Star Wars: Clone Rebellion (Season 1)
Note: I don't own Star Wars: The Clone Wars. If I did, I'd make sure Ahsoka, Rex, many known Clones of the 501st, and Boil survives.
Also, if my story looks strange the way it's laid out, I assure you all that I'm now bringing in updates to increase my grammar abilities and extent the chapters so it seems longer.
Well, on with the last days of the Clone wars. I also plan to map out how everyone reacts better instead of skipping each step like I've been doing when I started Clone Rebellion (previously 'Clone Rebellion of Order 66').
Anyhow, hope you enjoy the contempt updates I've been eager to bring in for a while now. Hope you like it!
Anyway, I've recently decided to make chapters one to four into the sizes of the latter chapter. So they'll be the length of 10,000 words instead of around 5,000.
Australian date: (2/16/2014)
"Every single Jedi, including you're friend, Obi-Wan Kenobi, is now an enemy of the Republic. Do what must be done lord Vader. Do not hesitate show no mercy. Only then will you be strong enough with the Dark Side... to save Padme."
Anakin looked directly at his new masters eyes. He had severed his connections with the Jedi, and also Obi-Wan. He didn't regret anything that he had done now. Then he finely asked. "What of the other Jedi spread across the Galaxy?"
Palpatine answered with complete confidence with the question he was given. "Their betrayal will be dealt with." Palpatine then sat down at his chair of the Chancellor's office. He got into a position that would accommodate his needed comfort for now and continued to speak his task that the now new Sith, Vader would be doing.
"After you have killed all the Jedi in the Temple go to the Mustafar system. Wipe out Viceroy Gunray and the other Separatist leaders. Once more the Sith will rule the Galaxy! And… We shall have... peace." Palpatine's voice crackled as he spoke of spreading 'peace' but it was of course a lie to make Anakin believe and give his allegiance to his new Master.
Palpatine was even going to eliminate those who had been under his command for more than ten years. Considering the betrayals and cowardly actions they've done during their time as Sidious' henchmen, it was no wonder why that he would order such a fate to come to them. It was either that, or Palpatine's secret hate for species other than human was why the Neimoidian members would be killed.
Now was the time for the fall. Both Jedi and Sith would have a strong power shift upon them. The Sith would rise, and the Jedi would fall… very far to their doom.
Chapter: 1 As Jedi Knights fall:
Anakin was to attack his old home, The Jedi Temple. To do that, he needs Clones to help clear out the Jedi menace that threatens the Republic. What's a better choice to choose than his fighting team of the 501st? As he enters the barracks that are currently housing the 501st, Commander Appo approaches Lord Vader. "General Skywalker, what brings you here?"
Anakin looks at Appo and replies. "The Jedi are attempting to over throw the Republic. I need the 501st to come with me to stop their betrayal. This is not only an order from me; it's also from Chancellor Palpatine himself."
Appo was slightly shaken when he heard the Chancellor involved in the mission he and the 501st were to do. It would change the face of the Galaxy. "Yes sir, I'll round up the soldiers and get them ready for battle sir!"
Just as Appo was just about to get the 501st ready Anakin called for him once more. "Commander Appo, where is Rex?"
Appo looked at Vader and replied instantly while feeling something dark. "He went with your former Padawan and a large amount of the platoon to Yavin 4 to stop the Separatists forces in that area. She's finally leading troops without a Master. If you recall General, you had specially sent her the men of your choice personally."
'Former Padawan? Ahsoka!' Anakin mentally panicked and kicked himself in his head. While he knew that the Jedi were now his arch enemies, he still had his respect for the Togruta student of his. Because of the betrayal of the Jedi Order against her, he saw reason to let have the chance to change her ways, and perhaps make her a powerful Sith Apprentice.
"Then you're coming with the 501st, Appo." Anakin said. "We're storming the Jedi Temple, Appo. Don't show any mercy to the Jedi. Masters, Knights and Padawans all have to go."
"Understood, sir. Do you want me to explain to the Clones on Yavin IV about your former Padawan being a traitor?"
Anakin took a few seconds to think. He didn't want his Padawan to die. Even by her own troops, it was too messy for him to imagine. Rex, Fives, Jesse, Kix and Tup just walking up to her and shooting her unexpectedly. But then again, he doubted that even Rex would pull such a thing to Ahsoka. He trusts her with his life as she trusts him. He wanted to see how long she could she can last being on the run. If he tells Rex or any other troops in her force, who knows what will happen.
"No Appo, I think they can handle themselves. Do not give them the order to kill her! That's an order!" The new Sith shouted threateningly.
Appo literally flinched with Vader's sudden burst of anger dished out to him. It was unusual to have Anakin yell at a Clone just for asking questions. But this was not the same Anakin as he was before he had arrived at the senate building and caused the death of the Jedi Master, Mace Windu.
"But if the Jedi are traitors, why not finish them all off, General?" It took a lot of courage to keep asking questions to Anakin when he was angry, especially right now.
"She'll… be dealt with later. Let's focus on our job, Commander." Vader said getting calmer after his sudden outburst.
"If you say so, sir." Appo said.
Yavin 4:
Ahsoka and Rex were leading their troops at a large group of B2 Super Battle Droids that were shooting at their four IFT-X tanks that were assigned to destroy their base. Rex was using his two classic DC-17 Hand Blasters he had most of the time in battle. Ahsoka had both her Lightsaber and Shoto in her back hand grip she used about all the time.
Fives and Jessie were trying to get behind the enemy lines and attack them from behind. And they were also racing to see who got there first.
"This is going to be a tough streak to get across the back!" Jesse said loudly while firing his DC-15s at approaching B1 Battle Droids.
"Maybe it's because going behind the enemy lines isn't like opening a door and expecting to be greeted with open arms, Jesse." Fives said back. "Or people without Blasters."
"Well, isn't that just rude…" Jesse said with a lick of sarcasm invading his mouth.
Kix was shooting from far away while he was assisting the wounded 501st members. Tup was also shielding him so he could let Kix do his work.
"Tup, make sure we don't get hit! I need to make sure there is a well wall of defense to help the injured stay out of live fire!" Kix said loudly.
