Nami's Fiance

Kenshin: Kind of a crappy title, de anzu?
Haou: De anzu? Is that nihongo for 'doncha know?'

Kenshin:...maybe. Anyway, I think we could come up with a better title than Nami's Fiance.
Haou: But that's what's the story's all about! Let's just write it!

Kenshin: Fine, but this better not get in the way of my work.

Chapter 1: The Island of Apples! Nami's Fiance!?

It was a sunny day on the island of Manzana Village. The fields were ripe with apple trees, vibrant with the romance of spring. The village was chop full of farmers and workers as people began harvesting for the new day. As Thousand Sunny Gou docked behind the mountain cape, so as not to let the townsfolk know pirates have arrived, Luffy and his crew began thinking of what to do for this adventure.

"Oi, minna. What do you think this place will be like?" Luffy asked his nakama, while sitting on the sunny lion head. Nami was staring intently at the Log Pose, which was pointed dead on at the mountain.

"Who knows: Hopefully another crazy event won't happen. We've been getting alot of those." Franky stated, rubbing his three chins with his left hand. Robin was sitting by on the railing gazing at the mountain.

"Why not? I quite enjoyed the last place we went to." Robin said, smiling mysteriously like always.

"I wouldn't mind going anywhere as long as it's with Nami-san and Robin-chan!" Sanji shouted, who soon came up and stood beside Robin, twirling around like always when around women. Zoro was calmly laying beside the main mass, staring at Sanji's latest attempt to woe two girls at once.

"Ahou ga(Retard)." Was all that came whispering out of Zoro's mouth, as he closed his eyes again. Of course Sanji heard him, and stared at the former bounty hunter with true malice.

"You wanna say that again, Marimo?" Murmured Sanji.

"Oh nothing, just that you're a prince..." Zoro said back, causing Sanji to smirk and walk away. But that's when he heard the rest of Zoro's sentence; "...of Dumbass Kingdom."

That last sentence signaled Zoro and Sanji's latest and probably not last fight, as Sanji launched an assault of kicks while Zoro blocked and counter-attacked with his swords.

"Stop this now." Nami put an end to it all by slamming her fists into the base of their skulls. This left Chopper to watch her in amazement alongside Usopp, with sparkles in his eyes.

"Knocked out in one blow! That's amazing!" Chopper ranted, relishing Nami in powerful glory. Luffy just laughed at the entire thing.

"Anyway, let's get a move on! This is just another adventure for us!" Luffy said, as he got up and stretched his arm out to the ledge before them. His arm flung out and grabbed onto the ledgeto allow the others to walk across, but as Franky and Robin walked on him he noticed something was wrong. "Oi, where's Brook?"

"Who cares about that lecherous bag of bones? I'm going into town to shop." Nami said, tip-toeing on his arm. Sanji and Zoro were still unconscious so Chopper was the last to go. With everyone else on the other side, Luffy sprung himself forward, and crashed into Nami.

The two pirates glided in the air, until they eventually crashed into a rock. Before they did though Luffy turned himself around, so Nami wouldn't feel any of the impact he would suffer from. The others just watched, as they, except Robin, began to brace for the pain Luffy was about to suffer from. As Luffy and Nami fell to the ground, she rose up from off of him, looking at Luffy with intense rage. He just held his hat with his right hand on his head and chuckled.

"Man, that was close! You alright, Nami?" He asked her, still oblivious to the deathstare he was receiving. That's when her left fist pile drove him into the ground, creating a dust cloud because of it. She then walked away from him, and the large bump pulsating on his head and lifting his hat up. 'Itai.'

Back on the ship Zoro and Sanji were still unconscious, still lying on the ground with the dead look in their eyes. Inside the ladies' room, or the captain's quarters in some cases, Brook was knee-deep in linguerie.

"Yohohoho ho! I'm in heaven!" He sang, flapping his arms and legs back and forth to make a snow angel, or in this case a panties angel.

