AN: Hoping to make this a pretty long story based on S Meyers Midnight Sun draft staring the Bleach cast. All mistakes mine, and credit to S Meyers and T Kubo. Enjoy!

Chapter 1

So far, today has not turned out to be as dreary as I'd been anticipating. For a telepathic vampire (nearly a century old) attending high school with his adopted vampire siblings it was usually rather uninteresting. But today was proving difficult for me. There was a new addition to the student body that had the entire school buzzing with excitement. Trying to keep the usual hardened glare on my face was causing me some apparent discomfit.

Already Ichigo Kurosaki, son of the local sheriff Isshin Kurosaki was causing me slight heart attacks, if my heart was alive and beating – I'm certain several of the imagined positions that were streaming through my brain would have caused it to stop.

It had only been three hours since his arrival at the school yet I was already seeing visions of the immature girls dreaming that he'd sweep them off their feet and then the dreams evolving to make out sessions. Boys eyeing him up for both his physical strength and competition he'd pose and interestingly a few of the hot headed or confused males students wishing to bend him over. I groaned loud enough for my family to hear as we made our way to the cafeteria. I'm meant to be listening in to see if we are mentioned at all and to make sure the new kid is not highly suspicious of us. But right now I swear, with all the sexual thoughts projected about the kid, I'm starting to feel extremely uncomfortable. I mean, well you try and focus when an almost non-stop porno is playing live on every channel featuring one clearly attractive, tanned, teenager with bright orange hair and sexy russet brown coloured eyes. I might be dead, but porn is porn.

I'm trying to keep my expression fixed in its usual bored and annoyed looking gaze as my family and I enter the cafeteria. Everyone ignores us as we take our seats except for two sets of eyes at the table the new kid is sitting at.

It sounds as though Orihime Inoue has taken it upon herself to be the informer of the current school pecking order to the Kurosaki boy.

"That's the Urahara clan. They are an extremely wealthy and weird adopted family who are all together if you know what I mean. They rarely bother interacting with any of us, choosing to stick to themselves, and they are all super smart straight A's students. I heard the teachers think they all cheat, but can't figure out how. So don't bother with them. They seem to be out of everyone's league here." He's staring at them, why doesn't he stare at me; the Urahara's are nothing special really. Just weirdly attractive but boring socialites who try to ignore us common people pffft.

I heard Orihime's internal monologue as she rambles to Ichigo. I should check what he's thinking as apparently he's looking at us. I extend my mind out to where I expect him to be sitting beside Orihime and Uryuu Ishida.

"So what are their names then? And what do you mean together?" My vampire hearing allowed me to confirm the boy was still there as I heard his warm velvety voice, but for some reason I didn't hear his internal dialogue. I slowly sat forward as though I needed to be closer to it, even though I didn't. I was staring at him through the crowd of students.

"Wow, well the longhaired raven shamelessly staring at you right now. That's Byakuya Kuchiki-Urahara. He's never dated anyone from this school, instead he ignores absolutely everyone. I don't know why he's staring at you know though, that's different for him." How the hell did Ichigo manage to attract Byakuya Kuchiki's attention? That's not even fair. Well, hands off Kuchiki, he's mine!

Byakuya noticed Orihime shift closer to Ichigo, her rather well-endowed chest brushing his shoulder as she whispered closer in his ear about my family.

Oh, he smells so amazing, like strawberries and chocolate. I heard her swoon a little.

"What he's staring at me?" Kurosaki looked straight up to stare into my eyes.

Looking directly at him while trying to hear his thoughts was making me cross-eyed. Why did he not have an inner voice I could hear? I frowned at myself, and Ichigo seemed to blush and look away quickly, his body language indicating possible embarrassment.

Oh my god, did he just have a moment with Kuchiki then? He's not blushing from that is he; no it must be from realising I'm practically smothering him with my chest. Yeh, that's it! Orihime's rambling was starting to annoy me.

I decided to forget trying to hear Ichigo for now and look away at something else while I listened in.

