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![]() Author has written 4 stories for Harry Potter, Inuyasha, Naruto, and Bleach. Hi my name is weasleysrule, I'm a guy and I'm new at fanfiction.net. I have so far written two stories, Harry Potter and the Ultimate Army, and Naruto of the Band of Seven. So far I read only Naruto, Harry Potter, and the occasional Bleach stories. 08/02/09: Now just to let everyone know, Harry the Explosive Puppetmaster is NOT discontinued, I am just having an incredibly difficult time with the second chapter, but fear not for it WILL be complete sometime...I just don't know when, and I apologize for this annoying inconvenience. And due to unfortunate circumstances, it will take even longer to post the chapter. I will remove this message when the chapter is posted. And trust me when I say I am very sorry for this. 06/14/010: Aragon Potter has adopted my story Naruto: Prince of Black Fire, and the name has been changed to Naruto: Prince of White Fire. Please give Aragon Potter your support! 07/11/010: None of my stories are discontinued! I wanted everyone to know that I have decided to finish up some of my video games, but because it has been so long, I will have to start from the start. None of my stories are discontinued, and I will get to them when I can. I also haven't really been experiencing that...inspiration for a while. I will get to the stories as soon as I can, but right now there are other things I want to finish first. Your result for The Bleach Character Identity Test ... Kenpachi Zaraki A character savoring the ideal of Conflict above all else, for reasons of pure Whimsy. You enjoy stirring things up or wish that your life could include glorious combat, indicating your score in Conflict, while you do things "just because," though you may have more specific reasons you hold close, corresponding to your score in Whimsy. As such, you resemble Kenpachi Zaraki, captain of Squad 11 of the 13 Court Guard Squads. Kenpachi is a rather laconic fellow, preferring actions to words any day and always on the lookout for someone who can match him in a fight. However, he does it simply because he loves fighting; as a captain he rarely is shown to do anything particularly involved, preferring to lead by example rather than by directive. Since most of us don't run around with swords looking to duel random passersby, chances are you're the kind of person who enjoys either intricate debates or practical jokes. When you find someone to serve as a reliable foil to you, you're endlessly fascinated--but be careful, because your persistence may drive them away. Learn to pick your targets carefully, too, because not everyone enjoys conflict as much as you do. Kenpachi's Soul Cutter has yet to be named; he has himself stated that he does not know its name, and for quite a long time, had no interest in learning it, claiming that it was just another sword--a tool of war. It takes the form of a rather long blade with a ragged, uneven edge, and an unusual crystal-like crossguard. Kenpachi wields it with a strength that leaves many quavering in their shoes, testifying to the blade's durability. http:///tests/the-bleach-character-identity-test (Try taking this quiz, it's fun in my opinion) Harry Potter Pairings I like: Harry/Fleur Harry/OC (my favorite) Harry/Hermione Harry/Tonks Harry/Cho Harry/Daphne Greengrass Harry/fem Blaise Harry/Harem Naruto Pairings I like: Naruto/Anko (Both despise Orochimaru, so it can work) Naruto/Yugito (A fellow demon container, too bad Kishimoto killed her off) Naruto/Kin (She's hot) Naruto/Shizune (Rare, but good) Naruto/Tenten (One of the best in my opinion) Naruto/Fem Kyuubi Naruto/Temari (One of my favorites) Naruto/Tayuya Naruto/Kurenai (Who doesn't like this pairing?) Naruto/fem Haku (One of the greatest Naruto pairings to ever exist.) Naruto/Harem Least Favorite Naruto Pairings: Naruto/Sakura (She is one of the weakest failures I have ever seen. There have got to be bugs stronger than her. She is mean to Naruto all the time, and why he loves her is beyond me.) Sasuke/Sakura (I don't hate this pairing too much, but I despise them both, but you can see Sasuke's reasoning for not liking Sakura. I would probably pity Sasuke if he was paired with that disgrace.) Naruto/Ino (I don't really like this pairing, but I don't hate it either, but Ino seems too much like Sakura, personality wise in my opinion.) Naruto/Hinata (I used to love this pairing, but with all the bad Naruto/Hinata fics out there, it gets very tiring very fast. Plus she is just too shy to make the first move and Naruto is an idiot, so it can't really work out.) Bleach Pairings I like: Ichigo/Rukia Ichigo/Orihime Kenpachi/Unohana (I really like this for some reason.) Claymore Pairings I like: Clare/Raki (It's destiny I tell you!) Raki/Harem (This is also good, because he is probably the only man who can understand the other Claymores) Favorite quotes: (I almost always quote them word per word from the manga/movie/anime, so if something doesn't seem grammatically correct, it is not my fault) "I will never be a memory." -Sephiroth (FF VII Advent Children) "THIS IS SPARTA!" -Leonidas (300) "Only two things are infinite. The universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." Albert Einstein. "In this secular existence, perfection is an illusion, regardless of those who utter the contrary; this is the reality: comman man seeks it out, they aspire to achieve it as if it were some tangible thing, but the fact of the matter is perfection is a hollow shell. It is devoid of any substance. I spit on perfection." -Mayuri Kurotsuchi (Bleach) "Just open your eyes and see that life is beautiful." -Sixx a.m. (Life is beautiful) "There is nothing like a trail of blood to find your way back home. When you've lost it all, that's when you finally realize that life is beautiful." Nikkie Sixx. "Live for nothing or die for something." -Rambo "The greatest victory is the battle not fought." -Chinese proverb. "Becoming strong isn't that easy. Once you have power you can lose it again as well. And above all else, you might even need to sacrifice your own life for that power. Do you..have that kind of resolve?" -Isley (Claymore) The journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step... Sometimes, taking the first step is the most difficult thing to do... Your destiny is in your hands... You must grasp it before it's too late.- Luo Tzu "What am I? I don't have a name!" -Hollow Ichigo (Bleach) "There is no person who does not carry scars on their heart. If there were such a person, they would be a shallow soul."- Hiei "Because we focused on the snake, we missed the scorpion." -Egyptian proverb "You will free yourself when you learn to be neutral and follow the instructions of your heart." -Ancient Egyptian proverb "Judge by cause, not by effect." -Ancient Egyptian proverb. "When the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends." -Japanese proverb "I've been having these weird thoughts lately...like is any of this for real or not?" -Sora (Kingdom Hearts) "One who knows nothing can understand nothing." -Ansem (Kingdom Hearts) "If you have a dream, don't wait. Act." -Axel (Kingdom Hearts 2) "Admiration is the emotion furthest from understanding." -Aizen (Bleach) "It would be worthless...to kill someone like you...my foolish brother...if you want to kill me...curse me! Hate me! And live a long and unsightly life...run away...run away...and cling to your pitiful life. And some day, when you have the same 'eyes' as me. Come before me!" -Uchiha Itachi (Naruto) "War brings pain and injury and death to both sides." Pain (Naruto) "You think you are the only ones who matter. You think you can put off death. But peace has made you foolish and thoughtless." Pain (Naruto) "Why are you so weak..still not enough..hatefulness." Uchiha Itachi (Naruto) "It was too measure my capacity." Uchiha Itachi (Naruto) "As I've said just now...don't judge others... simply based on your preconceptions and judgements of their appearance. You assumed...that I have patience." Uchiha Itachi (Naruto) "The Clan, The Clan. You all fail to measure your own capacity, and to see the depth of my capacity, and as a result you lie beaten here." Uchiha Itachi (Naruto) "You forget what is most