Back with Luffy, who recovered quite quickly, and the others they had made it to town within just a couple of minutes, and saw people running around putting things up on their buildings. They looked to be decorations for something pleasant. Franky came before one of the townsfolk and stopped her.

"Oi, what's going on here? Is this a festival or something?" The cyborg asked the black haired woman, who was caught staring intently at his arms.

"Uh, oh yeah! It's the Annual Golden Apple Festival;a two day event where we party and celebrate the blessed apples that have made this island so famous." She said to blue hair, as the others listened with great amusement. Well everyone except Luffy, who was running around with Chopper while gazing at the magnificent sights that were made by the townspeople.

"Oh, so that's why there are so many apples here. That's something you would expect from a Spring Island." Usopp said, thinking it over with great interest.

"But of course. But there's another good thing that's coming out of this. It's the time of the year the Chiseki Pirates promised they would leave." The woman continued. At the words spoken Nami blinked in confusion.

'Edo Chi...wait that's-' Nami seems to have known what kind of pirates that the woman spoke of.

"Well I have to go. Have fun here, Popeye." She said, walking away to continue what she was doing.

"Well, that's good to hear. Let's explore, shall we?" Nami said, trodding off with a smile upon her face as she got herself ready to shop. The others all started thinking of what to do.

"Well I'm gonna go get some more gunpowder. I think we're out." Usopp said, walking off to go get some supplies.

"I think I'll go find a bookstore." Robin stated as she trekked away. Franky though just stood there, thinking of what that woman said to her last:



"This place has amazing prices! I bet I could get Sanji to do many things with this." Nami said, eying a dress set through a window. Her eyes slicked down to the price, and saw 40,000 beris were planted on the tag.

"KYA! They can't expect me to pay for this!" She screamed, punching the window with rage towards the incredibly high price. Only hurt her though.

"I can pay for it." A person behind her said, holding a wad of cash in his left hand. Nami lifted her head and turned around, about to thank whoever was willing to pay for the dress, when she paled beyond reason.

The man before her was a ruggedly handsome man with golden wavy hair. He had on a sparkling white tuxedo and pale tan skin, with red eyes that stared arousingly at her. He also had sharp canines, almost like a vampire. "That is, unless you don't want to keep that promise, Nami."

"Oh, Nikolai! It's nice to see you again!" She said fervently, sliding to her right to bypass him. He of course got in the way of her escape route.

"Not this time. You have a promise to fulfill, and this time there's no escape." He said, pulling out a black box. As he opened it revealed was a diamond encrested ring that gave off a rainbow glow in the sky. "You swore to be my bride."

"I said that?" She asked, trying to think of a way out of this.

"Back then three years ago I let you go to finish your business with Saw-Tooth Arlong. I gave you all those riches for the guarentee of your hand in marriage. And if I'm not mistaken he's in jail, right?" Nikolai said, bringing the ring ever so closer to the mikan hair colored woman.

"Did I say that? I don't make a habit of sketching every bad memory in my mind forever." She said, then his right hand went smashing into the window behind her, causing the others watching them to grow afraid.

"Oh no. He's gonna go berserk again!"

"Power of the Devil's Fruit!"

"Nobody move or he'll destroy the place!" Were just some of the words spoken by the townspeople who saw this take place.

'Akuma no mi?' Nami thought to herself, remembering what one of them said. Her attention then turned back to Nikolai, who was smiling at her devilishly.

"Now like I said, we are gonna get married, and there's nothing you or anyone else can do about it!" He announced. Nami felt herself stooped in a corner, feeling no way to get out of this. So she began thinking.

"I can't marry you. Because..." She began to think of any possible way to get out of marriage with this pirate, until her eyes looked out past his face and onto a certain crew member who was nearby.

"Luffy!" She called out to the straw hat wearing captain. Nikolai turned around to see the boy she was referring to as Luffy came running to her, waving his right hand vigorously.

"Oi Nami, where did you go? Who's your friend?" He asked her. Nami then bolted past Nikolai's defenses and rushed by his side. "Uh, what are you doing?"

