Reviews for Unexpected Truce
excessivelyperky chapter 67 . 9/8
Yes, Albus always knew where he was with dear old Sluggy, who knew how to suck up to Gryffindors and forget about his own house.

But Snape can hold his own just fine.
excessivelyperky chapter 66 . 8/18
Yeah, Severus forgets that he has so many memories of his father that whatever he did will be cheered on by most of the Wizengamot. Also, the memory of Albus calling him 'a filthy half-blood'. (Sadly, that one would gain Albus a bunch more votes right back).
excessivelyperky chapter 65 . 8/16
Oh, my. I'm so glad that Draco could talk to his Min-Min about what was going on.

And...all Severus has to do is to counter with a few memories of what his father was actually like, and the witnesses would be cheering him on. I think Albus has once again miscalculated.
excessivelyperky chapter 64 . 8/4
Very good chapter-both Harry and Severus are learning how to love and trust each other.

Apparently, this was not was Albus had planned.
excessivelyperky chapter 63 . 7/14
This is such a sweet chapter-I'm glad the Patronus sucked the depression out of Harry.

And I'm glad that Snape has someone else in his corner there at school-Snape talks about fairness, but surely he still remembers that first Leaving Feast when Harry was there, and how unfair he probably thought it?

He should be suspicious of Albus, and it's pretty clear that he is. Nice that Filius recognized how Snape was hosed as a student-and here I thought all the staff got the memo that Snape was the Marauder's chewtoy and that nobody should get in their way.
XxmarshmelloxX chapter 3 . 7/10
Wow this is sad but kinda happy
excessivelyperky chapter 62 . 7/10
Actually, the curse on the DADA position has been going for much longer than seven years, and I'm very surprised Minerva does not mention that.

But I think she realizes that Dumbledore is setting Snape up for *something* and not anything good.
Plus, the other two Heads know that if Slytherin gets sacrificed on the altar of Gryffindor again, that their Houses aren't too far behind. No doubt their position when the merry Marauders were in charge was not fun either.
excessivelyperky chapter 61 . 7/9
Oops, Draco is in trouble, probably using threatening his parents to get him to cooperate.

And Harry needs a lot more pain potions before he's ready for physical therapy-but Severus should just *tell* him, 'I'm doing some research to help you'. Would that be so hard? Glad he's asking the twins to look after him, though.
excessivelyperky chapter 60 . 7/1
I'm very surprised that either twin cares about a first year Slytherin being bullied, considering what they did to Montague in canon, but ok, this is AU and all that.

But there's a brilliant uncompleted fic by Chaos-Rose on here where Snape accidentally finds their *real* lab notebook, turned in by accident. Oops.

It's nice that Minerva is upset at Horace for past neglect, but wasn't it her who helped to enable the Marauders?
excessivelyperky chapter 59 . 6/24
Yeah, Albus is going to use this to make Fudge give him something he wants. Will it be good for the students, or for the Greater Good?

Glad that someone noticed that Luna was hurt, though.
excessivelyperky chapter 58 . 6/11
Sad that Luna had to survive Umbridge, too, but since she's not a Gryffindor, nobody will make a fuss over her.

I wonder if Snape will teach DADA for the rest of the year, and if the curse will kill him?

Nice scene with Severus helping with Harry's panic attack.
excessivelyperky chapter 57 . 5/24
Yeah, not surprised George was chosen (though the Unbreakable Vow thing was when the Weasley children were *much* younger, you make it sound as if it happened just last year or so).

And I would be very surprised if only Gryffindors were chosen for the Quill, but I know that's how you have it for your story.
excessivelyperky chapter 56 . 5/22
Good chapter. You are writing the children rather younger than they actually were, mind you.

I am glad that Sirius and Severus are of one accord when it comes to Harry, and I love how the Weasley twins are protective of Ron ('he's our brother, only we get to torture him!').
nightwing27 chapter 70 . 5/20
yeap a milestone that keeps on going this site and fanfic should be in thw orld record for abonded stories
excessivelyperky chapter 55 . 5/19
Excellent chapter. What Minerva said about trust and love rang true.

And what she did with Umbridge was just...elegant and *pretty*. I adore it. Possibly inspired by what Hermione did with Rita Skeeter, but still very impressive.

Aberforth needs to signal some way to Severus that he's also a spy, or I could see some awkwardness here.
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