Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers

Hasbro owns Transformers

Alright so an idea came to mind as I was playing with my Transformers the other day and I hope this starts out good and stays alive. I hope this is considered fan fiction even if it's not directly in the universe. . a little change never hurts…so on with the show

Chapter 1 Meet My Friends

The trip started out as quiet as it could as we headed to our vacation destination. Parents in front talking amongst themselves. Little brother sitting in the middle seat reading a captain underpants book-the revenge of something I don't know and listening to his MP3. Big brother sitting next to him listening to his I pod and texting his girlfriend with his cell phone.

Then there was me. Sitting in the back seat. Donned in simple blue jeans and a white T-shirt with a yellow Camero with black stripes printed on the front and an Autobot symbol on the back. I had my brown curly hair in a simple twist bun. On my lap rested a CD player with a Daft Punk CD in it- listening to it full blast. In my hands was the well known novel The Da Vinci Code. And then sitting in the crease of my legs was a small silver robotic toy…that is at first sight it was. The Autobot mech know as Sideswipe was playing "the silent and nobody knew I was alive, I'm just a toy" façade. I lifted my eyes off of the book and to my parents in front as they stared to yell at a driver who got too close to our van.

I had to smile as my parents got into a heated conversation about stupid drivers. Sideswipe suddenly came to life, looking up at me with the same amused smile on his face. Oh, but of course I knew his secret. Somehow he was alive; a mind and personality of his own. The day I bought him, brought him home, and opened the package was a day to remember.

My friend was the one who introduced me to the world of Transformers. Lets just say she made me become obsessed with it. It was one day that I finally bought a Transformers toy. But at this point I was skeptical of the fandom. So, I came home with my newly prized possession and went into my room to "test it out".

So there I was trying to transform him, sitting on my bed cross legged tongue sticking slightly out of my mouth in thought. I mean his form wasn't that hard to transform but when I look back at the G1 cartoon toys all you had to do was click, click, fold, done. Now it was, click, click, fold, bend, twist this, fold this back, bend this until it feels like it's gonna break but don't worry it's supposed to bend that way, click…click? Oh okay CLICK, click, then done. The result was usually me in a fog from using my brain too much just to transform a toy.

Finally I looked at my finished transformed Sideswipe and smiled. But all that work was worth it. "You were totally worth twelve dollars." I said.

The toy in my hand started to shiver and squirm. At first I thought nothing of it because I was, well, too engrossed witht the finished toy. I was pretty proud of myself you know? But suddenly the mech came alive putting his hands on his hips and cocked his head. "Really, because the way you transformed me said otherwise. Jeez ever herd of 'gentle'?"

I felt my eye twitch as I stared down at the toy with shock. No words came out of my mouth…yet.

The now alive Sideswipe frowned, eying me carefully and climbing out of my gentle grasp. He had a hard time standing. Having wheels for feet, he slipped and gripped my ankle for balance. He sighed with relief as he got his balance. He looked up at me with concern and waved a hand in my line of vision. "Hey uh, yoo-who. You alright?"

I looked down at him and could only yell out in fear. I shot off my bed and ran out of my bedroom. "Hey fleashy don't run away! I didn't mean to scare ya!" He yelled after me humor in his voice. I pressed my body against the hallway wall. My mom's voice yelled up the stairs. "You alright, Brittney?"

I blinked. Was I? I just saw a toy come to life and talk to me. So, no, I was not okay! "Uh, yeah, just a spider!" I yelled down to her.

I gulped and took in a deep breath. Did I have the guts to go back in there? It said it didn't mean to scare me so it must have meant no harm and if it did it was made out of plastic. What's plastic going to do if it pulled out his weapons?

I peaked around the corner into my bedroom and found him looking at me with a worried expression. I tiled my head rounding my body and walked in slowly, creeping closer to him. He kept still when he went and sat at the edge at the end of my bed.

I stood over him and licked my lips careful of my own movements. "Hi." He finally said lifting a hand. I freaked out again and slapped him off the bed out of pure reflex. I regret it to this day.

Somehow and someway his plastic solidified into metal. To this day, he too, doesn't know how it happened. We are kind of clueless about these things.

