My Shitennou, an AU First Season Fic
Chapter 29
Budding Relationships, Part 1
Author's Notes: As per request, I decided to use the next couple chapters to give a bit of an "update" as it were on the Senshi / Shitennou relationships and where they stand as of this moment. We have those that are growing closer and those that, well, don't quite exist yet. The latter ones obviously need the opportunity to meet each other. As I like to include lots of detail in my writing, I couldn't fit all five relationships in the same chapter. Thus, Chapter 29 focuses on Usagi & Mamoru and Minako & Katsuro. Current plan is, Chapter 30 will cover the other three. Please enjoy! And I would love, love, love to get your thoughts and opinions! =D
Tokyo, Japan
Monday, May 3, 1993
Leaving the house after Mamo and Kaishou woke up from their nap, Minako took her supposedly 'twin' brothers out and headed towards Jubban Park. The two boys walked side-by-side in silence although they looked at each other occasionally and Mamo's random snicker halfway to the park made her wonder if they were, in fact, communicating somehow. The idea caused a slight tug at her memory, but it didn't quite make it to the front of her mind before she reached the park and Kaishou began tugging insistently at her skirt. "Onee-sama! You said we were going to see Daddy. You know? At the hospital?" The boy looked up at her with a distinct, disapproving frown while across from him Mamo was staring at her with an equally concerned look.
"We will, but first we have to meet someone here at the park." Minako reassured, patting him on the shoulder before spotting Usagi sitting on a bench up ahead. Knowing a bit more than the rest of the Senshi, it wasn't difficult for her, at least, to figure out that Usagi had to be Mamo and Usa's future mother; the pink-haired child was even named after her! She only hoped she was right in thinking this would be the best thing to help the child's obvious homesickness. "Usagi-chan!" She called out, causing the pigtailed blonde to look up and Mamo to spin his head around in the direction Minako was presently looking. That was when he spotted her.
It really was Usagi! Mamo's blue eyes lit up when he saw his former 'older cousin' just ahead of them. "Usagi, Onee-sama!" He blurted out, leaving Minako's side and rushing over to greet the other girl. Of all the adults he'd gotten stuck with since this trip began, Usagi was his favorite… except for his daddy, of course. You just couldn't top that, but… he felt better when she was around. As soon as he crossed the distance between them, Mamo climbed up in her lap and wrapped his arms around her neck. "Onee-sama, Kaishou's daddy is in the hospital, and we have to help him before we go back home again, and my daddy's helping him already."
"Mamo-kun!" Usagi greeted, equally happy to see the little raven-haired child running up to her. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him down onto her lap, as she looked up to see Minako and Kaishou coming to join them as a less urgent pace. "Hi, Minako-chan! Hi Kaishou!"
Kaishou grinned as well when he saw the pigtailed blonde up ahead, although that could have just been because his friend was so happy to see her. Unlike Mamo, however, he choose to stay close to Minako. Usagi was fine and all, but there was no telling how much or how little time he might have with his mom before they ended up somewhere else again. Therefore, he was going to take advantage of all the time he had. When they got closer though, he grinned and waved at her. "Hi! Guess what? We get to stay with Minako, Onee-sama until Mamo's daddy is done working!"
Minako looked down at Kaishou, her future son… and with Kunzite no less. The child had her eyes, but his hair was a fairer blonde, closer to Usagi's shade or lighter, actually. Despite being more open with his feelings, he still managed to remind her of his father quite regularly. She gave the boy a smile, which he returned with one of his own, before looking back to Usagi and Mamo. Usagi had wrapped her arms around the little boy, giving him a tight hug before letting him settle himself down into her lap. Had she missed him since he'd been staying elsewhere? Kneeling down, Minako looked Mamo in the eyes. "Mamo-kun, I was thinking you would to see your Daddy."
One hand clutching the front of Usagi's shirt, Mamo stared at her, his expression difficult to read. He wanted his daddy. He really, really wanted his daddy… but … he was supposed to help Kaishou's daddy. Kaishou was his friend, and he really like Kunzite too. He wanted Kunzite to be there when he went home with Kaishou and the rest of his brothers. Conflicting emotions swirled inside of him. "What about Kunzite-sama?"