"Don't worry Kix, nothing bad is going to happen. Just keep patching up the wounded. I'll keep you covered." Tup said while spreading a lot of shots at B1 Battle Droids that continued to show up in big swarms like merciless waves trying to spread death.
As Rex shot through two whole Supers, Ahsoka was cutting through other Droids one by one. She felt like darkness was hitting her. It felt like something bad was going to happen, something big. Then all her thoughts were silenced as AATs were coming out of the enemy's base.
The IFT-X tanks then got into a small line and fired their missiles at the approaching tanks. The battles were always the more deadly when both sides had heavy weapons. With the heavy weapons used against each side, there were more chances the alien wildlife of Yavin IV would become affected by the heavy shelling being spread to each fighting faction.
Clones were watching as explosive ordinance continued to shell each side of the forest. It was not only dangerous for each side there, but the animals were also in danger. The firepower from the exchange of Blaster and missile fire made bushes, trees and plants ignite. The fire was spreading very fast due to the wind pushing it across the land.
For Fives, he felt the intense heat from the fighting and nearby inferno. He had to stop running to get to nearby cover. He was safely behind a tree and leaned back on it and falling plump down into the dirt. He then ripped off his blue ARC Trooper helmet and held it down to his waist. He had got to cover just before a whole wave of Blaster fire could cut his large body apart. Judging by the wave of firepower, it was no doubt that a couple of Super Battle Droids were the culprits of that attack.
Meanwhile, Jessie was still running and yelled. "Hey Fives, what's the matter, can't take the heat? Hahaha!"
Fives was taking deep breathes and replied loudly, knowing that Jesse wouldn't be able to hear him from earshot range. "I'll get you back, Jessie! Somehow..." After his retort back against Jesse, Fives supplied blind fire to where his attackers were with his DC-17 Hand Blasters and knew he had gotten the Droids after hearing his shots hit their metal frames and the silence of clanking rummaging towards him.
The ex-Domino Squad member has gone a long way from being a rookie on a failing team with the worst reputation in training Clone history to an Advanced Recon Commando of the 501st Legion. Looking back to it all, it was indeed a big reward from the hard work landing him here. Fives continued to live, which shown that any Clone, including those from Domino Squad were worthy of stepping up to the plate of heading into heavy direct fire, and making it out alive and OK.
Captain Rex had split off from Ahsoka and was leading troops down the path both Fives and Jessie took. Rex encountered Fives in cover breathing hard for air as the heat from the battle managed to overpower his filters of his armor made for cooling the ARC Trooper down. Rex then gave the sign for his soldiers to lead the way until he catches up. Rex had then re-holstered his Blaster Pistols and walked slowly up towards Fives.
Rex stood right next to Fives and said. "C'mon Fives, we're ARC Troopers. We trained hard for missions like this."
Fives eyed Rex for a second and replied. "Easy for you to say, Rex. No matter what our training does for us, we still have our limits." Rex looked at the face of Fives for a brief second and nodded, before he helped him get on his feet.
The two of them then continued their trek through enemy fire and both brought out their twin DC-17 Hand Blasters again to fight against the Clankers.
Ahsoka with the other group of Clone troopers charged at remaining CIS AATs. Some Clones had Rocket Launchers and fired at the Droid operated tanks. The tanks exploded and the Clones let out large cries of cheers. Ahsoka then deactivated her Lightsaber and Shoto, and looked at her boys and smiled.
After the smile the Togruta had given the men, she finely began to get the feeling of Darkness inside her again, only this time its currents were much stronger and hit her hard. The Darkness was affecting her so badly that it had begun to cause pains in her head. She let out an 'argh!' because of the pain and fell on her knees.
A Clone Medic saw the Togruta Knight in some sort of pain and ran as fast as he could to his Commander. He was worried that something may have injured her during the fight or maybe a sudden intense migraine?
"Commander, are you alright!? Are you injured?"
Ahsoka herd the Clone Medic and replied hardly. "Head hurts!"
The Clone began to look around frantically to see if anything out there could've been the sudden cause of the problem. He never saw a Jedi, or Clone act this way, and there wasn't anything in the area that appeared hostile enough to cause such a violent effect. He only had one option and resorted to calling for help from the experienced Medic of the 501st. Kix.
"Kix, where are you!?"
On Rex's side, he was leading the group of Clones with Fives next to him. They were escorting the IFT-X tanks towards the enemy base. Fives may still have been tired, but he was more concerned with thinking about what happened to Jessie. Had he made it to enemy lines yet? He didn't see any dead Clones yet, just destroyed B1 Battle Droids. The mess was clearly done by his Blaster, but it didn't mean Jesse would made it all the way there without the chance of getting killed by Clankers.
"Rex, where do you think Jessie has gone?" Rex looked at Fives and gave him a light stare. "I'm sure he's off having fun with the Droids up ahead, Fives. He'll be fine."
With Jesse, he was busy in a battle of his own as he moved forward. Jessie threw a grenade at a group of B1 Droids and they explode. The remaining fly off in many directions and the Droids could be heard screaming before they completely died. "Ha! Take this Clankers!"
After those Droids got destroyed, three Destroyer Droids came rolling into action from the Droid base. Jessie saw the danger in engaging them directly. He quickly looked around and found a deep trench. He quickly jumped in and turned his attention to the Droidekas rolling towards him. He fired his DC-15S at the 'rollies'.
The Droidekas may have been far away, but they seemed to have been adapted with the ability to dodge laser fire. Not a problem for Jessie though. He still managed to destroy two of them. The last one than stopped moving and deployed from ball mode to standing position and activated its shield. Its lasers fired at the trench Jessie was in which made it a little hard for him.
He tried to bring his Blaster up and fire at the last Droid in the area. However, the laser fire from the twin repeating Blasters the Tri-legged Droid had knocked Jessie's Carbine out of his arms and fell back into the trench. Jessie ducked down and moved a little bit forward to retrieve his weapon. As his hands reach the weapon's body he pulled it up, only to find out it was useless now. The Droideka's laser fire had damaged the weapon beyond instant repair.
