Is there even a point in trying to update anymore? Just kidding. My time away from this sight has been long, but I'm glad I sort of picked it up again. Haha. I'm grateful for all the reviews and wow, you guys are amazing readers. I'm thankful for the concern I've gotten in my absence. You guys are the best! Also, did you know 'Hiding Behind Glasses' is the most followed story in the Shugo! Chara fandom? I'm so very grateful and amazed at how far this fanfiction has come. I know that this chapter isn't as long as you and I hoped it to be but, I tried my best to go through this chapter like a wonderful, horrible author so I sincerely hope it meets your expectations!

I mean, if it doesn't, I'm totally cool with that too...

-sobs in a corner-

Mitsuki: What is updating?

Amu: Update (verb) to make something modern or more up to date.

Ikuto: Something that you obviously don't do!

Mitsuki: Can't blame me if I don't want to write about your dumb face anymore.

Ikuto: *gasps dramatically* Oh no you didn't!

Mitsuki: What if I did?!

Ikuto: Don't make me snap my fingers in a z-formation!

Mitsuki: Oh my god, I will literally slap you.

Ikuto: Hip rotation. Elbow-

Mitsuki: Nope. Nope. NOPE.

It was way too early for school; it was practically an hour and a half before. But Hinamori Amu paid no mind to that as she roller-bladed the long road to school with a cloudy headache overtaking her mind and a bad feeling spreading in her gut. She had been feeling like this the moment she had woken up, but she couldn't quite seem to put her finger on the reason why.

Well, she deduced it to the point where she knew it probably had to do with Ikuto.

After all, she had a terrible headache and a negative (practically demonic really) butterfly in her stomach.

So yeah.

All those signs pointed to the obvious thing.

Tsukiyomi Ikuto.

Amu sighed and halted to a stop as she reached the school gates. She mulled over her choices in the back of her mind: step into the place where she felt the bad feeling would only escalate into a hellish kind of situation or try to pull a ditch day and face the wrath of her sweet and adorable darling mother.

The rosette shuddered.

Definitely the first choice.

"Why did you stop?" A hot breath blew into her ear.

Amu recognized the deep, husky voice but refused to make eye contact. Contact with said voice would only please the enemy to whom the voice belonged to and at the moment, Amu was trying her very best to escape him. She attempted to tear away from the presence and slide gracefully to the front of the school. At least there she would have the ability to run as fast as she could to her safety zone. Her enemy could not bother her in that zone. It was a classroom and she had Yamabuki Saaya at her disposal (even if she hated her guts and vice versa).

"Where are you going?" A hand pulled at her sleeve and she fell to a sloppy pile of ugly glasses and clothes onto the dusty ground.

So much for being graceful.

And escaping.

Amu brought her lips to a small pout and turned up to look at the probable cause of her bad feeling. "I was trying to run away like a pretty person."

He gave her a breathtaking smile - it was practically a weapon to bring any girls to her knees - and knelt down in front of her, gently fixing the glasses that had slipped from her nose. "Try it again when you're not wearing these."

She snorted, "I can look pretty anywhere."

"I'm sure you can." He stood up and dusted off his knees, offering his hand to her. She made a show of being able to stand up by herself. He only chuckled lightly and put his hands in his pockets. "I'll walk you to the doors."

Amu wanted to refuse, really, she did.


But she couldn't.

For once, she was glad to have come to school an hour and a half before the bell rang.

"So what are you doing here so early?" she asked, slowly gliding her feet along the road.

"I had some stuff to settle." He shrugged.

She turned to him with curious eyes.

He grinned. "Just some things I wanted to confirm. Have you decided what you wanted to do with the fitting later?"

Amu groaned and sped up a little faster. "I have the basic idea down, but I'm nervous."


"I mean, I'm not so sure that Nikaidou will allow me to run away to the bathroom to throw up long enough for all the students to finish and leave the gym."

Ikuto hummed happily in response and she gave him a raised eyebrow. He opened his mouth, still smiling wide, "What if I said I could help you out with that predicament?"

"How could you possibly help?"

"I may have asked Kiseki to lend you the infirmary."

"You mean like, with the nurse?"

He nodded.

"By myself?"

He nodded again.

Amu jumped up and hugged him, nestling her face into the curve of his neck. "I can't believe you! You are the absolute sweetest!"

In her midst of happiness, she pulled apart from Ikuto and pressed her lips on his. It lasted for a lot longer for a second and when she pulled apart, Ikuto looked at her, his blue eyes in a dazed trance. She only gave him an innocent smile and bladed ahead to the front of the school, where she promptly took off her blades, slipped on her inside shoes, and dashed to the classroom ahead.

Oh, if only Amu knew.

The poor girl.

~ Am I skipping time again because lack of talent has not allowed me to come up with a practical transition? YUS. ~

Everything in the gym was a loud hustle and bustle. It was a mix of complaining teenagers, tape measures snapping, and the screams from certain girls who refused to have their waist and bust sizes be read aloud.

So all in all, a normal day.

"I am not a 28A, I swear!"

Yeah, pretty normal.

In a small corner of the gym, Rima, Yaya, and Utau stood propped up against the white walls.

"What was Utau's height?" Yaya smiled into the lollipop that she had managed to sneak in past the teachers.

"165 centimeters," Utau murmured. "Not bad."

"And Rima~chan's?" Yaya turned her head to look at the small blonde to her right.

"155 centimeters," she muttered. "All bad."

"Yaya doesn't think so!"

