WARNINGS: This fic is rated M for a reason! Mature themes and will also contain Het (m/f) meaning (girlxguy) in future chapters and possible femslash(girlxgirl). Harem!fic! Other warnings will be added as I see fit.

A/N: Er, this is another dragon plot bunny in my head. I have no clue where it's going, but I need some space in my head, so I'm writing it out. It is a harem fic, featuring a female OMC (the blood dragon) and all other potential "mates", those that have received a proposal scroll. It will have some romance and adventure and should focus on the relationships between each character. For dragons, a "mate" doesn't necessarily mean "sex" it means a good friend and someone who will be a life partner to support them. ^_^

The title, Pain of Loyalty, refers to the fact that there are certain stipulations in that proposal letter that will be required of the individual, in order to be fully accepted as a dragon's mate.

SUMMARY: AU. Harem!fic. Only a foolish person would turn down a bonding proposal to a Blood Dragon, especially when such opportunities only appear once every few centuries. One has visited Hogwarts.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any Harry Potter anything. That belongs to J.K. Rowling and I make no money by writing this fanfic. I just like playing with Harry and dragons.

It is said that a Blood Dragon is a powerful and mythical creature.

It is said that a Blood Dragon's magic is so powerful it could rewrite the history of the world, if it so chose.

To be considered as a Blood Dragon's mate is a tremendous honor. An honor that would only appear once within certain a century.

It is said that a Blood Dragon's loyalty is for life.

It is said that a Blood Dragon's wrath is like the gates of hell smashed in.

It is said that a Blood Dragon will give its dying breath to protect that which it holds dear.

They also say that a Blood Dragon's heart is hard won and rarely broken.

But no matter what they all say, there is one thing that they all agree on.

To be loved by a Blood Dragon, is a love like no other, an experience with no comparison and a future beyond any individual's dreams.

But for a Blood Dragon to fall in love, they must be a very special kind of Dragon.

And for an individual of any race, creed or gender to be considered as a worthy mate—well, they would have to be just as special too, don't you think?

"Thank you for coming in," Albus Dumbledore greeted the tanned Italian. "Please have a seat, Mr. Zabini. Lemon drop?"

The Slytherin sat, warily and shook his head with a suspicious eye towards the candy dish.

"This is not some sort of twisted scheme, though I do understand you may have your own reservations. I only ask you to please inspect and consider this offer." The elderly wizard drew a sealed, golden scroll from the pile on his desk. "I have been instructed to hand out all of these to specific persons." He placed the scroll on the edge of the desk when the student made no move to take it. "As you may be aware, Hogwarts has had a longstanding agreement with the Protection of Magical Creatures Act, supported through the Australian wizarding community as a gesture of peace, in which, along with Beauxbaton's Academy, if there is a magical creature searching for a mate and has traced the signature to Hogwarts, we allow them to visit and submit a proposal to their intended."

Blaise Zabini looked from the slender scroll perched on the edge of the desk and then back up into the not-quite-twinkling blue eyes of the Hogwarts Headmaster. He reached over and took the scroll for the sake of hurrying up the meeting.

"Thank you." Dumbledore smiled. "I am asked to witness that you have read the contents within that scroll and you need not give me your answer, but only to follow the instructions contained within."

The violet-hued eyes darkened faintly, but Blaise broke the seal on the scroll and unrolled it with a steady hand. He skimmed the contents and his jaw slowly crunched into a rather locked position. When he was finished, he rolled it up and clenched it tight within one hand. "Thank you for affording me the opportunity." He said, stiffly.

"You are welcome." Dumbledore watched as the tall young man exited the office. He sighed, softly and reached for the next scroll and checked off one name on the list before him.

"Thank you for coming in," Dumbledore greeted the dreamy Ravenclaw. "Please have a seat, Ms. Lovegood."

"It's a lovely day today, isn't it?" Luna smiled, warmly. "The Nargles told me you had something important to share."

"The Nargles?" Albus blinked. "Er, Lemon drop?"

"No thank you." Luna's smile softened and stretched across her lovely face. "That's okay. Not everyone can see them."

"Er, of course." Dumbledore quickly smoothed his face and fumbled for the classic smile that he usually kept around him at times like this. "Before I begin, please understand that you are not under any pressure to accept or decline. This is entirely your own decision. Do you understand?"


"Very well then." The elderly wizard drew a sealed, golden scroll from the pile on his desk. "I have been instructed to hand out all of these to specific persons." He extended his hand, one slender scroll of parchment sealed by a golden stamp with a drop of red in the center. "As you may be aware, Hogwarts has had a longstanding agreement with the Protection of Magical Creatures Act, supported through the Australian wizarding community as a gesture of peace, in which, along with Beauxbaton's Academy, if there is a magical creature searching for a mate and has traced the signature to Hogwarts, we allow them to visit and submit a proposal to court their intended."