important to you because you cling to something small like your Clan. True change cannot be made if it is bound by laws and limitations, predictions, and imagination." Uchiha Itachi (Naruto) "...In order to reach the height...of my capacity...I've lost all hope for this pathetic Clan." Uchiha Itachi (Naruto) "Art is a bang!" Deidara (Naruto) "You insist on calling those fireworks of yours art? True art endures the ages...beauty everlasting." Sasori (Naruto) "Love only yourself, and fight only for yourself." Gaara (Naruto) "It ain't my fault your klutzier than a drunken monkey." Gamaken (Naruto) "Death may be the greatest of all human blessings." Socrates People have hope because they cannot see death standing behind them- tagline of Bleach, volume 2 If it rusts, it can never be trusted... If its owner fails to control it, it will cut him... Yes, pride is... Like a blade- tagline of Bleach, volume 8 "I've rescinded your right to live...because you aspired to cut my pride...with such a dull blade." Byakuya Kuchiki (Bleach) "Don't be like that. If I'm always the spectator, my skills degrade." Byakuya Kuchiki (Bleach) Even while you are in doubt, there will be an answer you will arive to. Even while you are in pain, your happiness will be waiting-tagline of D. Gray-man, chapter 83 "Not all scars show, not all wounds heal, sometimes you can't see the pain someone feels."-Unknown "Trash should be treated like trash." Ulquiorra Schiffer (Bleach: Shattered Blade) My problem with Fanfiction.net One of the things I don't like is when a good story gets discontinued. It is so annoying!! So someone says you're story is horrible, unless you think your stories are horrible, don't listen to a bunch of idiots who think that since they have written a few good fics and have been at this site longer, that they are God. Don't listen to flamers!! I have never recieved a flame for UA, granted there were only a few reviews, but I never recieved a flame. I didn't stop the story because some losers said it was bad. I am rewriting the story, because I thought it was bad, not some people who think their God and have the right to needlessly bash a story. I am so tired of people flaming good stories, and then the authors of said good stories deleting them. I just find it so annoying that people just let others walk all over them like that. I myself have recieved a flame, that said my story was garbage because of Sakura bashing. Has this inspired me to give up on said story? NO!! I hope all of you flamers are reading this, and if this hasn't fixed your 'mightier than thou attitude', then get off of this site. You are all a disgrace to every person who has ever written a story. I myself have discover plenty of fices I disliked, but I never flamed them, because that would be rude and insulting to the author. Here is a little news flash for you good people on here. Recently a very good author has deleted his stories because a few so-called 'legendary authors' have flamed them. Those stories were very good,and many people loved them. The spelling was good, and the grammar was also good. The stories over all were very well written, and yet he still deletes them, because of what a few people said. This just goes to show that few people have a backbone these days and it is just sad. And for you people who are struggling to write a story, here is some advice: NEVER GIVE UP! PEOPLE WILL FLAME YOUR STORY, BECAUSE THEY ENJOY FLAMING! DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM! IF YOU FALL, THEN GET UP AND TRY AGAIN. DON'T LET OTHER PEOPLES INSULTS KEEP YOU DOWN! This is the end of my rant for those annoying flamers, and I hope these messages will help all of those new authors. I want to make it clear that their will be no lemons in my stories, and I wonder, what if kids read lemons? They may not know what the M rating is about, and if they get on this site, they don't know what a lemon is, and they will unknowingly read things they shouldn't. So please place lemons on the adult fanfiction site. With Yaoi stories: I have no problem with yaoi stories or homosexuals, but I confess that I mostly prefer hetero pairings. However, I'm not one of those 'Yaoi is the scourge of the universe' kind of guys. If a story sounds good, than I will read it regardless if it's yaoi or not. In my opinion, people have as much right to write either yuri, hetero, or even yaoi. People should give those stories a chance, who knows you may just like them. I confess that originally I did not read Yaoi stories, but one caught my interest and it was a very good fic in my opinion, so now I'm willing to give more a shot. Naruto/Sasuke: Why would Naruto want to be with Sasuke, it just does not make sense! Sasuke shoves an A-rank assassination jutsu into Naruto's chest twice in one day!! Sasuke only thinks about killing his brother, and gaining power, and is willing to throw his friendship with others away to gain it! If anyone wants to make Naruto gay, please don't let it be a Naruto/Sasuke fic. In case some of you don't know, there are Naruto/Zabuza fics out there, and although I only read one, it was good. This shows that Naruto does not have to be paired with Sasuke to make it a yaoi story, so please keep this in mind. Harry/Draco: Those two hated each other the first day they met! Draco, gets Harry in detention, and lies to Harry to arrive in a trophy room, just so Harry can face expulsion! Those two would rather wrestle a full grown dragon with their bare hands, than end up with each other! Naruto/Hinata: I used to love this pairing, but with all of the bad Naruto/Hinata fics out there, I can barely tolerate them today. I have several problems with this pairing and they are as follows; 1: Given the slightest change in cannon, someone decides to make a fic Naruto/Hinata. Like Naruto gains a bloodline, or Naruto saves someone, then it becomes Naruto/Hinata. 2: Hinata is too shy and Naruto is an idiot. I mean sure Hinata confessed... once when she was fighting Pain, but Naruto never noticed up untill that moment. 3: Most Naruto fics are either Naruto/Sasuke or Naruto/Hinata, and I am tired of it. I guess that one of the main reasons I don't like this pairing is because of her shyness. She can barely form a coherent thought when Naruto is around. I mean, if Naruto met her when they were little kids, that would make things a bit more tolerable, but those have been done to death and beyond. But when the story starts off during Academy graduation then Hinata is still a stuttering wreck with an inferiority complex. And if the story starts during shipuuden, then she is still stuttering but she probably gained improvement over the inferioirty complex. And I didn't want to say this, but Hinata is similar to Sakura and Ino. I mean lets face it, all three are stalkers and have serious problems involving the object of their affections. There are only two things that I believe makes Hinata different from Sakura and Ino, Hinata is shy while the other two are loud mouths and Hinata likes Naruto while the other two like Sasuke. That's it. Oh and Hinata can probably kick Ino's ass, (Not like it's hard, I bet Konohamaru can kick Ino's ass) but against Sakura after shipuuden I don't know. I'm sorry if I offended anyone but I've been feeling this way for awhile now and I just had to get this off my chest. I can understand if someone likes this pairing, but I have lost interest in it. My opinions for other things: Claymore: Compared to other anime/manga, such as Naruto, one piece, or bleach, there are relatively few Claymore stories that sound interesting. So I ask everyone who reads this to please read the Claymore manga or watch the anime, and consider writing a fanfic in order to help the growth of this amazing series. The series itself is very addicting in my opinion, which makes it all the more dissappointing that there are so few stories. Bleach: I have difficulty finding even one bleach adventure story. But Naruto/Bleach crossovers are great. I just wish that someone could write a decent Bleach story, with a good summary to help attract readers. Harry Potter: I come across a few Harry Potter stories that are good, but it is rare. The summaries don't really catch my attention though. Naruto: I love many Naruto stories, and there are some