Top Harry Drabble: Harry/Homelander

Chapter Summary: In which Harry finds himself in a world with superheroes who aren't actually superheroes. (The Boys, post Season 1)

"Alrighty then. My turn."

Homelander blinked as he hovered in the air, his right arm around Maeve as they watched the plane rocket towards Earth. The sun lit the horizon around them and they had done all they could to save the plane. Flames spewed from both engines and the cockpit and the plane wasn't at all salvageable. The people on board continued screaming, knowing they were doomed. And yet…

"This is the last time I'm flying in a metal tube. Fuck, this could put me off flying for good and honestly, fuck that."

The screams and yells and cries of children rose in volume and Homelander worked to tune it out, focusing instead on the voice of the man who wasn't screaming. The voice that he could very clearly hear in and amidst everything else. Definitely British and a man. Confident. Not at all scared.

"If this is what a world of superheroes is like then I'm out. But… uh… not before one minor chore."

The plane continued to plummet, with the tail end of the plane falling forward and bits of metal falling off.

"As a favor to this universe's Death because oh my god, the potential paperwork here… Ugh.."

Maeve was still silent in his arm, her eyes wide with shock and perhaps a little bit of self hatred? Homelander scoffed and turned to go as the scent of jet fuel filled his nose and the screams rose in volume yet again.

A shock in the air made the hair on the back of his neck stand up and he looked around idly. It wasn't like there was anything that could kill him here. No one could touch him.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Through the shadow portal nice and easy! No trampling each other! Your destination will be on the left. Thank you and have a nice day."

The words were loud to his ears but not enough for Maeve to hear obviously. And they were spoken idly, not yelling and not straining.

Homelander blinked at the words, at the decreasing level of sound as minutes went by. He narrowed his eyes as the plane seemed to slow minutely, not visible to anyone but him, and then the shock of energy vanished. No more screaming. No more yelling. The plane continued to plummet, faster, until it hit the water below, exploding and sending fiery pillars of smoke up into the air.

A week later and Homelander stalked into their high council room, the big, round table in the center and tv screens all around on the walls. The windows looked out over New York City, out over the clouds and cars and people on the ground that looked like ants to him. The sun was streaming in through the windows, high up in the sky. The doors closed behind him and he took a minute to make sure the room was empty before blinking.

There was a man sitting in his seat. Sitting in Homelander's seat and spinning around like he was on a roller coaster or like a kid having fun. Homelander scowled and padded forward, his cape hugging his shoulders and back and not making a sound.

"Get out of my chair," Homelander said, glaring at the unfamiliar man and making his eyes flash red with heat vision. "I thought you security men knew better than to come into this great room."

"It's rather like a twisted knights of the round table," the man remarked, turning around to finally face him. Bright green eyes stared at him easily but not without a hint of an upset. The man's voice was low and his shoulders were loose but those eyes… There was a hint of… 'other' in those eyes. A hint of… something and Homelander turned his gaze to the scar on the man's forehead. "So… you're not gods then. And really… you're not true superheroes. Your powers are not god given."

"Excuse me? Did you not hear me? I said get out," Homelander said again, stalking forward to stop at the edge of the table. He looked right into the man's eyes and reached out his hands to grasp the chair in front of him. "I'm the Homelander after all. Aren't you supposed to do what I say?"

The man raised an eyebrow, his lips curling up into a small, amused smirk. The man's heart didn't even speed up at Homelander's words and he scowled again. "You mean… You don't recognize my voice?"

Homelander paused, gripped the chair even tighter and heard it crack under his force. The man didn't even blink at the sight but just sat there… in Homelander's chair. "Why would I? You're just one of Vought's employees or shall I say minions."

"Do you remember anything about the plane? Anything aside from-"

Homelander blinked and then smiled, leering at the man. "Oh! You're that guy! You're just here to join the Seven, huh?"

The man tilted his head, his messy black hair moving slightly in a nonexistent breeze. "No. I have no interest in the Seven. That's what you call yourselves, is it? No. I'm just here to say you'll be seeing more of me after all. I'm stuck here. Something about there being no Death in this realm. Fuck. I just really wanted this to be more of a detour. At least you're cute."

Homelander stared at the man, watched as he slowly stood up, stretching out his arms and legs in a loose fashion. His heart skipped a beat in his chest and blood rushed south. The man was muscular but not like Homelander was. It had been a while since he had fucked a man and he had broken the last one's legs. "You know… You'll need to work on your superhero name. Death? No one will like that. Vought won't like that."

"It's not a superhero name," the man offered, winking at him and walking over to the floor to ceiling windows. The man's jeans were tented and Homelander smiled at the sight. People who wanted him. It usually got tiring but there was something about the man that peaked his interest.. "Gorgeous view. Thankfully that plane ride didn't throw me off my love of flying. You ever fucked someone up against a window before? Or… perhaps fuck someone in the air?"

"Who the fuck are you?" Homelander questioned, padding around the table to stand in front of the man. His cock had started to harden at the man's words, flashes of bending the man over and fucking him running through his mind. He had to admit it sounded good and he swallowed as the man spared a glance to him.

The man smirked at him and then reached out to grip his chin. Warmth flooded Homelander at the touch and he smiled back, intending on pressing the man down and fucking him only to be pressed into the glass himself. His heart thumped in his chest as the man pressed a hand to his back, holding him effortlessly.

