Author's Note: Oh my goodness, I actually got seven hours of sleep! That's almost a miracle for me. Woke up ready to write. I really hope you enjoy this chapter. Tell me what you think.

True Love's Kiss
Chapter Six

"Ami, this is Rei, and this is Minako. Minako, Rei, this is Ami." Usagi said, wrapping her arm around Ami's waist to make her feel more comfortable.

"N-nice to meet y-you," Ami stuttered.

"Oh, it's so good to meet you," Minako giggled, then launched herself at Ami to give her a very exuberant hug.

"Pleasure," Rei said, then bowed politely. She turned back to Usagi. "Seriously Usagi. Something has happened."

"What's going on?" Usagi asked. "Were you attacked? Is Grandfather okay? Are you?" Usagi felt very anxious and wondered if she'd left her friend alone too long.

"No one has attacked, yet," Rei said softly. "I did notice what the new visiting priest looked like however," she hissed. "it's Jadeite!" Her whisper-scream pulled Usagi up short.

"Did he threaten you?" Minako asked.

"No. I don't think he realizes I know who he is."

"That's a good thing," Ami breathed. "What can we do?"

The girls began whispering together about how they could protect Rei. Usagi wondered what could be done. It wasn't as though the jinja could be fortified. It wasn't just a matter of keeping her safe, it was about helping Jadeite too.

"This way," Rei said. "We can talk in here."

They entered a room with a low table to one side, surrounded by pillows. Usagi took Luna to the table and set her down, then settled onto a cushion and waited for the others to get comfortable. As soon as they were, she took over.

"Rei, is there any way for you to get him to come talk to you? Maybe while the rest of us are here? And is it possible he could be following you?"

"I'm not sure Usagi-chan. About any of it. I think he would probably talk to me, but I don't even know what to say to him. And it isn't like I can protect myself."

"Actually," Luna coughed, startling Ami and Rei alike, "there is a way you can protect yourself. Usagi, go one."

Reaching into her subspace pocket, Usagi pulled out the transformation pens she had been given. The one for Mars she handed to Rei, and the one for Mercury went to Ami. The rest she returned. "We still have to find the others," she reminded everyone.

"What others?" Ami asked.

"Well, we came up with a theory," Usagi told them. "All of us who are pulled toward the photo of one of the guys are connected to them. They were our husbands in a former life. So Rei, you and Jadeite were married. Ami, the same for you and Zoicite."

"What?" Rei screeched. Minako started rubbing her back soothingly.

Ami's mouth worked soundlessly, opening and closing, before there was a click of her teeth and she kept her mouth shut from sheer will, staring at Usagi incredulously. Usagi moved closer to her and patted her back in comfort, as Minako was trying to do for Rei. Ami was shaking.

"It will be alright," Usagi whispered to the bluenette. "I think maybe they will come and find us the way we are trying to find them. That could be why Jadeite is here. He might be drawn to Rei the way she's drawn to his picture."

"I don't understand any of this," Ami answered in a tiny voice.

"Hmm hmm," Luna coughed. "Let me start at the beginning." She stood and paced back and forth over the table. "We know we lived a long time ago. Arty and I woke up remembering certain things. We didn't die. Instead, we were put in some sort of pod and sent forward in time as we slept. Our memories are a bit fuzzy, but we do know that all of you had husbands. And in our last life, and in this, those husbands were kidnapped by the dark kingdom and filled with dark energy. They were turned against the ones they loved. I think they will be sent against you again. Metalia would truly enjoy the suffering it would cause them, and you."

"Who is Metalia?" Ami asked.

"She is the one behind the dark kingdom's queen. Beryl. Metalia isn't from this galaxy. She came here to conquer so long ago no one knows the exact date. But since then there have been three major wars against her. She won the last one. Queen Serenity sent us forward in time, killing herself in the process of making sure we all had a second chance," Artemis answered.

"So where does that leave us?" Rei asked. She shivered and rubbed her arms. "Do we have any way to save them?"

"I don't know yet," Luna said. "I feel like there is supposed to be something, but I can't remember it."

