![]() Author has written 27 stories for Bleach, Prince of Tennis, and Naruto. WIP fics are sometimes kind of a curse aren't they? I don't intend to drag out my stories forever and yet sometimes this is exactly what ends up happening. It doesn't help of course that I lose my muses and readers along the way. That kind of thing can definitely shake my confidence and make me quite glum. But eventually I come back around and finish exactly what I started. Plot bunnies are endless but some never make it out in to the daylight. Sighs...this is the problem a lot of writers tend to have. My longest WIP to date is Drunken Seahorse. For the most part I am utterly fond of this fic ( inspite of its many glaring errors) but sometimes I wish I could turn back time and change a few things. Sighs. Everything happens for a reason and in the end I will give it the best ending possible. As for fics like Pantherchaun and Sunny Hero well...they were never all that riveting to begin with so finishing em' is just a matter of getting off my ass and doing it. And I will. This is my vow! (3/6/14) I can only speak for myself when I say this: FAN FICTION and FICTION in general is one of the best and easiest of ways to escape reality. Granted I will admit that I probably spend more time online reading/writing fanfiction than could be considered healthy but…the way I see it so long as my addiction doesn’t harm any one then I really have nothing to feel guilty about. Over the years I’ve encountered some of the most memorable and talented of fan fiction authors around…sadly, tragically many of these authors have fallen off the fanfiction grid or dropped contact. It is one of my greatest wishes/dreams that most or (ALL) will some day return in some fashion or another. Every author has a voice, their own style, his/her own depiction of how they feel/think series, characters, or pairings should be written. While I do not agree with every author (s) choice of pairing, characterization, etc that does not mean that I don’t have a certain amount of respect for them…because I do. Any one who is bold/brave enough to share a piece of their brain with the world gets a thumbs up in my book! Many at time (more often than not) I find that I am both equally inspired and envious of a lot of writers out there. Fact is fact: Some authors just write/tell better stories. While this can be annoying and a bit err intimidating at times, it also has a positive effect… I feel challenged and determined to become a stronger writer. A lot can happen in a year…A lot can happen in a few years. Not trying to toot my own horn here or anything but my writing skill has definitely improved compared to…well before. Not that it’s perfected…hah! As if! But its better…leaps and bounds. My number one goal when I write is: TO ENTERTAIN MY AUDIENCE (No matter how big or small) My second goal is to inspire other authors/readers/fans the same way they inspire me. SLY’S STORIES: Reading/following my stories requires a certain amount of patience and a wide and vivid imagination. Whether the pairing I am writing about is a beloved fan favorite or considered unappreciated/crack/non-existent I put a lot of thought into every fic (even if it doesn’t always seem like it) I do not take criticism (even when its constructive) well. I would rather hear dead silence then something like…WTF that was a total waste of my time. I feel I give fair warnings about errors/weirdness and the like that (readers/lurkers/reviewers/fans/etc) should be on the look out for but well…shrugs, that doesn’t always do the trick. Anyway to those of you taking the time to read this as well as all of SLY’s other ramblings (both inside and outside of stories) I thank you from the bottom of fanatical heart for your support and kind words. 