New story, new style. Thanks Bon Bon for the help. I know it's long, but bare with me. R&R Please.

Summary: Ichigo is smart, and because of his father submitting his application he is now going to be attending St. Joseph High where he meets the light the light and dark lords also called the Gotei and the Espada. GrimmIchi MaleXMale

DIsclaimer: Don't Own

Rating: M NC-17

Ichigo grumbled as he walked off the bus that had dropped him off in front of a bridge that led him across what looked like a lake, and ended at something that looked like a town of its own. He was, as you guessed, not a happy camper. As he walked across the bridge as he had been instructed by the weird note his father had handed him when he had dropped Ichigo off at the bus station with disgusting tears falling out of his eyes as he told Ichigo to watch out for rapists who would "try to steal my beautiful son's virginity, Ichigo reflected on how he had ended up in this situation.

**Flashback 2 days Ago**

"Ichigooooooooo!" Kurosaki Isshin, Ichigo's father, yelled as he tried to kick his son who was walking in from school, but was stopped as his son grabbed his head and slammed it into the grown.

"Yo goat-face." Ichigo dropped his book bag off by the staircase before heading to his kitchen. He grabbed a can of fruit juice out of the fridge, and made his way out of the kitchen towards the staircase. Before Ichigo could take another step upstairs, he heard his father call him into the living room.

When Ichigo saw his father sitting on the couch, he sat down. His father had a big grin on his face like he had gotten a piece of his favorite cake. "Guess what, Ichigo." His father didn't give a chance to answer that with a smart remark. "You and a few of your other classmates have been selected to attend Saint Joseph High school."

Ichigo looked at his father dumbly for a minute, before his words finally registered. "Wait. How did I get into a school I didn't even apply for?"

"Well," his father started off trying to refrain from jumping up and down in happiness. "You and the other students are well known to have some of the highest marks in the class, so you have been selected to attend this school with full tuition paid. Oh, and don't be scared about being without your lovely family. Your cousin Shirosaki will be there."

Ichigo, once again, looked at his father dumbly, before he finally realized what this meant. "EHHH?!"

**End Flashback**

And here Ichigo was, walking towards the big gate that surrounded the entire island that his school resided on. For a minute he wondered if his friends, Chad, Ishida, and Rukia, were here. He knew that they all had higher scores than anyone in the school; and that Rukia's brother would jump at the chance to send his younger sister to a more lavish school than the school that Rukia had chosen to go to.

Ichigo shook away thoughts of his friends, and walked towards the gate and was looking for someone to open it when it opened of its own accord. Ichigo's jaw dropped at the beautiful view that was presented to him. He took a deep breath, and stepped past where the gates had once been, and was immediately wrapped in the scent of properly maintained plant-life. Ichigo closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and slowly letting it out. Maybe I did make the right decision.

Ichigo began walking down the stone path that seemed to lead up to the school. The trees and bushes were so thick that he couldn't see the school properly. He kept walking and finally made it to what seemed like an opening where he could see a tall building. He stepped out of the greenery and froze at the sight of dozens of students standing on two sides of what he was guessing was his path into the school.

"Welcome to Saint Joseph High School," a guy dressed in a nice and crisp black and white uniform said while walking up to him. The man was tall with pink combed delicately so that one side was partially covering his right eye. He had a smile on his face that, though it was probably supposed to seem kind and inviting, came off perverted. That smile reminded Ichigo of his father's childhood friend Urahara Kisuke. Ichigo shivered at the comparison and stretched out his hand in greeting him.

"Kurosaki Ichigo," Ichigo said and tried to sound nice, but of course it came out sounding rough, and he knew he looked angry because of the scowl that was on his face. "It's nice to meet you."

"Well, hello," the man said as he gracefully put his hand in Ichigo's hand. The hand squeezed Ichigo's lightly before it was released and delicately hung at the man's hips that were cocked to the side in a feminine type of way. "I am Szayel Aporro Granz, the representative of the dark lords' Espada Student counsil." I gave him a confused look, and he seemed to understand it.

"Oh! You don't know do you?" The man chuckled a little. "There are two types of lords in this school; the light and dark lords. The Dark Lords are known as the Espada, and the light lords are the Gotei. There are ten of Espada who are the hand-picked few by the founder of the dark lords, Aizen Sousuke; and 10 Gotei or captains whom they are sometimes called; who are picked by the founder of them and the school, Yamamoto Genryusai. We were established to maintain order here at Saint Joseph High. The Gotei handles the more light cases we handle the more…" the man's face broke out into this creepy and crazy grin, 'serious' cases."