His back collided loudly against the end table and then he clattered to the floor in a heap with a painful moan. I stared at him as my heart beat a little faster than it should. But the sight of his delicate door wing snapping as he got up immediately made my heart stop. With another moan of pain he sat up against the wooden end table, a blue liquid coming out of his joint where the door panel connected to his body. Wait. Wasn't that a ball and socket joint before? I quickly pushed the thought away just as it came.

"Oh-my-God!" I practically panicked. I got down on my knees in front of him and raised my hand to cradle the now alive, metal, and bleeding toy. I pulled my hand back clenching my hands with the slightest hesitation. His blue eyes, or optics, as they are called, were dimmed into a lighter shade of blue. I cradled my hands gently around his delicate body and minded the joint where I damaged his door panel.

"I'm so sorry. I-I can fix you! Yeah, yeah! I'll get you fixed up!" I hoped with each sentence.

He brightened his optics and looked up at me with a half hearted smile. "I shouldn't have scared you like that. My bad." He winced when I rested him in one hand to pick up his now detached door panel.

I sat on my bed minding the fluid that came out of him. He tried to sit up and reach for his door panel when I set him down on my bed. "I got it." I said turning him over. Carefully I observed the wound that I caused. There were many wires but lightly colored differently. My fingers were too big for the miniature wires so I had to get tweezers if I wanted to repair him. "I'll be back, hold on." I assured.

He didn't reply. I ran across my hallway and went into the cabinet and got out two sets of tweezers.

I ran back into my room and sat at the edge of the bed setting to my repair work. In about ten minuets I had the wires from the door panel and the joint reconnected and set in place. "Does that feel better?" I asked hopeful to the toy.

"A lot, but some of the pain still there. I think it will be stiff without a proper medic to repair me but it will do for now." He said with a relived sigh. "Thanks a lot."

I nodded my head mumbling a "You're welcome." Then I looked at my hands with the blue liquid on my finger tips and tweezers. The mech suddenly gasped realizing the liquid also. "You have to get that off of your hands! Energon is poisonous to humans!" He said sitting up but having trouble.

I freaked out and grabbed him in my hands and brought him to the bathroom where I'd set him on the counter top. I turned on the water to the sink and started to wash my hands . He stood up with the help of a spare toothbrush and watched me with concerned optics. "More soap." He ordered.

I did so and washed harder. "That's good." He said after the sink was filled with bubbles. I sighed and rinsed off my hands then drying them.

I bowed my head feeling a remaining sting on the skin of my hands. "Thank you." I said with a whisper.

He didn't respond as he went into the sink and turned on the water to wash himself. I watched him with the slightest morbid curiosity as he washed the energon off of his body.

He was finally done and he turned to me to hop off but I grabbed the hand towel and stopped him from doing so. I dried him off gently this time minding his delicate door panels. He took the help with silence. I tossed the towel into the hamper and we both stood there avoiding eye contact. I finally picked him up and I walked him back to my room. I sat on the bed and he climbed off my cradled hands. He had trouble getting his footing once again and I took note of his wheeled feet. I help him stand up with a gentle hand. He looked up at me and smiled kindly. "Thanks."

Then silence rained over between us.

"Dinner Brittney!" My mom called up to me.

"Alright I'll be right there." I yelled back.


"You know, I don't think we got on the right foot…or wheel" I mumbled.

He laughed gently. "Uh, Yeah."

I turned to him with a smile. "I'm Brittney."

"I'm Sideswipe." He said with a smile also.

"I know, it was on the packaging." I said. Then I paused for a second. "You have no idea how sorry I'm for hurting you…"

Sideswipe placed a hand on my leg and shook his head. "I scared you, you whaked me, repaired me and dried me off-it's all good. So lets get on with life." He smiled.

I smiled at him and he did so also.

Thus a new bond was born between him and I, even if it was on weird and surprised terms. Later on I found out that his door panels were like sensors. So when I broke the one, the pain he was going through was unimaginable and yet he hid it from me to prevent me from getting more scared. I had to scold him for that when he had explained this it to me but at the same time I appreciated the mech for what he did.