crossovers that are also great, such as Naruto/Bleach and Naruto/Devil May Cry. But there is one thing that always annoys me. Those incredibly stupid villagers!! Just because Naruto has a demon sealed inside of him, does not make him a demon!! He looks nothing like a demon, doesn't have the personality of one, and always tries to gain respect by working hard!! He is just a kid! Those who beat an innocent child are just as bad as demons!! It can be amazing on how stupid, arrogant, and foolish a person can be. Those fools let their own fear, anger, and prejudice cloud their vision, so that they believe they are hurting a demon, but in reality are only hurting a child. Naruto doesn't fight back against the villagers, and does that seem like a demon to you?! Anyway, I am done with my rant on the stupidity of people who can not tell the difference between a boy and a demon. I'm a guy who hates it when innocent people are harmed for no reason, so yeah I really don't like Konoha's villagers. I am completely against discrimination, and to see Konoha's villagers acting the way they do is very annoying, and as a result, I sometimes like to read a story where Naruto is still a good guy, but destroys Konoha and kills the people who wronged him. Rant for other Naruto characters Kakashi: He is pretty annoying with him practically playing favorites with Sasuke, and I think he is just to lazy to train his students to reach their full potential, and I find that unacceptable for a shinobi. Not to mention that he sent Sakura of all people into the Chuunin Exams, when she had no talent whatsoever. She could have gotten killed, and he did nothing to prepare his students for the exam. Also, he was a total hypocrite when he found out that Jiraiya taught Naruto the Rasengan, completely ignoring the fact that he himself taught Sasuke his only original and A-rank assassination jutsu. I admit that he is an excellent shinobi, and a marvelous tactician, but when it comes to training a team, he is pathetic. I do not mind the fact that he is often late for team meetings, in fact I kinda like his excuses, they're funny especially the 'I got lost on the path of life' excuse, but to be late during such events as a mission or the Chuunin Exams is unacceptable. I find it hard to believe that with the many months before the Chuunin Exams, all he taught his students was the tree-walking exercise, and in Sasuke's case an A-rank assassination Jutsu. He was in ANBU, and knows how important it is for a team to work together, and for them to know techniques and counter-attacks. He knows things like strategy, teamwork, and skill are vital for survival in the Shinobi world, and yet he taught none of these to his student's, whose lives were in his hands. So apparently it was alright to teach Sasuke an extremely powerful assassination Jutsu, but it was dangerous for Naruto to know a technique his father created that was just as powerful, if not more so, than the Chidori? The only things I believe Kakashi taught his students are tree-walking, Chidori, and helped create Rasen Shuriken. Sometimes I wonder if the only reason he never properly trained his students was because he was just lazy or wanted to continue reading Icha Icha. Sakura: Prepare for one long rant. How can Sakura still be alive?! She should have been kicked out of the ninja program since her first day. And why can't she get it through that big forehead of hers that Sasuke is a traitor?! She begs for Naruto to bring him back, when she always ignored his love for her and even beat him up, and when Naruto comes back nearly dead, she still refuses to think of Sasuke as a traitor. I even found out, that if anyone called Sasuke a traitor, she would attack them! Naruto trains for three years with Jiraiya, and Sakura spends that same amount of time training with Tsunade, and she goes from an academy level student, to being able to fight an S-class criminal and not get killed! And this S-class criminal is Akasuna no Sasori! The man who killed the most powerful Kazekage who ever lived! She is just a lovesick puppy and it's disgusting! And why Naruto loves her when she abuses him is completely stupid. She is a fool, because she is willing to go so far just to please Sasuke that she would even betray the village for him, claiming that she loves him, when she has never even seen one emotion from him except anger and arrogance. What did she get for that? He attacks her, and she claims that she still loves him!! She thinks she loves him, when she only likes his appearance, and his clan! If she was so willing to lose the only friend she had, a person who saved her from a life of loneliness because of her forehead, just to pursue Sasuke, then why do people like her? She was never meant to be a shinobi, especially if she can't conquer her weakness of being a fangirl! If she had just gotten off her butt, to train and stop being a fangirl, then there is a greater chance of Sasuke actually liking her for being strong! Also has anybody noticed that before the time skip, she was more cruel to Naruto than Sasuke was to her? She was always sad when Sasuke rejected her, and yet she was cruel enough to actually physically and verbally abuse Naruto. And when Sasuke left, she starts crying and begging Naruto to bring him back, and I have a feeling that she used Naruto's crush on her to bring someone who attacked her back to the village. Also, she assumes that Sasuke is the one who saves her from Gaara, and when she finds out that Naruto saved her, she never even thanked him. After the gennin come back nearly dead after trying to save Sasuke, she never thanked them for trying. I also noticed that when Naruto was in the hospital after getting beaten by Sasuke, she at first did not make him feel better, instead she asked if he charged right in without thinking about possible solutions, and that makes her seem ungrateful. When she offers to go with Sasuke to Otogakure, she never took into consideration Naruto's feelings when she knows he, for some odd reason that I will never understand, loves her. Does she believe that it is alright to break someones heart as long as it is not hers or Sasuke's? She calls Naruto weak and worthless, when ever since the first episode/chapter, Naruto was easily more powerful than her. She continued to call Naruto worthless, even when he and Sasuke did all of the important work on the Wave mission. She didn't get into a single fight during the entire mission, and still acts like she is better than Naruto. Some stories portray her in a good light, and I like how they accomplish this task, but I doubt I will write a story with her portrayed in a good light. Now if some people like her, than I will respect that, but I do not like her. Odds are there will be major Sakura, and possibly Sasuke bashing in all of my Naruto stories. I also refuse to write a Naruto/Sakura pairing, because in my opinion she does not deserve him, and if she works very hard to find forgiveness and admit that Sasuke is not the greatest than I may respect her. Now, if someone could write a story in which Sakura was never a fangirl, even during the academy, than I would like it up to the point where I would not mind if it was a Naruto/Sakura pairing. Jiraiya: Well you got to love the super pervert, but I find it disappointing that the man who trained the future leader of Akatsuki, and the Yondaime Hokage, can't even train Naruto to a fraction of their strength. He doesn't even tell Naruto of the benefits of Kage Bunshin! Jiraiya is Naruto's godfather, and yet he only trains Naruto in harnessing the Kyuubi's chakra, instead of giving him physical and mental exercises which could have greatly helped to improve his chances of survival. He doesn't even train Naruto to perform a one-handed rasengan, which could be an invaluable contribution to the defeat of Akatsuki. I like the pervert, but if he spent more time training Naruto instead of peeping, then Naruto could quite possibly defeat Kakashi without breaking so much as a sweat. If he suspects that Madara sent Kyuubi to attack Konoha, then why did he only train Naruto in using it's chakra? He should have trained Naruto so that he would not have to rely on Kyuubi's chakra all the time. There is also a question I ask myself quite often. Why