Hi everyone, thank you for taking a chance on my first story on fanfiction. I would like to start telling anyone and everyone that I do not own any Shugo Chara or the characters in the anime and/or manga. Thank you for reading it.

Ja ne!


Powers of the Sword

(Narrator's POV) – imagine that we are watching the story from the sky

In a time where magic was looked upon as only royal people and those of high standings could hold was the time when Hinamori Amu grew up. She had powers that many people could not fathom. However, the people she hung around with knew nothing of these powers. Well this is not completely true, there was one. She went by the name Nadeshiko. They two started being friends in ninth grade.

The story of how they met was not the common way that friendships begin. Amu was talking with some other girls on lunch break when she noticed a girl with long purple hair getting pushed to the ground. The one who pushed her had fiery red hair. This girl didn't like the fact that she would not be a servant to her. Amu was one that stood up to the redhead her in the past as well.

When Amu saw that she was getting hurt, she ran to stop the redhead from hurting the girl further. Amu (not knowing about her powers) picked up a wooden stick and pointed it at the redhead.

***Let's go down to where they are and see how it all happened…***

(Amu's POV)

"Saaya! Let her go!" I demanded of Saaya.

"And what are you going to do about it?" She retorted. Are you going to hurt me with that stick? You forget, I am from noble blood and you can't hurt me. You are nothing but a lowly peasant!

I calmly stated, "I may not have noble blood, but at least I don't expect people to stand in awe at my presence. Now let her go!"

"You want her to go free? Okay, but now you will take her place". Saaya sneered, as she shoved me to the ground.

As I stood up, I clenched my stick trying to control my anger when a spark flew from the stick and hit Saaya knocking her to the ground. When Nadeshiko saw what I did, she waved her hand over Saaya's face, grabbed my hand and we ran to the bushes.

(Nadeshiko's POV)

"Why didn't you tell me that you had powers?" I asked her. (As they watched, Saaya got up and walked away without saying anything).

"I didn't know!" Amu cried frantically. And what did you do to Saaya? Why does she look so confused?

"I have powers too, one talent is forgetfulness" I explained. "She can't remember the last 10 minutes so she does not know what happened".

Unbeknownst to them there was someone with sapphire eyes watching the entire episode. This young man knew power when he saw it. After all he had the power of the sun at his fingertips. He knew what he had to do…

(Amu's POV)

I bowed to the girl with long purple hair.

"I am Hinamori Amu, you can call me Amu, I said.

"I am Fujisaki Nadeshiko, you can call me Nade", she said.

"Well, I am gonna go meet up with my friends, wanna come with me?" I asked her. "Just please, don't mention the magic or powers thing. I don't want anyone knowing until I know what is going on"

"Sure, no problem" Nade said, "it will be our secret until you are ready to tell".

I walked up to my group of friends who all smiled when they saw me, but looked confused when they saw Nade.

"Hey guys, this is my new friend Fujisaki Nadeshiko. We met after Saaya went on one of her 'Queen fits'". I explained. Then I pointed to each person as I introduced them, "This is Mashiro Rima (who only looked away), Hotori Tadase (bowed and kissed Nade's hand), Souma Kukai (gave his thumbs up and a wink), Sanjo Kairi (who bowed with respect), and Yuiki Yaya (who said "Yaya is happy to meet you!).

"Hajimemashite, you guys can call me Nade" she whispered since she was nervous to be accepted into the group. Just then another purple head appeared behind her.

"Nade, you didn't tell me you had a twin! What's his name?" I exclaimed.

"Ah, gomenansai minna, this is my brother Fujisaki Nagihiko" she said bowing.

"Hajimemashite minna" Nagihiko bowed to the group and said "You can all call me Nagi", he said standing back up. The group hung out and talked until the end of lunch break.

***English class***

(Amu's POV)

English has always been a subject that I hated. It wasn't because the question was hard, but quite the opposite. I was good at it. I could easily carry a conversation in English like I was speaking Japanese. There was only one part of English that I hated and that was how English and Japanese varied with grammar. Why people just couldn't speak the same way? I will never know!

"Hinamori, how do you translate this into English?" Sensei Sakura asked. The sentence said "Nani wo o konomi no iro desu?"

"Whatever" I said and looked out the window.

"If you choose not even try, you will not pass this class" our Sensei instructed.

"Whatever" I repeated.

"Well, since Hinamori will not attempt it, does anyone else want to try it?" she asked the class. A boy with blue hair raised him hand.

"Tsukiyomi, go ahead" Sensei Sakura said with stars in her eyes.

"It means, 'What is your favorite color?"', he explained while rolling his eyes. Then he mumbled, "Why would you give such an easy question and how can you not know the answer Pinky!"

When Amu heard this, she simply said "Whatever" and looked out the window.

(Ikuto's POV)

Class was finally over and the bell rang signaling the end of school. All I wanted to do was get out of there, but I heard Sensei Sakura keep "Pinky" behind.

"Amu, I know that you knew that answer, why do insist keeping it a secret? You know people will respect you and not treat you like you're dumb if you just answer the questions in class" She asked.

"Sensei, I don't care what people think of me, so unless I have detention or something. Can I go?" Pinky said.

With an exasperated sigh, she replied, "No, you are free to go".

When I heard her coming to the door, I quickly walked out of sight thinking that this "Hinamori Amu" was even more interesting. Why would anyone purposely act dumb? The other questions were how much power did she have and why didn't she use them?

Author's note:

So, that's it. This my first story so please be nice and give me constructive criticism. Please do not flame – that is not constructive criticism, that is being just plain rude. If you like this story, I will continue writing more. I know that I need to fix my style of writing and make it more "loose" (Arigato Sanjana!). Anyways, I will start the next chapter. Please review my story.