"The doctors are taking good care of him, Mamo-kun. Until he gets out of the hospital, there really isn't much we can do, except go and visit." Minako explained, hoping it would be enough to get him to stay. She was certain he'd feel better after spending some time with his parents. "Usagi can take you to see Mamoru while me and Kaishou go and visit Kunzite." Having Usagi take the child was the perfect idea. It would give Mamo time with each of his parents, and – let's be real – trying to explain to her mother why an elder male sempai wanted to see her 'little brother' wouldn't have been nearly as easy to pull off.
"I'll…" Mamo bit his lip uncertainly. "… stay here." He decided finally, snuggling deeper into Usagi's arms and looking more content than Minako had seen him since he was dropped off with her a few nights ago. Well, that was one child happy…
Bending down, Minako lifted up Kaishou who was wearing a disappointed look upon his face even as she placed him up upon her hip. "Kaishou."
"I'm supposed to stay with Mamo-kun… till he's back with his Mama and Daddy." Kaishou told her with a deep frown playing across his young face as. He was supposed to see his daddy! They were going to make sure he was okay. She promised! She said they were leaving to go see him, but… but Mamo was staying here. That meant… That meant…. Betrayed tears started to well up in the four-year-old's eyes.
Ah, the irony. Mamo already was with his Mama and Daddy; Kaishou just didn't know it. "I know, but… we're a team, Kaishou. You can't be with Mamo all the time. Sailor Moon is going to be with him, until his Daddy gets here, in just a little bit. She'll take good care of him, I promise… just till his daddy gets here."
"Onii-sama," Kaishou corrected flatly, causing Minako to blink. "We're supposed to call him Onii-sama… unless he's gots armor on." The little blonde explained, while reaching up to wipe the moisture from his eyes. "So, I can stay with you? And see Daddy? While Mamo's with his Daddy? And I still did what ya told me?" Kaishou wrapped his arms tightly about Minako's neck. "I really wanna see him! Mamo always gets his daddy. I want mine!" He declared, tone edging dangerous close to a whine. Even Kaishou had his limits… Luckily, what he wanted was what Minako had planned to do next anyway. That was to visit Kunzite. So, they said goodbye to Usagi and Mamo and headed off, in the direction of the hospital this time.
Once he had watched his friend leave, Mamo was content to snuggle up with Usagi until his daddy came for him. Usagi questioned whether he would like to go and play on the playground nearby but the child shook his head, content to sit and lay his head against her chest and watch the world pass them by. Usagi smiled and held the boy close. She found that she enjoyed the little boy's affection, although she was sure she wouldn't have been able to handle his and Kaishou's earlier upset nearly as well as Minako did. She just seemed to do everything better. Given enough time, Usagi would come to find that Minako was simply more experienced as a Senshi, and frankly, more mature than Usagi was at fourteen. Perhaps, earlier maturity was a family trait, because someone paying close enough attention might note that Minako's son, Kaishou, was also more mature at four than Usagi's son, Mamoru, was at the same age.
That would, however, not help her at this particular moment in time. For the moment, Minako just seemed to be better at things. And, of course, there was also the fact that Mamo was supposed to be the son of the princess, not hers… or so she thought. Deep down, something inside of her twisted at this thought. She still wasn't sure exactly why, but… the idea of all of this being the princess' destiny, not hers… it hurt. It was as though part of her felt as though the princess' destiny really ought to be hers, but that wasn't right. It wasn't fair for her to…
While Usagi was still lost in her own thought, Mamo tilted his head back to stare up at her. He starred up towards her hair for a few minutes before finally commenting, perhaps a bit randomly, "Your hair reminds me of my Mama."
Coming out of her thoughts, Usagi looked down to meet the child's eyes, feeling kind of sorry for the child. He was awfully far from home, and (unlike his sister who would come after him) he made it pretty obvious what it was that was bothering him. "You miss her, don't you?"
"Yeah…" Mamo admitted honestly, "…but I don't miss her so much, right now." Why was it that being around Usagi made him feel less homesick for his mother? He wished Takeshi had told them where his mother was in this time period… when he told them where the Inner Senshi and Sailor Moon were. Unfortunately, that knowledge would have almost certainly gotten leaked in one way or another and just wasn't a risk he had been willing to take. It didn't keep Mamo from wishing though. Maybe… he could go and look for her himself? If he did, he couldn't exactly tell Usagi that's what he was going to do. Usagi was a grown up. She'd stop him… or tell someone else who would stop him. So, Mamo filed this thought in the back of his mind for later, and wondered aloud instead. "Would you like to see her?"