didn't he adopt Naruto like he was supposed to?! I for one would very much like to know this. He betrayed Minato's and Kushina's trust, by not taking on the role of godfather seriously! And as for when Naruto first met Itachi and Kisame, don't you think that should have told Jiraiya to hurry up and train him? He knew why Akatsuki wanted Naruto, and while I like the fact that he taught Naruto how to perform the Rasengan, he provided little information to help Naruto get the hang of the Jutsu. I also noticed that Jiraiya once created a Rasengan 3x the size of his entire body! The chakra control required for that would be phenomenal, and yet when he takes Naruto on the three year training mission, did it ever occur to him to help increase his horrid chakra control to Jounin level control? Again, I like the pervert, he's pretty funny, but I think he was more of a pervert than a teacher to Naruto. Sarutobi: Although I have a degree of respect for him, I am disappointed in him. He knew that Naruto had Kyuubi sealed in him, but never told him. What's worse, is that he holds to much faith in those stupid villagers. He needed to face reality, and admit to himself that many humans are narrow-minded creatures, and to tell them that the cause of their suffering was sealed in a defense less infant is like putting up a sign that says 'This kid is the Kyuubi, so kill him'. The old guy was one lousy protector, if Naruto was beaten all the time. Although I believe that honesty is always a good thing, it would have been better if he told everyone Kyuubi was dead and prevent the suffering of an innocent boy. Bleach: Yeah I know a Bleach rant, that's new. Well,after watching a lot of Bleach, reading a lot of fics etc. I have come to discover something I believe is utter crap. The Central 46. Now when I hear about them, I can't help but ask myself: Who thought it would be a good idea to establish those old piles of trash as a ruling body? Now before some of you ask, hear me out. Aizen killed them all (Way to go!) and manipulated events so his future enemies would temporarily obey him. Now suppose Aizen loses the war, what if someone who is just as ambititious as Aizen were to try and repeat history later on. You know kill the Central 46, gather an army of Hollows, manipulate the Soul Society, and convict innocent people to death. Examples: Rukia being sentenced to death just for giving a human some power. Toshiro having to fight his best friend Kusaka, who later tried to take over Soul Society out of a desire for vengeance. But the Central 46 did give some good explanations for Shiro's battle, "It is the law", "This has always been the law", "It has always been", "Do not question us". They also sentenced the Vizards to death. I believe their exact words were "They have the powers of Hollows therefore they shall be treated as Hollows". Think about it, the Vizards were incredibly powerful Captains and Vice-Captains, who were forced to gain their Hollow powers (I imagine Kisuke trying to inform the 46 about how they were forced). Did Central 46 even think about the consequences, such as a severe shortage of Captains that would cripple the Soul Society for who knows how long? And this was before Aizen killed them! They act all high and mighty, thinking they hold all of the power, but as Aizen demonstrated they do not. Now if someone were to go into the chambers, sure they lose their swords but they still have kido and hand-to-hand combat. That means that just about any Shinigami with decent skill could kill them if they tried. If Yamamoto was actually willing to kill them, he could just focus his Spiritual Pressure, and in a few seconds they would be dead. Any captain could do that and the 46 would die in just a few seconds. I just had to get that off my chest. I just think having them rule is incredibly stupid as given by my reasoning. This is the end of my rant. For the weak of heart, do not read this next message. This is a true story. A girl died in 1933. A man buried her in the ground when she was still alive. The murderer chanted, "Toma sota balcu" as he buried her. Now that you have read the chant, you will meet this little girl. In the middle of the night she will be on your ceiling. She will suffocate you like she was suffocated. If you post this in your profile, she will not bother you. Your kindness will be rewarded. Lucilla If you believe in Jesus Christ put this in your profile and don't just ignore this, because in the Bible it says if you deny me, I will deny you in front of my Father in the gates of Heaven Y BOIZ SHOULDN'T CHEAT Jack was the most popular guy in school. Ashley and Courtney were worst enemies. Ashley approached the movies that night Ashley had peeked through Courtney's messing The next day at school Ashley wasn't A note that read: My dearest Jack, I Always with you, Ashley Please foward this or Ashley will Thank you If you're against animal cruelty (horse slaughter, bear beating, dolphin hunting, chimp slavery etc. then copy this into your profile! ZODIAC SIGNS (Bold your Zodiac Sign) - It's interesting how close it is. AQUARIUS - The Slut PISCES - The Addict ARIES- The Irresistible One TAURUS- The Aggressive One GEMINI - The Liar CANCER - The Smart One. LEO - The Cool One VIRGO- The Promiscuous One LIBRA - The Partner for Life SCORPIO - The Gorgeous One SAGITTARIUS-The One that Waits CAPRICORN - The Cute One If you can read that please put it in your profile. Stories in progress: Harry Potter Stories on Hiatus: Harry Potter and the Ultimate Army. Harry travels through time to gather great and powerful allies so that he can fight Voldemort. Harry Potter/Naruto/Anything else I can think of crossover. Will be rewritten some time in the future. Pairings: Harry/Tenten (I can get it to work). Harry Potter stories in Progress. Harry the Explosive Puppet Master. (Harry Potter/Naruto crossover) Everyone knows that Akasuna no Sasori collects puppets, but he has never gotten a puppet from another continent. While traveling to England, hoping to get some magical puppets, Sasori encounters a beaten three year old Harry Potter. After remembering how his own parents were killed, Sasori takes Harry with him to the Elemental Nations, where he will train Harry in the art of puppetry. Harry becomes a prodigy, and Sasori takes him all over the Elemental Nations in order to collect puppets, until Harry gets a letter from Hogwarts. Manipulative Dumbledore. Sasori is in Akatsuki but couldn't care less about them. Harry will not be evil, he will be sarcastic and slightly dark. Pairings: Harry/Either Yugito, Female Haku, or Fleur Naruto Stories in progress: Naruto of the Band of Seven. (Naruto/Inuyasha crossover) After getting beaten by the villagers at the age of six, Naruto is rescued by the Band of Seven. Bankotsu, the brother of Uzumaki Kushina, is outraged over how his nephew is treated. He decides to take Naruto in and make him strong enough to defend himself as they travel the Elemental Nations. Pairings: Naruto/Hinata/Yugito/Temari/Tenten/Kin/Tayuya Descended of Zaraki. (Naruto/Bleach crossover) Uzumaki Kushina, only known survivor of the land of whirlpools, was the daughter of a powerful shinigami. A few years after her death, her father comes across a beaten three year old Naruto, and he is furious. Deciding to adopt the boy, he trains Naruto to become a powerful warrior like himself. Now, how powerful will Naruto become, when he is trained by his grandfather Zaraki Kenpachi? Pairings: Naruto/Younger Tsunade/Shizune/Anko/Kurenai/Tsunami/Hana/Konan Stories I will write in the future in no particular order: Naruto Stories The Lost Shinigami. (May change name) (Naruto/Bleach crossover) After a huge beating, Naruto meets a former soul reaper, and she is very angry. Why is she angry? Because she finds out that Naruto, her son, is alive and being beaten constantly. Yoruichi decides to inform Naruto's father of this. They train Naruto to become a ninja, and an excellent kenjutsu expert. Pairings: Naruto/Yugito/Tenten Naruto: The Bomb Master While in Fire Country, Deidara comes across a beaten five year old Naruto. Remembering how he himself was an outcast in Iwa for his kekkei genkai, he teaches him, and replicates his kekkei genkai to give to Naruto who also develops a fascination with