Hi everyone! Sorry for the really long wait, but guess what? IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TODAY! I decided that, as a present for my readers, I'm gonna do an update dump today and update half of my stories! I hope you like it!

By the way, other then the last two people that will be coming in after this chapter I won't be adding anymore OC/inserts.

Disclaimer: I still don't own Big Hero 6, no matter how many times you ask.

Here's the reviews (only gonna answer some of them);

Animal Lover: Thanks! For both the review and the virtual cake! It's good to be back. Callaghan...ya might wanna use those running shoes you'll be getting soon.

xXEsalfxX: Yeah, I have this weird habit of reading words that seem to be nonsense and sometimes names backwards. Strange, huh? Thanks for the review!

Unikay Bubbles: I hate haters and flamers as well. All they do is criticise and bully people online, not even helpful criticism either.

PastellePony: That's not your fault, don't worry about it! I'm glad you understand about me taking my time with updating. Ladders...you can't trust 'em. Thanks! ^_^

Lizzy: You're welcome! Good idea, making that many copies. Yeah, but you're falling off a giant marshmallow of a robot. *sarcastic* And I am very happy with that, thank you for asking. Your phone's autocorrect is bad.

Alpha: I did? Oh, I'm gonna have to go back and check that. Thanks for letting me know.

ColorQuill: That is interesting, cool! So robots are common, hm...?

Luna the dragon: Say what?! That's not- but that's- that is besides the point!

Guest: Definitely gonna be in it.

NotShort: Don't worry, I will keep writing, and I will get up to 'Baymax Destroy'...eventually. That's a good point, and there's only gonna be two more after this. That's not too bad, right? And I tried to cut down on the OC reactions and focus on the main characters (or at least have more main reactions) this chapter.

G: Um...that isn't narcissistic. Phoenix is named after my pen name because she IS my pen name. Or the characterised version of it at least. That's like saying someone is narcissistic for writing their name at the top of a test paper.

HIRO: Baymax!

Hiro runs over to Baymax.

HIRO: Are you crazy?! What are you doing?

BAYMAX: I have found where your tiny robot wants to go.

"Good job, Baymax," complimented Tadashi.

Baymax tilted his head to the side (rather cutely, actually). "Hiro had said that it would help with his pubescent mood swings. It is in my programming to help my patients."

"It sure is, buddy." Hiro rolled his eyes, ignoring yet another mention of his 'pubescent mood swings'. It had already gotten old fast.

Hiro reaches for the petri dish Baymax is holding that contains the microbot.

HIRO: I told you: it's broken! It's not trying to go- Huh?

A knock on the door sounded straight after onscreen Hiro's last line. A few eyebrows were raised; it almost was perfectly in context.

"More friends of yours?" GoGo asked Phoenix sarcastically.

Said redhead quipped back with a just as sarcastic, "No, my enemies make a habit of knocking." which made GoGo smirk.

Phoenix stood up - for like the hundredth time - to let the new arrivals in. Into the room stepped two girls of the same height that were Phoenix's age, maybe a little younger.

The first girl had eagerly entered the room, grinning at the Big Hero 6 gang and giving Phoenix a quick hug (who gave her a playful noogie before she could protest). She had waist-length, snow white hair with a single black streak, sea blue eyes and pale skin. She wore an ink purple and black plaid shirt, inky blue jeans, ink purple and blue converse and a black wolf necklace accessorized the clothes nicely. A black bow was slung over her shoulder with a quiverful of arrows made of a metal that looked similar to iron, but different. It was a metal that Hiro and the others hadn't ever seen before; not even Callaghan.

The second girl had strode calmly into the room, smiled at Phoenix's other guests and pulled the sulking albino away from a laughing Phoenix as she tried to fix her achromatic hair, muttering something along the lines of 'stupid phoenix that won't die'. This girl, in contrast to the first girl, had waist-length coal black hair with a single white streak, piercing sea blue eyes that looked like they could stare into your very soul, and was as pale as the other girl. She was wearing a blood red plaid shirt under a black hoodie, sky blue jeans, blood red converse, a belt of shiny, glittering daggers and a necklace with what looked like a giant serpent fang hanging from it.

Despite the girls' differences, they also had many similarities, such as; their height, face shape, facial features and limb length. Maybe they were sisters?

The albino turned back to Phoenix's original guests and waved. "Hi guys. I'm DragonDreamer1011, but call me Dream for short."

"Hello, I'm StarWisher1011. You can call me Wish." Dream's look-alike introduced.

"They're twins, if you haven't guessed that already." Phoenix supplied helpfully.

Dream turned to Phoenix. "Where are you guys up to?"