Jessie knew he didn't have any other weapons on him that revolved around shooting. He has to act quickly before he loses his life. What he would do for a blaster right now. He would use anything, even Rex's DC-17's. As he was thinking of a way to escape this mess he got into, he could hear the sounds of the Destroyers legs moving. "Oh, this is not gonna end well at all!" Jesse mentally kicked himself.
All he was doing now was looking up, waiting for his end to come. First he could see the top of the shield, than the top of the Droids head, than the Droid's twin blasters.
Just as the lasers were aiming towards Jessie, a thought rushed through his head. 'Dammit Fives, how could you let me go here all by myself?' Than just before he could be blasted, a barrage of blue laser fire hit the Droideka flat in the center of its body, passing easily beyond its shields. Jessie looked up from the trench and saw where the laser came from.
An IFT-X tank had faced the trench and its small side weapons were cooked with smoke coming from the tips of them. Jessie breathed a sigh of relief and waved at the tank. Than Rex and Fives walked up to confront him.
"Should have stayed behind with Fives, Jessie." Rex said in a serious tone. He then looked at the burnt bodies of the CIS and looked amused. "But it looked like you've had a lot of fun while you've been away." Rex than proceeded to laugh. Than Fives and Jessie joined in. As soon as they stopped laughing, Rex's Communicator beeped. "Report?"
Back with Kix, the Medic had been careful with the Jedi the Knight and explained what he could to the Captain.
"Captain, I'm afraid the Commander won't be able to join in on the remainder of the battle. She seems to have had large head pains and can't seem to do much." Kix explained.
Rex than asked. "Will she be alright, Kix?"
"She should be sir, I think she only needs a good rest from the fighting. You know how anyone can get when they've been fighting for so long." Kix replied.
"I understand, report to me if her condition changes." Rex said.
"Yes sir." Kix replied.
"Rex?" A voice called on Rex's communicator. It was Ahsoka. "I'm sorry I can't join in on helping the boys finish the battle." She said with a lot of guilt in voice.
Rex than replied. "Hey kid, it's alright. You've worked really hard to help us win this battle. Were it not for you, we probably would have lost. Thank you Ahsoka."
Ahsoka looked at her communicator with a puppyish glare. "Wow, I didn't know you were that good with words, Rex. Thanks." Ahsoka replied.
"You're welcome, Commander. I'll see you shortly, Captain Rex out."
Now everything seemed silent, Ahsoka and Kix were both waiting for Rex and the others to return. Kix than decided to help Ahsoka get some rest by escorting her into a Venator-Class Star Destroyer ship that had landed and got her into the med bay there.
With Rex, he knew they had to destroy the Droid base before they reproduce anymore Clankers to fight against. The IFT-X tanks were already in position for shooting and Rex had the command of choosing where the bombing would go.
"Alright, aim at the top of the door first, and then fire until it's completely blocked off!" The clones in the tanks did what the Captain of the 501st said and in short time blocked the doorway.
"Ok, now fire at the top of the base until it collapses inside of itself, thus destroying the Droids! C'mon men!" The tanks fired at the roof but it was hard to destroy. "Damn, I should have known." Rex said under his breath.
Fives then jumped in. "What if we get the Gunships to do a large bombing in the center of the base? That way, we'll have an easy amount of time to make it fall."
Rex than looked at his fellow ARC trooper with a bright smile. "Not a bad idea, Fives." Rex put his Communicator on again and called the Gunships.
"Gunship Pilots, this is Captain Rex, I need you to blow up the Droid Base so we can finish our mission. Can you do at least one bombing?"
It took a while but soon a Pilot replied. "Copy that Captain, yes we are able to do a bombing run on the base. We'll be arriving ETA thirty seconds."
Rex replied. "Excellent." The LAAT Gunships went over the Clone Assault force and then flew fast as they dived over the base launching Missiles and shooing with their laser pods. The wave was so strong that the base began to crumble, and fall. Then the base had been dissolved and the Clones began cheering. As the building's smoke cleared, Rex looked into the sky. it was almost completely dark with the night coming in.
The Jedi Temple:
Anakin was marching with the other remaining forces of the 501st up the large steps of the Temple that's housed the famous Jedi teachings for hundreds of thousands of years. He was glad to finally end the Order that's poisoned the minds of many students of the Force. At least that was his opinion of the matter.
He thought he was doing right by this choice, but he didn't believe what he would bring would be the outcome. He would be the Darkside's savior. Its hero. Commander Appo was quite convinced that the Jedi Order was now an enemy of the Republic. But it was the fact that the command of Order 66 had inflicted his mind when the Emperor had 'updated' him of the status via communicator. He knew that what he would do would make a huge difference to the future of the galaxy.
Some of the troops that will be storming the Temple very soon had DC-15A Blaster Rifles while most had the DC-15S Carbine. Anakin had his Lightsaber in hand, knowing that the weapon he wields will bring death and chaos to the Jedi Order.
Boil was currently in combat against both B1's and B2's. But he didn't get the chance to destroy any of them, because an AT-TE had blasted them to bits as it walked down the main road. He saw some of Utapau's soldiers defending their own buildings while the 212th were only aiming at Droid's as they continued to try and cause property for both the Clones and creatures of Utapau. Boil just kept firing his DC-15S knowing this battle will be won like the rest. He then saw his Commander, Cody with a group of Clones. Boil than made it to Cody and he spoke. "Boil, glad to see you're still alive."
Boil just looked at Cody with a stare like he was run over by a Destroyer Droid. It was an unusual greeting to give to a brother when they see each other. Perhaps it had something to do with it being so close to the end of the war. Everyone had felt it and knew that the end was about to come, one way or another. As the 212th Commander continued to watch the helmet of Boil who just faced back, he decided to break the ire silence that came between them both. "Anyway, I'm waiting for General Kenobi to return for this." Cody said as he pulled what looked like to be Obi-Wans Lightsaber from his belt.
Boil than asked shocked. "Why would General Kenobi give you his Lightsaber? I'm almost certain that he would need it himself. Unless he's decided to go ranged like all of us do, than I see no reason for you to have it."