explosive art. Years later, when Itachi and others come to recruit Deidara into Akatsuki, he secretly sends Naruto back to Konoha smarter and stronger. Pairings: Naruto/Female Haku/possibly Ayame Naruto: The Quincy. (Naruto/Bleach crossover) Naruto discovers that he is a Quincy, with the world's most powerful Hollow sealed within him. How will he grow training in this lost art? Pairings: Naruto/Ayame/Temari/possibly Fem Haku For Jashin! A non-Akatsuki member Hidan comes across a young Naruto, and takes him in. As they travel the elemental nations, he teaches Naruto how to be strong and intelligent and converts him to the Jashin religion. Possibly Kakashi bashing, Sasuke and Sakura bashing Naruto will not be evil, but maybe a bit dark. Pairings: Naruto/Yugito or Tayuya Hidan/Fem Kyuubi Rise of Lord Typhon. (Naruto/Star Wars crossover) After the battle on Mustafar, instead of saving Anakin, Sidious leaves him believing he is weak for losing the fight. As Anakin suffers, a powerful creature with the ability to walk through dimensions shows up and saves him on the condition he serve it. He agrees, and after his flesh is restored and his limbs are grown back, he is taken to a new world in a distant galaxy, where people have strange techniques he has never seen. Soon after arriving in this new world, he starts to rethink his views on light and dark and when he learns of Padme's death, he is crushed. Not long after he discovers this, the creature is sealed within a new born boy, and Anakin has to train him, as payment to the creature. How will Uzumaki Naruto grow, when he has the former Darth Vader training him? Will contain Sakura, Sasuke and possibly Kakashi bashing. Dark but not evil Naruto. Pairings: Naruto/Tayuya and/or princess Yuki (from the first Naruto movie) The One-Winged Kitsune. (Naruto/FFVII crossover) When Naruto was born, Minato placed a seal on him in order to hide his true appearance, a seal he himself has on him. After a beating, a four-year old Naruto meets Kyuubi, and she tells Naruto of his ancestors. Kyuubi removes the seal, and reveals to Naruto his true appearance. She also starts to teach Naruto how to fight like his great-great grandfather, someone even stronger than Akatsuki. Now, Naruto will train in the ways of Sephiroth, but he will need allies. Fortunately for him, he is able to convince Sasuke to serve him shortly after the Uchiha Massacre, and Sasuke slowly develops a near fanatical level of loyalty to him. Over time, he slowly gains more allies, one of which is the shy Hyuuga Hinata. During their time in the Academy, the three of them mask their true power, and suceed in fooling the entire village by making them believe Naruto is an idiot, Sasuke is emo, and Hinata is shy and timid. During the Chunin Exams, Naruto shows everyone the true extent of his power. Pairings: Naruto/Yukie/and possibly Kurenai Sasuke/Yugito/Tayuya Hinata/Maybe Shino The Puppet Lord. After traveling with Sarutobi to Suna, Naruto comes across an elder puppet master named Chiyo. Taking pity on him for his beatings in Konoha, and being reminded of how Gaara is treated, she decides to teach Naruto the art of puppetry and try to help Garra as atonement for what she did, and Naruto quickly becomes an expert in the puppet techniques. When he returns to Konoha, he will show that he will no longer be everyones punching bag. Pairings are unknown right now, but I refuse to do a Sakura pairing. Descended of a Pirate. (Naruto/One Piece crossover) After learning how to read from Sarutobi, a young Naruto receives a present from the Hokage. It is a journal detailing the life of a brilliant pirate, whose intelligence surpassed even the Nara's. He also just so happens to be Naruto's great-grandfather. The name of this pirate is Kuro, also known as Kuro of the thousand plans. Naruto reads the journal and becomes very brilliant, and also very strong as he learns why his ancestor was so feared. Slight Naruto/one piece crossover. Naruto will not be evil, but maybe a bit sadistic. Pairings: Naruto/Tayuya Naruto of the Juppongatana (Naruto/Rurouni Kenshin crossover) At the age of five, Naruto gets attacked by an angry mob. He is saved however by Shishio Makoto, and his apprentice, an eight-year old Seta Sojiro. Shishio takes Naruto to Japan, and trains him to aid in his Civil War. However, when Naruto is fifteen, Himura Kenshin defeats Shishio, and Naruto and Sojiro travel to the Elemental Nations. Naruto and Sojiro go to Konoha and become shinobi. Naruto will still contain his bubbly personality, but he will be dark somewhat. Sasuke and the other gennin graduate from the academy when they are fifteen. Sasuke and Sakura bashing, but no Kakashi bashing. Pairings: Naruto/Tenten or Female Haku Sojiro/Anko (They both have masks, and know what it is like to be hated) Naruto: Prince of White Fire (Adopted by Aragon Potter) (Avatar/Naruto crossover). After the failed siege of Ba Sing Se, General Iroh's remaining army gets caught in a storm while they are at sea. When the storm is over, they discover that they are in a foreign land called the Elemental Nations. Deciding to go to Konoha since it is the nearest village to repair their ships, Iroh discovers an abused three-year old Naruto. Iroh not wanting to let someone suffer, adopts the boy and takes him to the Fire Nation after convincing the Sandaime to let Naruto leave. While living in the Fire Nation, Naruto learns the art of fire bending, and he quickly becomes a prodigy. He also befriends a young Zuko, Azula, May, and Ty Lee. One day, while he is meditating, he encounters Kyuubi in his mindscape. Kyuubi, incredibly bored, decides to teach Naruto an incredibly rare form of fire bending, the ability to bend black fire whose flames rival that of the Sharingan's Amaterasu. When Zuko is banished, Naruto takes that time to go back to the Elemental Nations. When he arrives at Konoha during the Sand/Sound invasion, he holds off the invasion and saves the Sandaime's life in the process. He soon learns of everything that has occured, and when Jiraiya tells Naruto of Akatsuki, he trains himself to fight off this threat. Pairings: Naruto/Azula/Possibly Ty Lee. Naruto will not be evil, and Azula will not be so insane. Soul Fusion (May change name) (Naruto/Bleach crossover.) The final battle with Aizen was fierce. The sheer magnitude of the battle took those who were fighting him from Hueco Mundo, to the human world. During the battle, a weakened Aizen is accidentally sealed with the Kyuubi no Kitsune into the newly born Uzumaki Naruto. After a brutal beating by the villagers, Naruto ends up in his mindscape and encounters a rather annoyed Aizen. Being fed up with Naruto being so weak, Aizen decides to train Naruto, because just like Kyuubi, he doesn't want a weak vessel. Soon Naruto is able to manifest Kyoka Suigetsu, much to Aizen's shock. With Kyoka Suigetsu, Naruto places one big illusion over Konoha, so while it appears he is a defenseless idiot, he becomes more powerful by the day. On the day the Genin teams are assigned, Naruto releases the illusion showing everyone just how superior he is compared to them. Pairings: Naruto/Yakumo/Kurenai. (Might change the pairing later on) Naruto of Organization XIII (Naruto/Kingdom Hearts 2 crossover.) Shortly after the sealing of the Kyuubi, Marluxia appears in Konoha and kidnaps Naruto, in order to train him, and help him take over Organization XIII. While being trained, Naruto learns to harness the power of darkness. But when he is twelve, Marluxia attempts to manipulate Sora, but he fails and dies as a result. When the inhabitants of Castle Oblivion are killed, Naruto travels to other worlds until he comes back to Konoha. Naruto will not be evil, and will contain some of his bubbly personality, but there will be moments in which he will be dark. Good Sasuke and Kakashi, I'll debate on Sakura though. Pairings: Naruto/Aerith Naruto the Pirate Chef (Naruto/One piece crossover.) On his birthday, a six year old Naruto is attacked by a couple of Jounin. They beat him mercilessly, before they put him in a tiny chest. They take the chest to Wave country, during an incredibly fierce storm, and dump it into the sea hoping it will kill him. The storm takes the chest far away, and slams into a floating restaurant with