What's this? Another update in less than three years? xP Well, when my muse strikes, my muse strikes. I figure I might as well make the most of it while it lasts! But like I mentioned in Trembling, it's really thanks to Tango Dancer and thekurosakiconundrum. Reading their stories somehow got me back in the mood of writing. If you haven't heard of them before, do go check out Tango Dancer's Sorrowful Tears of the Moon and thekurosakiconundum's El Juramento.
Dinner is torture. Don't get me wrong, the food's great, but the view is just too distracting. I mean, come on, eating pasta shouldn't be erotic but goddamn him, the way Grimmjow does it, you'd think he's making love to the fork. His tongue slips and slides over the piece of silverware, and when he sucks the strand of spaghetti into his mouth…
I stab my steak so hard that I'm surprised the plate doesn't crack. Fuck, has Grimmjow not heard of the term "recovery time"? We just came like a pair of teenage virgins not half an hour ago, and he's already making my pants damn uncomfortable right now. I'm glad the tablecloth is long because there's no hiding that tent under the napkin.
"You're doing it on purpose," I accuse, glaring at him. I'm trying hard to look stern and all, but it's difficult to pull off that look while my eyes are glued to the bit of sauce smeared on the corner of his mouth.
Grimmjow gives me this innocent look that makes me want to punch him in the face. What is it about him that always inspire violence in me?
"Stop it," I whisper-scold him.
"Stop what?" he asks, blinking like he has no idea what I'm talking about.
I know he's suppressing a smile because the corner of his lips wobble a bit. "Stop…" I begin.
He sticks out his tongue and slowly licks his lips, wiping away the sauce that I've been staring at. His eyes twinkle deviously before he tilts his head back and let out a soft, satisfied sigh.
"...that," I finish lamely.
"Stop eating, you mean?" Grimmjow chuckles, looking at me again.
I glance left and right to make sure nobody is listening. There's no one around us, of course, because Grimmjow had requested a private booth so that we wouldn't be interrupted by his fans. Still, you never know. Some of his fans can be really crazy.
"Stop eating like you're seducing your food!" I hiss.
He grins. "I'm not seducing my food," he says. Then he leans in a little closer and says in a murmur, "I'm seducing you."
Of course I knew that. It's definitely working. My interest in the generous, absolutely fantastic piece of steak sitting on my plate is rapidly fading. In my head, I'm beginning to think about a whole different kind of meat, if you get my meaning. Sorry, apparently Grimmjow inspires crudeness in me too.
When I don't reply right away, he laughs out loud, looking bloody proud of himself. He flags down a waiter and asks for the check. And can the gentleman kindly bring us some to-go boxes please?
Pfft. Like we'll be eating this later when we have much better things to 'eat'.
See? See what I mean about crudeness? Totally his fault.
Predictably, the boxes are flung aside carelessly the moment we enter his suite. I think they might've landed somewhere between his shoes and this morning's complimentary newspaper, but neither of us care, obviously, because we're too busy tearing the clothes off each other. It's a miracle we manage to reach the couch without killing ourselves, but we did it. We reach the nice, luxurious leather couch and practically throw ourselves at it, landing with Grimmjow on top of me.
One of my ankles is still trapped by my pants, and his boxers are dangling somewhere around his thigh as we kiss. I don't know why we're both so desperate...oh wait, I do know because Grimmjow had spent the last hour or so seducing me with pasta - god, it sounds so dumb when I put it this way.
Something big and hard and hot rubs against my hip and I groan. Fuck, he's so hard for me and he's rutting against me like some wild animal, like he's frantic with need and I'm the only one who can sate it. It makes me so hot and - he moans into my ear - fuck, I still can't believe he's so hard for me. Grimmjow Jaegerjaques can have anyone he wants, yet he has chosen me.