Cody chuckled to Boil's joke. "He misplaced his Lightsaber when he dropped it from a great height before when he engaged Grievous. He's still alive, don't worry about that. He contacted me saying he defeated the cyborg and said he'll be back soon to get it back. He always checks on his second-in-command for a status update. I'm only surprised his Lightsaber didn't break from the strong plummet. These Lightsabers are made from a strong material, hey?" Cody asked while shaking the silver and black Jedi tool.
"Yes sir, I'm just as surprised that it isn't damaged. You sure it still works?" Boil asked.
"You know, I'm not too sure. I'd check myself, but I hear Lightsabers had a knack for exploding when everything inside isn't in place. Best to leave it for the General to find out." Cody replied.
"Right, understood sir." Boil then turned to look back at where a whole bunch of the 212th Attack Battalion was marching. AT-TEs and BARC Speeders moving closer to the enemy lines to finish off the remaining Droid forces. The fact that the people of Utapau had agreed to fight alongside the Republic was indeed a great gift to think about. More Clones would be dying without any other labor support to do some shooting.
"Oh, and Boil?" Boil looks back at his Commander who looked back at him. "The war is almost over. Soon we shall win and we'll have a survivors ending."
Boil nods again, and sighs. "So you feel it to, Commander? End of a story named the Clone Wars?" Boil asked.
"It has been a big war Boil. It only has been on for about three years and already billions of innocents have been lost. I can only imagine the punishments given to the Separatists when they are brought before the Senate. I doubt they'll get off easy." Cody said.
"I'm just glad we're coming to an ending of this war, sir." Boil said while exhaling a breath. "This would be a good happy ending if only Waxer didn't die. He and I used to talk about how we'd celebrate the end of the Clone Wars. Many of us assuming that we'd all survive and think about had we could only speak of stories about the war. But it seems we all can't have it our way, can we?"
Cody than looks at Boil again and says carefully. "Boil listen, Waxer died a hero, sure he may have died because he killed his own brothers in battle, but General Krell got what he deserved on Umbara. We lose brothers and friends all the time though, he will be remembered. I promise you, when the war is over, we'll do something with the rest of the men to remember those we've lost."
Boil nodded in approval of Cody's words. "Thank you sir, I really appreciate those kind words you've given me."
"You're a soldier in my Battalion, Boil. I only look out for you and try to help the best I can. If you need any guidance, seek me out for a chat." Cody said, before patting the soldier on the shoulder. Boil then turned again and watch as the men continued to walk up with DC-15 class weapons. There were a lot of men battling here. This sinkhole of a planet sure had made perfect ideas for a base to be situated. Whoever had decided to hide a base on Utapau was defiantly smart. At least there were a lot of men here to clear out the Droids.
Just then as everything got a lot quitter again, Obi-Wan arrived on a Varactyl. He looked like he had been through a lot during his fight with the General. His return had indicated that the General of the Droids was definitely dead.
"Commander, contact your troops! Tell them to move to the higher levels!" Obi-Wan ordered loudly to 212th Commander. It had seemed that since Obi-Wan had just met up with Cody that the sounds suddenly got louder.
Cody nodded in approval. "Very good sir." And just as Obi-Wan was about to leave... "Oh, and by the way I think you'll be needing this." Cody said passing Obi-Wan's Lightsaber to him.
"Thank you Cody." Obi-Wan said in appreciation to the Commander. He was sure surprised that even he forgot about his Lightsaber. Obi-Wan wasn't well known for being a forgetful man. It had appeared to be the first however. It was evident that in Obi-Wan's age, he could act a bit more crooked at times, but this was a first for him. "Now let's get a move on! We've got a battle to win here!"
Cody than replied as Obi-Wan rode off. "Yes sir!" As Obi-Wan left down the dirt road nearby, Cody's Comlink beeped. Boil looks at Cody and he pulled out his communicator that was in his hand. The figure was hard for Boil to tell who it was, until...
"Commander Cody. The time has come, execute Order 66."
In Boil's mind, his head suddenly began to hurt like hell and everything felt like spacing in a violent way. He put his left arm up to his helmet and banged on it in the front and his rate of hitting got harder with each hit. It was then that with a right hit, which he felt it stop. He then removed his hand from his helmet and he looked around carefully. He didn't know where the surge of pain came from, but he was more than convinced that he wasn't shot in the back of the head. He also felt something in his mind that was telling him to kill the Jedi. He didn't know why, but it was a terrible feeling and it confused him. Boil then looked back to Cody.
"Yes my lord." Cody said which made Boil shocked. Since when has Cody ever refered to anyone as 'my lord'?
Cody looked for Obi-Wan on the cliff with his pet, Boga. Once he did, he yelled. "Blast him!"
An AT-TE than fired its main cannon after aiming for Kenobi and the blast hit the cliff right next to Obi-Wan and his Varactyl. The vibration and power from the shots was so strong that the Boga slipped. Both she and Obi-Wan fell a very high height.
In Boil's mind, he was yelling. "NO!" What had Cody done? General Kenobi has been a trusted friend at his side for nearly three years. Never once did the General try and bring Cody into harm's way. Why did Cody do such a thing? If Boil was in charge, he would've helped the General by warning him and not try to kill him.
As Obi-Wan had fallen the large height, Boil knew that the General most likely wouldn't have survived. The distance between the area he fell from and the area he would've landed was rhetorical to guess. It was a few hundred foot drop to land, and even Boil know that a Jedi couldn't survive that.
"That's one Jedi traitor down, but there's many more to go." Cody said more proudly and seriously. It didn't seem right. This wasn't Cody's personality. What was his problem? Boil couldn't stand it. He then decided to confront his Commander directly.
"Commander, what the hell is wrong with you!? You just killed our General!" Boil pointed out loudly and waving his arms violently as he spat out against Cody.
Cody than directed his attention to Boil. "What's wrong with me? I just killed one of the traitors that have been plotting against the Chancellor. He said so himself when he issued the command to kill Kenobi." Boil looked at Cody with an outraged and sad face, but he knew he couldn't see it. He couldn't care less. "Alright, Commander."