Usagi blinked at this. Did he just say… "See your Mom?" Perhaps, he had a picture of her?
Mamo nodded, a proud look beginning to show on his young face. "I know how to do it, just like Daddy. I bet, when I'm big, I can do all Daddy's tricks. Wanna see?"
Usagi nodded back, intrigued at the idea. What exactly was he planning to do? What kind of power did he have that could show her what the princess looked like? Either way, seeing the princess now might certainly help her to recognize her later, when she saw her again. "Show me, Mamo-kun. I want to see her." Grinning, Mamo reached up to place the palm of one of his hands on the side of Usagi's face. The pigtailed blonde closed her eyes and immediately began to see images.
Approaching a large and beautiful palace, she found herself homing in on a bedroom that was very… very… pink. Sitting in front of a child-sized vanity, she recognized the little pink-haired child that appeared with Mamo when he first arrived, his big sister. Princess Usagi Lady Serenity. Small Lady. With Mamo still held in her arms, she approached the little girl, who was busy brushing out her long pink hair. "Look Mama! I can brush it out all by myself now!" The princess told her proudly.
Without thinking, Usagi found herself responding back. "My Small Lady…" Coming up behind the child, she saw her own reflection in the mirror, standing behind the little princess, Mamo still in her arms, his head laid sleepily against her shoulder. Her hair was up in its signature odangos. She wore a pure white regal-looking gown, crescent moon lit upon her forehead. Usagi gasped as the image suddenly went fuzzy.
Usagi blinked rapidly a few times, finding herself starring down at Mamo once more. "Did you see her?" Mamo wondered, bringing the teenager out of her shock. "Did you see her? You have Mama's hair, right? Just like I said." Mamo watched her expectantly, just so sure she was going to agree with him… oblivious to the shock he'd unexpectedly given her.
"Usagi-chan, are you alright?" Approaching the bench where Usagi and Mamo still sat, Mamoru noted the spaced-out look upon Usagi's face and grew concerned.
Before Usagi could fully process what she'd just seen, however, Mamo heeded the sound of Mamoru's voice and looked up to see him standing over them. "Da – ah – Onii-sama!" Mamo blurted out gleefully. Standing up on the bench, he threw himself at his dad. "I missed you! I missed you a whole lot!" Needless to say, the child's excitement brought Usagi the rest of the way out of her shock.
Surprised because she had not seen Mamoru's approach, Usagi questioned, "Mamoru-kun?"
"Hai?" She got a response from both guys.
Usagi sweat-dropped at this. They were both named Mamoru, but she had been referring to the older Mamoru not the younger one. "Calling you both Mamoru-kun is going to get confusing…" She complained, causing the older Mamoru to chuckle and the little one to make a face. It wasn't so bad when the two of them were apart, but when they were both there at the same time, it made it hard to know which one was being talked about – or talked to – and which wasn't.
"I'm Mamo-kun!" Mamo declared immediately and quite certainly. Hadn't they already had this conversation once before? "He can use a different name. He's got too many anyway." Endymion. Mamoru. Tuxedo Kamen. Onii-sama. Highness. Majesty. Master. Too many names for one kid to possibly keep up with! He knew what his name was. It was Mamoru. Mamo-kun. They'd never had this much confusion back in the future!
"Mamo-chan is cute. One of you could be Mamo-chan." Usagi suggested.
"I'm Mamo-kun." Mamo declared again, stubbornly, crossing his arms over his chest.
Mamoru laughed at the both of them. "How about Chibimamo for you?"
Mamo scrunched his face up, thinking this over… as though trying to decide if in any way this could be offensive to him. "Chibimamo-kun, not -chan. I'm too big for -chan now. I'm four!" He looked up at Mamoru and pointed. "You can be Mamo-chan."
Usagi giggled in amusement. "Mamo-chan and Chibimamo. Now, I won't confuse you two!" At least for the moment, the strange flash of memory Chibimamo had revealed to her was all but forgotten. She'd think on it more later. For now, she'd simply enjoy the company of the two Mamorus.
After a brief pause, Chibimamo looked up at Mamoru. "So… we call you Mamo-chan now?"
"Onii-sama for you." Mamoru clarified, to which his son stared at him. It just wasn't appropriate or respectful for a child to call an adult -chan in Japanese society.
