Branch's Perspective

Description: The Original Trolls Story from Branch's Perspective as he battles with his feelings for Poppy and struggles with his lifelong depression over losing everyone he loved and held dear. A few extra scenes have been thrown in to help better understand everyone's favorite grumpy grey toll. A Broppy FanFic.

Disclaimer: I do not own Trolls or the plot, it belongs to Dreamworks Productions, nor do I own the song Can't Stop the Feeling.

Constructive criticism is welcome flaming is not.

(AN: Hello my readers! It's the last chapter! As I mentioned in my quick Author's Note I am so sorry this final chapter took so long to be posted! I had gotten into a really bad car accident not long after I posted Chapter 8 and have in the hospital for a majority of the last month. I really hope everyone is still here with me and super excited to read the last Chapter of Branch's Perspective! I won't babble on any longer, here you are!)

(AN #2: Oh my goodness y'all… you're so sweet! I cannot believe the responses I got from everyone. Thank you all so, so much, you're kindness and concern made me want to cry! I am doing okay, I am very sore but I am okay. A few broken bones and recovering from a pretty bad concussion, but considering what happened I was very lucky to walk away with the injuries I did. I did take everyone's advice and took it easy so it took a few days to post this chapter and I really wanted to thank y'all for that. I seriously have the best readers, you guys are so awesome!)

Chapter Nine

Relived, and slightly confused, to see their only bergen friend Bridget and not Chef, Branch just watched curiously as Princess Poppy hoped up onto Bridget's extended hand before lifting the princess up closer to her face. Out of the corner of his eye, Branch could see King Peppy tense up a little as one of the troll races sworn enemies had gotten a little to close for his comfort to his daughter, but he made no scene. Branch assumed he was able to quickly pick up on the newly formed relationship between the female bergen and his daughter, King Peppy also knew that if Branch wasn't worried about this bergen, then there was no reason he should worry either.

"What are you doing?" The pink troll questioned, her voice full of worry.

"I can't let them eat you." The kind female bergen explained.

"But…" While Poppy battled with her inner turmoil, Branch could only feel relief wash over him with Bridget's declaration, as he glanced around him he could almost visibly see the tension that lift completely from the rest of the trolls still trapped inside the pot. Poppy had really made a good decision when she decided to befriend this bergen, a decision he highly doubted any other troll surrounding them right now would've ever dared to make, including himself.

"Come on! You gotta go!" Bridget urged as she stopped the troll princess from saying anything more and tipped over the pot everyone had been trapped inside. Everyone tumbled clumsily to the ground, but were able to quickly find their bearing the moment they felt themselves hit the pavement, the fear of being found still weighing heavily on everyone's minds.

"Hurry! Go, go, go! Get outta here!" As many of the trolls took off the moment their feet hit the ground, Branch found his instincts telling him to do just the same, but he paused.

'If she goes in there without us… what will happen… to Bridget?' Branch found himself wondering as the rest of the troll village scattered around him. He couldn't believe he was actually finding himself concerned about a bergen right now! But… she was probably the only bergen in Bergen Town willing to risk her life for them… he turned back to glance at Bridget and Poppy for a moment as Bridget lowered Poppy back down onto the ground, feeling satisfied that Poppy was safe, assuming she would be able to handle this situation on her own and would soon follow, Branch shoved down his worry for Bridget and refocused his attention on helping King Peppy and the rest of the Snack Pack guide everyone safely back to the Troll Tree in the center of town.

"No! Bridget if you go in there without us you know what they'll do!" He heard Poppy cry as he ran, voicing the very same worries that were on his own mind. He could feel his heart leap in his chest, the closer the pair got to one another, the more and more the seemed to work in sync with one another, right down to feeling the same worries and thoughts toward those they cared for. He could feel a slight tug in his heart as he ran farther and farther away from Poppy, but continued to remind himself that she would never leave her village behind and would follow soon.

