I'm sorry guys, it's just been one bad thing after another. Finals week was a nightmare; among the highlights were me getting soaked to the bone twice after walking across campus and back in a torrential downpour to find out that my appointment never got scheduled, I got sick to my stomach from stress and exhaustion, and a wasp found its way into our room again (I am deathly afraid of anything that stings). And then I had a bunch of laptop issues to deal with, such as Google Chrome crashing.

Then I got inspired for new stories, and pretty much everything but this story; thinking I may write a Powerpuff Girls fic soon.

So that's why I didn't update.

But, everything's fine now. Without further ado, enjoy chapter thirteen!

Chapter Thirteen: Protection

Liza could practically feel the color drain from her face. Her jaw dropped open and she unconsciously stepped back from the monitor, feeling dizzy.

W-what…? Raymond…Dowell…out of prison?!

June gently grasped Liza's arms, staring at Fowler with an equally frightened expression. "Agent Fowler, are you sure?"

"Positive," the man nodded solemnly. "We've notified the authorities and if he's sighted, we'll make absolutely sure he's caught."

No one was relieved one bit by this news.

"Thank you, Agent Fowler," Optimus said. "Because of the risk to Elizabeth's safety, I think it may be best to keep her here at the base until Raymond Dowell is brought to justice."

Fowler frowned for a moment. He wasn't a big fan of the idea, but he couldn't think of a better one himself.

"Best to discuss that with her mom, Prime," he said, almost smiling at June. "We'll keep you posted on any activity we notice." With that, the monitor fizzled and went blank.

"Optimus," Ratchet hissed, "we are not equipped to have a human living here full time. She can't stay here!"

Liza half-glared at Ratchet's comment, knowing full well he was more worried about her getting in his way.

Optimus looked down thoughtfully; he hadn't fully considered that.

"You are right, old friend. However, we cannot very well send her home without the proper precautions." Turning to June and the two Darby teens, he continued.

"Ms. Darby, since Arcee is out of commission for the foreseeable future, Jazz will replace her as your family's guardian until she can return to her duties. In addition-"

"Optimus, with all due respect," June interrupted, "I think we'll be fine on our own as long as we have an Autobot protecting us. After all, this isn't a Decepticon threat. As long as Liza doesn't go anywhere alone, we should be fine."

Optimus hesitated. Sensing his leader's unease, Jazz quickly piped up.

"She's right, Prime! No bad apple's gonna get past ol' Jazz! Ginger and her family are safe with me!"

After a few tense moments, the Autobot leader nodded. "Very well, Jazz. You will assume your role as temporary guardian immediately. I want you to let us know if any suspicious activity occurs around Jasper."

"Will do, Prime," Jazz said as June checked her watch.

"It's getting late," she stated. "We should all be heading home."


"So you do know the girl," Megatron deduced from Raymond's outburst.

"That little wench is the reason I was put away for life! Just because my idiot neighbors didn't agree with my idea of discipline…"

Megatron inwardly grinned; he had seen the scars on Elizabeth's arms and now had a good idea of where they had come from. This man could potentially be useful.

"I see…tell me about these humans."

Raymond looked at Megatron with a baffled face. He'd never bothered getting to know the people across the street, what did they have to do with anything, anyway?

"I dunno, just some lady with her kid and a blue motorcycle."

A surprised gasp escaped the warlord's vocal processors. "You don't say," Megatron purred, a knowing grin crossing his face. "Did the motorcycle seem at all…different to you? Suspicious, even?"

"Not really," Raymond shrugged impatiently. "I mean – the kid got it outta nowhere and it seemed weird that he could afford it. Why? What does this have to do with anything?" The convict's voice raised a few notches before Knock Out squeezed him tightly.

"Quiet, you! We're trying to help you here!"

With the human silenced, Megatron continued. "The boy's motorcycle is, in fact, an Autobot in disguise." When Raymond looked at him blankly, clearly baffled, Megatron went on to explain about the war. "So you see," he finished, "the Autobots have come to this planet to take all of Earth's natural resources and when they've collected all they need, they will return to Cybertron, leaving us Decepticons stranded, doomed to rust away."

Raymond listened with mild interest.

"With the exception of the Autobots' pets and certain government officials, the human race is unaware of our presence. As such, the authorities will not think to search for you aboard our ship or with other humans. Likewise, the Autobots will not be looking for a human that works for us."

"'Works for us'? What exactly does that mean?" Raymond snapped and gave Megatron a wary glare. First these giant scrapheaps kidnapped him and rambled on about their enemies who had coincidentally been his neighbors, and now they had the nerve to demand his assistance?

"Watch your tone, human!" Megatron retorted, becoming fed up with the man's lack of respect. "I am proposing that you accompany Knock Out on his missions to spy on the Autobots. Most of their activity appears to originate from Jasper, Nevada, the town you lived in, correct?"

Raymond nodded.

"For the next several weeks, you will accompany Knock Out to Jasper, acting as a human spy for us. You will watch the human children the Autobots have become so attached to, especially the humans who took your daughter from you. I need one of the children brought here intact if my plan is to succeed."

"What's in it for me?" Raymond asked, folding his arms.

Megatron smirked, knowing the redhead would leap at his offer. "We will provide you asylum from the authorities hunting you. And when your part is through, you will be permitted to take your revenge on Elizabeth."

"You're not the only one who's got a score to settle with her," Knock Out sneered at the human in his servo. "So, what do you say?"

Raymond gave the crimson medic a bloodthirsty grin. "I'm in."


The silence was deafening as Jazz pulled into the Darby garage. Needless to say, this was not the ride home June had planned on after announcing the adoption; Optimus had insisted she leave her car at the base and travel home with Jazz that evening for her own safety. In the back seat, Jack sat next to Liza, grasping her hand in a reassuring manner. While she was grateful for the support, Liza just stared out the window, still trying to grasp the fact that her father was out there once more, and would most likely come after her again. When Jazz slowly halted in the garage, June heaved a sigh and grasped his steering wheel. She was scared, but she had to be strong for both of her children. Struggling to find the right words, June finally gave up and turned around.

"Come on," she gently ordered, "let's go inside and get some sleep. We'll talk about this in the morning." Jack and Liza unbuckled their seatbelts in silence, Liza still completely numb. As she headed for the door, Jazz's voice rang out and stopped her.

"Hey, Ginger?"

Liza turned around. It almost hurt Jazz how scared she looked behind that stoic face.

"It's gonna be all right. Trust me. Your dad's not gonna get anywhere near ya." Jazz decided to claim a victory when the red-haired girl cracked a small smile and patted the top of the silver sports car.

"Thanks, Jazz."


Again, I apologize for the wait and how short this is.