The months went on and he got to know me more and vice versa. Come to find out Sideswipe was the only Transformer toy who was know to come alive.

Or so we thought.

Sideswipe hopped on my bed from my nightstand and jumped up and down with glee acting like a sparkling as he would say. "Ooo who did ya get? Who did you get?"

That day my family went to the mall for the day and I bought my second Transformer toy. I cringed when he asked the question.

"Um…" I said putting the bag on the bed.

"Who?" He drawled out impatiently.

I brought the packaged toy out from the plastic bag and cringed. "Starscream?" I peeped.

His excitement dwindled away and his door panels twitched, more so than the other. "What?" He said hunching over in disbelief. "Of all the Autobots in the store you had to get a Decepticon, and not just any Decepticon, Starscream?"

"I wanted a bad boy in the house." I confessed cheaply.

"I thought I was your bad boy! Who is the one who keeps pulling pranks on your parents and your brothers?"

"You do, AND I get the blame." I said with no humor at all.

My parents were not the type to pull pranks on. My mom thought it was funny the first time around and I laughed along knowing full well who did it. The second one was on my dad. He took it with a good natured chuckle. My older brother took it with a annoyed scuff and my little brother took his first prank with a whine and a pout.

My family didn't know the presence of my mini prankster Autobot pal. So when they got tired of it all…well, lets just say when the pranks became daily my family turned to me when I was the only one not getting pranked. I was grounded for a day. Luckily I didn't have to take the punishment alone.

"Besides," I continued. "I think he won't be that bad…"

Sideswipe grabbed his helm with disbelief. "Ha, that's what you say."

I sat down on my bed with my already opened Starscream unfolding the directions. Sideswipe climbed up my arm with my hand helping him up onto my shoulder.

"He could not be alive." I said. "Like you said you were the only one alive, remember?"

Sideswipe did a so-so gesture with his hand. "Now that I look back at it, it was a wild guess."

I turned my head to him pushing my glasses further up my nose in annoyance. I sighed shaking my head when he shrugged innocently. "Whatever. There's only one way to find out."

So I began the headache of a transformation. Sideswipe cocked an optic bridge when I had to press up a whole piece of his wings. He cringed when his leg joint came off. He was still plastic and his leg joint was only a ball and socket. "Primus I'm going to be sick." He said looking away. I snorted with laughter as I placed his leg back on his body. A couple of minutes went by when Starscream was finally done. I set him on my nightstand and Sideswipe hopped down protectively in front of me unsheathing his blades. "You never know..." He mumbled under his breath giving me a short glance and shrug.

I looked down at him and blinked. "Sides, he can't be that bad and who knows-" I was interrupted.

I looked ahead hearing a series of noise coming from Starscream. Suddenly his plastic changed to metal, wires appeared from his chest lacing through his arms and legs, and his deadly red optics flashed to life. Alien sounding words came out of his mouth as he crouched low onto a hand.

"Where am I?" He hissed.

I didn't make a move as he looked right dead at me and then Sideswipe. I held my breath, seeing the alive toy come to life.

"Guess he's alive, huh?" Sideswipe said with a shake of his helm.

"Autobot!" He spat. And with that he jumped at Sideswipe activating his small thrusters on his back for a jump start.

Sideswipe jumped forward and slashed at the Decepticon.

"Guys!" I said once they tumbled off the bed from impacting each other.

"Brittney, get out of here!"



I hesitated to get off of the bed but when Sideswipe stabbed the seeker square in the winged shoulder the mech went down in a roar of pain. Sideswipe was about to strike the finishing blow but I stopped him. "Sideswipe! Enough!"

To my surprise his optics were now a shade of red. "Sideswipe!" I said again. From the sound of my voice his optics turn back to blue.

"I'm sorry." He said looking at his energon covered blade.

I nodded my head while getting down onto the floor next to Sideswipe and Starscream. I understood where Sideswipe was coming from but it's didn't need to come to this. The Decepticons were evil and they hated anything that wasn't. Autobots on the other hand were sworn to protect and defend the weak and good. Sideswipe though had a little Decepticon in him that couldn't be satisfied when it emerged from it's hiding.