"The warehouse. Which reminds me," Phoenix looked at her first guests, especially Fred, bashfully, "I made a mistake earlier. We aren't actually getting up to the part with Yokai - or Mr. Kabuki - today. That'll be first up tomorrow morning."

Fred groaned loudly in disappointment, and even Hiro, Tadashi, GoGo, Cass and Bob looked a little put out. Honey Lemon and Callaghan were disappointed but understanding. Baymax just nodded in acceptance.

"What?! You mean we miss Yokai!?" Dream shouted, throwing her arms in the air. Wish grabbed one of Dream's arms to stop her from doing anything - just in case.

"Yeah, sorry," apologised Phoenix meekly, rubbing the back of her neck. To move the attention off of herself, she clicked and made two more chairs appear in between her own seat and GoGo's. The one next to her own had a picture of a cannon on the seat, and the one next to GoGo's chair had a picture of a fireball. *"There are your seats, Dream and Wish, just like when we were with the Big Four."

"The Big Four?" Honey asked, raising her eyebrow, "What's that?"

"It sounds like a superhero team!" exclaimed Fred.

Wish smoothly brushed off the question, "It's nothing important right now, you'll probably find out eventually. Now, shall we go to our seats?"

"Yes, let's," Phoenix answered, striding to her seat quickly. Everyone followed and once they were all situated the clip resumed.

Hiro trails off, looking down at the microbot. He experimentally points it away from the warehouse but it moves back to its previous position. Hiro glances at Baymax before walking towards the warehouse doors and grabbing the padlock.

HIRO: Locked.

"Of course it's locked. Why would an old abandoned warehouse be left open for people to scrounge through?" Bob asked rhetorically.

Baymax looks up and focuses on something unseen.

BAYMAX: There is a window.

Hiro looks around and sees what Baymax sees- a small open window.

Tadashi facepalmed, "Of course, breaking and entering. Why wouldn't you break the law more than you already have?! And just to follow a tiny robot that might only be reacting to some large magnetic force!"

"Okay, one: my microbots react like that to each other, and ONLY each other, and two: why would I wanna blemish my criminal record? I've worked hard to get it to where it is today." Hiro jokingly responded. Cass and Bob stared at him flatly, not enjoying the humor.

Tadashi just buried his face in his hands. "That's the problem, bonehead."

Baymax stands under the window as Hiro clambers on his head.

BAYMAX: Please exercise caution. A fall from this height could lead to bodily harm.

"How could you let him do that, Baymax?" Wasabi asked, "Don't you have the laws in your database as well?!"

Baymax tilted his head to the side. "Laws?"

Tadashi peeked an eye out of his hands and muttered, "I haven't had the time to add them yet."

"Awesome!" Fred gazed at Baymax with starry eyes.

Hiro ignores him and grabs the window, lifting himself up and looking into the warehouse. It's dark and empty.

"Wow, that warehouse is like my soul." Dream jokingly remarked.

Wish looked thoughtful. "Actually, it's probably more like Pitch Black's, or even maybe Litwick's soul."

"Fair point." Dream conceded.

Hiro leant towards Phoenix and whispered, "What are they even talking about? And by Litwick does Wish mean your friend from earlier?"

"Yeah, they mean the same Litwick." Phoenix responded, "As for what they're talking about; a villain named Pitch Black pretty much lives on the fear and suffering of others, and his heart and soul are probably really dark and twisted. Litwick, on the other hand, has actually confirmed that his heart is cursed to be covered in pure darkness except for a single point which shines brightly. Dream and Wish theorise that maybe his soul is the same, and they also find him so darn mysterious."

"Huh," Hiro nodded, "By the way, Pitch Black? That is such a cliché villain name."

"I know, right?"

Hiro climbs up and crawls through the window. He walks to the edge of the railing and pulls out the microbot, watching it move in a certain direction. A loud noise makes Hiro jump.

Fred, Honey, Cass and Wasabi jumped, with the latter uttering a small yelp of shock. "What was that?!" Wasabi whispered frantically.

"Why are you whispering?" GoGo shot back, imitating Wasabi's whisper mockingly.

Wasabi made a choked noise in the back of his throat before returning his voice to regular volume, but it was a few octaves higher than usual. "Don't answer a question with a question! Seriously, what was that?!"

"Something that'll make you feel silly when you see it." Dream answered.

He turns back around and sees Baymax stuck in the window.

BAYMAX: Oh no.

"Oh," Wasabi deadpanned, "You're right, I do feel silly."

HIRO: Sssshhhh!

BAYMAX: Excuse me while I let out some air.