"Thank you." Luna accepted the scroll and turned it over in her hands with an expression of interest.

"You are welcome." Dumbledore smiled. "I am asked to witness that you have read the contents within that scroll and you need not give me your answer, but only to follow the instructions contained within."

Pale grey eyes danced with excitement as Luna gently broke the seal on the scroll and unrolled it with an eager hand. She read the contents once and then twice and then a third time. She calmly rerolled the parchment and ran a hand through her white-blonde curls. "Thank you, Professor!" She said, cheerfully. "The Nargles say thank you as well."

"You are welcome." Dumbledore watched the happy young woman exit the office. "If only they could all be that easy..." He muttered to himself and reached for the next scroll to check off one more name on the list before him.

"Severus, I was hoping you could spare the time." Dumbledore greeted the scowling Potions Master. "Tea, Lemon drop?"

"Just spit it out, Albus." Severus growled. "I do not have all day to waste on your inane natterings when there are-"

"It is just routine." Albus began. "You have not been singled out or-" He stopped at the glower directed at him. Sometimes Severus could say more with a glower than some witches and wizards could with an entire dictionary at their disposal. "Er, right." Dumbledore shifted his gaze. "Before I begin, please understand that you are not under any pressure to accept or decline. This is entirely your own decision. Do you understand?"

"Do not treat me like a child, Albus!" He roared.

"Very well then." The elderly wizard drew a sealed, golden scroll from the pile on his desk. "I have been instructed to hand out all of these to specific persons." He extended his hand, one slender scroll of parchment sealed by a golden stamp with a drop of red in the center. "You are aware of the peaceable contract between Hogwarts supported by Beauxbaton's for the magical creature allowance in searching for a mate?"

Severus grew rather still and rather pale in the same instance. He swallowed once and then his head snapped up, another formidable glare on his face. "This isn't funny!" He said, stiffly.

"I am not joking, Severus-"

"I make allowance for you, Albus, because-!"

"I am required to witness you reading the contents. You only have to follow the instructions contained within to accept or decline."

"I don't have to do anything!" Severus hissed, he started forward when a prickle of magic rippled through the office. His dark eyes narrowed. "You dare-!"

"Just take the scroll, Severus." The blue eyes hardened. "Take it. Read it. Then leave, if you're in such a hurry!"

So he did. The scowling, caged, Potions Master snatched the proffered scroll and ripped it open. His expert eyes took in every word and a moment later, he stiffened even more. He rolled it up and stashed it in the voluminous folds of his teaching robes. "You've witnessed it." He said, stiffly. "Good day." The wards crackled and shifted to allow him out. He left in the usual dramatic swirl of fury that was his trademark.

"You're welcome." Dumbledore murmured after him. He reached for the next scroll and checked off another name on the list before him.

"Ah, Miss Granger. Do come in, sit down." Dumbledore greeted the cautious witch. "Lemon drop?"

"No thank you, Professor Dumbledore." She said, politely.

"Alright then, before I begin, please understand that you are not under any pressure to accept or decline. This is entirely your own decision. Do you understand?"


"I am required to inform you of such." Dumbledore smiled, holding up a hand to halt the flow of questions that seemed to be resting one the tip of her tongue. "All will be explained in a moment. Now," He drew a sealed, golden scroll from the shrinking pile on his desk. "I have been instructed to hand out these to specific persons." He extended his hand, one slender scroll of parchment sealed by a golden stamp with a drop of red in the center. "As you may be aware, Hogwarts has had a longstanding agreement with the Protection of Magical Creatures Act, supported through the Australian wizarding community as a gesture of peace, in which, along with Beauxbaton's Academy, if there is a magical creature searching for a mate and has traced the signature to Hogwarts, we allow them to visit and submit a proposal to court their intended."

Hermione Granger blinked in surprise. "I am here because of a marriage proposal?" There was a hint of doubt in her voice. "I do not think that my parents would approve of-"

"Ah, the age of consent for this particular proposal is from fourteen years of age and upwards." Dumbledore worked to keep the smile on his face even. "I urge you to consider this in all seriousness because some opportunities only come once in a lifetime." He wiggled the parchment until she took it with uncertain hands.

"I-I don't know."

"You need not answer to me." He said, pleasantly. "I am only required to witness you reading the contents. You only have to follow the instructions contained within to accept or decline and the decision remains personal or private at all times, from here on afterward."

Hermione nibbled on her lower lip and reluctantly broke the seal on the parchment before slowly reading the contents. A very deep blush colored her face at one point and then faded to an odd pallor by the time she finished. "Er, thank you, Professor." She managed, with a whisper.

"Are you alright?" Dumbledore leaned forward.

"Fine, thank you." Hermione said, faintly. "Good afternoon."