In reality, Cody was sad by his actions and wished he didn't follow the Chancellor's orders. It was too late to change it now. When he made his choice just then, it was instinct to follow what his superior had told him to do. It wasn't that he felt as if Obi-Wan had deserved it. He had the same issue with dealing with pains in his head as well as Boil. The difference was that Cody's pains were less than Boil's was.
When Cody turned around, he saw Boil storming away from the Commander, in disgust from what his command was. Naturally, Cody would force Boil to come back. But this time if felt better to avoid certain subjects.
When Boil had stormed away, he was desperately trying to find some of his friends around the battlefield to speak over about what had happened when Cody had ordered Obi-Wan's death.
With his DC-15A in his arms, Boil quickly hopped into action and carefully checked his sights. Very quickly, he saw on balconies that there were waves of B1 Droid snipers shooting at the men in orange and white armor below. In response they retaliated back at the Droids with hard solid force. From the eyes of Boil, directly inside his helmet, the sight seemed to disturb him solemnly.
Raising his DC-15A into an aiming position, he fired against some of the snipers while walking forward slowly. As expected, he was very successful in taking off some of the 'clanker' heads and they all were vanquished in split seconds. Boil nodded in accomplishment and continued to walk forward, ahead to the main battle. While walking ahead carefully, he was banged hard on each of his sides from the back as four 212th Clones ran with only one goal in mind. To join the heavy battle ahead.
"Hey, watch it!" Boil shouted to the four men, who just acted as if he wasn't there. It was strange to Boil. Not only was Cody reacting different, but so were a few men in the Battalion. Did he stumble to a different dimension when he say Cody order Obi-Wan's death?
"What the hell is going on here?" Boil shouted angrily and loudly as he stopped walking for a brief moment. He then continued to move forward and noticed a line of two AT-TEs attempting to clear a path up ahead.
Up on the left, Boil spotted a staircase that intercepted with a bridge. The bridge was currently a warzone between the 212th and a line of B1 Battle Droids and a few B2 Super Battle Droids.
Boil knew that this would be a good spot to step in to help brothers in need for fighting. He suddenly quickened his pace and ran towards where Clones were holding their positions. When he reached up there he saw that that the Droids had an advantage in certain spots, and that made a lot of vulnerabilities to the men resorting to their deaths.
While watching the ensuing fight take place, Boils spotted his two friends Davajaan and Wooley behind cover that looked like it could protect them… for just a little while. When looking at them, it was clear that they were keeping covered away from the fire. There were lots of Droid fire coming to them, and it would be best to not jump in when death might just hit you if you look out for one brief second.
Boil quickly went to join them and before he got to them, he noticed that Wooley was waving his free left arm at the three men next to him who stood out in the open, aiming for Droids. He was trying to tell them something, but the noise of the battle couldn't allow him to hear what Wooley was saying.
"I said, get to cover!" Wooley yelled annoyed with the three men who acted as if he was a ghost. "I can't believe they aren't following simple instructions!"
Davajaan just watched and silently agreed with what Wooley was saying. Men were trained to follow orders and trust in their brothers. But now it had appeared that they had lost all basic sense, and here they were. They had remained exposed, until three stray Blaster bolts got them in their helmets and they all dropped simultaneously. Wooley's only reaction to this was his arm moving slowly. He then turned towards Davajaan who just looked at him with a questioning expression under his helmet.
"Davajaan. I know it might be offensive to say it about our brothers, but even I knew that was pretty foolish." Wooley admitted.
"I can't blame you. Seeing this disorganization makes me miss flying. It better always better in the skies." Davajaan said.
"Davajaan, Wooley, what's going on here?" Boil asked while sliding into cover with them.
"Boil, I don't know what's happening, but these men are acting strange." Wooley explained.
"You've been noticing it too, Wooley?" Boil asked.
"So it's not just these men here I take it?" Wooley asked expecting an answer he didn't like.
"No, it's also with the Commander too. I don't know why, but I think this has something to do with the Chancellor." Boil admitted.
"What?" Both Davajaan and Wooley asked at the same time.
"When the Commander had received a call from the Chancellor, he was hooded and he told Cody to 'Execute Order 66'." Boil explained.
"What are you talking about, Boil? The Commander wouldn't act that strange. We all know him well enough to act that weird." Davajaan said.
"It's worse than you two think. The Commander called the Chancellor 'my lord' so I have my theories that the Chancellor is indeed the Sith Lord that has been wanted by the Jedi for some time now." Boil explained.
"And the Chancellor just happens to be able to get into high power without the Jedi detecting his Sith side… or whatever it is?" Wooley asked.
"When he mentioned Order 66 Wooley, Cody automatically decided to accept it and ordered one of our AT-TE tanks to blast him! His animal fell of the cliff he was traveling on and he fell with it hundreds of feet to his death!" Boil said seriously.
"What?" The two Clones said again in disbelief.
"No way! The Commander would never do something like that!" Davajaan said defending the 212th Commander's pride.
"I saw it with my own eyes, Davajaan! The Commander is either following a Sith Lord, or something weird is happening to this Battalion." Boil said as he began to think about the possibilities of certain corruption with the men here.
"Well, besides the strange a strange reaction from the others, both me and Davajaan had only just received these pains in our heads about ten minutes ago." Wooley explained.
"Wait, you all felt the pains too?" Boil asked surprised by what Wooley was saying. He had only thought it was some strange feeling generating in him. But know that his brothers had received the same treatment meant that there must have been something going on in everyone's heads.
"Yeah. Me and Davajaan only thought it was a reaction to something during the battle." Wooley replied. "We thought it was just us having these weird pains."
"Believe me Wooley, I've felt them too." Boil said. "I have a feeling that Palpatine has done something, and I don't like it."
"Well, we're going to need proof of these reactions ourselves, Boil. We do trust your judgment, but if we need more help, we're going to have to make something that's very mind blowing to believe and has evidence of something altered within us. Most of us." Wooley said.
As Boil and Wooley continued to speak, Davajaan watch around the corner of their cover and made sure to check that the Droids weren't doing anything to help themselves.