A sound like air being let out of a balloon is heard while Baymax deflates. Both Hiro and Baymax are frozen.

The room's occupants either snickered or smiled at this unexpected piece of comedy. You could always rely on Baymax to lighten the mood.

"Pff, it sounds like he's farting." Fred guffawed. Wasabi, Honey and Cass scrunched their noses a little at Fred's crude way of putting it.

The sound pauses.

HIRO: Are you done?

Baymax deflates a little more until he is almost flat.


"That's all you can say?" sarcastically commented Hiro.

Baymax blinked - or, you know, whatever the equivalent would be for a robot. "I can say more than 'yes'."

"That's not what I..." Hiro trailed off and shook his head, "Nevermind."

Phoenix leant forwards in her seat to see Tadashi better. "Is there a way for you to make him less naïve? And able to recognise sarcasm?" The young genius put a hand to his chin in thought, eyes locked on the walking marshmallow. When Tadashi didn't respond after a few moments, seemingly figuring out how to actually add both things to Baymax's programming, she rolled her eyes. "Oh, forget it."

Hiro grabs Baymax's arms and pulls him through the window.

BAYMAX: It will take me a moment to reinflate.

HIRO: Fine. Just keep it down.

"Not gonna happen," Dream whispered to Phoenix, who nodded in agreement.

"I don't think that's quite possible yet, Baymax isn't exactly made for stealth," Callaghan amusedly commented.

Hiro walks down the stairs and makes his way through the dark warehouse silently, following the microbot. He rounds a corner and pauses, seeing movement behind a large, foggy window.

"I thought you said 'Yokai' wouldn't be in this clip," said Bob accusingly.

Phoenix, Dream and Wish all spoke simultaneously. "That's because he's not."

"Then what's that movement?" Cass asked.

"Wait and see." Wish answered.

Hiro backs behind the corner and reappears a few seconds later holding a broom defensively.

Phoenix laughed. "I always find this part funny! Your face is just like 'try and attack me, I've got a broom and I'm not afraid to use it!'" Some of the others in the room laughed as well when they took a good look at Hiro's face onscreen. It really did look like Hiro thought it would make a competent weapon.

Hiro just crossed his arms and pointedly turned his head away. "I'm sure it was the best thing I could find!" He frowned in thought after a few moments and turned back around. "Or it will be the best thing I can find. Ugh, past, present and future tense is so annoying when you're meddling with time!"

"Ain't dat da truth." The three authors exchanged glances.

He slowly walks towards the movement and lowers the broom into an attacking position.

Phoenix smirked.

Hiro squints as he peers through the glass, seeing machines moving in a functional, synchronised way; making something. Hiro hears another sound and moves around the glass, seeing a conveyor belt with microbots on it being dropped in a barrel. He pulls out a handful and lets them run through his fingers.

HIRO: My microbots?

He glances up, seeing barrels upon barrels of the little black robots.

"The man with the Kabuki mask, Yokai, is making more of your microbots. So many more," whispered Tadashi in astonishment.

"I didn't realise there were THIS many from the first trailers." Honey gasped, clapping her hands over her mouth.

HIRO: Someone's making more.

Wasabi was trying to breath evenly. In. Out. In. Out. His frightened voice managed to choke out, "A lot more. And we're going to fight them!"

Hiro turns and notices a wall covered with so many papers it was almost impossible to see the wall. There were strings connecting everything. Hiro takes a particular interest of a picture that looks like a small, red bird.

Callaghan frowned at the symbol; nothing but bad memories connected to it.

"What is that..." GoGo trailed off, trying to find the right wording. Fred butted in before she could finish her sentence.

"It's a bird!"

GoGo glared at him, unimpressed. "I was going to say: 'What is that picture's meaning?' or 'Why is there a bird in a supervillain's base of operations?'"

"Oh...so you already knew it was a bird." GoGo facepalmed.

He takes a step forward and-


-Baymax appears in front of him. Hiro screams and jumps back.

Wasabi gave a started yelp and jumped back. His chair would have tipped over and sent him to the ground if not for the fact that it was nailed down. Even though the suspenseful music in the background was doing a great job of helping to set the mood no one else was very startled.

"Seriously, Wasabi, woman up!" GoGo commanded, flicking her bangs to the side and popping her bubblegum.

HIRO: Argh! You gave me a heart attack!

BAYMAX: My hands are equipped with defibrillators.

Baymax rubs his hands together, making the palms glow blue.

BAYMAX: Clear.

"This can't end well." Wish predicted.

"No kidding." Dream agreed.

The twins turned to look at everyone else, who seemed relatively unconcerned. "Why isn't this affecting you more? Hiro's just about to be shocked by Baymax!"