"So, beside Byakuya is his biological sister Rukia Kuchiki-Urahara. She goes out with Renji Abarai-Urahara the big guy with tattoos and red hair. Then there's Toshiro Hitsugaya-Urahara with the really odd white hair and Rangiku Matsumoto-Urahara who are together as well. It's just so incestuous because they are family though don't you think. They were all adopted when they were younger by Dr Kisuke Urahara and his wife Yoruichi apparently. I don't know what sort of parents adopted or not would let them date though." And weird how they all look alike if they are not related. She was of course referring to our ghostly white skin tone, and similar coloured eyes. And our obvious beauty helped in part by becoming vampire although our family seemed to be blessed with natural beauties before all our transformations. Other than Rukia and I having jet black hair we had no other similar features, all differing in body shapes. It didn't matter as humans only saw the outward most prominent features of us. Skin tone and beauty.

"Well, I guess it's none of our business who dates who, as long as they are happy, and don't annoy anyone else. It'd be nice to have a big family all the same age who tolerate each other."

I thought his response to Orihime's rant about us was quite nonchalant. I would have preferred to know what he really thought. I noticed he'd moved away from the annoying girl and was trying to blend in with his surroundings. I thought I'd check on my family to see how they were doing.

Rukia was nervous for Renji. His face indicated how much pain he was in from hunger and I was surprised I hadn't heard his thoughts earlier. He was hungry for human blood and the temptations in the cafeteria were becoming too hard for him to ignore. Rukia was watching to see if we needed to move from here. Toshiro was currently daydreaming about Matsumoto and picking up on their daily drinking and wrestling game. And true to Matsumoto she was thinking about herself, and how her body was going to wrap around Toshiro later while they wrestled. I noticed she'd checked out Ichigo and decided Toshiro would not find him more appealing than her as well. Wait what, did Toshiro like men? No, that was just Rangiku asserting to herself she was still the prettiest and only thing Toshiro desired.

I'd seen into my entire family's hearts and minds and knew they were all soul mates who had found their immortal partner, destined to never be tempted by another willingly. I was truly happy for them but sometimes it got a bit intense. Toshiro and Rangiku were the most recent addition to our peculiar vampire coven that Kisuke had formed and they had only been together for 40 odd years so they were often enjoying the benefits of being a couple. I often took long runs to get away from all the noise they could make, let along the images that came flooding in.

I'm still a virgin, which is odd for vampires. But as much as the others think I should be out there looking for my 'soul mate' I'm happy enough. I mean who needs a relationship when I have the minds of 6 other mated vampires to watch through, and yeh I'm not gonna lie. Its hard to give them their privacy when they all get going.

Our coven is different for other reasons as well. We live off animal blood, choosing to put value on human life and have done for years. We keep ourselves separate enough from humans though to not tempt them to try and get to know us too much, but we have to integrate a little so as not to draw attention. Hence why all of 5 of us are here at school. It was difficult to live on the blood of animals over humans but with Kisuke's teachings we've all been managing. Currently though, Renji is having trouble wanting to stick to his diet preference.

At that moment a reckless boy walked past our table, spinning close by causing Renji to be blasted with the scent, as the boy turned his attention to his mates behind him. Renji's mind was racing as he pictured himself walking over to the human, breathing him in further and then reaching forward to latch onto his neck and biting… I kicked him in the shin to interrupt his thoughts. Rukia let out a breath, while Renji lowered his gaze and muttered an apology.

"It's ok Renji; I knew you were not going to do anything." She placed her hand on his cheek, and spoke to me. That was a little too close. He was wavering for a second.

"Byakuya how is Ichigo, has he been told to stay away from us yet?" Rukia asked me using her normal voice. Trying to distract Renji no doubt.

"He's been informed we are incestuous and weird, but for some reason I can't hear his thoughts."

"Pfft, weird." Rangiku hated being thought of as anything other than beautiful.

"Why can't you read his thoughts? Are you losing your ability?" Toshiro asked sending me a wave of sympathy and concern through his mood transfer ability. We vampires had some pretty cool abilities I thought.