"What the fuck."

A tickle of breath met his ear and Homelander shivered.

"Call it positive reinforcement," the man whispered, before beginning to unclasp Homelander's cape and letting it fall to the floor. "John."

Homelander froze, blood thrumming in his ears, as the man pulled down his suit, letting the top half fall to his waist. "How the fuck do you know… Who the fuck are you?"

He turned around and flashed his eyes, bringing his heat vision to bear only for a hand to clasp over his eyes. Power raced into him and he gasped, as nothing happened.

"Or we could call this negative reinforcement," the man continued, tracing Homelander's bare back with light fingertips, bringing up goosebumps and heat. "You kill anyone and I'll be there. No sex."

Homelander shuddered as the man's tongue traced circles into his back, his own cock hardening. The man's hand was still over his eyes and then disappeared only for a soft cloth to flutter into existence and wrap around his head, covering his eyes. He could hear and feel as the cloth tied itself around his head, keeping him from opening his eyes.

"There, much better," the man whispered, biting into the skin at the crook of Homelander's neck and shoulder. A strangled whine left Homelander's throat and he bucked back into the man behind him, all thoughts blown from his mind. The way that the stranger's hand easily pinned Homelander to the glass in front of him made something within him settle.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"I already told you," the man offered, as his hands traced a path downward, circling Homelander's waist and then pushing his suit further down until he was naked. "You really bullet proof?"

"What do you think? I am- Fuck."

Homelander shuddered as the man's warm fingers danced down and circled his ass, spreading him. A finger traced the rim of his hole then and slipped in, as one of the man's hands reached around to stroke his cock. Homelander's heart thundered in his chest and his cock hardened even more, spurting pre-come. Heat swallowed him up as he felt fingers enter him, curling this way and that, stretching him in a way that he had never felt before.

A strangled moan left his throat and he tried to move out of the guy's hold, attempted to move the guy into place for him to fuck. Pleasure coiled in him, his cock almost aching with it now as he arched and floated…

Fingers wrapped around his neck and squeezed lightly before withdrawing. A sharp, hot sting against his ass sent him reeling and he yelped, his heart thundering in his chest. Homelander snarled and leaned against the man, trying to force him to do… something. Anything.

"You look gorgeous," the man remarked, his voice husky and low with desire. "You needed something, darling?"

Homelander scowled and leaned his forehead against the cool glass, knowing anyone could see them through it. Could see the Homelander naked against the glass, with a fully clothed man behind him.

"I wish you could see yourself," the man murmured, licking a path up his shoulder and neck, to his ear to nip. "Panting and sweaty. Blindfolded."

"I'll call out."

"Yeah? You really want to stop me?"

Homelander paused as he breathed, shallow and fast, and then shook his head.

"Good boy," the man muttered, before biting a mark into the crook of Homelander's neck and thrusting in a second later.

Homelander yelled out as sensations overwhelmed him, being filled with sloppy heat and full of the man's cock. Pressure filled him and pleasure… It was hot and tight and he was letting this man use him. The man pressed a hand against Homelander's shoulder blades and fucked into him, hitting that spot that sent his nerves alight with pleasure and light and heat.

"What would Vought think of their god now, hmm? Perhaps I could keep you for my own use."

Homelander moaned as the man withdrew inch by hot inch then thrust back in fast and wet. He stood there and let it happen, breathing heavily, as pleasure grew within him, as sparks lit behind his eyes and his thighs and legs trembled. He hadn't felt this good since… his last time with Madelyn and he stiffened, before one of the man's hands reached around him and wrapped around his throat.

"Have you sitting at my feet all tied up nicely? Perhaps with a few toys laying around…"

Homelander arched back into the man again, sweat dripping down his back and forehead, and moaned, hearing words spill from his throat.

The man paused and rocked against him, his cock sliding against Homelander's hole. "What'd you say?"

"I didn't… say anything," Homelander muttered, his thoughts all gone the way of his control. Not even fucking Maeve had made him feel this way, loose lipped and trembling before the floor to ceiling windows of Vought tower.

"Fine. I'll let that… slide."

The man slipped inside him again, hard and fast, and pleasure boiled through him, his nerves screaming. The sound of pounding filled his ears and he distantly heard Vought employees trying to get into the room, faintly recognizing Maeve's heated words.

"Will you be my good boy then, John?" the man muttered, thrusting in again and again, finding that spot like a homing beacon. His hand was still on Homelander's throat and his other rubbed his nipple, pinching and twisting, before the fingers traced downward, hovering over his cock. "Stuck between the windows and me. What will you do?"

Homelander snarled again and bucked back into the man, trying to unbalance him, only for the man to turn him around. Lips pressed against his and nipped and sucked and fingernails dragged down his overheated cock and Homelander cried out, his release rocketing through him.

He distantly heard the man come as well, his come shooting into Homelander as he rocked into him deeply.

"If only I had a plug," the man offered wrly, breathing heavily. "You'd make quite the sight. Keep you nice and loose for another fuck. Ah well. Perhaps next time."

The blindfold fell and slipped off his face and he blinked into the bright sun, his knees trembling. The man was nowhere to be seen or heard even as Homelander focused his hearing.

See you around, John. I have some cleanup to do here.