The thought sends a flood of warmth through my chest and I tighten my arms around him. He lets out another moan, and then we're suddenly rolling, off the couch and onto the plush carpet. He pushes my legs apart, then presses down on me, effectively pinning me under him. Our bodies are crushed together and I can feel my cock throbbing and twitching next to his. Then he resumes the frantic rutting and I find myself grinding back with just as much enthusiasm.
"Ichi...Ichigo, I have to, I need," he pants against my mouth between kisses, and I know exactly what he wants.
Spreading my legs wider, I tilt my hips up. "Do it," I choke out, needing this just as much. I'm ready, still sort of loose from earlier, I think…
He enters with one smooth thrust, and I can't help but let out a sharp cry. It actually hurts a bit, maybe I'm not so loose after all, but it hurts so fucking good. He stops after the first couple of inches, clinging to me and waiting, his breaths coming in loud, ragged pants. He has his eyes closed, and his features are all scrunched up and he's biting his lower lip like he's in pain too, and then I realize...he's trying not to come. I can feel him throbbing inside me, his body locking up, and he's making these small, whimpering noises that make my heart clench.
"Do it," I whisper. I hook my legs around his hips and squeeze them. "Do it," I repeat, feeling my cheeks flush as I prepare to say the f-word. I've never asked anyone to "fuck me" in my life. I've always thought it seems a bit redundant and kind of clichéd, but I feel the inexplicable urge to say it now. "Fu-ahh!"
I never got to finish the word because he slams into me right that very second, so hard that I feel my ass being lifted off the floor. I throw my head back and just...scream. The slight ache flares into pain for the briefest moment, and then it explodes into pleasure - pleasure so sweet and sharp that I can't do anything but cry out with every thrust.
For a moment I thought that we're just going to finish in like five seconds, because we're both so turned on and about ready to burst. A part of me feels disappointed that it's going to be over so soon, but the rest of me is just begging for release. I know it's going to be spectacular. It's going to be one of those times when I'm going to come for seemingly forever and I'm going to feel like I had died-
Then all of a sudden it stops. I'm suddenly empty and Grimmjow is turning me around, his hands fumbling clumsily as he tries to position me on my hands and knees. I make a noise that is part frustrated groan, part sigh of relief, then he's sliding back in again and I feel that familiar fullness and friction that makes my toes curl. He goes slow this time, slow but deep. I feel the front of his thighs press up against my ass everytime he sheaths himself to the hilt, then he would pull out just as slowly until only the head is left inside before pushing back in. It's so slow that even the slightest movement is unbelievably intense.
I think I like this change of pace. It lacks the thrill and desperation from earlier when we were going at each other like there's no tomorrow, but it feels more intimate. I can feel his fingers flexing as he starts to stroke my cock. I can hear his breathing and those soft grunts that he makes as he drives into me.
Then the angle changes and all of a sudden I'm right on the verge of orgasm. My body trembles and I gasp as his hand speeds up and he aims his thrusts just right - oh fuck right there, yes, yes, yes - and then the pressure snaps and I'm coming, coming harder than I've ever come in my life. He continues to move his hand, pumping slowly as my release spills onto the carpet in spurts.
Sorry, housekeeping.
Through it all Grimmjow is still going, but I know he's close. He lets go of my cock and grabs my waist with both hands, his hips moving impossibly faster. He's moaning freely, his mouth hanging open as he gasps for breath. I feel his cock swell, and then his body goes rigid and his cock is throbbing inside of me. He continues to thrust through his orgasm, and with a shudder I realize his come is sliding down my thigh. It's warm and wet and gross but so goddamn erotic that I would come again if I could.
For a moment, we stay coupled, our bodies pressed close against each other. Occasionally he would rotate his hips slightly, still buried to the hilt. It sends shivers through my body, and my softening cock would twitch a little like it's still very much interested, except it can't do much because, well, recovery time and all that.
I finally move when his come starts to dry on my skin. He groans as we separate, and then we collapse on the carpet, chests heaving. His face glistens with sweat and his hair is a little damp - he looks gorgeous. Real gorgeous, like a movie star.