"Calm down Sides." I soothed as he came to my side and leaned up against my folded leg. He nodded his head minding the energon covered blade.

"My parents or brothers aren't home. Go wash yourself off."

"No, I am not leaving you alone with him!" He said his anger coming back.

"Sides, I know what I'm doing." I said smiling bowing my hands in a calming gesture.

He exchanged glances between Starscream and me. Finally he nodded once and walked away but not without a hesitant glace back at me and Starscream. Once he was out of my sight, I looked down at Starscream seeing him get back up and trying to run after him.

I snatched him up in time. "Hell no." I said with a superior tone in my voice.

"Put me down you insect, ahg!" He yelled out angrily and in pain when he struggled against my gentle grip.

"Insect? You shouldn't be the one talking." I huffed.

"Put me down or I'll cut your fingers off."

"Yeah, uh huh." I said not fazed by the empty threat. I turned him over onto his back and hummed in thought. Same colored wires go with the other same colored wires and new metal plating would be fixed on his body.

"What are you doing?" He demanded.

"Fixing you." I simply stated ignoring his attitude.

"No! Not with your filthy hands! I don't want your skin particles in my systems."

"Fine, I'll let you bleed to death…you were on sale anyway."

He seemed insulted by this. "I am worth more than a stupid sale!" While his mind was set off somewhere else, I started to work on his repairs with him unaware.

"How much did you purchase me for?" He asked skeptically.

"You were originally twelve but I got you for six."

"Ugh the nerve of those humans to price me so low. I am well above six human credits!"

"Tell me about it I think twelve would have been better." I said going along with his ranting with a role of my eyes. He was on his back, so he couldn't see me.

"I bet Megatron was on sale too."

"He was but I chose you over that guy. Your alternate mode was way cooler." I said with a smirk. This was just too fun…

"Yes, I do have a adequate alternate form. My, femme you may be more worthwhile than I thought…"

"Hmm, you thinks so?"

"Yes, get rid of that Sideswipe and I may let you live."

"No can do bud." I said sticking my tough out as I used the tweezers carefully to set the last of wires back together.

"My designation is Starscream!" He snapped. "And why can't you?"

"Because he's my friend."

A pause.

But I continued. "And you better get along with him or else I'll sell you for less than six dollars."

He then got scared like a ghost went past him. "Y-you wouldn't! I am worth more than that! I am the Starscream! Sky commander of the Decepticon army!"

"Then get alone with Sideswipe and I'll keep you." I said with a smirk. Finally I finished his repairs and Sideswipe came wheeling in next to me giving Starscream a nasty look as I helped Starscream get up. He pushed my hand away but I helped him nonetheless.

"So, will you get alone with Sideswipe? If you do I won't sell you for less than six dollars."

Starscream returned the nasty look he was receiving from Sideswipe and looked up at me with a softer expression. "I despise the Autobots with an undying hatred but if it is for my own pride and safety to stay here with you then so be it. I agree to theses terms, but I offer no promises femme."

Sideswipe growled. "It's Brittney you Decepticon glitch." Starscream growled getting in a defensive stance.

"That means you too, Sides."

He looked up at me with shock at my superior tone. He wasn't used to my orderly side. "I bought you guys so that I could give you a home, not fight. And if that's ever going to happen I need you, Sideswipe, to get along with him also. He's agreed on his terms now you have to, too"

Sideswipe looked at me with the most hurtful expression ever. Like when I injured him when I fist met him. It hurt to see him like that. Maybe I shouldn't have gotten a Decepticon after all. No. I can make this work.

He then growled at me. "I thought you knew my past with the Decepticons! Can't you respect that?" He said hurt in his voice.

"I do, Sides. But just think maybe your wounds will heal if you just get along. The war doesn't exist here." I tried to sooth his hateful voice towards me but it didn't work.

"Don't you get it? He's an Decepticon!"

I turned to Starscream. He had a slimy smile across his face but when I looked down at him he wiped it off his face.

"I didn't say you had to talk to him." I sighed exasperated with this. "Just please."

