A/N: Looks like I got another chaptered story here. Yeah, I was gonna take a break and maybe let feedback from you guys tell me which story/idea I should pursue next, but inspiration won over procrastination once more.
This story is sort of a continuation/sequel to Tapestry of Decay. It isn't necessary to read that one before this. In all honesty, I had this plot outlined and tried to think of what to do with it, and figured that adding it into the Tapestry story would work best, because it gave me a catalyst for where this story starts. Updates for this one may be a bit slow in coming, but for me that equals a day or two between chapters instead of one every day, ha.
Disclaimer: Don't own Devil May Cry or its characters. They belong to Capcom. Neither do I own the song I used for the title of this story (and for inspiration to get started). But I do have copies of the above for personal enjoyment.
Warnings: For this chapter? Language mostly. I intend for this one to go into full-blown yaoi eventually. Obviously the pairing will be DxN. And there will most likely be more gore in the future. That and I'm focusing more on Dante. And yeah...I intend to hurt him. Both of them.
Dedication: How about we just say this one is for all you reviewers. I mean, it is YOU all that I write for, isn't it?
Slow first chapter is slow. I won't take offense if you don't enjoy it.
Chapter 1: Consider This
The sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, painting the sky orange and red, lengthening the shadows; much like the one of a certain red-clad devil hunter making his way down the seedy street at a casual stroll.
Dante absently scratched at the stubble on his chin before tucking his gloved hand back into his pocket. He'd spent most of the afternoon on a mission and now that he was returning home, he couldn't help the sense of satisfaction filling him. Though, that satisfaction didn't come from defeating the demons, those had been easy enough. The real reason he suspected he was so happy to be heading home successful was because of who was waiting for him there.
He smirked to himself as the Devil May Cry came into view. Over the past six of months the younger hunter had been staying with him, they'd already gone through a lot together. The most recent being when Nero was infected by that demonic parasite a couple weeks ago.
Dante shuddered anew at the memory alone as his steps sped up a bit, eager to get home. Ever since he'd had to sit and watch the kid deteriorate and then nearly die in his arms, not to mention the grueling days that had followed carefully watching him recover, the older slayer had become a bit paranoid; even going so far as to make the younger man sleep in his room until Nero was well enough to adamantly refuse. Since that incident, he'd refused to allow Nero to follow him on any missions, though the teen seemed to be perfectly fine, and he suspected the punk snuck out while he was gone anyways.
He pushed open the doors and stepped inside the devil hunting office, noting that it had been getting freakishly cleaner by the day until it was literally spotless. A testament to Nero's absolute boredom. From the doorway he could see the kid sitting on the couch, something on the coffee table in front of him. Nero glanced up when he walked in and looked painfully relieved. Just one look at him could confirm he was well again. He wasn't deathly pale anymore and his skin had more of a healthy glow, the dark smudges around his eyes were gone and the empty look was replaced with that usual fire.
"Took you long enough, old man." He huffed, turning his attention back to whatever he'd been doing before the elder returned.
Dante shed his coat and put his weapons up before he went over to investigate what the younger had been doing today. "A puzzle, kid? Really? I didn't even know I had one."
"Yeah right, as if you would." Nero muttered, sending Dante that adorable glare. "I went out and bought this because I was sick of sitting on my ass and having nothing to do! I don't care what the hell you say; I'm taking the next job that comes in. You can come if you want."
"Alright, kid, calm down. I figure you've had enough rest…that and I'm worried you're going to start learning how to bake just to stay occupied. Then you'll officially be a housewife." Dante ducked the handful of puzzle pieces Nero threw at him, turning to retreat to the kitchen with a laugh.
"Screw you, old man!"
Checking his hair for any stray pieces, Dante shook his head at the enraged shout and finally got around to digging in the fridge to find some leftover pizza from a couple days ago. A curious sniff was sufficient enough to prove it was still edible, and the elder was content to grab a beer to go with it and head to his usual place at his desk, propping up his feet and snapping open the cool can.