"We saw this part in the trailers," Tadashi explained, "and while I'm not happy that my robotic nurse was about to electrocute my younger brother because of an expression without scanning him first, I know that it's fine and he doesn't get hurt."

Dream and Wish nodded, but the albino pouted, "That takes all the fun out of it!"

He moves his hands towards Hiro, who panics.

HIRO: Stop, stop, stop, stop! It's just an expression!


"Well that was fun." Phoenix stood up and stretched her arms out, cracking her fingers in the process. Those close enough who heard the cracks winced, but Phoenix was unaffected.

The theatre room's lights lit up along the walls and everyone got to their feet, a few stretching out their limbs. Phoenix turned to Wish and Dream. "Time for you to go, then. Unless you wanna stay for Cass' super spicy hot wings?"

"Nope." Dream stated.

"Nuh-uh." Wish declined.

"We don't do spicy food," Both girls admitted, scrunching up their noses a little at the thought of it. They walked over to the Big Hero 6 crew, making sure to either fistbump or high-five everyone in goodbye.

When they reached Phoenix, Wish high-fived her, then pulled back her stinging hand with a hiss. "Like Mabel, I high-five hard. Just ask Holo." Phoenix informed.

Before the redhead could react Dream darted forward and quickly gave her a noogie. Phoenix batted her hand away almost instantly and jumped back, patting the top of her head to make sure it wasn't too messed up from the impromptu revenge. "Do NOT touch the hair."

"Fine," Dream grinned malevolently, "if I can't give you a noogie in return, then I'll just have to avenge myself some other way."

"I'd watch out for her pranks if I was you," recommended Wish in a whisper.

"Duly noted." Phoenix whispered back.

The albino and raven-haired girls walked towards the exit and back into the portal room they came from. Before leaving completely they called over their shoulders in sync, "We're out!" and disappeared out the door.

"So now what?" Hiro asked, bringing Phoenix's attention back to the group.

The pale girl clapped her hands together. "Well, first I'm going to take you all to the game room so you'll be entertained while I go with Cass to the kitchen and help her make some spicy hot wings!"

"You have a game room?" Fred inquired in awe. Phoenix nodded curtly and everyone ignored the shouts of joy emitted by Fred.

"Sounds good." Tadashi agreed.

Phoenix followed Dream and Wish's lead and walked out of the theatre room, her guests trailing after. There was a door in one of the lavender coloured walls that they hadn't noticed before now and Phoenix walked through it. They followed to see themselves in a room with light purple walls, filled with furniture like couches and armchairs everywhere. It looked like it had been used recently. There were also a few doors around the place.

Their purple-eyed guide ignored everything in the room, nimbly dodging the seats in her way. She walked over to one of the doors which had a sign on it reading 'Yugi'.

"Yugi...game. Appropriate." Tadashi smirked. When the door opened they were unprepared for the sight that met their eyes. The room was pretty much covered head-to-toe in posters, drawings, pictures, dart boards, TVs and even a whiteboard. There were heaps of consoles around the room hooked to various televisions, from Wiis to Playstations to Xboxes. Games for the consoles were all in neat piles next to whichever console they were compatable with, and there was shelves stacked with board games at the back.

"Have fun!" Phoenix pushed the still gaping guests into the room (other than Cass) and closed the door behind them. She turned to Hiro and Tadashi's aunt, "Let's go make us some hot wings!"

After hours of playing every game imaginable and a very memorable dinner where Phoenix - unprepared for the sheer spiciness of Cass' hot wings - had breathed a stream of fire from her mouth, revealing she was a pyrokinetic, everyone was exhausted.

Phoenix had given them a brief tour of the place, and had just lead them through another door in the main room into a hallway filled with yet more doors. "These are the guest rooms." Phoenix explained. She showed everyone to their temporary rooms but before she could leave the corridor Honey and GoGo came back out of their rooms holding pillows and blankets.

The redhead raised an eyebrow in question, and Honey elaborated, "We said we'd have a sleepover tonight, remember?"

Phoenix perked up. Of course! How had she forgotten? "I remember now! Sorry, it's been a long night."

"You can say that again." GoGo murmurmed.

"So you're already ready to go to my room?"

Honey grinned, "Yep!"

"Cool." Phoenix moved through the hallway back the way they'd came with the older girls in tow. The three emerged into the main room and Phoenix walked over to a pale gold door with a bright golden doorknob, letting them in.

"So this is your room?" Honey gazed around in fascination.

Phoenix replied, "Uh-huh."

"Why does it smell like citrus?" GoGo questioned.

"...I don't wanna talk about about it."