As he approached the Troll Tree and started to assist many other trolls in climbing the tree so they could reach the top where they would descend back through the root tunnels, he quickly spotted that familiar tuft of pink hair. He did not contain his sign of relief as she approached him and they ascended the tree together. They spoke no words to one another, but Branch could clearly see the turmoil written all over the troll princess' face. Once they were at the top of the tree, Poppy masked the turmoil she was battling and they immediately resumed assisting other trolls down into the root tunnels of the Troll Tree.

"Come on everybody lets go." The troll princess urged. Branch still did not speak a word to her yet even though his heart was begging him to reach out to her and ask her what was wrong. He had decided he would consult her once they knew everyone was safe, but if he was really being honest with himself, he could probably guess exactly what was going on in the mind of the one he loved.

"No troll left behind!"

"Watch your step." Branch helped the very last troll in Troll village hop into the tunnel of the tree before turning back around to face Poppy, fully intending on asking her what was on her mind. As he did he noticed the pink troll had already started making her way back in the direction of Bergen Town.

"Poppy?" He called out to her curiously. The troll princess stopped her the tracks the moment she heard his voice and remained silent for a moment before she turned around to face him again.

"Bridget just ruined her life to save ours!" She exclaimed as she made her way to stand by the now blue trolls side once again, finally voicing what had been weighing heavily on her heart this entire time.

"It's not right!" She exclaimed passionately. Branch couldn't help but smile a little as he listened to her, he knew it. This was his Poppy, she always cared for and loved everyone, including their enemies. He was willing to bet that Bridget wasn't the only bergen she wanted to help experience happiness, he had a feeling she was thinking about finding a way to help every bergen in Bergen Town find their happiness, just as she has helped him find his.

"She deserves to be happy just as much as we do." Poppy continued to explain before turning back around to gaze at Bergen Town with a determined look on her face.

As much as we do huh? Branch's smile on his face widened, he couldn't help but feel as if she was speaking about the happiness Poppy and himself had only just begun to experience with one another as she spoke. He didn't attempt to convince her otherwise this time, knowing all to well that just as she had never given up on him when he was grey, as well as Creek when everyone else had truly believed he had been eaten, she wasn't about to give up on her new friend Bridget either.

"They all do." So it seems as if their journey together wasn't over just yet.

Branch and Poppy made their way through the root tunnels to find their friends, when they appeared in the clearing where they had met their friend Cloud Guy they were surprised to find every troll in Troll Village waiting for them, Poppy gave everyone a curious look.

"What is everyone doing here?" she questioned. Along with Branch they had decided to recruit the Snack Pack again for some help in saving their friend Bridget as well as the rest of Bergen Town, while the rest of the trolls made their way safely back to the village, they had not expected anyone to really stop and wait for them to arrive. DJ Suki approached the troll pair as they hopped out of the tunnel.

"You have some sort of plan up your sleeve." The red troll stated as a matter-o-factly. The troll princess gave her a surprised look before smiling slightly.

"You guys know me too well." The rest of the Snack Pack closed in behind DJ Suki.

"Everyone wants to help you two this time." DJ Suki continued as she moved her hands to motion to the rest of the troll village, this time it was Branch who looked at everyone with a surprised look.

"You risked you're lives to save us, and if you are to be our future Queen…" Satin explained.

"We will support any decision you make." Chenille finished proudly with a bright smile. Everyone nodded in agreement and Branch could see tears well up in the pink trolls eyes. She turned to face Branch with a bright smile.

"Will this much support work well with your plan?" Poppy questioned knowingly. Branch returned her smile.

"Better then I could ever imagine." He answered.

Once they were sure everyone in troll village had been able to get into their places. Branch, Poppy and the Snack Pack soon found themselves back inside Bridget's room in search of the skate Poppy knew she had left in there. From within the room they could clearly hear the bergens of Bergen Town chanting from above them.

'Trolls, trolls, trolls, trolls!'