Oh wait, he is a movie star. Ha, ha.
I wake up some time in the middle of the night, blurry eyed and grumpy because I need to pee something bad. Then I feel the weight of an arm across my stomach and my mood improves immediately.
Of course. Ichigo is here, sleeping in my bed. Heck, we were even cuddling. Normally, this would piss me off and I would wake the poor unfortunate soul and kick them out of my room. I cringe when I think back about what I used to do to other people. People who worship me, who would happily let me do it again if it means I'd fuck them one more time.
Shit. I was a sick bastard, wasn't I? And to think I'd still be like that, thinking that everyone should kiss the ground I walk on, if it weren't for Ichigo. A young man who seems like a typical college kid doing his internship - except he's anything but typical. He has opened my eyes, shown me that I'm just a man, as flawed as they come if not more.
Nope. Definitely more.
This is when I realize, as I watch him sleep, that I might actually like him a lot. More than I expected, more than I've ever felt for another person. It's too soon to use the L-word, but it's scarily close.
Surprisingly, this doesn't send me running for the hills. I just feel this strange, foreign warmth bloom in my chest. It's new, and I'll admit that it scares me, but maybe Neliel is right and it's time I stop being such an asshole and find that special someone. Except, I think I've already found him.
Ichigo grunts softly in his sleep and tightens his arm around me.
Yeah, I've definitely found him.
Morning comes way too fast. My phone squawks loudly to tell me that it's time to drag my sad ass out of bed. Stupid Shinji had changed my alarm tone while I wasn't looking, and I've been too lazy to change it back.
"The fuck…" A grouchy voice reminds me where I am, and I find myself panicking a little.
Then I relax when I remember that we're okay now. Well, we're way more than okay, given the ache in my behind and the butterflies fluttering in my stomach.
"Time for work," I say mournfully. I clutch the covers a little tighter. Surely I can afford to laze around for a bit? A few minutes wouldn't hurt…
"C'mere," Grimmjow mumbles, and then before I can even reply, he drags me closer to him and kisses me.
I kiss him back, parting my lips to let him in. Before I know it, we're full-on making out, morning breath be damned. His hands are warm on my skin and they're everywhere. One minute he's caressing my cheek and the next he's pinching my nipples and making me cry out. His morning wood pokes my hip and he starts to grind against me…
My phone rings. I groan, knowing that it must be Shinji. I give Grimmjow's lip one last nip and fumble for my phone. Sure enough, it's Shinji telling me that I'm going to be late and can I please remember to put on my pants this time?
Ugh. I'm never going to live that one down.
I spend the next two minutes wrestling my way out of bed, leaving a very unhappy Grimmjow behind. My own morning wood rubs uncomfortably against my jeans as I make my way back to my own room.
By the time I make it to the set, it's already bustling with people. There's a big scene today involving a lot of extras so it's busier than usual. Of course, this means more work for everyone, from boring paperwork to doing some last minute adjustments of the sets.
I'm doing the latter, straightening up a couple of the fixtures for scene one, when a pair of arms wrap around me from behind. I jump, startled.
"Surprise," Grimmjow murmurs in my ear.
I whip my head around left and right. "Are you nuts?" I hiss, trying and failing to dislodge Grimmjow's arms. "What if people see us?"
Grimmjow frowns. "So what?"
"It'd be all over the news," I remind him. I don't know how that would go over with his fans, him being intimate with a crew member...and a male one at that.
"So?" He shrugs. His arms tighten around me. "They can write whatever they want. I don't care."
"But nothing," he says firmly, then he turns my face towards him and kisses me. It quickly grows heated, and I moan into his mouth as his tongue brushes against mine. It's wet and hot and I'm starting to become out of breath…
Suddenly, there's a bright flash and the unmistakable sound of a camera shutter. I freeze, my heart sinking as I realize what that means.
"Holy shit, Grimmjow Jaegerjaques is gay?"
To be continued...