"Good afternoon." Dumbledore returned. He watched her leave in a daze and hoped that she would be alright. He hadn't been expecting that reaction from her, but then a thought struck him and he sighed. "Muggle-borns…" He reached for the next scroll and checked off another name on the list before him.

"Mr. Weasley, come in." Dumbledore greeted the awkward redhead. "Have a seat."

"Er, I'm not in trouble or anything am I?" Ron wiped his sweaty palms on the sides of his school robes. "Because if it's about what happened in Hagrid's class on Tuesday, I can explain. I don't really think it's necessary to get Mum involved and-"

"Do calm down, Mr. Weasley." Dumbledore said, firmly. "Your mother is not present and this is not about whatever happened on…Tuesday. I have asked you here for a specific purpose and I am required to inform you that you are not under any obligations to accept or decline. This is entirely your own decision. Do you understand?"

"No!" Ron said, plainly. He scratched his head. "I'm not…in trouble?"

"Should you be in trouble, Mr. Weasley?"

The tips of his ears grew rather red and Ron looked down at his lap. "It's complicated, Professor."

"I see. Well then," the elderly wizard drew a sealed, golden scroll from the pile on his desk. "I have been instructed to hand out all of these to specific persons." He held up his hand, showing one slender scroll of parchment sealed by a golden stamp with a drop of red in the center. "You may or may not be aware that Hogwarts has a longstanding agreement with the Protection of Magical Creatures Act, supported through the Australian wizarding community as a gesture of peace, in which, along with Beauxbaton's Academy, law states that if there is a magical creature searching for a mate and has traced the magical signature their potential mate to Hogwarts, we will allow them to visit and submit a proposal to court their intended."

Ron's jaw dropped. "Bloody hell!" He managed. His hands grabbed at his hair and he tugged, hard. "I'm not dreaming am I?" He asked, frantically.

"Mr. Weasley?"

"Not dreaming." He moaned.

"Mr. Weasley! Please get a hold of yourself." Dumbledore frowned in disapproval.

The expression on his face meant something to the young Gryffindor that immediately settled down and tucked his hands beneath his thighs, straightening up and sitting at attention. "Yes, sir. Sorry sir, er, Professor." He stammered.

"Thank you." Dumbledore extended his hand with the scroll and waited while Ron took it with a wavering hand.

"Er, Thanks." Ron licked his lips. "I don't suppose you know if it's like, a Veela or a, you know, Vampire or something, do you?" He asked, worriedly.

"I am not at liberty to say nor offer any opinion." Dumbledore informed him. "I am asked to witness that you have read the contents within that scroll and that you understand it is a legally binding contract."

"I know that." Ron gave a half-wave of his hand. His parents had explained those things to him when he'd turned fourteen. It was something all pureblooded families did. He wondered, briefly if Hermione knew about it. He shook his head. She knew everything.

"Ahem." Dumbledore waited until the young man looked up. "As I said, I need only to witness your reading of the proposal. You need not give me your answer, but only to follow the instructions contained within. You must follow them exactly."

Ron gulped.

Dumbledore perked a brow.

Ron gave a shaky smile and slowly broke the seal. He unrolled it with shaking hands and grew steadily paler with every line his eyes followed. When he finished, he let it reroll back in his hand and stared at it for a good long moment. "It's real, isn't it?" He had to ask.

Dumbledore sighed. "Mr. Weasley, if you are implying that I would be-"

"Er, no, sir, Professor." The Gryffindor stammered. "I just meant, wow." He sighed and then popped to his feet. "I ah, well, I guess I'd better go then. Thanks." And he bolted.

"You are welcome." Dumbledore called after him, watching as he scrambled for the stairway, the scroll clutched in his hand. "Odd one that Weasley." He muttered to himself and reached for the next scroll to check off one more name on the list before him.

"Minerva!" Albus greeted his deputy headmistress with his usual smile. "You look a bit, ah, tea?"

"Don't mind if I do." The witch seated herself with little ceremony and rubbed her eyes and then her forehead. "I swear Albus, is becomes more trying every year." Her accent began to slip into its native tint. "Every single year!"

"Er, right." Dumbledore quickly waved his wand for the tea tray and hurriedly poured her a cup, fixing it the way he knew she always took it. "Here you go. Biscuit?"

"I really shouldn't." She sighed.

He handed her two on the little saucer.

After a few silent moments, she straightened, reinvigorated. "Now, what was so important you had to send me an official summons? I saw you at lunch just a half-hour ago and you could have said something to-"

"I am required to send official summons." He sighed. "And please, don't interrupt, it would be best if you just-"

"Official summons?" Minerva frowned. "Albus," She said, warningly. "I don't like the way that you're-"

"Please understand that you are not under any pressure to accept or decline. This is entirely your own decision." Albus interrupted. "Please, Minerva, just listen."

