother's worried face and forced a smile.

"I apologize, Mother. I'm alright," Draco reassured her as she helped him stand.

"What happened?" She asked, wrapping a cloak around his naked form.

"I saw him. He's perfect, Mother. Everything I could have ever wanted. He disappeared before we could finish talking. Someone must have woken him. I…was not pleased." Draco blushed lightly in embarrassment as his mother chuckled.

"That seems to be a bit of an understatement, dear," she teased.

"Well? Who is he? When can we fetch him?" She inquired eagerly. Draco pouted sullenly as he sat on his bed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"We can't. He's being a stubborn, paranoid prat. He won't tell me where he is," Draco complained. "Stupid, Potter," he added under his breath. His mother made a choked sound and stared at him with wide eyes, her lips twitching.

"Potter? Harry Potter? Harry Potter is your mate?" She asked in a strained voice. Draco nodded slowly, weary of his mother's reaction. She turned her head and shouted over her shoulder.

"Lucius!" His father walked in, glancing at Draco.

"Ahh, you're decent," he remarked. Draco rolled his eyes, snorting when his father rolled his right back.

"Tell him, Draco," Narcissa whispered, practically vibrating on the spot.

"Tell me, what?" Father asked hesitantly, as if already dreading the answer.

"My mate is-"

"Harry Potter!" Narcissa burst out before breaking into giggles. Lucius stared at her in muted horror, turning to look at Draco with a vaguely betrayed expression.

"Potter?" He asked on a sigh. Draco shrugged and smirked. His father sighed again, pinching the bridge of his now. His mother was still laughing.

"Very well. This changes things. I'll need to make arrangements, call in some favors, and have some new ward to put up." Lucius frowned at Draco. "When did you want bring him to the manor?"

"Whenever he tells me where the bloody hell he is," Draco grumbled.

"Language," his mother reprimanded him.

"Hmm. I'll have to have a talk with that old fool, Dumbledore, preferably after the wards are done," Father mumbled to himself.

"Why do we need new wards? There's nothing wrong with them." Draco pointed out.

"If your mate is to stay here the wards need to be able to keep the Dark Lord out, and right now they are open to him. When he finds out that Potter is here and we have defected he will be after us." Draco stared up at his father is surprise. Lucius raised an eyebrow at the expression.

"Surely you did not think I would continue to fight for the Dark Lord when he wants to kill you mate. I may dislike Potter but he is Family now, and Malfoy's put Family above all else." Draco stood and wrapped his arms around his father.

"Thank you," he whispered. Lucius wrapped his arms around Draco.

"Yes, well. I love you, my dragon. I would not see you unhappy. See if you can't find out where Potter lives, hm? I should have the wards upgraded within the week."

Draco nodded. His parents walked out of his room, his mother's arm curled around his father's. Draco shrugged out of his robe and redressed. He looked at his new body in the mirror and smirked confidently.

"You're mine, Harry Potter. And I'm coming for you."