enough force to finally open the chest, releasing Naruto. As Naruto slowly floats, the crew of the ship he crashed against, notice him and rescue him. When he awakens, the ships crew are shocked and appaled with how malnourished Naruto is, and so they feed plenty of food in order for him to regain his energy. When he has energy, Naruto begs the head chef, Zeff, to let him stay. After telling him what his life was like in Konoha, Zeff relents and lets Naruto stay. Naruto quickly befriends a young boy named Sanji, and they both train in Zeff's personal fighting style. Several years later, the straw hat crew arrives. Pairings: Naruto/Boa Hancock (For those who do not know, Boa Hancock is a woman in both the manga and this story) The Forbidden Kekeii Genkai of Takigakure While on a diplomatic mission to Takigakure, Sarutobi decides to bring a six year old Naruto with him, since the mission is on October Tenth. While there, Naruto stumbles across an old and abandoned room, and in that room, is a scroll that provides instructions to create a kekkei genkai. Naruto, being very eager, performs the instructions and is given a kekkei genkai that allows him to use threads his body creates and steal the hearts of people and take them as his own, while also granting him their elemental affinity. After a beating, Naruto kills his attackers, and becomes cold. He now decides to kill all those who wrong him. Will those who care about Naruto change him, or will he continue to kill all those who wrong him? Non-evil, but dark Naruto. Naruto with Kakuzu's bloodline. Good Sasuke and Kakashi. Pairings: Naruto/Fem Haku Itachi the Claymore (Naruto/Claymore crossover) Uchiha Itachi was powerful. Too powerful for Madara's taste. Knowing that Itachi wished to kill him and that he no longer has the disease that would have eventualy killed him in his fight with Sasuke, Madara, with the help of Pain and Konan, performs a space-time jutsu that he only used against Senju Hashirama, believing it will kill Itachi. Instead, due to both Pain and Konan performing a seal slightly wrong, he blasts both Itachi and Kisame, and instead of sending them to an eternal abyss, they are sent to the Claymore universe. They arrive just as Priscilla is about to kill Teresa. Hoping for information as to where they are, Itachi saves Teresa, and places Priscilla under Tsukyomi, but it only drives her even more mad and she flies away after cutting off Teresa's left arm. What will happen now? Pairings: Itachi/Teresa Kisame/? Sir Fox (Naruto/One Piece crossover) A devious plan is hatched in Konoha. A group of Chunin and Jounin decide to kill Naruto, but they need to wait for the right moment which comes in the form of the Uchiha Massacre. During the massacre, the group captures Naruto and severely wound him. They place him in a bag, and take him to Kaze no Kuni, believing that with his injuries and the desert, Naruto will die a horrible death. While wandering the desert, Naruto comes across a deserted temple. Naruto enters it, and after walking inside for a while, he comes across an altar, and on that altar is a strange fruit. Before Naruto can eat the fruit, a mysterious man enters, coincidentally wanting that same fruit that Naruto was going to eat. He pushes Naruto aside and eats the fruit, granting him the power of the Suna Suna no Mi. Afterwards he and Naruto talk a little bit, and he learns of Naruto's past. Surprised, he tests out Naruto's healing ability, and immediately decides to take the child with him while he travels the seas. Who is this man? Why, he is Sir Crocodile of course. Pairings: Naruto/Boa Hancock The New Akatsuki After winning the battle at the Valley of the End, Naruto lays dying and he is upset that when Kakashi appears, he is ignored while the Uchiha is taken back to Konoha. Kyuubi, knowing that with the seal preventing him from giving his chakra to heal Naruto's injuries, gives Naruto a choice. He can lay there dying, or he can rip off the seal and let the massive influx of demonic chakra morph Naruto into a hanyou (Half-Demon). Naruto accepts the second offer, and becomes a hanyou, but as a result, Kyuubi ceases to exist. Zetsu, after watching everything, takes Naruto back to the Akatsuki hideout. While Naruto is resting, Madara goes into Naruto's mind, and is shocked to discover that Kyuubi is no longer there. When he tells Pain, he is furious, and before he can kill Naruto, Madara proposes something different. Naruto basically has the Kyuubi's power, so why not train him to be a weapon of Akatsuki. Pain agrees, and everyone trains Naruto to become Akatsuki's weapon, but unknown to almost everyone, the weapon still has a mind of his own, and he wants payback. Non-evil Naruto, but dark Naruto. Pairings: Naruto/Konan/Yugito/Yukie Naruto the Chilly Academic (Naruto/with elements of KH:CoM) When Naruto is young, he learns that there is something else that can be fascinating. Science. He studies science constantly, learning things that few know about. Unfortunately he is attacked by a mob one day, and he activates his kekkei genkai, Hyoton, to kill his attackers. This experience changes him, and he becomes cold, to the point where he decides to kill those who attack him, and take their bodies in for study. People who attack him, are also random members of every clan in Konoha, and so when Naruto kills them, he dissects them and learns secrets of their bloodlines. Naruto must struggle balancing the shinobi arts and science. Naruto based off of Vexen. Dark Naruto. Pairings: Naruto/Mikoto Heir of the Sharingan During the battle at the Valley of the End, Sasuke pulled a kunai at the last second, just as the chidori and rasengan clash. The kunai was given to him by the Sound Four, which was coated with a special poison designed by Orochimaru to negate a Jinchuuriki's healing. Right before they collide, Sasuke slashes Naruto's eyes, permanently blinding him. This causes Naruto to aim the rasengan at a lethal point on Sasuke, thus killing him. When Kakashi comes on the scene, he discovers Naruto's destroyed eyes, and feelng guilty over what has happened, performs a quick transplant of Sasuke's eyes to Naruto, thus giving him the Sharingan. When they get back to Konoha, with Naruto barely clinging on to life, Sakura blames Naruto for the death of Sasuke. When he is brought to the hospital, Tsunade struggles to save Naruto, but he just barely survives once the poisons effects were off. When Naruto comes to, he discovers about Sasuke's death, and the immense sorrow evolves Naruto's Sharingan, thus making them Mangekyou, but with Kyuubi, there are some unforseen changes. Pairings: Naruto/Temari/Princess Koyuki Kakashi/Kurenai/Anko The Power of Youth! (Possible story idea) (Note: this is a humor fic with Gaara as the main character) During the Chuunin Exam preliminaries, Lee never winced when he performed the Primary Lotus, thus never giving Gaara the opening needed to escape the attack. The attack is sucessful, and once Lee opens the hidden gates, Gaara is not fast enough to convert his gourd to sand and as a result loses the fight. After his defeat, Gaara questions Lee as to how he won. Lee, instead of saying something smart, claims it was the power of youth. This changes Gaara, and he soon seeks out Gai in order to become more 'youthful' believing it will help him become a better person. It works a little too well. No yaoi. Pairings: Gaara/? Naruto the Ninja of Justice (Possible story idea) (Naruto/Bleach crossover) When Naruto was young, he saw someone die, and a strange creature attacked shortly afterwards. Before it can attack Naruto, a man appears and slays the creature. When Naruto asks who he is, he tells him his name is Kaname Tousen. When Naruto starts asking questions to the man, Kaname realizes that perhaps he has found a fellow believer in justice, and he nurtures this belief in Naruto. Overtime, Kaname appears occassionaly and helps Naruto, and even though he disapproves of Naruto becoming a Shinobi, he continues to nurture Naruto's belief in justice, and he suceeds in making Naruto want to take a path of least bloodshed. When Kaname stops visiting, Naruto is sad, but during the Forbidden Scroll incident, Kaname appears, near death. In his last moments, he gives Naruto the sword he has always carried