AN: Hi, please excuse the slightly long author note but I wanted to make a few things clear first. This is my first Harry Potter fan fiction, before now I have written for Torchwood (and still have a story to finish in that world!), but I have been writing this story for a while and finally plucked up the courage to type it up and publish the first chapter. Please don't flame me, constructive criticism is appreciated as this helps me to improve my writing, that and praise :)

To expand on my summary, this is a Severus adopts Harry story. It also has the Malfoys' as good characters and as veela. Harry is destined to be Draco's mate so if slash isn't your thing then don't read. Nothing is going to happen in this story though as the boys are only eleven, it will be mentioned as it has some bearing on the plot and explains why Draco feels so protective. Obviously I don't own any of the Harry Potter characters and I also want to mention that the characters will be OOC at times but this is fan fiction so I think that's to be expected :)

Please review.

Chapter 1.

Draco had been standing on the stool in Madame Malkins for what seemed like hours. Realistically it had been about fifteen minutes but that didn't matter because Draco was bored. He hated being measured, he had thought that his size was already on file but his father had insisted on making sure everything fit perfectly. "It wouldn't do for the Malfoy heir to go to Hogwarts looking scruffy would it?" His father had said right before he left him on his own in the shop to go and conduct some business. He sighed as he waited for Madame Malkin to return from the back of the shop where she was looking for a robe. Draco wished Blaise and Theo were here; they always kept him amused, hell right now he'd make do with Pansy bending his ear with the latest gossip.

He heard the shop bell go and the assistant out front ask if the customer was another one for Hogwarts. Draco perked up a bit at this, it could be someone to talk to, unless it was a Weasley he wasn't that bored! As Draco watched, a small black haired boy rounded the corner nervously and stood waiting for someone to tell him what to do. The boy had messy black hair, he was wearing clothes at least twice his size and if Draco hadn't of heard him say yes he was going to Hogwarts, he would have said the boy was about 9 due to his small stature. The boy hovered nervously looking completely out of place, but instead of making a snooty comment that many would have expected him to, Draco stepped off his stool and walked over to the small boy. He didn't know why but he was drawn to this boy and something deep inside him was telling him that this boy needed someone.

"Hello" started Draco breaking the silence. "Is it your first time here?" It can be a bit overwhelming, you get used to it though. I'm Draco Malfoy". Draco held his hand out to the other boy as he said this.

Draco gasped as the boy glanced up in what looked like shock at Draco and he saw the greenest emerald eyes on the boy that looked sad and downcast. He looked quickly from Draco's face to his hand clearly weighing him up. Then very tentatively the boy reached out and shook Draco's hand. "H..hello. I'm Harry Potter" he managed to stumble out quietly.

Draco managed to mask his shock at hearing Harry's name. This was Harry Potter, Saviour of the Wizarding World? Definitely not what he was expecting. "Nice to meet you Harry. Madame Malkin should be back in a minute, she just went to fetch something for me." Draco thought for a moment and then asked, "Who are you here with Harry?"

"I'm here with Hagrid" replied Harry. "He bought me my letter". Harry kept his eyes down the whole time he spoke as if afraid of what would happen if he made eye contact.

"I've heard about him" said Draco, again keeping in check any comments he might have had. The conversation stopped as Madame Malkin came bustling back into the room then handing Draco the robe she had in her hand. Seeing that it fit perfectly she instructed Draco to swap places with Harry and informed him that she would be back when she had packed up Draco's things. Just then Draco's father entered the shop and walked straight to his son, hardly sparing a glance in Harry's direction.

"Come then son we must go. Your mother will be wondering what has taken us so long."

"Just a moment father, I want you to meet someone." He gestured to Harry and at Lucius's raised eyebrow he said, "This is Harry Potter. Harry this is my father Lucius Malfoy."

As his son had done previously he held his hand out to Harry. "Nice to meet you Mr Potter".

"You too Mr Malfoy" replied Harry even though he kept his gaze downwards and looked ready to bolt at any moment. Something wasn't right here.

"Father, I was wondering if I could invite Harry to come over to the manor so we could get to know each other before school starts?" asked Draco breaking Lucius out of his reverie. He looked at the earnest face of his son in front of him and knew straight away he would agree. Due to the unfortunate reputation of the Malfoy family Draco didn't have many friends and this would be a good opportunity for him to befriend Harry before he started hearing rumours about them.

"Of course, but we will need to get permission from Harry's guardians first." At this Lucius caught the green eyed boys gaze for the first time. It was a startled look that Harry quickly schooled.

"Thank you for the offer but I don't think my aunt and un..uncle would let me."

Draco frowned at this "Why not? We could arrange to pick you up."

Harry shook his head and that's when Draco saw it, fear. There was fear in those emerald depths, so instead of pushing the matter he said, "Well, that's okay if you don't think they'll let you, I'll see you on the train on September 1st right?"

Harry looked relieved at the change in subject and gave Draco a small smile. "That would be nice. I don't know anyone else in the wizarding world yet."

"You know me and that's all that matters" Draco replied self-importantly. "I have to go now but I'll see you soon Harry."

"Bye Draco" whispered Harry giving the other boy a small wave as he left with his father.

As Draco walked out of the shop with his father he couldn't help but turn around once last time to glance at Harry, who was now being measured for his robes. A frown marred his features as he walked down Diagon Alley to the apparition point.

Lucius noticed the frown and how quiet his son was being. He couldn't blame him, meeting Harry Potter was quite a shock. Where was the spoiled arrogant boy everyone expected? He was going to have a hard time convincing Severus of what had just transpired, he might have to show him the memory. As they reached the apparition point Lucius saw that the frown was still marring Draco's feature. "What is the matter son?" he asked as soon as they were out of ear shot of any passers-by.

"I'm not sure" answered Draco. "I know I only just met him, but I'm worried about Harry. He was so scared and small looking, something doesn't feel right. Part of me wants to go back into the shop and bring him home with me."

Lucius raised an eyebrow at this declaration; he knew his son was caring about his friends, more so than people would believe, this was on a whole new level though. He would have to talk to Narcissa when he got home.

"I know you are worried Dragon, I am a little too. There isn't anything I can do now except get you home. Severus is coming over for dinner tonight and I shall speak to him to see what he knows of Harry's guardians. Maybe tomorrow I can speak to them to see about Harry visiting."

"That would be wonderful father, thank you!" exclaimed Draco as he hugged his father. Lucius just rolled his eyes and muttered fondly that Malfoy's don't hug in public, but he still hugged his son back before apparating them home.