"I can't marry you, because I'm engaged to him. Luffy's my fiance!" She proudly lied, placing her left arm around his right and tugging him close. Luffy just looked at her in confusion.

"Eh?" Was all that came out of his mouth. Obviously he had no idea what a fiance was, or what she was talking about. Nikolai stared at Luffy angrily, wondering how she could love that guy and not him.

"So it's true. You are a part of Mugiwara no Luffy's crew. But how can I be sure that this isn't just another one of your lies? Kiss and prove it!" He demanded, pointing his right hand at Luffy. Monkey D. Luffy didn't know what was going on, but then again a simple minded boy like him wouldn't have at first.

"Nami, what's going on?" The Straw hat asked the woman, who slightly paled at Nikolai's last sentence fragment.

"Nikolai wait. You're not really gonna-"

"What's wrong Nami? You're not afraid of kissing your fiance right?" Nikolai commented, not falling for this facade for a single moment.

Nami knew that if she didn't kiss Luffy Nikolai would know she was lying, and compared to him Luffy was a million times better. Not only that Luffy probably wouldn't make a big deal out of it, and would just leave it at that. After all, he's an idiot. She then brought her face up to his left ear, whispering, "Luffy, I need you to kiss me. Don't take this the wrong way."

"Hai." He said with a smile, as her face came back in front of his. Nami's face then came up to his face slowly, slightly regretting having to do this. He moved his face closer to hers, until their lips pressed against eachother. To Nami it wasn't as bad as she thought it was. The kiss being shared between them was one of the best things she's ever felt, which wasn't much though compared with the events she's experienced. Luffy soon unconsciously brought his hands up to her cheek, intensifying the kiss even more. She was officially in heaven, but felt disappointed when they stopped. As he pulled away her lips were seen kissing the air seperating them, too lost in bliss to realize they were apart.

Nikolai had seen the passion shared between the two pirates, and gritted his teeth in anger. He did it so much a piece chipped out of his mouth and onto the floor.

"Fine, you win. But be warned: I won't sit idoly by and let you two be together. You may be strong, but I'll be sure to have your head, boy." He then leaped onto the top of the building and ran away in rage. Luffy was still unsure of what he was talking about.

"Nami, who was that guy?" He asked her, turning his attention back to his navigator. He was freaked to find a dazed look in her eyes, which was fixiated onto him. "Uh, what's wrong?"

Nami came out of her daze, then let go of him, blushing apple red from remembering the kiss. "Luffy, how were you able to kiss with such intensity? It was so passionate and wonderful, something I would expect from Sanji-kun."

"I just did what you asked and gave you a plain and simple kiss. Why, are you mad?" He spoke to her. Nami then thought about everything that has happened; why Nikolai had to be on this island out of all of them, how come Luffy was such a good kisser, and just how long would she have to convince him that her and Luffy were in love.

"Not at all. Luffy, whenever we're together and he's around, treat me like you would treat your wife." She said to him, wrapping her arms around his left one.

"But, I don't have a wife." He said plainly, which caused Nami to sigh while trying to calm herself down.

"I know. I just want you to treat me like I was your wife, and we were getting married soon whenever he's around. You do know what being married is right?" As she said these words Luffy began to think it over, then he smiled.

"Of course: It's when two people who care about eachother live the rest of their lives with one another, cuddling, comforting, and making the other person feel good inside whenever possible." The answer was quite childish, if somewhat extremely close to being right. But she kinda liked this side of him, the fairly innocent part of Luffy that is ignorant to the world before him.


Back with Nikolai he had made it to an area deep in the forest. The area was so thick that it prevented the sun from beaming its warm light down on them.There he found a bunch of pirates all around partying with glee. Four of them stood out beyond the others.

One was dressed like a samurai, a second resembled a taoist, the third sorta was a cowboy and the last was just a teenager with red hair and a black kimono on. He had a black sheathed katana on his back and blue eyes. All four looked up to see that Nikolai was before them, and had jumped down towards them.