Poppy looked at Branch with a slight look of discontent and worry on her face. He knew, without her telling him, what was worrying her. There was a chance that… if the bergens didn't listen to hear… didn't want to hear what she would have to say… she could very well put every troll in troll village back in the same danger they had all just escaped from. Branch was very positive that the only ones who of truly at risk would be Poppy, himself and her friends since they would be the only ones making their presence known, if this did go wrong the rest of the troll village should be able to escape as long as they had listened to his words. But there was always that slight doubt that would nag him, Chef had been able to scrap their plans in the past, there was a possibility that could happen again.

Right now though… Poppy needed his reassurance, his strength. She needed to know that he truly believed in her. And he did, he knew that if anyone could do this… if anyone could make her voice be heard, it was Poppy. Grabbing her hand he gave it a gentle squeeze and smiled at her with hope and determination. The simple gesture made the worry melt from her eyes and soon was replaced with that same determination he saw a few days ago when she had declared that she would save her friends from the bergens with or without his help. His heart beat rapidly in his chest and he lead her into Bridget's roller skate alongside the rest of her friends, once safely inside the skate Fuzzbert used his quick feet to get them moving again.

Once they reached their destination, the group launched themselves out one of the windows in a tower that stood directly across the courtyard from the dining room area where the banquet was currently being held. Much like they did the day before, they sailed through the air with so much momentum they were able to smash through one of the windows of the dining hall. This time though they were much more coordinated and landed smoothly on the floor, Branch and Poppy then moved in sync to steer the skate around the dining hall, up the back of Barnabas to launch themselves into the air again, heading straight for their friend who was currently surrounded by the castle guards.

Their entrance luckily, had surprised and shocked everyone in the room, as they launched themselves out of the roller skate, they were able to land on Bridget's head without any disturbance, they acted quickly once they were in their place. With the skate landing perfectly back on Bridget's right foot, the trolls extended and transformed their hair into the same style they had given her yesterday when their friend had gone on her date with King Gristle, even Branch participated this time. Acting 'troll-like' again was still a bit odd for him… okay very odd for him. Even with his colors returning, he could never ignore the way he had lived for the past twenty years, nor could he wash all of that away in one day. But he had promised himself to always be there when Poppy needed him, even more so now then ever. Their scene while they were trapped inside that pot only resided more-so within him that he would do whatever it took in order to never witness Poppy, or even himself turn grey ever again.

Once the commotion from their entrance had died down a bit and Bridget had now found herself facing the king once again, a loud gasp echoed throughout the room as King Gristle came to the realization of exactly who Bridget was. Sliding himself under the table only to quickly appear on the other side, he stared at Bridget with shock and disbelief.

"Lady Glitter Sparkles?" he questioned as if he were trying to make sure his eyes were not deceiving him in this moment.

"What?" Chef's whisper could be heard from behind the bergen pair, but fell on deaf ears as everyone in the room watched the king and Bridget in shock. Bridget moved herself forward to approach the table without speaking a word, and the trolls began to retract their hair once again. Bridget lifted her hands up to them for support, so they could walk onto them and she could lower the group onto the table. The king began to look around frantically, very confused and slightly offended.

"But… how? Why? Why did you do this?" Well at least the king was willing to hear her out. She must've been able to strike some chord deep within the king's heart because he really could have just sentenced her to the dungeon or even banished her right then and there. Knowing Bridget was probably a bit confused herself and not sure what she should say, Poppy carefully approached King Gristle and answered his question for her.

"Because she didn't think you would want someone like her." Poppy's words gave the kind female bergen the courage to speak.

"I mean hello…" She started, as she looked King Gristle right in the eyes.

"Is it me you're lookin' for? I don't think so…" Bridgette hung her head dejected and the bergen king found himself unable to say anything more, proving she had been right.

"Guards!" Unfortunately before anyone could even utter anymore words for explanation, they were rudely interrupted.

"Finish her!" Chef shouted as she pointed directly at Bridget, staring her down with a fierce glare. Bridget cried out in fear, while King Gristle waved his hands at his guards trying to stop them.

"No!" King Gristle cried. The very words Branch's own mind was screaming as well, but the pink troll standing beside him spoke up and acted before he could.