"But if what I said is literally true Wooley, than the galaxy is in for a big danger looming in it." Boil said.
"Guys, we've got to move! Now!" Davajaan yelled clearly panicked.
Both Boil and Wooley got up fast and carefully as they looked at what Davajaan was freaking out over. They knew that he had a right to. A missile was slowly, but dangerously heading for their side of the bridge.
"Oh fierfek!" Boil shouted, as he, Davajaan and Wooley abandoned their cover and jumped away from the platform.
"Everyone, get back! It's a missile!" Wooley shouted, knowing he was loud enough to be heard by everyone.
When they knew they were in a safe distance, Wooley had looked back and his jaw dropped in disbelief. The men not only ignored him, but they just kept fighting the Droids. The missile then sealed their fate as it collided with every man on the bridge caught in the fatal blast. The result? All but three men were dead, and Boil, Davajaan and Wooley were those three.
"I… but, I… but… but…" Wooley started. He couldn't believe the stupidity he was facing right now. "Idiots!"
"What's going on here?" Davajaan asked.
"Something tells me we don't want to know." Wooley replied while resting his hand on his t-shaped visor.
While they all remained there, they saw the head of one B1 Battle Droid suddenly appear out of the corner of the bridge floor. The Droid then attempted to fire at the three Clones, which its aim wasn't the best.
Boil fired back with his DC-15A while Davajaan and Wooley fired with their DC-15S Carbine Blasters. The Droid was easily knocked down when its head was knocked off by a blue bolt from Boil's DC-15A.
The Droid that was no longer a threat was then replaced by two more B1s, which Davajaan and Wooley took this time.
This effect continued as more Droids came down. This time, there were Supers coming down from the staircase. This would be a big wave for the three Clone of the 212th Attack Battalion.
The one that Boil was wondering now was where the other members of the Attack battalion were. They were traveling along this path before, as proof of the two AT-TEs that went down this path. Now when Boil, Davajaan and Wooley looked for them, the Walkers weren't in sight. It was either that they were far ahead, or they had been destroyed.
"We've got to hold our line!" Boil shouted as the three went for the nearest place for cover, which we being a destroyed LAAT that had managed to crash next to the path.
The three Clones then brought some ensuing firepower against the Droids and they fired back, keeping their force heavily against the men up, but getting blasted down repetitively. This is going to be a hellish fight to the finish. Three Clones against a whole road of Droids is suicide in its name. No matter what happened at this point, the three would continue to hold their position.
Yavin 4:
Ahsoka had tried to get some rest but she couldn't. Kix had tried to do all he could to help the young Jedi Padawan, but he had no luck. But soon Ahsoka decided that she was all better.
"You know Kix; I don't think I need to rest right now. I'm actually feeling fine." She said with a courageous smile popping up.
Kix looked at his Jedi commander for a brief second and said. "Very well Commander, I don't really see the harm in it. But do be careful."
Ahsoka then patted Kix's shoulder and replied. "Don't worry Kix, I'll be fine. Promise." Kix nodded and he led Ahsoka outside of the ship.
"And if you do receive more issues in the field Commander, I'm afraid have enough authority to pull you from the area and keep you inside. I take responsibility for the people's injuries in the legion, and I always do my job, Commander."
"Relax Kix, I'm certain I'm fine."
Outside the ship. Many Clones had their helmets off and started a few small camp fires. Rex, Fives, Jessie and Tup were around their own fire speaking and laughing at whatever they were on about. Ahsoka was glad her boys were having fun speaking between themselves after the battle. The IFT-X tanks were also put back in the ship, since their services were no longer required for battle. The war on Yavin IV was all finished.
Ahsoka walked up to the Captain of the 501st and he noticed her approaching. "Commander, are you alright?"
Ahsoka knew he would be concerned about her problem before, but knew to reply to him. Rex always seemed to care when something happened that was strange.
"I'm alright Rex; it may have only been a onetime thing." Rex had looked into her eyes to see if she had any sign of sickness. She didn't, so it seemed fine… possibly.
"Alright kid, but if you start to vomit, or anything else, you're going directly back to med bay." Rex said with concern and seriousness.
Ahsoka sighed and replied. "Relax Rexter, I'll be fine."
Rex looked at the skinny Jedi Knight with a strange look. 'Rexter, she called me Rexter?' "Fine, well were just setting up camp since we haven't retrieved any updates for the mission yet." Ahsoka understood and sat next to her friends.
A Korun man awoke on a roof top. His robes are wet and burnt. He seemed like he was drunk, but he wasn't. It was because he was in a strange condition. He for some reason couldn't feel his hand. He looked at what was supposed to be his hand but only found a burnt stump. He was trying to remember what had happened before he passed out. He remembered confronting the Chancellor in the Supreme leader's office with three of his fellow Jedi Masters, who died in battle.
He had defeated Palpatine but Anakin had cut his hand off before he could kill the Emperor. 'Anakin!'
The Emperor had used Force Lightening on him. 'Palpatine!'
The person who had just woken up was the Jedi Master, Mace Windu. He looked around to see if he could find his hand. He found his hand not that far away, surprisingly. What was even more interesting was that his Lightsaber was right near it too. Mace had grabbed his hand first and looked at it than put it in his robe's left pocket. He then reached for his Lightsaber, which was undamaged from the small skirmish and put it on his belt. He then stood up and carefully leaped off of the roof he was on. The way to the ground was a little far, but not for Master Windu.
As he had hit the ground, he got a little drowsy from the rust down. He had suffered a lot of blood loss from the wound. He managed to slow down his fall from the Chancellor's office using the Force as a parachute to glide him down.
It was enough to save him before he could die from his bleeding. He needed to do something before he possibly dies. As he desperately looks for anything that can help, he finds a clinic just about twenty feet away.
As he tries to get to the doors that lead inside, he passes out from exhaustion. A female doctor who was just going home saw the Jedi Master lying on the ground on his chest and called for help. Other workers for the clinic grabbed the poor Jedi Master and put him inside. Mace just kept groaning as they moved him.
