Author has written 11 stories for Gundam Wing/AC, Yu-Gi-Oh, Weiss Kreuz, Harry Potter, Naruto, Stargate: SG-1, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Avengers, Yu Yu Hakusho, and Smallville. You may have noticed that I have removed a whole bunch of my old stories. If not, don't worry, you aren't missing anything. Anything unfinished that I have no intention of finishing has been removed. That means that if there is an unfinished fic still available then at some point I am going to write an ending and post it. Don't hold your breath, it'll probably take me years. If it is finished, and I removed it anyway, then it was awful garbage and it needed to be printed and set alight. With actual fire. And flames. Proper flames that are actually hot. I an eternally grateful to everyone who reviewed my stories. You are all amazing, wonderful, fantastic people. The reasons for removing my old stories vary. The first reason is because I was so ridiculously young when I started writing and uploading my fanfiction. The whole world has moved on drastically, and the internet has become an unrecognisable place in comparison to the state it was in when I first started posting. I am different. The places I have shared my stories are vastly, dramatically different. My audience is different. The things I love are different. Wow. That's a lot of difference. I haven't removed everything old. There are a few pieces I am embarrassingly fond of, because they show me how much I have changed, and how far I have come, at least as a writer. Hopefully I'll get the energy needed to continue writing, and the inspiration and ideas needed to make them worth reading, but until then, so long, and thanks for all the |