Author has written 8 stories for Harry Potter, Glee, Twilight, and Chronicles of Narnia. Info about my stories: Immortal - I've had this image in my head for ages and haven't been able to get rid of it. A male vampire holding Harry next to him and telling the Cullen's that he is trusting them to look after his mate while he leaves his mate with them. Of course there was a lot of threatening involved and blood drinking right in front of the Cullen's which didn't actually make it to the story. Still, I also needed something to get me back into writing. I've not been very inspired to write lately, hence my abandonment of Rejuvenation. Rejuvenation - I missed writing Metamorphose so much because of the amazing flexibility having a girl!Harry provided, that I came up with this new fic. A rather different premise to the last story, Harry and Ron fall into the hands of a mad 'scientist' hell bent on eternal youth. Naturally, something goes wrong in the experimental stage. His test subjects weren't too pleased about their new roles as guinea pigs. Unfortunately for all involved, there were many casualties along the way. Most importantly, the death of their former lives. This story deals more with living and going on after the horrible incident with the mad 'scientist'. Features girl!Harry and a twist on 'deaging'. ABANDONED: 27/5/2014 Metamorphose - I wanted to try my hand at a girl!Harry fic and I believe I have managed it rather well. The idea of a potion used to change a person's has been hanging around for years and several times I have tried with no success to write it...until now. The pairing is Lucius/Harry and I am happy to say that creating their chemistry together has been relatively easy. This story is by far my longest story, 53 chapters in all and over 1000pages. I have loved writing this story and I hope everybody enjoys reading it. Dragonette Debacle - This story is finished. I feel the ending could do with something more but in all honesty I don't know what else it needs. I struggled writing this story come the end although I hope that doesn't come across in the way that I wrote it. Gleempse - This was a story to get me back into writing...and, well, it worked! Originally it was supposed to go along a different route (or at least Blaise and Harry's relationship was) but in the end it flowed out and I didn't want to change it. I isn't meant to be a big story, and I won't be adding to it. It's just supposed to be a glimpse into their lives at McKinley - hence it's title 'Gleempse'. Dragonette Destined - I have loved writing this story! I have tried hard here to write viewing things as Harry without using 1st Person to do so. It was a challenge for me to make it seem real and detailed without being in the person. This story has got some humour in it, some angst, some arguments (which I also struggled writing), and some more romantic scenes. I have adored making all the OC's, and trying not to overwhelm you with them. I have also enjoyed the freedom having OC's has allowed. Autumn 2015: I have started two new stories. The idea for these has been haunting me for many months and finally I've had time and a good headspace to write them down. Deep Magic: Ongoing project. I love this story! It is slow but I've done my best to interlink the Harry Potter and Narnian world, specifically Edmund and Harry. I have many chapters written, but will be posting very, very slowly, and it will be a Slash story. Reflection: Harry discovers he is actually the daughter of Bellatrix LeStrange after being attacked by the real Harry. This story deals with Harry's life and choices. It is fast paced as I didn't want to spend a lot of time delving into the emotions the main character would be feeling. I keep with the Deathly Hallows explanations and, in the later chapters, rely heavily on quotes from the book to get a certain scene right. I have woven the main character carefully through the plot and tried to hint at things throughout. Ultimately there are two Harry's, one of whom is female because that has been a particular focus of mine - changing a character from one gender to the other. There is a romance in this story but it is only hinted at and glossed over. You will not see it develop, you will only know that it has developed - and who knows, I may write a few oneshots for the characters if the mood inspires me. |
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