Author has written 10 stories for Naruto. Name: Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies. Actually, you can ask me the question but keep in mind that I'm a liar. Age: For me to know and for me to know only. Lives: Somewhere on this planet. Somewhere in this universe. Height: 5'6-7 Race: Asian (I'm vietnamese!) Author's Note: Holy wow, it has been a stupidly long time since I logged into this account. *Ahem* first order of business...I had no. Idea. That all of my stories were still being read and reviewed and whatnot. I completed pretty much all of them around 2006, and it's like, 2014 right now, so EIGHT YEARS?! DAMN, I'M OLD. I have no idea what prompted me to come back and revisit these again. Maybe now that I have a little time on my hands, after so much of it that's gone by, I can do some writing again, and breathe some life into this old and dead account. My current project is an Inuyasha fic called Reserve Untapped. It's a SessKag pairing (because I totally love unorthodox pairings, being a NejiNaru enthusiast since for-frakking-ever), and compared to what I've written in the past, I think it's vastly better than any of these old relics that still sit in this account. Check it out, if you're interested: /s/10361412/1/Reserve-Untapped I had to create a new account called SilverEyedHyuugaSama because ff.n was being stupid and not sending me password reset emails (I haven't used this account since god-knows-when, so I forgot what I used for my password, but all's well now). Reserve Untapped is uploaded to that one. I'll try to figure out how to merge the two someday, but as it stands, my Naruto fics are on this account, and my Inuyasha fics are posted to the other one. Shoot me a message to say hi, guys. :D Any and all questions, comments, requests, inquiries, and complaints are appreciated. :D I'm back on the grid, and writing away. I may disappear during the academic year, because I'm currently working on my last degree, which will probably suck every last ounce of free time out of me, but I'll try to write as much as I can, because I love this craft, and I've ignored it for way too long. Much love, Silver-eyed Hyuuga |