"The only two Senshi who knew of themselves before you girls are Haruka, who is Uranus, and Michiru, who is Neptune. Unfortunately, they are in England at the moment and can't come back right away without causing a lot of talk. They are both a bit famous and we can't afford that kind of attention," Artemis said, sounding very worried. "The four of you and the others who are drawn to the pictures will have to do this without them."

"Wait, there are other Senshi?" Usagi asked. Luna hadn't told her about them.

"I found them right after I woke up," Artemis admitted. "They took their transformation pens with them to England. I am in contact with them, but they just can't get away. Haruka has a race in a couple of days and Michiru is recording an album. There is just too much scrutiny right now."

"So, if we don't have them," Usagi murmured, "it will be up to us. If neither of them are drawn to one of the pictures, they aren't involved are they?"

"They are soulmates," Artemis explained. "They have no interest in boys."

"Good for them," Rei said, nodding her head. "They should be together if they're soulmates, no matter what people think."

"None of us will argue with you on that," Minako said. "Love is love. It shouldn't need to be qualified."

"Very true," Usagi agreed. "So, the two of you haven't transformed yet. Maybe Luna and Artemis could walk you through it."

"That's easy enough," Luna said, hopping down from the table. "Come here girls." When Ami and Rei had followed her into the center of the room, clutching the transformation pens, Luna explained. "Rei, you are connected to the planet Mars. That is why you are so in touch with fire. Hold up your transformation pen and say, 'Mars Power, Make Up.'" She turned to Ami. "You are bound to Mercury. You are connected to ice and fresh water. Hold up your pen and say, 'Mercury Power, Make Up.'"

Usagi and Minako ran to the door and the windows to make sure no one was close, then nodded to the girls. They both held up their transformation pens and said their phrases. Ami was surrounded by swirls of water, Rei by lines of flame. A few moments passed as their clothing was replaced by fuku and their socked feet with boots and high heels.

"You guys look awesome," Usagi crowed.

Ami, or Sailor Mercury, blushed, but Rei, who was now Sailor Mars, preened under the compliment. She looked excitedly down at herself while Ami still looked nervous.

"Okay, release your transformations," Artemis instructed. "We don't want you to be seen. You have to hide your secret identities carefully. Though there are a few who already know and will help you."

Usagi grinned at the girls as they returned to normal and came to the table. "That's very true. Naru, Umino, and Motoki have all learned the secret. They can help you with the occasional excuse, and are there for someone to talk to. All of them are very nice and I think everyone has met them at least once."

"I have," Ami murmured.

"Me too," Rei agreed. She frowned. "I can't keep this from my grandfather. Even if I wanted to, he would know very quickly. It might be best to tell him outright so we have an adult on our side."

Luna looked like she might argue, but Artemis laid his paw over hers. "I think it might be for the best. He can give the girls a safe place to train and sage advice."

"Alright, but no one else without a serious discussion, and make sure Jadeite isn't around when you tell him." Luna's ears twitched wildly.

"Speaking of Jadeite, what do I do now that I know he's here?"

"I don't know," Usagi said softly. "Maybe Minako could stay here with you, just in case. Her parents had to go to England for a few weeks. She's transformed before, so she knows how."

"That's probably a good idea. Ami, have you seen Zoicite around you?"

"No. I think Usagi would have been the first to know if I had."

Jadeite was working in the garden when he saw Endymion and Kunzite peering in through a window. Angrily he marched over to them, and caught sight of four girls and two cats around a table inside the room. Rei was among them. Again he felt pulled to her. All he could think of was getting a single kiss. It was driving him mad. Instead of staying to watch her, Jadeite dragged the others with him toward the little path in the woods.

"Are you trying to get caught?" he asked, pointing back to the window, where a blonde head was visible checking in each direction. "You could have been seen."

"I want to be seen," Endymion sighed. "I want to kiss her."

"Who?" Jadeite asked, jealousy stirring within him. "Rei is mine. I won't let you touch her!"

"No. Not Rei. Usagi. Sailor Moon."