"Oooh…" Mamo pulled another face before informing him. "You've got too many names."
Mamoru just smiled at this. The kid might just have a point. "Why don't we play in the park a while, and then we can get a snack from the arcade before Minako comes to pick you up." Mamoru glanced towards Usagi. What was it about her…? "You can come with us if you like?" he suggested, which caused the odango-haired girl's face to just light up with joy. Maybe that was it. Usagi was so carefree, so full of joy, so… opposite of him. "What do you think, Chibimamo-kun?"
"Ok…" Chibimamo liked the idea of played in the park and spending time with both Daddy and Usagi, but… he didn't like the thought of having to leave them again once it was over. "But, I want to stay with you. I don't wanna go back with Minako again. Why can't we be with you anymore? You said we could stay with you, and I was really good and I didn't call you daddy…" He attempted to barter, holding himself close to his father's chest and wrapping his arms around his neck once again.
"I just need you to stay a little longer, until we finish moving." Mamoru reassured him.
"Moving?" Mamo looked confused at this. After all, he had never known anyone that had moved before. All of his friends had always lived at the palace, just like him.
"To a bigger home, to live with my Shitennou."
Chibimamo blinked for a moment before grinning brightly. "You mean? To a palace?! We live there in the future. It's a lot bigger than the place you got now. I like living there the best!"
"Not… exactly, although from what I have seen of Santorin Katashi, I wouldn't entirely put it past him." Mamoru offered with a small laugh, before setting the child back down upon his feet. "It is only for a couple more days, just until we start getting things moved into the new place." Chibimamo sighed a lit, but at least for the moment, seemed mollified by the fact he'd only been away from his daddy for a 'couple more days.' Hoping to distract the boy, Mamoru led them towards the playground.
Seeing all the children playing seemed to do the trick and Chibimamo dashed over towards the large-sized swing set, looking back once he got there to make sure his daddy and Usagi were following in good time. "Swing with me, Onee-sama!" Chibimamo pleaded of the older girl as he took a seat and started trying to pump his legs the way he'd seen the older boys and girls do. He wasn't as good at it as they were, but he could get up there if he tried long enough. His grin widened, however, as Mamoru pulled the swing back and started pushing him. "Wheeee!"
Smiling, Usagi watched Mamoru push his son for a few moments before obliging the child's prior request and taking a seat herself. As she moved back and forth at a slower pace, Usagi found her mind drifting back to the image Chibimamo had shown her earlier. What was that? Something he actually remembered, from the future? Was that the princess she had seen holding her son in the mirror? But then, why had she seen it as if it had been her? She couldn't be… It didn't make sense. She could barely handle being a Senshi. How could she be their princess? Perhaps… she was the Senshi Minako had mentioned that could double for the princess? But that still didn't explain why she had seen herself as the princess. She just couldn't wrap her mind around it. Looking up, she saw Mamoru looking at her and wondered aloud. "Are you going to be with the princess when she shows up?"
Mamoru blinked at this. He had just been wondering what was going on in Usagi's mind right then, but that was not what he had been expecting from the girl. If anything, he had expected a less serious topic to be the source of the blonde's distraction. Anyway, when it came to the princess, he really hadn't thought that far ahead. He knew he cared about her. He felt the distinct need to protect her, but… he didn't really know her… anymore. At least, not yet.
Noticing Mamoru's pause, Usagi clarified. "I mean… will you… date her?" He was destined to end up with the princess, right? So, if she wasn't the princess, then… she wasn't supposed to end up with him, right? He seemed so nice though. There was just something about him that… called to something within her. But, was he in love with the princess already?
Thinking this over for a moment, Mamoru admitted something he never would have dared voice aloud had things played out much differently. "Right now… I barely remember her. I only know… she needs my help. I need to help protect her. Even if we were together in our last lifetime, it doesn't necessarily mean it will be that way this time." While he spoke, Mamoru had stopped pushing Chibimamo and turned to look at Usagi. The smile that graced her face after he said that caused him to smile too. There was just something about her… that made him want to know more. "Perhaps, after Minako comes to get Chibimamo… you would like to go out?"
