Follow/Fav Who I Am
By: KneelingAngel
My name is Phoebe. I have literally been struggling to get out of hell but the weirdest of creatures saved me and helped me out. I had just moved in with my foster parents when I was saved by the Autobots. This is my story about how they help me recover from myself. Oh yeah, there's also this other small thing... I'm the daughter of a Decepticon! HELP! I own nothing! SunstreakerxOC
Rated: Fiction T - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Barricade, Sideswipe, OC - Chapters: 40 - Words: 102,395 - Reviews: 380 - Favs: 390 - Follows: 360 - Updated: 3/12/2017 - Published: 7/3/2013 - Status: Complete - id: 9454480
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< Prev 1. Introducing Myself 2. Help 3. That One Drawing 4. Finally Home 5. The Truth 6. In A Cage 7. A Bond 8. Lennox Residence 9. Talking with Optimus Prime 10. Squishy 11. Fun At The Lake 12. Unwanted Visitors 13. An Itchy Feeling 14. Shopping 15. Why Had I Been Worried Again? 16. A New Visitor 17. Opposite of Grounded 18. Unlikely Developments 19. Annoying Little Human Sister 20. A New Home 21. Under Anesthetics 22. Thing On My Head 23. Videogames 24. Drawing on Skin 25. Too Much Energon 26. Like A Bullet 27. Climbing Wall 28. First Fase of Denial 29. I Hate You 30. Love Advice From Jazz 31. It is NOT a Date! 32. Back Again 33. You're Safe Now 34. LISTEN UP, IMPORTANT NOTE! IT'S NOT OVER 35. Why Am I Even Here! 36. It's over 37. Awake 38. Love you 39. Surprise, I'm not dead! 40. SEQUAL IS OUT!
< Prev 1. Introducing Myself 2. Help 3. That One Drawing 4. Finally Home 5. The Truth 6. In A Cage 7. A Bond 8. Lennox Residence 9. Talking with Optimus Prime 10. Squishy 11. Fun At The Lake 12. Unwanted Visitors 13. An Itchy Feeling 14. Shopping 15. Why Had I Been Worried Again? 16. A New Visitor 17. Opposite of Grounded 18. Unlikely Developments 19. Annoying Little Human Sister 20. A New Home 21. Under Anesthetics 22. Thing On My Head 23. Videogames 24. Drawing on Skin 25. Too Much Energon 26. Like A Bullet 27. Climbing Wall 28. First Fase of Denial 29. I Hate You 30. Love Advice From Jazz 31. It is NOT a Date! 32. Back Again 33. You're Safe Now 34. LISTEN UP, IMPORTANT NOTE! IT'S NOT OVER 35. Why Am I Even Here! 36. It's over 37. Awake 38. Love you 39. Surprise, I'm not dead! 40. SEQUAL IS OUT!
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