"Wait!" Her voice caused King Gristle and Bridget to turn around and face her, willing to hear what she had to say. Branch found it very strange that these guards were acting more on the Chef's commands rather than their own king's, but at the moment he digressed and allowed Poppy to speak with words she needed to say.

"King Gristle… when you were with Bridget, you were feeling something… weren't you?" Bridget eyed King Gristle with hope and wonder. Hoping that their time together was as enjoyable for him as it was for her.

"Yeah I was I… I just thought it was too much pizza." King Gristle answered the Troll Princess before turning back toward Bridget to stare at her with what looked to be love in his eyes.

"Me too!" Bridget responded cheerfully.

"That feeling… that was happiness!" Poppy's remark created a commotion throughout the entire dining room. Branch began to grow anxious, would the bergen race really be willing to listen? To believe in what she was trying to say?

"But… you have to eat a troll to be happy… everyone knows that… don't you?" Questioned a confused bergen whom Branch had recognized as the owner of the Trollstice bib shop they had seen King Gristle shopping at. They may not completely believe the words the troll princess was speaking to them just yet, but their confusion was proving to show that maybe they had been wrong all along.

"But King Gristle's never eaten a troll in his life right?" Poppy argued, making King Gristle smile as he turned to face Bridget once again.

"No I haven't." The bergen king lowered himself down to one knee he gazed a Bridget with wonder, love and pure happiness. Feelings of which he never once believed he would ever be able to experience.

"And yet here I am…" He held up Bridget's missing skate in the palms of his hands, an object he had held close to his heart since the day she left him back at the roller rink.

"My belly empty…" Bridget lifted her barefoot and King Gristle slid the skate onto her foot for her. A perfect fit.

"And my heart full." King Gristle stood up and took Bridget's hands into his own, both sharing a smile brighter than any bergen in the room had ever witnessed before. Their sweet exchange earned several 'awws' from their peers; even Branch found himself smiling at the bergen pair alongside his own love, Poppy. Branch found himself feeling truly happy for the scullery maid who had been willing to risk her lives for them. She had been able to obtain true happiness with the most important person in her life, just as he had. Branch believed that if any bergen in this room deserved any happiness, Bridget was the one who deserved it most of all.

Unfortunately their tender moment was short lived…

"Don't listen to her!" Chef, having had enough of the entire exchange, shouted as she aggressively closed in on the group of trolls standing on the table behind the bergen king and the scullery maid. Her sights dead set on capturing them once again and forcing everyone to live as she demanded, she shoved King Gristle and Bridget out of her way.

"There's only one way to be happy! My way!"

"No!" Bridget cried. Branch instinctively came forward in front of Poppy to protect her as the bergen chef approached them, there was no time to formulate a plan as the Chef was hovering above them within seconds.

"With me in charge…" Chef slammed her fist onto the dining table the trolls were standing on with such force; it launched the formerly grey troll high into the air.

"Ah!" Gasps could be heard from Poppy and her friends as Chef snagged Branch in midair.

"I'll serve you troll everyday of the year!" Chef slammed the survivalist troll back onto the table, opposite from where he had been just previously, she then grabbed King Gristle and forced him to sit back down in his dining chair, before aggressively turning the bergen king's head to face Branch before shoving his head down until his chin hit the table.

"Gah!" King Gristle cried.

BONK. Chef struck the bergen kings head with her wooden ladle, causing his tongue to involuntarily tumble out of his mouth, she held his head down in place as Branch scrambled to get as far away from King Gristle's mouth as he could. Everything had just occurred so quickly Branch barely had time to register that he needed to run away! He needed to get back to Poppy!

"With ME as QUEEN all of life will be a never ending feast of happiness!" Chef slammed her huge knife down in front of Branch as he tried to run away, this caused him to recoil in fear of being injured by the sharp object. Unfortunately his recoil resulted in him loosing his balance, tumbling backwards right onto King Gristle's outstretched tongue.

"Come on EAT! EEAATT!" The bergen chef was clearly loosing it, her erratic actions were not only frightening the trolls, but also other bergens in the room as well, including the king, nervousness and confusion was written all over the kings face as she demanded for him to eat the blue troll. Unsure of how to handle the situation, he began to comply, afraid of what she might do if he hadn't.