"In all seriousness though, kid, you sure you're feeling alright?" the growl he got in reply should've been enough proof that Nero was. Every time Dante asked how he was doing, the kid would pitch a fit, but it was better than the few days after ridding him of that demonic parasite he'd spent with the younger completely silent. Even when Nero ended up in tears from lingering nightmares, he'd never made a sound. Didn't even complain about any pain he might've been in after the parasite was gone. Considering how long it took to just tell Dante what was happening in the first place, the more experienced hunter wasn't going to take any chances that Nero was hiding something that important again.
Though he supposed that was a bit hypocritical of him, considering he was keeping some serious shit from the kid himself.
Dante sighed as he watched Nero work at his puzzle, absently sipping at his beer and even forgetting about the cold pizza sitting on his desk. After that whole issue with the demonic parasite and the illness it caused, Dante had found himself suddenly hit with a wall of different emotions. Most of all, he'd felt guilty and responsible that Nero was infected and hurt in the first place. That protective streak had always been in him, but now it had grown exponentially. The elder man found himself always worrying over the kid now. But it went beyond simple concern. He wondered how Nero was feeling, yes, but also what he was thinking, until that friendly worry turned into something more personal. He'd even gone out of his way to offer the younger a hug whenever he might need it and got socked in the jaw for his efforts.
Amusing as that thought was, it couldn't break Dante out of this serious funk he'd gotten stuck in. Thinking about these rising emotions about Nero…hell, for Nero, was always enough to wipe the grin off his face and drive him to brooding.
Which was all around annoying, because brooding just wasn't his style.
But even so, the famed devil hunter found himself just staring at the kid; sometimes for hours. Watched how Nero would flick at his snowy hair in annoyance when it got in his eyes, how pale pink lips would turn up just slightly at the corner when he found something Dante said amusing but refused to admit the elder was remotely funny, that endearing habit of scratching at his nose when he was embarrassed, even enjoying how that pale skin would flush red just before the kid tried to punch him for being an ass.
Every time those fiery, deep blue eyes locked on him, like they did right at that moment, Dante would quickly look away and feign disinterest. Not for fear of Nero getting pissed off that he was being stared at…but because he didn't want Nero catching him staring. He was still trying to straighten his confused feelings out, no need to give them away while they were a mess, and Dante had a feeling that they would be written plainly on his face.
Well…and maybe he was a bit afraid of getting hit. Nero had been particularly violent lately. Dante wasn't sure why, but something about the kid's shorter than usual temper was nagging at him. And it was just another reason why he constantly asked if he was alright.
He chanced another look towards Nero and smirked as he saw the younger hunter hunched over the table once more, a puzzle piece held delicately between two blue talons while he glared at the partially built picture as if he wanted to shoot it…and knowing the kid, he probably did. It was adorable how his mouth tightened into a thin line and his brows furrowed in intense concentration that really shouldn't be used on something as stupid as a puzzle.
Any further thoughts about openly taunting Nero about his puzzle were interrupted when suddenly the kid stood and flipped the whole table over, scattering the pieces and even kicking at a few for added satisfaction.
"Shit, kid, don't you think you could've spared my coffee table from your tantrum?" Dante was more amused by the seething glare sent his way than intimidated by it. He'd even go so far as to say that Nero's glares were cute.
His musings were broken when the younger hunter stomped over to his desk and stole the cold pizza he'd forgotten about.
"Hey! That was mine."
"Mine now, old man." Nero smirked.
Dante growled and lunged over the desk to try and take it back, a brief wrestling match ensuing. It ended when Nero licked at the two slices sitting in the box.
"Real mature, kid." The elder sighed in defeat as he sank back into his chair and just let Nero have it.
Feeling victorious, especially because that little argument had been the most excitement in his life in over two weeks, Nero offered to let the old man have one of the two leftover slices, but expected the denial of that offer.
"If I wanted your spit in my mouth, I'd just kiss you." Dante teased.
Nero scowled at that and turned to head for the stairs, ignoring the mess he'd left behind with that outburst over the stupid puzzle. It wasn't his fault that dumbass piece wouldn't fit when it clearly went in that one spot he'd tried over and over again. He decided he was just going to take his prize and retreat to bed. After all, he was finally going to get to go somewhere and do something tomorrow, so he'd best get some sleep.
Which left Dante downstairs alone; pizza-less and brooding again over thoughts of what it would be like to actually kiss Nero and not just joke about it.
Damn it, kid, I can't believe I'm losing sleep over you.