"Is that why you came to OSA-P?" Jadeite asked, frowning. "I thought you were trying to take credit for my work."

"He wasn't," Kunzite assured him. "We were all sent to watch one of the girls. These are ours. Minako belongs to me."

"And Ami is mine," Zoicite added, leaning against the bole of a tree. None of them had noticed his arrival with all the testosterone flowing between them.

"Where are the others then?" Kunzite asked.

"Nephrite has found Makoto. Haruki has a lead on Setsuna. And little Shingo has been mooning over Hotaru for two days," Zoicite told them. "I think maybe we are drawn to them for a reason. Why just one of the Senshi for each of us?"

"They're our wives," Endymion said, looking back.

"What?" Jadeite asked, looking wild as he stared back at the building. "Why would the queen send us to kidnap them?"

"Pretty sure their love for us will make it easier to kidnap them," Zoicite answered. "It makes a sick sort of sense."

"Everything about Beryl is sick," Endymion muttered with a shiver.

Jadeite nodded. The queen had shown Endymion far too much interest. But something bothered him. "There was no talk of a Moon Senshi."

"We know," Kunzite answered. "We only learned the girls were our wives by listening to those cats. They think they need to save us."

"The question is then, are they strong enough to protect us from the Queen?" Zoicite asked.

"I think," Endymion murmured, "I could be wrong, but I think it's possible we can protect ourselves, especially if we are with the one we were married to before."

"All I want is a kiss," Zoicite murmured. He shook his head and turned back to them. "I didn't mean to say that," he muttered, blushing.

"No. That's alright," Jadeite told him, clapping him on the shoulder. "I feel the same way about Rei. I couldn't understand it, but if they are our wives it makes sense. Our souls must be pulled to theirs somehow."

"What do we do about it then?" Kunzite asked.

No one had an answer.

Setsuna smiled down at the young girl who was sitting alone. She had the flier out again, and was staring at it. Settling next to her, Setsuna put a hand on her shoulder. "I see you have an interest in one of the missing boys," she said. "I do too." She pointed to a picture of the red-haired teen. "This one. Kazuo Haruki."

"It doesn't make sense," the girl whispered. "Why do I feel like I know him? I dream about a dance with him, and a kiss."

"I do too," Setsuna admitted. She had to agree it was strange to have dreams about a boy she'd never met, but it felt right.

"So, what do we do about it?" the girl asked. "Um. I'm Hotaru, by the way."

"Setsuna. Pleased to meet you."

"And you. So, what do we do?"

"I think we should find the sister of the one you are interested in. She might have the answers we want."

"Or she might think we're crazy stalkers," Hotaru mumbled.

"I'm willing to take that chance if it means answers," Setsuna argued.

"Okay, but you do all the talking," Hotaru agreed. "I'm too nervous. Although, I might know someone who could help. Her name is Minako and she's very nice. I wonder if she's volunteering."

"How about we go down there together tomorrow?" Setsuna asked.

"Hai!" The younger girl looked excited.

Nephrite paced back and forth across Makoto's apartment. "I can find the other guys. Even though I'm not pulled to the dark kingdom anymore, I still have a sense of them, especially Endymion.

"Who is Endymion?" Makoto asked, pulling out the flier.

"This one. Chiba Mamoru," Nephrite pointed to the picture. The last I saw of him, he was following a girl with buns that had tails flowing from them down to her knees."

"Then we need to find him," Makoto urged. "That is Tsukino Usagi. She is the sister of Shingo and the cousin of Haruki. It's been all over the news."

"Neither of them remembers their families," Nephrite told her. "I couldn't remember mine until after you kissed me. I don't know what it means."

"Wait, you remember now?" Makoto asked.

"Hai. And now that I have my memories, I want the others to get theirs too."

"We might have an answer," she said excitedly. "You only changed after I kissed you."

"True," Nephrite answered. "So what, they just need to kiss and they'll remember?"

"Maybe. It's the only lead we have right now. Tomorrow we have to find Usagi."

"Then that is what we will do," Nephrite answered, feeling hopeful. He just knew there had to be a way to save the others.