Entering the hospital room with Kaishou still holding her hand, Minako saw that only Katsuro and Yasou were left. Kanedai Ryuu – Jadeite – had been dismissed after a single evening of observation. Santorin Masato – Nephrite – had been dismissed yesterday. With Dr. Mizuno readily available, Katashi had managed not to pull his son out within the first 24 hours this time. Yasou – Zoisite – would be leaving sometime this afternoon, when his parents came to check him out, but was still here for the interim. And Katsuro – Kunzite – well… he still wasn't being entire cooperative. As of Minako's entrance, Katsuro was laid down, starring up at the ceiling deep in his own thoughts while Dr. Mizuno attempted another assessment. Yasou, however, was sitting up in bed reading a book. He noticed Minako enter the room, set the book down, and waved.
Grinning brightly, Kaishou waved back before hurrying over to say, "Hi! I'm Kaishou."
"Hello. I'm Yasou." The sixteen-year-old introduced, humoring the boy before looking back to Minako. "Relative of yours?" He guessed, noting the similarities in features between to the two of them. He could certainly pass as a relative of hers, although he was thinking maybe a younger brother or something. The question caused Minako to smile proudly, although she chose not to come right out and answer the question. Noting that Dr. Mizuno was the only other person in the room besides Yasou and Katsuro, however, she did explain, "Kaishou is one of the Chibi-Shitennou. I am watching him for a while."
"Oh, right." Yasou nodded, studying the child curiously, wondering just which Shitennou he might be the heir of. It could be any of them, honestly. In the past, Kunzite had been the only to actually be the son of a Shitennou. Jadeite was a nephew of Pyrite, but he and Nephrite hadn't been related to the Shitennou at all. Thus, it didn't occur to him right away to pair the child with a Shitennou he might resemble. And if he had, he probably would have gone with Jadeite due to the blonde hair and bubbly personality. "Mamoru told us the boys came back from the future to help us." Of course, Yasou still had more questions that had not been answered yet, but Mamoru had promised to give him more information once they were together in their new home. Silently, he suspected he was just being put off due to what had happened with Nephrite… that is to say, Masato.
Across the room, while Minako and Kaishou visited with Yasou, Dr. Mizuno was still trying – and failing – to get any real cooperation out of Katsuro. To tell the truth, she was having difficulty determining if he was suffering from Catatonic Depression or if he was just being stubborn. He could lay perfectly still, perfectly silent, for hours, giving no indication whatsoever what might be going on inside his head. He didn't seem to be interested in anything going on around him (and when he was, he was capable of paying attention without giving a clear indication that he was doing so). His expressions were limited and which ones did exist were difficult to read, especially for someone who had no prior experience with him. There would have been no doubt in the doctor's mind, had it not been for his regular responses to Chiba Mamoru during his visits.
Truth be told, Katsuro couldn't care in the slightest what Dr. Mizuno had to say, and had no desire whatsoever to receive her help. He saw no point in the simple-minded 'tests' the doctor wanted him to participate in. They benefited him little and his brothers even less. If the doctor wanted to help, she could help his brothers get over what he had allowed them to go through. If he was in pain because of what he had seen, he deserved to be so. He couldn't get the images to stop playing through his mind, like video clips on repeat… like being forced to relive to events over and over again. He could spend hours just staring ahead, working through his own thoughts and replaying the same haunting memories… as though reliving it for the umpteenth time would somehow help him come to terms with what he'd done… or hadn't done. He was responsible for leading his brothers astray, and what's worse… what he'd done to Nephrite… attempted to do to Jadeite, was unforgiveable. He honestly wasn't sure if his relationship with his brothers would ever recover.
Seeing Ami's mother's lack of progress, Minako finally left Yasou and approached Katsuro's bedside. Kaishou, for his part, stood quietly at her side, his blue eyes staring intently at his father. Minako squeezed his hand once and then looked to the doctor. "Dr. Mizuno? I am pretty sure I can get a reaction from him." She offered, to which the doctor nodded, stepping back a bit. She was having no luck herself, and neither were her nurses. It'd be good to see if he would interact with someone other than Mamoru.
Stepping in closer, Minako looked into Katsuro's distant gaze. "Hey, it's me." She greeted simply, quite confident that he would at least pay her some attention. Pulling his mind back from the replay currently going through his mind, Katsuro turned to look at her. "What were you thinking about just then?" She questioned only to receive a distinct frown that told her he didn't wish to discuss it. "Ok." Just then, Minako had a wicked thought, a mischievous smile crossing her face. Minako looked down at Kaishou, who looked up at her and blinked innocently, fully unaware how Minako was about to use him to jerk his father back out of his reserved bubble. She looked back at Katsuro, who raised a brow questioningly. She was plotting something; he was sure of it.
