I only own my O/Cs. All other characters belong to Hasbro.

Kylie was getting ready for an evening out with her boyfriend and visiting brother. She had her beautiful long blonde hair tied back in a ponytail. A hint of foundation over her pale skin. A touch of mascara over her big blue eyes. A long sleeved purple top covering her arms, black jeans and black boots. Putting on some lip gloss she looked at herself in the mirror. She didnt look half bad.

A bang on the bedroom door made her jump skittishly as her brother's head popped round the door.

"Ready Kyl's?" he asked with a grin.

"Sure am Chase" she replied with a waver in her voice.

His grin quickly disappered and he moved to her side quickly. "I'm so sorry Kyl's. I didnt mean to frighten you."

"It's okay," she said quietly. "I just thought it was Steve. He does that occasionally."

Chase pulled her in into a big hug, then pulled up one sleeve to find new bruises along her wrist.

"When did he do this?" he asked angrily.

Kylie squirmed out of his grip pulling her sleeve back down quickly.

"He did this this morning," she said quietly. "Before you got here."

"I thought you said you were going to leave him if he did anything like this again!" Chase said angrily. "I told you to call me. You don't deserve this. I have a room set up at my place for just this very reason. I may not always be home but you would be safe there. Anywhere is better then here with him."

"He did stop," Kylie said. "But its only been the last few days where he started again. I mean-"

"You're coming back with me when I leave. I'm not leaving you here to suffer his abuse any longer. If you cant or wont do anything I will."

She was pulled into another hug as Steve called them to hurry and get in the car.

"Please don't do anything," Kylie pleaded as they walked to the front door. "He said he would change, and he did but he has been stressed out." Chase growled. "Please, please don't say or do anything."

"Fine," he muttered. "I won't do anything."

An hour later, they were sitting at a table in a restaurant finishing the last of the meal. There was no hint of anything wrong. Chase was almost happily talking about his job when his phone went off. Excusing himself he walked outside to take the call.

"You are wearing too much makeup!" Steve growled. He grabbed her wrist painfully.

"No I'm not," she snapped, pulling her wrist away from him tears springing to her eyes. "You said I could put some on tonight anyway."

"But you look like a little tramp," Steve cried. "Why don't you just go stand on a corner."

"How can you say that." Kylie said. "Dont ruin this evening for me."

"So you're growing a bit of back bone now?" Steve snapped. "After your brother leave's we are going to have some words." Steve gave her a dangerous glare.

Steve went to continue on but Chase walked back in. "Sorry about that," Chase smiled. "A friend from work called." He looked carefully at Kylie noticing her watery eyes. "Did I miss something?" he asked.

"No no," Steve said, a smile on his lips that didnt reach his eyes. "Just a little disagreement over makeup."

Chase nodded slowly, unbeleaving.

"So have you met anyone special yet?" Steve asked changing the subject.

Kylie ignored the rest of the conversation, focusing on her fork scraping leftover sauce on her plate. She felt Chase nudge her leg under the table getting her attention.

She looked up and noticed Chase nodding discreetly towards a man sitting at a table in the corner. He had dark skin, short almost shaved hair. He was wearing a red wife beater with a black unbuttoned shirt over it. Army patterned cargo pants with black boots. But strangest of all was the fact he was wearing visor sunglasses inside at night.

"I think we should head off shortly," Chase suggested. Steve and Kylie nodded in agreement. "Anyone need to use the bathroom before we go?"

Kylie felt him nudge her leg again.

"Yea..." she mumbled. "Yea I will be real quick."

She gave Chase a puzzled look as she got up. He smiled sweetly and said, "I heard there was a Jazz place round here somewhere."

As Kylie walked towards the bathroom the dark man stood up, following her towards the bathroom.

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