Sideswipe shook his head and huffed stomping his way out of my bedroom. Starscream shook his head at the Autobot. "Autobots are so sensitive…"

"Hush." I snapped. "I will buy Megatron if you keep this attitude up!"

He widened his optics at me. "No, not him!"

"Then stop commenting from the peanut gallery." I said standing up and walking out of the bedroom to wash my hands to get rid of the energon and to talk to Sideswipe leaving a very confused Starscream.

"What in the pit is a peanut?"

Sideswipe looked at my book in my hands and twisted his face into confusion. "Man, you are really desperate to occupy yourself if you are reading this." He said.

I rolled my eyes nodding my head to my music. He was suddenly interested. "Ooo, gimme!" He said reaching up and grabbing one of my headphones and putting it to his audio. I smiled evilly and raised the volume higher making him fall on his aft in surprise. "Ow…" He pouted looking up at me.

"It was an golden opportunity." I smirked.

"Fleshling! Fleshling! Get me out of this horrid sack!" A sudden high pitched voice yelled from my bag. I looked up at my brothers who were looking back at me with confused faces. "I'm watching a movie on my I Pod." I lamely said but clearly I was holding my CD player.

They shook their heads and went back to doing their thing.

"Starscream, what did I tell you about talking around my family?" I hissed opening my pink book bag. Out came a transformed Starscream dramatically clawing at and panting for air. (even when robots didn't need to breath. He could be such a drama queen) "Oh, but he can sit on your lap like a toy mutt?"

I rolled my eyes shushing his loud voice while picking him up and placing him on my lap also. Sideswipe gave him a short glance and went back to reading my book. Starscream smiled with content as he leaned back against my stomach placing his hands behind his head and sighing. "What is our destination?" He asked finally getting Sideswipes attention.

"Yeah, you never told us." He added.

I blinked closing my book and putting it back into my bag. I turned off my CD player and realized my brothers were looking at me oddly. "Could you not do that? You're creeping me out." I said pretending to sound annoyed.

"Who keeps talking?" My little brother, Thomas, said with a confused expression on his face.

"Yeah Britt what's up?" He suddenly looked down at my lap and laughed. "Aw, ain't that cute?"

"Oh shut it, Christopher." I said sticking my tongue at him.

"Knock it off all of you. We're almost there." My dad called from the driver's seat.

My brothers shook their heads and went back to listening their music and texting.

Suddenly my cell phone vibrated in my pocket. I took it out and immediately looked down at Sideswipe with a smile. The text was from him. 'You should just tell them already.' He sent

I shook my head and started to type away on my keyboard. 'I don't want to. I want to keep your case a secret. Who knows what could happen if you guys went in the media.'

I showed the message to him and he sent a immediate reply.

'Honestly? I always wanted to be a movie star!' Even if he wasn't talking I could hear his mockery of disappointment in the tone.

'Autobots can be so naive. What a wise plan, human.'

I laughed gently. 'Don't be an ass kisser 'Screamer.' I typed with a smile.

'Decepticons can be such ass kissers' Sideswipe retorted back oh so cleverly.

'Why you-'

'Want to go?'


"Guys!" I hissed seeing the messages on my cell phone pop up one after another. I swear I almost saw smoke coming out of it. The message paused immediately and they both sent a 'sorry' at the same time. I rolled my eyes and deleted the messages.

"Alright guys we're here!" My mom happily announced from the front.

"Welcome to Lake George." My dad said reading the sign as we drove off of an exit ramp.

Immediately both Transformers came to life with shock. "What?" They both whispered in disbelief.

"What?" I asked smiling.

"We're going camping?" Sideswipe said clawing at his face in distress.

"Oh Primus, please anything but being surrounded by disgusting plant life and insects and, and-" Starscream climbed off of my lap and pressed his face against the car window, whimpering as we went past the lush pine forest.

Sideswipe was glancing around like everyone was after him. "No technology for a week? No TV! No X-box! No Halo? What about the computer! There's no wi-fi in the forest!" He ranted.

They were taking this better than I thought they would…honestly...

...no, really.

How was it? =D