"That's because you're only two inches taller than me."

"Don't be so bitter, Rima." Utau rolled her eyes.

"I'm not growing, Utau. I deserve to be bitter." Rima crossed her arms.

"Oh?" A voice sounded from behind Rima's back. "Why do you feel like you need to be bitter?"

Nagihiko's bright smile shined as he placed his chin gently on top of the blonde's head. "Is it because your short enough that your head is the perfect spot for my chin rest?"

She willed down the urge to sock him in the eye. Patience. This annoying guy with the purple hair that was silkier than her own was her boyfriend.


She was better at calming down than she thought.

"I grew a couple centimeters myself." He pulled away his head and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "And my muscles grew too."

Rima stared pointedly as his smug smile and stepped on the tip of his shoes. He yelped and pulled away his arm to soothe his poor foot. She smiled evilly.

"Dang, Mashiro." Kuukai slid in. "Always so harsh."

"I agree." Kairi appeared. "The poor guy."

"Those who deserve it should accept it." Rima shrugged and stuck her nose in the air.

"So did you grow any taller?" Utau cut in, trying to compare Kuukai's height with her own.

Kuukai tossed her a cheeky grin. "170 centimeters."

Utau whistled. "Nice."

"Now that we are all finished, I suppose that we will all stay grouped up in this corner?" Kairi spoke.

"Pretty much." Nagihiko smiled, the pain finally subsiding. "We're stuck in this room until they're finished. The teachers all believe that we'll run away."

"Yaya can't blame them!" Yaya grinned and pointed towards the loudest and possibly the most screechiest place in the entire gymnasium. "Look over there."

"I refuse to step on this weight scale!" Yamabuki Saaya screamed. "This is a violation of a student's rights!"

"Saaya-sama," one of the lackey's said in an attempt to calm her down. "It's okay."

"The number will show up to be just perfect anyway," another girl piped up.

"Just like you!" Rikka smiled.

"Shut up! There's no way I'm stepping on this!" Saaya struggled. "Ikuto! Ikuto! Save me from these madmen!"

"It's just a weight scale, Yamabuki-san." Nikaidou rolled his eyes tiredly. "What is the big deal?"

"How does this help you decide the size of our uniforms in anyway?!" she screamed, her curls bouncing wildly.

"We simply wish to do this like a physical."

"I refuse to step on that!"




"All the hot men in the world wouldn't be able to get me on that demonic thing!"

Nikaidou heaved a heavy sighed and muttered obscenities under his breath. "Fine, don't."

The red-haired girl smiled brightly and turned to step away. Upon her first step, Nikaidou stopped her. "Wait, stand there for a moment."

She turned around. "Why?"

"I'm just admiring your great form."

She halted. "It is, isn't it?"

"Oh yeah, just perfect. Hold up, stay right there. I have to document this special moment."

Saaya smiled and did as she was told, happy that someone in this hideous school recognized her beauty.

"Great, you can step down now."

She stilled.

Step down?

Her green eyes peered down curiously before seeing the demonic weight scale.

She opened her mouth and promptly screamed.

Back in the corner, the entire group plugged their fingers into their ears in a desperate attempt to avoid the sound.

"Why is she always so loud?" Kuukai yelled over the screams that echoed against the walls.

"I wonder how much she weighs." Nagihiko yelled back.

Rima smiled. "I can figure out for you."

"Rima, don't." Utau yelled back. "That's sickening."

The group settled more comfortably when the noise suddenly died down. They all turned to see a soulless Yamabuki Saaya being dragged out of the gym by her five lackeys.

Kairi leaned against the back of the gym wall. "So where's Tsukiyomi-san?"

~ Well, Kairi. To answer your question. ~

Amu paled to the point where she resembled snow. "N-No way."

Ikuto peered over her shoulder to look at the number on the weight scale. "What is it?"

Amu stomped over the number and turned around to shoo her boyfriend. "No, you can't look. You absolutely cannot look."

He looked at her with a blank expression and asked, "Why not?"

"Because this is my personal business," Amu said. "You're not even supposed to be here."

"I said I got you a place in the infirmary by yourself."

She nodded furiously, the pink ends of her hair bouncing against her shoulder. "Exactly. With you here, it's not by myself, you know."

"I thought you knew that I counted myself when I said that."

She faltered. "What?"

He looked at her with serious eyes. "Amu, we're basically one at this point."

She gave him a deer-in-the-headlights look and he took the chance to smile wickedly and grab the scale from the floor. Before she even registered what he had done, he raised the scale above his head and eyed the number carefully.


He smirked and placed the scale down.

"Don't you dare say a word."

He shrugged.

"Ikuto, I mean it."

He pinched her cheeks.

"Ikogo, I bill merber ew." (Ikuto, I will murder you.)

He smiled gently and kissed her cheek softly. She relaxed into his touch and he took the opportunity to move his lips into her ear and whisper mischievously:

"Amu, I think it's time to stop roller-blading and start running."

Mitsuki: Can we just talk about how I started this fanfiction when I was in like eighth grade and I'm a senior in high school? AHH.

Ikuto: I bet you cringe when you go back and read it, huh?

Mitsuki: I cringe whenever I see your face too.


Amu: ...Isn't that...the same thing?

Mitsuki: Leave him, Amu. He's just dumb.

Ikuto: You're dumb! I'm not asking for them to review for you anymore!


Ikuto: *gasps over dramatically again* Don't touch my Amu!

Mitsuki: *slides hands all over her face*