"We both have strong feelings for you Harry, and we would like to enter a tricourtship in order to get to know you and Teddy better. But we can wait if you need us too. We don't want to pressure you into anything you're not ready to do." Explained Honey, while Mori stared Harry in the eyes showing him the love that he felt for him.
Harry stared at the two handsome boys and felt his heart fill with the warmth he had thought he had lost forever.
"I think I would like that; I just ask that your patient with me" replied Harry with a shy smile.
His answer was a kiss one each check from each boy to seal the deal and magic the courtship needed.
Chapter 13
Harry was not looking forward towards the dance that the club was hosting because of three factors.
1. Who would look after Teddy?
2. Who would be able to properly look after Teddy?
3. And the fact that he couldn't dance to save his life.
Harry sighed as he ran his fingers through his long hair which wet from his shower. Harry shook the remaining water out of his hair with the use of a towel, before taking a hairbrush and furiously attacking his hair to tame it into a braid. While brushing his hair he went through a list of people that he could trust to look after Teddy, while being able to protect him if need be. Harry decided to contact Kyoya, once he was fully dressed.
Once Harry dressed into his school uniform and double checked to ensure Teddy was secure and asleep in his pram, Harry brought out his phone and dialled Kyoya's number.
"Hello. Kyoya speaking how may I help?" answered Kyoya after the first dial.
"Hi Kyoya its Harry. I'm worried about tonight, I have no one to look after Teddy so I might not be able to make it for the dance," explained Harry.
"That's all right, we can hire some of the nursery staff for the night to look after Teddy for you. That way you will be able to come and help use entertain the clients." Replied Kyoya, Harry could hear Kyoya's smirk.
"Thanks Kyoya. Is Honey still up to teaching me how to dance?"
"Yes. He is extremely excited about it."
"Ok. Thanks for your help. I'll see you at the club then."
"Very well, goodbye."
Harry hung up the phone and smiled as he thought about Honey and Mori.
Harry wondered about what had happened the day before and blushed. His inner creature was proud of Harry's choices and excited about the future offspring that he would be able to have with two powerful dominate creatures. Harry couldn't wait to see Honey and Mori, they had planned to meet up early this morning to have breakfast together and discuss about how they were going to make this relationship work around their schedules, while also including Teddy.
Harry checked himself in the mirror to ensure he looked presentable, before getting his school bag, Teddy's nappy bag and his keys. He placed his bags on the pram and pushed it out the door, remembering to lock the door after him. With a smile and a slight hum Harry made his way to the little café a few streets away from his house. The café was high class with high standards and most important they sold a lot of cakes for Honey to order and eat.
The journey was short but bumpy enough to wake up Teddy from his morning nap. Teddy was content to watch Harry and the surroundings that they passed along the way. Once they got to the café Harry picked a table that had enough seats for everyone and ensured that there was a highchair for Teddy to sit in. while waiting for Honey and Mori Harry prepared Teddy's breakfast of soft porridge that was under a heating and states charm, to make the food the right temperature for Teddy.
After nearly feeding Teddy half of his breakfast Teddy heard the other customers squealing about how cute something was. Smiling Harry looked around to see Honey being carried in by Mori. Honey looked tired as he sleepily wiped his eyes. Upon seeing Harry and Teddy, Mori softly smiled, while Honey seemed to wake up and smile vibrantly at Harry.
Honey sat on Harry's right side while Mori sat across from him and beside Teddy. With a silent nod and grunt Mori took over feeding Teddy the remainder of his breakfast.
"Good morning, Harry. Did you have a good sleep?" asked Honey with a wide smile. Almost as if he knew what Harry dreamed about last night. Thinking about it made Harry blush a scarlet red.
"I dreamt fine thank you. I was wondering if you two would like to come over to my house on the weekend. We could get to know each other more and Teddy could become more familiar with you," suggested Harry as he tried, and failed, to calm down his blush.
Honey nodded enthusiastically to the idea, while Mori softly smiled and nodded. Teddy overcoming his shyness, started to giggle and clap his hands as Mori continued to feed him.
The remainder of the morning was spent with small chatting and playing 21 questions with each other. Honey devoured a lot of cake but begged Harry to make him some cake, as he loved the fudge that Harry had made.
They learnt a lot about each other and yet not enough to become completely familiar with each other.
Honey and Mori decided to walk with Harry to school as his pram would not be able to fit in the limousines or transform in a car seat for Teddy to use.
Teddy was fascinated with Mori and his lack of facial expressions, this Harry found to be incredibly cute and picture worthy. Overall the morning was perfect and a worthwhile fist date in Harry's mind. It only became better when both Honey and Mori gave Harry a kiss on the lips one after the other, as they said their goodbyes.
******At Host Club********
"Shall we Harry?" asked Honey with a smile, and a hand held out towards Harry. Harry nodded and moves to take Honey's hand and takes the position that Honey instructs Harry to take. Harry slowly sways to the classical music while following the advice and instructions given by Honey.
"Quick, quick, slow. You have to put your legs together at the pause. It's also the gentlemen's role to always lead the dance. You should always look at your partner rather than at your feet." Honey instructed as they danced.
Harry looked at Honey and nods, while silently following the steps that Honey instructed he should take. However, without looking at his feet Harry overestimated his steps and ended up tripping over his feet. This lead to Harry landing on top of Honey in a straddling position.
Just as this was happening a blond Pureblood brat entered the Host club and saw Harry's position.
"Oh how the mighty have fallen. Eh Potter. I wonder what your mother would think of you now?"
This caused Harry to turn around and stare into the bluey-grey eyes of the one and only Draco Malfoy.
AN: I own nothing but the plot and future oc offspring of Harry's. so Draco has finally turned up but his early. I wonder what this could mean for Harry and his boyfriends.
Also I would like to thank the people who read and have reviewed my story. If you wish to ask me any questions I promise to answer them. And again I live and breathe on the reviews I receive so please review.
Merlenyn: Tamaki got the picture from Kyoya, who has contacts everywhere.
The Cualdron: Thank you for your advice and prompts if you have any more please let me know.