"No, I'm not sure why. I seem to be able to pick up everyone else ok. A little too much today as everyone's overstimulated with Kurosaki's arrival." I was starting to feel more frustration about Kurosaki as I tried to reach out to him again shifting my gaze back to his direction.

I saw Ichigo look over to me again, hold my gaze and then look away as I continued to glare at him.

"Byakuya is looking at you again Ichigo. He looks angry though." Orihime's singsong voice whispered to Ichigo. Stupid Kuchiki. Look at what he's doing to my Ichigo.

"Stop looking at him Orihime. It's like he's looking right through me and wants to eat me or something. Either that or he heard you badmouthing him and his family." I laughed at how correct his presumption of me was, although ironic as that wasn't the cause for my frustrated glare.

"Oh Ichigo, you're too funny! Like he can hear us from here. Anyway, he'd be glaring at me if he did, and he seems to be pretty focused on you. Just make sure you stay from him though. Like I said they are weird and don't like to mingle with the rest of us anyway. But don't piss him or the others off if you can help it." Kuchiki better stay away from him or I'll give him a piece of my mind. Yeh right stupid girl, I thought.

The bell rang signalling the start of the afternoon classes. I'd still been unable to crack through Ichigo Kurosaki's shielded mind. I'd not encountered this before and would need to talk to Kisuke later about it. He was older than I was by about 150 years so he may have come across it before.

Sitting in biology class the chatter in my head about Kurosaki had seemed to dull a little as people saw he was just average looking and seemed incredibly quiet and solitary. Instead of fantasies flying through people's head's I saw them recount the actual exchanges they'd had with the boy. He'd been polite and a little standoffish and spoke when spoken too, but he didn't naturally engage in any of the interactions. He looked like he was just trying to get through his drawing minimal attention to himself as possible. Unlikely he would have that luck on his first day in a small place like this I thought.

Yes, he's in my class and Orihime isn't here to monopolise him. Damn, he's gonna have to sit next to that Kuchiki jerk.

I turned to glower at Uryuu Ishida who thought he was tough enough to call me a jerk in his head. Damn, Kuchiki's looking at me, look away look away. Humans.

Back at the door I noticed that Ishida had been referring to Kurosaki. Oh damn, he is gonna have to sit with me. I looked at him casually before turning and looking out the window. Well, this gives me time to try and work on hearing his thoughts. Maybe I'd been getting complacent with no new minds to work on or something.

I tuned out all the random thoughts to a dull blur and kept my focus on Kurosaki and the teacher.

"Kurosaki, please take a seat. I'm Mr Top. You'll have to pair with Byakuya as everyone is assigned already."

"Yes sir." Empty space was all I heard.

I watched him through Mr Top's eyes slowly walk over to my desk and his seat looking at me warily. He moved his bag from his opposite shoulder as the air vent in the roof sent a rush of cooling air from above and all at once I was assaulted by his scent as it wafted over me. His blood and natural scent all mixing and wrapping around had me instantly hard below and in kill mode quicker than I'd experienced in the 80 years of my immortal existence. My vampire venom almost exploded out of my mouth as my basic hunter instincts kicked in. I had to put my hand over my mouth and gag it back, when all I really wanted was to devour him and gorge on him. My venom barely under control I turned to look at the new kid who had the worst luck ever to have come within my reach. He was a delicacy that I'd never encountered and I needed it, no needed him inside me. I had no idea of the expression on my face until I saw it reflected in his chocolate brown eyes. He probably saw an angry repulsed teenager, but I saw my true self. My eyes black with hunger practically sneering at him with my lust for his blood. I looked like a freakish monster to myself, and groaned a little out loud as I tried to tear my gaze and body away from him.

"Erm, hi." Ichigo muttered, but looked away quickly when he noticed the way I had recoiled from him looking disgusted.

As he sat, I felt the slight breeze that again sent his intoxicating scent smashing into me. I wasn't going to be undone right here by this teenager, but I could feel the painful throbbing in my groin, and the hunger causing my throat to tighten and burn like I'd swallowed hot coals. This hunger lust Ichigo Kurosaki had caused was going to be our ends.

I groaned inwardly as I realised that everyone in the classroom was going to have to die.