"Good to have you back, Captain Nikolai." The taoist said, not opening his eyes in order to know he was there. The captain turned towards him, as all the pirates stopped partying the moment they noticed the presence of the white tux pirate.

"You were gone an awful long time partner. What was it this time, the daily taxing of the citizens?" The brownhaired cowboy asked, adjusting his pistol. He looked at Nikolai, and noticed that he wasn't carrying bags of money.

"No, everyone I have a mission for all of us: there's a certain pirate I desire to have sleeping with the fishes." He said, stepping over the piles of gold to grab a pile of wanted posters. He flipped through them until he found Luffy and his crew. He then threw out everyone's poster to them.

"I want this man killed, the girl with the orange hair captured and the rest out of my way." He said, as the distinguishing four looked over the eight pirate posters.

"Can I eat them?" The shogun asked, licking his lips that was hidden under his red mask and samurai armor. The cowboy turned to him and made a gagging sound.

"Gurotoni, can you think of anything but cannibalism? People are not tasty enough to eat! How many times do I gotta keep telling you this?" He yelled at him, as the shogun turned towards him. He grabbed his sword and was about to draw it when the taoist pulled his manji staff out and held it in front of them.

"Gurotoni, Rishou, that's enough." He said, opening his right red eye to look at them. Both of them looked at the mage with fierce rage.

"Why should we listen to you? This doesn't involve you at all Dalk." Rishou said, pointing his pistol at him. Gurotoni turned to him as well, as Nikolai sighed in stress.

"Because if you do you'll get Kenshin mad." And with that said they turned to the teen in the kimono, who was fast asleep.

"You know exactly how strong that boy is, a rival even surpassing the captain. If you woke him up with your yelling he could easily crush us." Dalk stated, pulling his staff back. As it impaled the ground the rings around the top one jingled.

"He's right; That narcoleptic kid is more dangerous than he is, which is why he would be perfect for killing that straw hat wearing gaki." Nikolai added, smiling evily as he eyed Kenshin. "He's just the power that can burn that boy to a cinder, and leave Nami for me to claim her from his ashes."

Nikolai then proceeded to laughing maniacally, much to the dismay of the weaker crew members. Kenshin began stirring in his sleep, and as they noticed this the others backed away in shock. Kenshin then opened his eyes. "Huh? I did it again didn't I?"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, glad to see that the boy didn't freak out like last time. Kenshin got up from the ground and scratched his back with his right hand, then picked up the poster with Robin's picture on it. 'Where have I seen this woman before?'

An hour has past since then and Luffy had already carried Nami to the ship, in time to see Brook suffering at the hands of Robin's Clutch attack.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I won't swim in your panties again!" Pleaded the skeletal gentleman, as bones began breaking due to Robin's power.

"You better not! It's shameful to find one of our own involved in something so disgusting!" Sanji yelled, lighting his cigarette.

"Didn't you join him?" Zoro threw in his two cents, resulting in Sanji getting so pissed he snuffed up the entire butt, leaving nothing but asses, I mean, ashes.

"Oi, Luffy, why are you holding Nami-san like that?" The blond chef soon started to notice Luffy and Nami had boarded. Zoro, Robin and Brook came to notice Nami in his arms, causing her to blush.

"Oh uh, Luffy is, well..." And so Nami began to explain everything she knows to her nakama, and because it's such a long story I'll skip it...SIKE! I'm just kidding! Here it comes.

After about ten minutes of telling her story, the others began to think it over and process it in their minds. Soon Franky began to speak up, ready to give in his two cents for Nami to deal with this.

"So let's get this straight: You met this guy from 3 years ago while still under Arlong's iron fist right?" He asked, receiving looks from the others. Nami gave a nod to confirm his question.

"You somehow got stuck working for this guy and had to lose him. Is that right too?" Zoro asked, and to him Nami nodded again.

"And then one day you found a way to escape, correct?" Robin asked too. Again, Nami nodded.

"And this shitty bastard proposed to you before you left, but you turned him down. Is that right on the money?" Sanji spoke this time. She nodded once again.