The man known as Szayel's grin returned to a normal smile, but his tone didn't seem to match his expression. " But, don't get take the Gotei lightly. Even though they do the lighter cases, they also control more, and maintain more order. I'll give you fair warning now, Kurosaki-kun." The man leaned down so that his mouth was leveled with Ichigo's ear. "Be very careful of both of our groups. We wouldn't want any problems to arise, however, if you do…" Ichigo suddenly felt something wet touch his ear, and he couldn't stop the shudder of disgust that raced up his body. "…we'll both end up punishing you." The man chuckled and straightened before turning back to the crowd and giving them a smile that had them all swooning; boys and girls alike.

Ichigo sighed and started walking after the guy who had both kindly greeted, and scared the shit out of him within the first five minutes of knowing him.

"I'll give you a tour of the school, and show you to your room so that you can get acquainted. However, I do have to warn you that the people here are kind of weird about the two lords, so you'll soon have to pick whether you want to be a Shinigami, or Hollow.

"A what?"

"Oh, you don't know about that? Why didn't you, at least, read are packet? It would have been much easier to understand."

"I just found out I was going to be attending here 2 days ago. Plus, my father kept holding onto the school's pamphlet while jumping around and crying." Ichigo said emotionlessly.

The other man's sweat dropped. "Oh…Um…Ok. I'm guessing your father must be weird or something."

"You have no idea," Ichigo grumbled as he walked into a grand lobby that was decorated with a plethora of flowers that seemed to crawl over the walls. "Wow! This place is big."

"Well, of course. Now, where was I? Oh Yeah. I'll just start from the beginning…

Saint Joseph was originally a town built for the upper-class to go without being interfered with by the public. After World War Two, the town could no longer maintain pay to keep people out, so the man who directly made payment, Yamamoto-sama, talked to what was known at the time as the 'Central 46' who owned the island. Central agreed, and by 1953, the school was officially opened, however, by the 90's the thought of more income consumed Central, and they ordered that the school let in people of different backgrounds. Yamamoto thought that this would bring trouble so he established the lords system. He chose 13 people to rule it, but by 1997 someone got the bright idea that the light lords shouldn't have all of that power. That was Aizen Sousuke. He was heir to a toy factory. He not only shaped that very toy company into the most selling company in 1980's, but also established us dark lords. Some people were against them, and others were for it. The people against him called themselves the Shinigami, and the ones for him called themselves the Hollows. Now, when people enter the school they are asked to choose which side they will be on. If you don't choose ahead of time, people will hound you until you do. There is only one group that has chosen to ignore it, and they only protect their own kind. They are the Vizards. They both support and don't support both of them, and are extremely hard to join. However, judging by how you act," the man snickered, "they would love you."

"But who are these other guys. I know your one of them, but who are the others." Ichigo was starting to get weirded out about this place. He looked to the guy and flinched when he found him no more than two inches from his own.

"You'll find out soon enough, Kurosaki Ichigo." The man gracefully(yes I do mean gracefully) walked away.

Ichigo was in deep thought about the school when something hard collided into his body. He slamed, face first, into the hard marble floor. "Etai*(Ouch)" He turned his head to see a boy standing up while rubbing his forehead, and before he could stop himself, he burst out laughing and said, "Blueberry," in between laughs. He stopped laughing as pain shot across his jaw from the impact of the marble floor. The boy-wait you couldn't call this person a boy. This…man had blue hair that spiked up over the top of his head like Ichigo's and framed a handsome face that took Ichigo's breath away after he finally really looked at the guy. He was dressed in an all white suit with black at the ends. He looked like he had just came from a ball.

"Jeez kid, watch where you're going." Ichigo immediately popped out of the bubble of awe he had been in, and immediately flared up in anger

"What do you mean 'watch where you're going? You watch where you're going." Ichigo screamed at the man. The man seemed unaffected by Ichigo and looked at him as if he were scum on his shoe.

"Who the hell are you, Orange? I've never seen you around here before. Also, you're in the way of our walk." Ichigo looked to the side to see about 5 or six guys standing behind him. They all had their own looks of disgust, but Ichigo didn't feel the need to even dwell on their faces. He returned a glare to the person in front of him. He heard whispers off to the side of him, but ignored it in favor of focusing all of his attention into the glare he was giving the other guy.

"You were the one who walked into me. You need to watch were you're going," Ichigo turned to walk away, but stopped and turned back. "Also, I'm Kurosaki Ichigo. If you don't want a problem, you'll leave me alone." With that, Ichigo walked away with eyes from the whole room trailing him as he walked out of the room. He shuddered, because he could he have sworn he felt some trailing his backside, and missed the lecherous smile of the guy known as Grimmjow.

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