"Ahhhh!" Branch cried as he desperately tried to back away and get off of the bergen kings quickly retracting tongue. This could not happen to him now! Not after he finally found happiness again! He actually had a chance at being with...

"NO!" A familiar, loud, voice rang throughout the room. And suddenly in the next moment Branch found himself being tackled by a flying pink blur, the momentum behind that pink blur launched him off of the bergen king's tongue and clumsily back onto the table.

"Oof!" The pair mumbled. What in the world just… In that moment, Branch's bright blue eyes met Poppy's. Poppy… Poppy saved him… he finally realized as she took his slightly larger hand into her own to help him stand back up.

"Happiness isn't something you put inside you…" Branch remained close to Poppy as she walked forward toward King Gristle again, his mind still reeling over the events that had just occurred. The troll princess on the other hand was still determined and was still desperately trying to get her point across. It was clear she had stirred something within most of the bergens in the dining room already, all but Chef. There was only one other trick Poppy held up her sleeve.

"It's already there! Sometimes you just… need someone to help you find it." Branch reeling mind came to a stop then as his heart jumped in his chest, a smile graced his lips upon hearing the girl he loved repeating the words he had spoken to her when he helped her get her colors back. He knew at the moment that she was referring to him and the troubles they had faced and overcome together.

"Can I really be happy?" Commotion stirred once again within the dining room, throwing the bergen chef of guard once again.

"Oh! I wanna be happy!"

"And me!"

"Sign me up!"

"What about me?"

"Me! Me! Me!" Chef looked around the room in confusion, she hadn't seen this coming, not even for a moment.

"Do you really think… I could be happy?" Questioned the owner of the Trollstice bib shop.

"Of course!" Poppy beamed and Branch watched her tenderly.

"It's inside you!" She exclaimed, excited that she had finally gotten through to them, that her words were finally starting to make a difference. Branch, still close behind her beamed as well, proud of woman he was in love with.

"It's inside all of us!" Branch didn't miss the quick look Poppy gave him as she turned toward him with that statement, with just that one quick look he could clearly see how grateful she was for him being supportive and giving her the strength she needed when she needed it the most. He nodded with her as she continued.

"And I don't think it… I feel it!"

'I got this feelin', inside my bones.' The troll princess broke out into song, her final trick to win the bergens over and convince them that they could find happiness on their own. Branch immediately recognized the tune and quickly found himself moving to the beat.

'It goes electric wavy when I turn it on.' Even though all of this was still new to Branch after twenty years of living alone in solitude, his body seemed to react naturally and instinctively to the music. He had not felt the urge to sing or dance in years, he wasn't entirely sure if it was Poppy's influence, or because he was just getting caught up in the moment due to the situation they were currently in, but he decided to just allow his body to do what it naturally wanted to do. So… he jumped slightly to land next to her and started to sing and dance with her again.

'And if you want it, inside your soul.'

'Just open up your heart let music take control.' What perfect lyrics to match exactly how he had been feeling in this moment, his heart now open for everyone to see felt like it was soaring with joy. He had to admit, he could sing a pretty perfect duet alongside Poppy.

'I got that sunshine in my pocket.' As they march forward in their dance the rest of the Snack Pack started to join them as well.

'Got that good soul in my feet.
I feel that hot blood in my body when I drops
I can't take my eyes up off it, moving so phenomenally
Room on lock, the way we rock it, so don't stop.'

Gosh did it feel so good to be dancing next to Poppy and singing to her again. Even if he never joined the trolls in any of their daily dance numbers, he knew he would at least be able to serenade Princess Poppy once a day in their own privacy. Doing this just felt so good with her, he barely even noticed everyone else in the room.

'And under the lights when everything goes
Nowhere to hide when I'm getting you close
When we move, well you already know.'

'Let's go let's work!'