"Did he hurt you in any way?" Luffy asked, showing how he was more concern for her well being back then than what actually happened. Nami shook her head from side to side, which meant no.

"Well that's a neat story, but what would lead him to try and take you away from us? You rejected him right?" Usopp wondered, then turned to Nami when he spoke the last sentence. Everyone was surprised to see that she didn't nod.

"I, kinda said something else that made him take it the wrong way." She confessed, chuckling nervously as she braced for their reaction.

"Well, what did you say?" Sanji asked, staring at his 'Nami-san' hesitantly. All the others did too, except Robin who had her eyes closed thinking of the stupidity of the situation.

"I told him to ask again when he had a higher bounty." At this Zoro sighed in disbelief, Sanji got so mad he bit off his new butt, cigarette I mean, Usopp placed his right hand on his forehead, and Luffy just stared at her. Franky had narrowed eyes looking dead at her.

"You lied to him. You led on the heart of someone who loved you and used him like a tool!" Franky shouted out with passion. Zoro looked at the cyborg, then stared at Sanji.

"Did they forget to put your brain in that bucket you call a head?" Zoro said to Franky, who turned to him with that pissed off look of his.

"Nani? What'd you say?!"

"That woman's been doing this to one of us ever since she joined this crew!" He stated, to which Franky thought over after he was done.

"Ah, you're right."

"You gave up too easily!" Usopp muttered to himself, eying the two idiots who were arguing.

"So Luffy is just being used to keep him away, is that right?" Robin spoke up suddenly, opening her eyes up to show those blue pearls she was known for. At that Nami turned to Luffy, then back at Robin.

"Robin, I'm not so selfish as to just 'use' Luffy. Besides, I didn't have a choice in the matter." Nami responded as best as she could, staring at the dark skinned woman she's grown to love. "Luffy doesn't mind pretending to be my fiance, right?"

As she turned to Luffy at the end, straw hat could feel himself sweat at the glittering face she was giving him. After listening to everyone talk he found a better understanding of what a fiance could mean. Of course he was still sceptical of everything but he didn't want to cause Nami any trouble.

"Sure. Why not?" He said with a smile, to which Nami smiled back at. She then wrapped her arms around him, causing some of the crew to jump back in shock, including Sanji who showed an angry expression. Robin on the other hand chuckled quietly.

"Oi Luffy, don't get too comfortable being with Nami-san!" Sanji warned. This of course was ignored for Luffy was too preoccupied with Nami still around him.

"Anyway, with that said and done," Zoro began, rising up from the wooden floor. He then stepped onto the railing and hopped across the rope bridge they made upon returning. "...we should prepare for his next assault."

"Next assault? What are you talking about?" Nami asked the former bounty hunter after rising off of Luffy, though her hands were still on his shoulders. Zoro turned to her, bringing a serious expression upon his mug. Of course he was always wearing a serious face, but this one looked to be the same as the face he had when he was giving that speech about Usopp to the others when he left the crew.

"Nami, do you really think this man, this pirate, won't try everything he can to take you away from us? This guy is no different than Dartboard." At this Sanji...didn't react at all. Everyone was expecting him to run up and kick his head in, but the chef didn't even flinch.

"Zoro, you may be right but-"

"Not only that, but because you told him Luffy is your fiance he will stop at nothing to get rid of the captain. As his only known obstacle Luffy is his primary target." Zoro interrupted Nami, bringing a fearful look in her eyes. She then turned to Luffy, who still had that frowning face.

"But this is Luffy. He's strong enough to take care of himself. Nikolai probably doesn't even have a high bounty." Nami stated as a matter of fact.

"Hmm, I guess you have a point." Luffy said, now bringing a smile upon his face. Nami smiled weakly then turned to Zoro.

"You see Zoro, nothing bad can come from this. We just gotta stay on our toes and keep him out of town." Nami said back to him, but he still didn't look convinced.