"Well, I had something important to tell you anyway. I just found out more about it after noon today…" She had found out alright, thanks to Kaishou and his half-asleep 'refusal' to answer her question. Leaning in close, whispered softly in his ear. "Congratulations. You're going to be a Daddy." Thus said, Minako stood back up and over the next twenty seconds or so, her bemused grin widened at about the same rate as Katsuro's eyes did the same.
Finally, he sat up in the bed, giving her a bewildered look. "WHAT?!" Had she fully lost her mind? He'd been in a coma for nearly a year! And… the part of him that had been working with the Dark Kingdom… well… his memory of that was quite clear, thank you. "Minako, that is not possible!"
Minako laughed outright at Katsuro's reaction, tickled that she'd managed to get such a major one. "Minako's personal shock therapy. Works every time." In fact, she was pretty sure she'd never managed to shock him anywhere near that badly in their first lifetime. Still giggling, she reached down and lifted Kaishou up onto the bed. "Sure, it is. This is Kaishou. He's from the future, future leader of the Shitennou. He just been dying to come check on his daddy in the hospital." Kaishou stared at his father, who stared back at him, still wearing that same bewildered look, still trying to process that Minako had been referring to quite a bit further in the future than what she had initially suggested. Across the room, Yasou had turned to stare at them as well.
Finally, Kaishou couldn't keep up the stare any longer and broke into a bright grin instead. Looking to Minako, he wondered. "Since ya already told him, can I…?" Kaishou bounced on his knees anxiously, hopefully, as he watched Minako glance towards Dr. Mizuno, then back and him, and nod once. Kaishou's grin brightened even more. Crawling across the bed and straight up into Katsuro's lap, he wrapped his arms around his future father's neck and hugged him tightly. "Hi Daddy! You've got to get better, okay? The future is broken and you're supposed to be guarding the king. There's no time to lay around in bed!"
Letting out a breath, Katsuro gave Minako another look before turning his attention back to the eager child hanging onto his neck. Of course, Minako was going to be no help at all; she just found it all funny. And in the next bed over, Yasou looked like he was even more shocked than Katsuro was. Maybe he just couldn't believe that bubbly little kid was actually Kunzite's progeny. The kid continued to watch him eagerly until he finally cleared his throat and questioned. "What are you doing here? You don't have enough training to be helping us with Beryl."
Kaishou made a face, pouting a little at this. He was too little for all of the cool stuff, like… helping Daddy fight, or even leading his own team. "I can't go home. The princess said so." Kaishou explained, while Katsuro gently removed the kid's arms from around his neck. He settled on allowing the kid to shift and sit down on his legs, leaning back against his chest and looking up at him. "Some bad lady made the future change."
"A lady…?" Katsuro wondered, his mind bringing up the image of a woman with emerald-green hair and a sharp, high-pitched, absurdly annoying laugh. "Are you saying she was from the future?"
"Uh, huh! I mean… yes! She made it so you all died!" Kaishou told him, a tone of urgency in his voice, as he nodded his little head emphatically. "Only we saved Jadeite-sama and Nephrite-sama and Zoisite-sama." Katsuro thought back to when Zoisite had told him of Jadeite's death at the hands of Mars, and then when Nephrite had told them of the interference that had prevented it. That must have been when Jadeite would have died. "But, you didn't come back. So, Mamo and I are gonna stay with you… till you get better… and come back in the future."
Katsuro blinked, thinking over what the child had just shared. For the moment, at least, it gave him something to think on other than the same haunting memories. He turned to give Minako another questioning look. "What do you know about this?" he questioned of her.
"Only what the kids were able to tell us, I'm afraid." Minako offered, taking a seat on the edge of the bed and leaning in closer again. "The princess he's referring to is a seven-year-old. I can't say how much she actually understood. I just know your brother made it back safe and you didn't."
"Masato and Ryuu and Yasou are safe? And Endymion also?"
"From what I understood, yes. It just you they are worried about now."
"Well, at least I managed to do that right." Katsuro commented, causing Minako to turn and look at him questioningly, until he explained. "I'm supposed to be last one out of danger."