The Snack Pack started to sing along with them now, encouraging the bergens around them to join in as well, even dancing in some of the bergens hands, it seemed like it was working. Bergens all around them began to tap along to the beat.

'So just imagine, just imagine, just imagine.' Right on cue the rest of the trolls in Troll Village jumped out of their hiding places, knowing they would now be safe and joined in, transforming the dining room into a dance floor.

'Nothing I can see but you when you dance, dance, dance
A feeling good, good, creeping up on you
So just dance, dance, dance, come on
All those things I shouldn't do
But you dance, dance, dance
And ain't nobody leaving soon so keep dancing.'

Poppy left Branch's side for a moment to run up to a bergen who looked like he wanted to start dancing, but wasn't sure what he should do. Giving him the encouragement he needed, the troll princess wrapped her hair around his finger before using it to whirl him around in a circle, the bergens body then seemed to move on it's own as he initiated several more bergens in a line of dancing. Sending an eruption throughout the room, encouraging everyone (except Chef), to allow happiness burst from deep within their hearts and be expressed through their dance.

'I can't stop the feeling!'
So just dance, dance, dance, come on.'

After Poppy encouraged another bergen along the table to move their arms in a chain like wave motion, Branch joined in launching himself off another bergens hand who had been at the end of the chain. He really was letting loose now to be able to feel comfortable dancing with the race that he had declared his sworn enemy for twenty long years.

'I can't stop the feeling!'

Branch landed beside his love again who was now dancing in a group made up of her closest friends. They lost themselves in the music as their hearts sang upon witnessing the trolls and bergens finally bring their long dispute to an end, and dance alongside each other in joy. It seemed as if they no longer had anything to worry about, and they could finally stop living in hiding and fear… or so they thought.

'So just dance, dance, dance, dance
I can't stop the feeling!
So keep dancing.'

Lost in the music, Branch, Poppy and the Snack Pack did not notice the bergen chef quickly and aggressively making their way toward them until she was standing over them with her knifes, aimed and ready. Everyone gasped as Branch instinctively attempted to protect Poppy again. Luckily, their bergen friend had taken notice much quicker then they had and had startled Chef by hitting her in the head with the same wooden ladle she had struck both Bridget and King Gristle with in the past.

'Can't stop the...'

Taking advantage of the distraction, Poppy's friends acted quickly. DJ Suki and Smidge launched their hair straight up to latch on to something on the ceiling, they grabbed a couple of lemon slices nearby and used them to squirt her in the eyes, effectively blurring her vision.

"Let's do it!" As Chef began to stumble backwards Satin and Chenille had already been on the ground, ready to use their hair to throw the Chef even more off balance. She ended up falling backwards, her bottom landing right in the very pot she had trapped everyone in troll village inside earlier. Her fall caused the cart to roll backwards, heading out of the room. Cooper landed a final blow by lighting the very match the Chef had intended to use to light and cook them with. She quickly found herself heading right out to the dining room, down the corridors and even down the stairs outside the castle. As everyone gathered to watch her leave, Branch caught a glimpse of Creek popping out of Chef's fanny pack. Once he realized the situation he was in his screams could be heard along with the Chef's as they made their way out of Bergen Town, now banished.

'I can't stop the feeling!'

Finally knowing that everyone was safe and no longer in danger of being eaten, Poppy jumped up and started their little dance number up again. Branch quickly ran up beside her to join her and the two of them lead everyone, trolls and bergens alike, through the town heading directly toward their old home, the Troll Tree.

'Nothing I can see but you when you dance, dance, dance (I can't stop the feeling!)
Feeling good, good, creeping up on you
So just dance, dance, dance, come on (I can't stop the feeling!)
All those things I shouldn't do
But you dance, dance, dance (I can't stop the feeling!)
And ain't nobody leaving soon so keep dancing.'

'Got this feeling in my body.
Break it down
Got this feeling in my body
Can't stop the feeling
Got this feeling in my body, come on
Wanna see you move your body
Got this feeling in my body, come on.'