Ki-Adi-Mundi and his soldiers were fighting Droid forces and were trying to make it across a bridge. The Jedi Master was leading the assault.
Mundi yelled. "C'mon!" To his soldiers just before he charged for a group of Super Battle Droids attacking.
But as he went for his enemies, his soldiers get into a line and began to load their weapons. General Mundi stopped in his steps and looked at his men in slight confusion. They had then pulled their weapons up from loading their weapons and fired their weapons at their General, Mundi had deflected some of his troops shots back at them, but he fell almost instantly. The Blaster shots had rapidly hit him hard and he died on his feet before he fell. The Clones stood over him. To make sure he wasn't breathing.
They had received Order 66. The first known victim of Order 66 was Mundi.
Jedi Master Aayla Secura was walking along a line of Clone Walkers and felt the fall of Jedi Master Mundi. It was quite unexpected to her, but she thought it would've been better to get the information later, when the battle was finished with.
Aayla had then walked in a small group down a path with Commander Bly. What could be easily seen was CIS Spider Walkers in the distance. She had her Lightsaber out and was ready for their attack. She wanted to make sure that everyone remained hidden as they tried to pull it off. However she wasn't ready for her Clones attacking her. Bly and his soldiers aimed at Secura's back and fired. Even as she fell, the Clones didn't stop shooting. They kept shooting her, even as a burnt corpse.
They had received Order 66. Bly seemed unnecessarily contempt with his action.
Yavin 4:
Ahsoka had joined in on the conversation Rex and the other were having and laughed with them. She was having fun until… Gasp. All the Clones looked at their Commander with concern, most Rex.
"Ahsoka, are you alright?" Ahsoka then slowly looked at the 501st Captain with sadness in her eyes.
"They're dying Rex…" Rex was confused by Ahsoka's sudden words.
"Who's dying? Who Ahsoka?" She looked away from Rex, to the ground.
"Master's Mundi, Secura!" Rex looked even more shocked by the sudden news this Padawan shared. Even the Clones all around were even more worried. "The first were Jedi Masters, Ki-Adi-Mundi and Aayla Secura."
Rex couldn't believe she could tell who died. Her connections with the Jedi seemed pretty strong at best.
"Have any others you know died yet? Maybe there is a way to save the ones who have survived!"
Ahsoka sighed emotionally. "Rex, even if there was a way, we're on another planet. We couldn't get to them." Ahsoka admitted. "I just know something bad is happening? I felt right before!"
"Ahsoka…" Rex said uneasily.
Cato Neimoidia:
Master Plo was flying his Jedi Starfighter through the hanging cities on Cato Neimoidia with a group of ARC-170 Star fighters. He had felt his two Jedi Masters join the Force from far away; he would have to come to terms with their deaths. He felt some sadness as he felt them slip away.
In the ARC-170 Starfighters, the Clones got contacted by Palpatine. There was no introduction, just. "Execute Order 66."
The Clone pilots of the Fighters had no problems and only replied, obeying to the Chancellor's command. "It will be done my lord."
The Clones didn't hesitate as they all attacked their General's ship. Plo knew something was wrong and as he tried to look behind to see what was happening. He finely got his ship hit by ARC-170 fire and he fell at his controls. So many thoughts raced through his head. But one he really found important was to send Ahsoka a final goodbye through the Force.
"Good bye little Soka. Be careful." Then his Starfighter crashed into a building and both the Fighter and Jedi were assumed to be destroyed. The Clones in their ships saw the explosion and knew their job was done.
They had received Order 66. The inferno that was cause suggested the worse had come from the crashes explosion.
Yavin 4:
Ahsoka was worried that more of her friend she was close to would die. The Clones around her were worried and wanted to help her, but they didn't understand the Force as she did. Just as she was about to speak. A voice ran through her head.
"Goodbye little Soka. Take care."
Her eyes widened when she heard the voice. She knew that voice so well. There was great sorrow in it. She then felt a deep darkness again, and the life Force of Plo had disappeared. She knew it meant Master Plo had joined the Force. She felt too weak now to stand; she fell to the ground on her arms and legs. Then she couldn't hold it in. Tears began to roll down her eyes and she began to cry. Rex then came to his Commander's side.
"Ahsoka, what's wrong?" Rex asked while grouping directly in front of the Togruta.
She was trying to explain the issue to her Captain but it was hard. "M-M-Master Plo!" She then began to sob quietly.
Rex understood why she felt this much pain. He herd that General Plo had taken Ahsoka to the Temple when she was just four years old. She also gained a new family there. Plo was like a father she never had. Rex didn't know what to do. He didn't know what having a family was like. The only experience he remembered when it came to a family Clone was Cut.
Ahsoka gasped. Rex directed his attention over to the poor Jedi Knight again.
"Ahsoka, what-" Ahsoka didn't let Rex finish his sentence. "The Younglings, the Younglings in the Jedi Temple are being killed! I can feel it!"
Rex was alarmed. Ahsoka proceeded to cry again. Rex had to do something. Anything. Than Rex said in a serious tone…
"Ahsoka, listen to me. I don't know why this is happening, but I swear to you, we men of the 501st won't let anything bad happen to you. We'll get to the bottom of this. I promise."
Ahsoka was still crying but herd Rex's words. "Thank you, Rex!" She was still crying. Ahsoka was going to feel sick after she was done.
One thing on Rex's mind was why were all these Jedi dying? Even the younglings too? Then an idea popped into his head. It was the last thing he could have thought of, and it sounded so obscured to him. He would mention it later, but he'd have to mention it to his Troops first.
An hour later, Ahsoka had fallen asleep on the spot. Rex had put a blanket over her to keep her from getting cold. He figured that this would be the best time to speak to his troops. He spotted Fives right near him and ordered him to group the entire unit up so Rex could speak to them. As all the troops were summoned, Rex began to speak.