and instructs Naruto to fight for peace. Pairings: Naruto/Fem Haku The Ones Who Escaped (Possible story idea) When Hanzou died, not all of his relatives were killed. His great grandson and great granddaughter barely suceeded in escaping Amegakure. The took their daughter and headed to Konoha for safety, and become shinobi. They later encounter a young Naruto, and their daughter, Isane, slowly befriends him. Isane's parents, recognizing Naruto's immense potential, decide to help him by teaching him some of the things that made Hanzou so powerful. But one day, Pain finds out that some of Hanzou's family survived and he wants to finish what he started, whilst Isane seeks revenge for what he did to her family. No Sasuke or Sakura bashing. Pairings: Naruto/OC (Isane), Sasuke/Tenten, Sakura/Lee Shinobi in Chicago (The first Naruto/Married...with children crossover.) Tsunade hears rumors of a powerful biochemical weapon in another country, so she sends a team consisting of Naruto, Sakura, Ino, Tenten, Lee, Kakashi, and Jiraiya there in the hopes of retrieving the weapon to aid them against Akatsuki. Gaara, as a sign of goodwill between Suna and Konoha, also decides to go. They travel to Chicago, home of the weapon, and after being brutally rejected by Sakura yet again, Naruto coincidentally meets the wielder of the weapon, his name: Al Bundy, the weapon: His feet. Naruto, Kakashi, and Jiraiya become fascinated by the organization known as 'NO MA'AM'. Unknown to them, Orochimaru sends Sasuke and Kabuto to Chicago for the weapon, and after ditching Kabuto, Sasuke meets his new official idol and the very person he strives to be like, Jefferson Darcy. Harry Potter Stories: Harry Potter: First blood. (May change name). (Harry Potter/Rambo crossover) While visiting some old war buddies in England, John Rambo comes across a destroyed home. Due to curiosity, he cautiosly investigates, and discovers the two corpses of James and Lilly Potter. Upon further investigation, he discovers a baby Harry, crying in his crib. Deciding to take the kid away, before Harry can get in trouble from whoever caused the explosion of the house, he takes Harry away to America. When he is seven, Harry finally convinces his adopted father to help prepare him for Green Beret training, even though he still as to wait for several more years before undergoing the official training. However when he is eleven, Harry recieves a letter from a certain magical school, and Rambo believes it would be best for Harry to go. Nothing could ever prepare Hogwarts for what they had just invited. Pairings: Harry/Fleur Rise of the Espada. (Harry Potter/Bleach crossover) After the Arrancar war, Aizen, Gin, and Tosen were banished to the Human world to suffer for their crimes. Aizen is reborn as Michael Evans with all of his memories from his previous existence, but he is unable to access his former power. After a brief overview of his life, he dies due to a betrayal. Now many years later, how will Harry Potter grow after discovering his grandfather was Aizen, and he left his descendants powerful tools and instructions to become stronger? Aizen may not have been able to access his former power, but he created methods for others to achieve the power of the shinigami, due to what he remembered of the shinigami Academy. Harry will learn the ways of the shinigami, and show to the world, that he is no ones puppet, while getting his revenge on Dumbledore for what he has done. However, Harry will learn the Dumbledores manipulations ran deeper than they ever thought, and he discovers that both James and Dumbledore manipulated Lily, Aizens daughter, more than anyone ever imagined. Manipulative Dumbledore and James. (Note: James is still dead) Harry will not be evil, but maybe a bit dark. Pairings: Harry/Fleur/Rangiku/Soi Fon/Cho. Harry the Rikudou Sennin (May change name). (Harry Potter/Naruto crossover) While being viciously beaten by the Dursleys, a four year old Harry snaps and kills them. His emotional anger ends up releasing a tremendous amount of magic that destroys the block that Dumbledore placed on him, in order to make him more controllable. Fearing about what will happen to him, Harry flees, and ends up in a graveyard that is near Privet Drive. While he is there, he meets the spirit of his great ancestor, who called himself Pain back when he was alive, and the spirit tells Harry that the only reason they can communicate is because Harry unlocked his kekkei genkai called the Rinnegan. He takes Harry to an isolated location, in order to teach Harry how to use the Rinnegan, and seven years later, Harry returns and he is not the manipulative, naive little boy that Dumbledore hoped. Harry prepares for war, and he will fight it his own way. Manipulative Dumbledore. Pairings: Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood An Uchiha Reborn (Harry Potter/Naruto crossover) While hiding from Vernon, a young Harry goes to the attic hoping to be safe. While he is there, he encounters some books his mother had that Petunia kept in honor of her sister's memory. One of these books, when used properly, can tell a person who they were in a previous life. With Petunia's help, Harry uses it, and discovers his past life. He later learns that through meditation, he can encounter the spirit of the past life. When meditating, he encounters the spirit, and he decides to teach Harry everything he knew when he existed in order to redeem himself for the crimes he commited when he was alive. How will Harry grow, when he is trained by his past life, who went by the name of Uchiha Madara? Manipulative Dumbledore. Non evil Harry. Good Petunia. Pairings: Harry/Either Fleur or Luna. Harry of the North (Harry Potter/Claymore crossover.) No one really knows much about yoma, except they are fast, powerful, and they eat human innards. But Lilly had something that belonged to an ancestor of hers. It was a simple medallion made from the bones of yoma. She gave it to Harry shortly before Voldemort attacks. Instead of killing them, Voldemort merely incapacitates them so that they can suffer. While firing the killing curse at Harry, the curse lands on the medallion. The combined energies of the medallion, the killing curse, and the various protection wards around Harry that Lilly had created, triggers a chain reaction in which Harry is accidentally sent back in time to centuries before Voldemort ever existed. He lands in the middle of nowhere, when someone finds him. He is nothing but a simple lackey of the Organization. He takes him back to the higher ups of the Organization, and they give Harry a new name. They name him Isley, and train him to become powerful, so he can further their own dark agenda. When Harry is old enough, they combine the blood and bones of yoma into Harry. This will prove to be a disastorous mistake as Harry becomes more powerful than they ever imagined. Intelligent and powerful Harry. Manipulative Dumbledore. Harry will not be evil, but a little dark occassionaly. Pairings: Harry/Either Miria or Priscilla (Odd I know, but I really believe I can make it work.) Harry the Jashinist (HP/Naruto crossover) After being abused by the Dursleys, a five year old Harry performs accidental magic and apparates to the Elemental Nations. When he arrives, he is in the middle of a massacre, caused by one man. The man decides to kill Harry, but stops as he recieves a divine message. In the name of Jashin, Hidan must take Harry as an apprentice. Jashin! Harry. Non-evil, but sadistic Harry. Pairings unknown Harry Potter and the Third War (HP/Naruto crossover) On the night of Voldemort's attack against the Potters, he critically wounds James and Lilly, in order for their death to be painful. When Voldemort's killing curse backfires when he attempts to kill a baby Harry, knowing they will die, James and Lilly use the last bit of magic they have and apparate to a far away land known as the Elemental Nations. They unknowingly land in the aftermath of a battle, between the villages Konoha and Iwa. With their final breath James and Lilly, both excellent speakers of Japanese, beg a Konoha shinobi to adopt Harry. He agrees and after James and Lilly die, he renames Harry, and gives him the name Akarai Kurohi (Red Lightning, Black Fire), and he meets with his good