Her lips pressed tightly together, but she did not interrupt.

Albus selected the second to last scroll on the desk and suspended it between two fingers. "I have been instructed to give these to specific persons." He extended his hand, one slender scroll of parchment sealed by a golden stamp with a drop of red in the center. "You know of Hogwarts agreement with the Protection of Magical Creatures Act, in accordance with Beauxbaton's Academy." He waited while she took the scroll with cautious fingers, as if expecting it to bite her. "With your acceptance of this scroll, I am only required to witness that you have read the contents. You need not give me your answer, but only to follow the instructions contained within."

Sharp eyes pierced through him with their expert glare before Minerva examined the scroll in her hand. She turned it over a few times, inspected the seal and then twisted it open with a flick of her wrist. She read through the scripted lines with a careful eye and an expression of sheer shock slowly painted itself across her features. She finished with a hand to her mouth and tear-filled eyes as she stared at her longest friend. "By Merlin, Albus!" She exclaimed. She drew in a deep breath and quickly composed herself, scrolling up the parchment and tucking it into the sleeves of her teaching robes, much as Severus had done. "Do you know?" She asked, rising from the chair.

Dumbledore half-shrugged. "I am not at liberty to say anything that might influence you." He smiled, unable to keep a slight quiver from his hand as he rose from his chair. "But I wish you all the happiness in the world."

For a moment, she seemed to glow twenty years younger, the smile on her face softening to something that the Headmaster had never seen on her face before. "Thank you, Albus."

"You are welcome." Dumbledore watched her leave. He bowed his head. Fawkes trilled sadly and the old wizard heaved a sigh. "One more left, Fawkes." He murmured. "One more left. She deserves it you know, if anyone does, she did. I will miss her." He chuckled as Fawkes trilled again. "Oh no, Fawkes, age has nothing to do with it. She will go. I believe they all will." He reached for the final scroll and gave a bittersweet smile. "But I will miss her."

"Ah, Harry my boy." Dumbledore greeted the weary Gryffindor. "Come in, have a seat. Tea? Lemon drop?"

"No thank you, Sir." Harry swallowed, perching nervously on the end of the proffered chair. "Is something the matter? Has something happened?" His brow furrowed together. "You've never sent official summons before, has Vold-"

"Calm down, Harry. This has nothing to do with…that. It is something entirely…different." Dumbledore sighed. "Are you sure you do not want a cup of tea?"

"I'm fine."

"Alright. This is an important, official meeting, legal in the eyes of the international wizarding community." Dumbledore began. Harry stiffened. "It is entirely legal and to be sure that there are no interferences in what is a rather delicate matter. Before I begin, please do understand that you are not under any pressure to accept or decline. This is entirely your own decision. Do you understand?"

"No sir."

"You have nothing to fear."

"I'm not…scared, Professor."

"Then, you have nothing to worry about." Dumbledore amended. "I have been instructed to hand these out to specific persons within Hogwarts." He extended his hand, one slender scroll of parchment sealed by a golden stamp with a drop of red in the center. "Hogwarts has had a longstanding agreement with the Protection of Magical Creatures Act, supported through the Australian wizarding community as a gesture of peace, which, in accordance with Beauxbaton's Academy, states that if there is a magical creature searching for a mate and has traced the signature to Hogwarts, we will allow them to visit and submit a proposal to court their intended." He waved the scroll. "Take it, Harry. Nothing will go wrong by taking it."

Harry reluctantly did so.

"Now, I am asked to witness that you have read the contents within that scroll and nothing more. You need not give me your answer, but only to follow the instructions contained within. If you were unaware, the age of consent for these types of matches begin at age fourteen. You are two years over the majority." Dumbledore smiled, gently. "and as I said earlier, you are under no obligation to accept or decline, you must answer however you feel to be about it."

Harry stared at him, green eyes pleading.

Dumbledore swallowed. "I'm afraid, once a name is given, I cannot refuse the one proposing. I must carry out all requirements and do so in a legal and official manner." His voice softened. "Read the scroll, Harry. I am sure it will explain things."

So Harry did.

Then he numbly rolled it back up and stared at Dumbledore with those same, vacant green eyes.

"How?" He said, hoarsely. "How can anyone be expected to make a decision like-"

"I'm sorry, Harry. I am not allowed to speak of this in fear that I might influence you unduly in some way or another."

"So you're just going to throw this on me and then tell me to leave?" Harry scoffed. "My life…" He muttered.


"No. Just…no." Harry was on his feet and out of the office.

Dumbledore watched him leave and then buried his head on his arms on the desk. "This is a lonely and taxing position, Fawkes." The phoenix trilled sadly.

~*~*~*~Thanks for reading!~*~*~*~* Leave a comment if you feel so inclined. ^_^ ~*~*~*~*