3/11/13 SLYSWN Interests: FANFICTION (Preferably with a happy ending and a BL-centric pairing) Reading material Manga and Novels (Romance, Humor, Action) Writing (Same as Above) Music Anime, Alternative Rock, Dance, Pop, International, etc OBSESSIONS: FANFICTION, Anime, Manga, BL/YAOI, Tea, Pasta, Bread, Garlic, Tomatoes, Mushrooms, Reading, Writing, Music, Hair, Eyes, Shiny things, etc… STEP INTO THE LAND OF FANFICTION AND YOU SHALL FIND: My main fandoms are: BLEACH, NARUTO, The Prince of Tennis but I love many, many more. Eyeshield21, Gintama, Kuroko no Basuke, Free!, Inuyasha, Yugioh, D. Gray Man, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Slam Dunk, Hikaru no Go, , Death Note, Fullmetal Alchemist, Fairy Tail, Final Fantasy, KingdoM Hearts, Devil May Cry, Gakuen Heaven, Junjou Romantica, Wild Adapter, Togainu no Chi, Lamento, One Piece, Hetalia, Teen Wolf, Harry Potter etc… My top two favorite seiyuu are: Morikawa Toshiyuki and Suwabe Junichi A TIMELESS CLASSIC. THOUGHTS ON SEME/UKE…??? In the land of BL/YAOI DOES IT MATTER WHO IS SEME AND UKE? You bet your ass it does. I like to know who is going to being doing what and with whom-I do not care for surprises-that pisses me off! If the character you are writing is SEME, then say so. If the character you are writing is UKE, then say so. If the character you are writing plays both roles, fucking say so! BLEACH TOP FAVES AizenxIchigo and GrimmjowxIchigo, Runner ups: ByakuyaxIchigo, KenpachixIchigo, NnoitraxIchigo, ShiroxIchigo, GinjoxIchigo, KariyaxIchigo, RenjixIchigo, ChadoxIchigo, IshidaxIchigo, KazeshinixIchigo, TousenxIchigo, KenseixIchigo, ShuheixIchigo, StarrkxIchigo, IkkakuxIchigo, GinxIchigo, ToshiroxIchigo, KiraxIchigo, UkitakexIchigo, UraharaxIchigo, SzayelxIchigo, ShinjixIchigo, KaienxIchigo,…etc… Other pairings not featuring the number one Uke!Berry? IkkakuxYumichika SzayelxRenji, TousenxShuhei, KenseixShuhei Runner ups: KenpachixByakuya, ByakuyaxRenji, NnoitraxTesla, NnoitraxShiro, NnoitraxRenji, RyukenxIsshin, ChadoxIshida, KisukexIsshinxRyuken, ToshiroxKon, , ByakuyaxShuhei, ShunsuixUkitake, UkitakexKaien HET, M/M/F threesomes, FemmexFemme pairings: RukiaxRenji, RukiaxOrihime, RisaxRukia, GinxRangikuxKira, IsshinxMasaki, IsshinxMasakixRyuken, TatsukixNel, HalibelxNemu, ToshiroxKarin, KenseixMashiro, ShunsuixNanao (NARUTO) SasuNaru, KibaNaru, ItaNaru, ShikaNaru, KakaNaru, DeiNaru, MinaNaru, etc (EYESHIELD 21) ShinSena, HirumaSena, AkabaSena, JuumonjiSena, KakeiSena, etc (Prince of Tennis) (TENIPURI) AkayaxRyoma, AtobexRyoma, SanadaxRyoma, TezukaxRyoma, RyogaxRyoma, 2882, etc (Katekyo Hitman Reborn) XanxusxSqualo, GokuderaxTsuna, HibarixTsuna, DinoxTsuna, CollonelloxRyohei, HibarixGokudera, etc (Devil May Cry) DantexNero, DantexNeroxVergil (Final Fantasy Series) SeiferxSquall, SephirothxGensesis, SephirothxZack, SephirothxCloud, SnowxHope, etc (Gintama) HijikataxGintoki {Kuroko no Basuke} KagamixKuroko, AominexKuroko, AominexKagami (Yugioh Series) SetoxJou, OtogixJou, JackxYusei (Inuyasha) SessInu, KouInu, NaraInu (Togainu no Chi) ShikixAkira (D. Gray Man) KandaxAllen, TykixAllen, LavixAllen (SlamDunk) RukawaxHanamichi (Death Note) LxRaito, RyukxRaito, MikamixRaito (Kingdom Hearts) RikuxSora, AxelxRiku, etc (Gakuen Heaven) NakajimaxKeita, NiwaxKeita (Junjo Romantica) UsamixMisaki, MiyagixShinobu, UsamixHiroki (Lamento) RaixKonoe (One Piece) ZoroxSanji (Wild Adapter) KuboxToki (Fairy Tail) GazNat, GrayNat (Fullmetal Alchemist) RoyxEd, HavocxRoy, ScarxHavoc (Hikaru no Go) SaixHikaru, WayaxHikaru, OthersHikaru (Harry Potter) SnapexHarry, DracoxRon, others (Supernatural) (CastielxDean) (Teen Wolf) DerekxStiles |