friend Hatake Sakumo. Four years later, Kurohi graduates from the Shinobi Academy, and becomes part of a rare four-man cell, with Hatake Kakashi, Uchiha Obito, and Kurokumo Rin with their sensei being Namikaze Minato. Pairings: Harry (Kurohi)/Rin Darkness of the Heart (HP/Kingdom Hearts 2 crossover) After the events at the Departement of Mysteries, Harry is broken. Betrayed by most of those he called friends, the abuse by the Dursleys, and the death of Sirius, Harry sucumbs to the darkness in his heart. What he didn't expect was that he loses consciousness and later awakens in a different place called an in-between realm. As he walks around the strange place, he meets someone who tells him that his heart had succumbed to darkness and became a Heartless, and that the being that was Harry is now a Nobody. The stranger convinces Harry to join an organization that tries to retrieve the hearts of its members. This organization is known as Organzation XIII and Harry decides to join. However, Harry still remembers some of the things that happened to him, but is surprised when he feels nothing, but he finally decides that he must kill Voldemort. Non-evil, but dark Harry. Pairings: Harry/Xion/Namine' Married...with children and a wizard (The first ever Harry Potter/Married...with children crossover) While on a business trip to America, Vernon takes his family and a five-year old Harry to Chicago, in order to discuss a joint partnership with his company and another. When the partnership is voted against, Vernon is furious and leaves Harry there, believing him to be the cause. Shortly after, Peggy Bundy comes across Harry and immediately takes him in, much to the protest of her husband, Al Bundy. Harry grows under the tutelage of the Bundy family, too bad Dumbledore never knew this. How will the wizarding world react, when they meet this new and very perverted Harry Potter? The Birth of Pain (HP/Naruto crossover) James and Lilly were not at the house when Voldemort attacked. When he attacked, he attempted to kill both Harry and his twin brother Henry. His attack fails, leaving both boys with scars on their foreheads, but due to the magical backlash, one of the boys dissappears. He lands in a place called Amegakure no Sato, and he is adopted by a family there and renamed Nagato. Unfortunately his parents die one day, due to an attack by Konoha shinobi. He soon encounters two other orphans named Yahiko and Konan, and they convince another shinboi named Jiraiya to train them. But Nagato realizes that in order to end war, he must teach other corrupted individuals pain. This is the story of Harry Potter's life growing up from the destined child in a prophecy, to a god. non-evil, but dark Harry. Different Pain than what is in the manga. Pairings: Harry/Konan Bleach Stories: The Shinigami Men's Association. With some of the women in the Shinigami Womens Association being too busy to fulfill their duties, the highest ranking people in their Division must take their place and attend the meetings. Unfortunately, the highest ranking people in their Division, next to themselves, are men. But since those men are also part of the Shinigami Men's Association, only non-ranked members are allowed to attend the meetings of the SWA. Unfortunately fo the members of the SWA, Nanao Ise is vice-president but since she is too busy, Kyoraku must take her place, and since Yachiru is president, Kenpachi has to take her place, much to the chagrin of all the women. The Return of Pain (Bleach/Naruto crossover.) When Ichigo learned the name of his zanpakuto, it was not Zangetsu, but it was instead Nagato the true name of a mighty warrior, who had a power that was believed to be in itself a god of creation. Now Ichigo must save Rukia and stop Aizen, but he will face many obstacles, one of which is to learn the secret of the strange power. But will Ichigo learn to control this new power, or will the power of Pain (Nagato) be too much even for him? Pairings: Ichigo/Unohana (I may or may not change the pairing). Son of Rain (Bleach/Naruto crossover.) This will be an epic fic. When Ichigo was born, he was kidnapped, and after being traded to many other peole, he is finally sold to a slave trader in the Elemental Nations. But as the slave trader goes through Rain country, he is killed by Shinobi from Amegakure. One of the Shinobi discovers the baby Ichigo, adopts him, and renames him Yahiko. A few years later, his adopted parents are killed by Shinobi from Iwa, and he eventually encounters two other orphans named Nagato and Konan, and he convinces Jiraiya of the Sannin to train them. Years later, on a mission for foreign supplies, Yahiko encounters his real parents, just as a Hollow attacks. Oh, and Masaki is alive. Pairings unknown right now. The Unknown Factions Aizen wasn't evil. Yamamoto wasn't so uptight. They were both manipulated by secret factions. Aizen, Gin, and Tousen were manipulated by one faction to kill all Shinigami, and Yamamoto was manipulated by the other faction to kill all Hollows. During the battle of Karakura, when the four of them are battling each other, the sheer spiritual power generated from them is so immense, it destroys the memory blocks placed on them, freeing them from the control of the ones who were manipulating them. When they realize what has happened, all of them, especially Aizen, freak out over everything. After awhile, when they finally calm down, Aizen and Yamamoto form a pact to ally themselves with each other in order to find the ones controlling them, and stop them from completing their plans, unaware of just how powerful their new enemies really are. Note: Aizen, Gin and Tousen are good guys. Pairings: Ichigo/Rukia, Aizen/Soifon, Gin/Matsumoto, Chad/Tatsuki, Orihime/?, Kenpachi/Unohana Ten Years Later After Aizen's betrayel, Yamamoto becomes suspicious of the other captains, so in order to preserve the safety of the Soul Society, he starts having them brutally interrogated. He interrogates the captains, and their subordinates. The interrogations slowly escalate in brutality in order to weed out traitors, and soon enough all of the captains become tired of this. Soon all of the captains meet with each other, and Mayuri hatches a plan to get them out of there. When the timing is right, the nine captains flee the Seireitei, taking their loyal subordinates with them. They travel to the farthest Rukon District they can, and disappear from the radar of the Seireitei. Ten years later, after having numerous setbacks because of Ichigo and his friends, Aizen finally gathers a powerful invasion force and he invades the Soul Society. Unknown to him, hundreds of his Arrancar are quickly slaughtered by another powerful group. When they reveal who they are, what will happen next? Pairings: Kenpachi/Unohana, Renji/Rukia, Hitsugaya/Momo/Matsumoto, Ichigo/Orihime, Byakuya/Soifon, Kyoraku/Nanao, and many others. The School of Zaraki A humor fic. Ever since seeing Hanataro's shikai, Zaraki has been pestering Unohana about letting him join the 11th Division. After refusing time and time again, Unohana comes to a compromise when she sees Hanataro beeing bullied by members of another Division. She will let Hanataro become Zaraki's apprentice, so long as he becomes stronger. If he becomes stronger, he may join the 11th Division. Shortly after hearing this, some of the other Captains (And Vice-Captains) decide to send the lazy members of their Divisions to be trained by Zaraki. Among these sent are Omaeda, Kyoraku (Courtesy of Ise), Rangiku, and Nemu (For research purposes). While going through this, Zaraki thinks, why not make this a business? Too bad Aizen decides to disguise some of his Arrancar and have them attend. Poor Stark. Pairings: Zaraki/Unohana, Hana/Rangiku, Ikkaku/Nemu D. Gray-man stories: Heir of Mokuton (DGM/with elements of Naruto) When Mana cursed Allen, there was an unforseen side effect. The curse woke up Allen's dormant bloodline, which has not been seen in over two hundred years. When he is trained by Cross, Allen struggles to learn how to control his new power, and when the time finally comes to be inducted into the Black Order as an Excorcist, he will show everyone not to underestimate the Mokuton ability. Pairings: Allen/Lenalee Goodbye and I hope you enjoy my stories. |