Reviews for The Gaang watch The Legend of KORRA
Zefu Hoffman chapter 12 . 9/16/2019
"Aang" should do the Vaatu episode.
AkaDeca chapter 5 . 4/26/2019
I died that Katara in in the TV. It still good
AkaDeca chapter 4 . 4/26/2019
Cool how they are picking up on comparisons!
AkaDeca chapter 3 . 4/26/2019
Excellent stuff! Please update!
AkaDeca chapter 2 . 4/26/2019
Man, why did you miss Katara’s grandma part!? Big L. Please update
AkaDeca chapter 1 . 4/26/2019
Man, it isn’t easy to hear that you died. Just starting to read this! Please come back and I finish this! It’s too good to leave alone!
Saffron Gales chapter 4 . 7/16/2018
AMS-Topaz chapter 12 . 3/17/2018
i suggest cutting past the love triangle teenage drama crap. it is what ruined the show after all, and there wasn't really anything story related except for one thing about Mako's scarf, but that's it. And the fact that it teaches Korra to stop going for the brothers XD
AMS-Topaz chapter 11 . 3/17/2018
for someone who says u don't know how to write English, u write it a lot better than most people who were born and raised among English speaking Americans. keep up the great work, i cannot wait to see what happens next. i will admit though, it is unusual to have ATLA characters go into LOK, but u have managed to make it entertaining so far, so i'm keeping an open mind about it. just don't stop the humor pls. it's amazing XD
Shiranai Atsune chapter 12 . 2/26/2018
When are you continuing this? I'm looking forward to the reactions of their future selves.

I didn't exactly see the title of this fanfic on your profile...
OnePunchPlayer chapter 4 . 1/12/2018
Aang: "Forget that, did you guys catch the threat at the end? Does anyone know what a 'chicken nugget' is?"

Man-Hahaha~ That cracked me up!~ (XD)
Aarmau whovian chapter 5 . 11/29/2017
ill like to see toph acullay seeing the tv some how plz
DJ Stank Daddy chapter 1 . 10/24/2017
omg this story made me cry myself to sleep. i am currently crining rn. this story is so good i read it twice. this shit is trash motherfucker too many fucken words
DJ Stank Daddy chapter 1 . 10/24/2017
omg this story made me crying myself to sleep. its so good i am currently crying rn. this shit is trash motherfucker too much words nigga.
Gustavian Andy chapter 1 . 10/24/2017
currently on my elbows rn tears like a volcano magma falling down my eyes i aint wan accept but its all over now man omg fuck you becky i swearf im losing nights sleep over this i beg u pls mak more
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