The trolls had now gathered under the Troll Tree that had now gained back it's beauty and liveliness and the bergens also gathered around them. King Peppy approached his daughter with a new crown in his hands, this being that perfect moment... he took the opportunity to crown his daughter as the new Queen of the trolls, thus announcing his resignation as well.

"Our new Queen!" Trolls and bergens alike erupted into cheers for Poppy as they witnessed this monumental event and many of Poppy's close friends, including King Gristle and Bridget, congratulated her. Branch welled up with so much pride for the women he loved, he couldn't stop himself from approaching her, and right in front of everyone surrounding them he took her hands into his own. He had intended to give her a heartfelt congratulations of his own, but Poppy's friends who had secretly been cheering the pair on as a couple had other plans. The ground beneath them, which happened to be a healthy mushroom, began to shake and they were suddenly launched high into the air. Branch soon realized that Smidge had taken it upon herself to award them some alone time together and he silently thanked her from his heart. Once their ascent had stopped, he could no longer control the desire to hug the women he loved close to him, needing to feel her warmth against his. While he knew he had made his confession to her while helping her gain back her true colors, he wanted to make sure she knew so that there would be no room for confusion in their new relationship.

"I know it's not officially hug time yet but…" Branch opened his arms out wide to the pink troll smiling beside him, his own bright smile spreading across his own face.

"Now that I am queen I decree that hug time…" Branch knew Poppy was joking around with him as she acted as if she were placed on a pedestal. He smirked at her and allowed her to continue.

"Is all the time." She finished sweetly, giving him a heartfelt smile before steeping into his waiting arms. Warmth spread throughout the turquoise trolls body as she squeezed him close to her and he did the same to her, this pink troll fit perfectly in his embrace, as if she were always meant to be there. He relished the tender moment for a bit, but right as he was about to pull away to confess to her one more time, the troll pair felt another pair of arms wrapping around their embrace. Their eyes snapped open simultaneously before they pulled apart from their embrace and turned around to see a familiar face smirking back at them.

"Up high." Cloud Guy commented smugly, fully knowing that he had just ruined their tender moment they were trying to share. Branch and Poppy just looked at one another knowingly before they both high fived their friend with enough force to push him off of their mushroom. Cloud Guy simply laughed as he fell, enjoying their banter, making Branch and Poppy burst out into laughter with one another as well. Branch really was enjoying this new life he was starting to create with the pink troll he loved standing beside him and knew there was no better time than now to ask her to be his. Still laughing, he reached beside him to take Poppy's hands into his own once again, as she turned to face him as well, still giggling; he gazed lovingly into her eyes, maybe he truly was a romantic after all, he had never felt the urge to be this bold before.

"I love you Poppy." His voice had dropped and octave as he spoke, reflecting the same warm smile she had shown him earlier. Her eyes widened in surprise, but Branch did not falter, allowing the depth of his words to sink in. He wanted to make sure she knew exactly how he had felt about her for so long, and also that she knew his confession to her before wasn't just a fleeting emotion he had felt in the moment. Poppy soon returned his warm smile with a smile brighter then he had ever witnessed before, even brighter than the smile she had given him when their colors returned back in Bergen Town castle, even tears had started to shine in her eyes.

"I love you too Branch." She whispered before she leaned forward to rest her forehead against his, closing her eyes. Branch relaxed and closed his eyes as well, his heart beating rapidly in his chest.

"So much… Thank you… for everything." Branch chuckled slightly before he gently nuzzled Poppy's nose against his own.

"Anytime Poppy. I'll always be by your side."


(AN: It's finished! It makes me a little sad that it's over but I'm so happy it is as well! As I mentioned a few chapters ago if anyone has any questions I would love to answer them for you in a follow-up post! I have a few already from previous reviews that I will answer I just want to make sure no one else has any questions. I also have another story that is ready to be typed up called 'Branch's Birthday'. But I am going to take a little break to recover from my accident before posting it. I don't want to leave to long of a gap between posting chapters on you guys. Thank you all so much for reading and enjoying this story! I am so happy to have a fan base like all of you and can wait for you to read the new stories I have conjured up in my mind! I love you all!)