"Right, I don't know if this is a possibility or not, but I've come to a theory that a secret Order or something that only the Chancellor knows of, has has been commissioned. I'm not sure if it has been only affecting a few soldiers or someone yet, but I don't think the order is one that the Republic would agree with. I'm not sure of the order has been known by other senators or not. But I'm worried that the order was built for corruption against the Jedi Order. If we haven't found the order yet, or gotten it yet. I want us all to ignore anything, anyone else's orders. Even from the Chancellor himself. Do I make myself clear?"
Clones all around were speaking amongst themselves. There was clear voices saying "What?" others saying "You've got to be kidding!" and "But we have to follow orders!"
Rex was glad he had grouped everyone up. He made sure at first that they didn't do it around the Jedi. He wanted her to rest up and not be awoken by possibly a group of men who would attempt to kill her.
"Now I know you all think of me as an 'orders are orders' guy. But when the order comes to kill innocent people. Then that's where I make my stand!" For a small speech, the Clones all gave Rex the support he needed. Rex then continued a final time.
"Now, I know some of you might think that the Jedi are not the savors of the galaxy like people have been told in stories. And I can be sure, not all Jedi have been… good. Like General Krell for example." Rex started, while receiving a few faces from the men who were on Umbara. "But that isn't what most of the Jedi are. Some Jedi, like Commander Ahsoka Tano herself, risk themselves to keep us safe on the battle field, and not let us attack boldly from the front! I think it's time we do the same!"
The men then gave some cheers to the ARC Captain's support for the Togruta Jedi. It was a proud thing to do in the men's opinions. He was brave and had more experience than everyone else here. Who were the men to judge the Clone who fought before everyone here did?
Rex directed his attention to Fives. "Fives?"
Fives looked at Rex with an interesting glare. "Yes, Rex?"
"I want you to look at the Republic's records and holo-transmissions to see if a secret order or anything has been commissioned." Rex explained.
Fives saluted and replied. "You can count on me, Rex." He ran on the ship's cargo ramp and went to check its records.
Rex waited for Fives to return. A few minutes later, Fives returned walking with a face of displeasure. The way his stance was didn't please Rex in anyway.
"Rex, an Order 66… has been executed." Fives said awkwardly.
Rex's face showed a sign of grief. "Then that's it. That's… not good Fives."
Than Fives continued. "It's worse than that, Rex. The Jedi Temple was attacked by other members of the 501st."
Rex's facial expression was horrified. "WHAT?! There's no way!"
Fives face was very serious. Rex knew he wasn't joking. The other Clones herd and knew there were darker days for the galaxy. "I'm sorry, Rex. What…. What are your orders?" Fives asked guessing Rex didn't have a plan. He didn't.
Rex looked at the Commander's sleeping form from the far distance. He would do anything to protect his Commander. What he knew he should do first is bring the commander back inside the ship, without waking her up. He walked steadily to her with the men's eyes looking at him. Rex picked up the Togruta slowly and kept the blanket over her. He could see her eyes were still wet from the tears she had before. He looked at the 501st soldiers and said.
"Get back to our ships. It's all we can do for now. Then we'll have to explain to the Commander of the situation we're in when she wakes up." All the Troops saluted and went in their own ships. Rex looked that the Padawan in his arms and sighed as he, Fives, Jessie, Kix, Tup and a lot of other members of Torrent company walked up the ramp.
In just minutes, Rex got Ahsoka to her room and he laid her down softly. He took her Lightsabers strapped from her belt and placed them on the table right next to her bed.
Rex once again looked at her sleeping body and sighed sadly. "Poor kid." Then he left the room the Commander was in and went to the bridge of the ship.
Venator Bridge:
In the bridge of the ship Fives was standing at the main console and directed his attention towards the Captain of the 501st. "Hey Rex." Rex nodded.
"Fives." They looked at the computer and were looking at recent news. When Fives explained to Rex of the Jedi and Order 66 before, he didn't leave a major detail out. Most of the GAR was after the Jedi.
Fives then decided to speak. "Seems like we are the only crew of Clones who have any brains anymore." Fives expression then got angry. "Even Obi-Wan's legion of the 212th is working with Order 66."
Rex then looked concerned again. Did, did they kill Kenobi?" Fives looked at the computers details again. "Commander Cody claims that they shot Kenobi on a cliff and he fell down to his death with a Varactyl."
Rex then said. "So he's dead, then."
Fives spoke up. "Not likely, Rex. General Kenobi has suffered much worse before. And frankly I don't see why he couldn't survive that."
Rex then replied. "Then we have to find him!"
Fives looked hopelessly toward Rex. "It would be difficult to find someone like him, considering that he'd be trying to avoid Clones. He was last spotted on the planet Utapau with the 212th legion. He could have found a way to escape, meaning he could be anywhere."
Rex then punched the computer, making Fives flinch. "Blast it!"
"We'll find him Rex, but just not now." Fives said assuring the Captain.
Rex sighed. "You're right Fives. This situation though… It's just so unbelievable."
"You're telling me." Fives replied. "I don't even know what we'll be doing at this point."
"Yeah, it's quite a dark and sticky situation we're in." Rex said while heading to the nearest chair.
"So what are your orders now?" Fives asked.
Rex didn't know what to do. For once he wouldn't be working for the Republic. He'd be rouge. At least he's with a lot of Troops that rely on his leadership skills.
"First I want us to cut our connections with the Republic, and then make sure we can't get tracked by any Republic ships or spies. Then, we all can take a rest." Rex replied. "I have a feeling that if we have something that might brainwash us, it would be best to cut off whatever causes it."
Fives nodded. "We'll do it right away, sir!" Fives then turned to a team of five technicians sitting in idle, watching both ARCs speaking. "Okay everyone, do what you're Captain ordered! Move it! Move it!"
Rex decided that he would need a rest right now, and do some hard thinking later. Blast is Rex annoyed with this situation.
End of Chapter:
Ok, let me clear a few things up.
With the new things in TCW's taking place, I'm going to change the first few parts of this story and possibly add a few chapters that take place at the beginning of 'Revenge of the Sith'.
The area where Boil, Davajaan and Wooley are dealing with hardened bold and foolish Clones is to show example of Order 66 being a bad Order. SO Clones with the 'curse' work dumber in the future.
Also, show how Ahsoka returns to the order. Her order.