Zoro's eyes then went to Luffy, then back at Nami. And while he was glaring at them he noticed they were still touching one another. He would say something about it but now would just piss off that 'love-cook'. So instead he walked away in silence, and climbed up to the crow's nest. Robin soon stood up as well.

"Well, it seems we won't need to worry then. And with this festival coming up it should be an enjoyable time." She said, walking off to the kitchen. But as she did she turned to Sanji. "Cook-san, would you mind fixing up something for me?"

"HAAAIIII ROBIN-CHWAAN!" He shouted, a heart appearing as his only shown eye. He swirled in the air as he followed her.

"I wonder if Chopper made that medicine for idiots yet..." Nami said to herself, then noticed Franky and Usopp getting up as well. "Wait, where are you guys going?"

"We're gonna scout the area for him and his crew. We'll return with any info we've gathered." Franky said, walking across the rope bridge to the island. Usopp turned back to them and smiled as he disappeared with Franky.

"Have fun with your fiance Luffy." He snickered, and he was gone. At those words Luffy blinked while frowning and Nami blushed. She then turned to him.

"Are you gonna head somewhere too?" She asked him, working off her embarrassing shade of red, or trying to.

"I would, but the thing is..." He looks down at her hands, which have never left him ever since that hug. "'re still holding me. Do you want me to stay?"

Nami began blushing once again, then quickly removed herself from the rubberman. Looking at her two palms she began to ask herself a question:

'Why didn't I let go? It's not like I really want him as a fiance, or even a husband, right? Luffy and I are suppose to act like a couple only, not seriously. Besides this is Luffy, the guy who has meat for brains. He probably doesn't even know what love is, or can love something besides meat!

Yet he makes me feel so...warm inside. It's a wonderful feeling I can't think to live without. Luffy may be an idiot but he's so-Wait! Stop it! I do not love Luffy. . . .?'

"Nami, are you ok? You're growing red like you have a fever..." Luffy pressed his right hand onto her forehead, which made her blush even more. "Oh my god! You are growing a fever! Are you ok?"

She punched his face square in the middle, knocking him down onto the floor. "I'm not sick." She muttered, then stood up to walk away. Luffy slowly rose to his knees, rubbing the lump in the middle of his face with his right hand.

"How is it that I'm made of rubber yet I'm in a world of pain everytime she hits me?" He wondered, just sitting there.

Back With Robin...

"Here you go, Robin-chwan. A delectible parfe and a cheese danish, made with all my heart." Sanji spoke, handing said snacks to the black skinned woman. She looked up to him and smiled.

"Arigatou, cook-sa-" Her words were interrupted when the door opened up, and in stepped the greedy navigator, walking inside and towards the two.

"Sanji-kun, could you step outside for a moment?" Sanji happily fulfilled her request, and stepped outside. She hurrily ran to the door and shut it, locking it tight for some reason.

"Nami, what was it you wished to talk about?" Nami turned quickly around to her, bringing her index right hand finger to her lips and making a shushing sound. "What's wrong?"

"Not here...Closer to the fishtank." Nami said, as the two women walked towards the part of the kitchen that had an aquarium.

"We're here. What was it you-" Robin took a look at Nami's face, and had a suspicious feeling that it had something to do with something important.

"Robin, you know that Luffy's just pretending to be my fiance right?" She asked her 'older sister', who was looking at her with a frowning expression.

"Of course. You made that quite clear back then." Robin felt like there was something more to it than that, like she was hiding something else.

"Well, when Nikolai caught me today I had to kiss Luffy in order to prove my innocence, and..." Nami felt hesitant to say the next few words, knowing if said the wrong way Robin would take it the wrong way. "...I kinda liked it."

"Oh?" Robin didn't seem as surprised by this news as Nami thought she would be. She was expecting a gasp or at least her eyes widening. Instead she was smiling: It's almost as if she was expectin-"So you finally realized your inner feelings for him. I was worried for Luffy's sake for a minute."

"Eh?" Nami yelped in shock. It was just as she suspected: Robin liked the idea! "You think I love him?"

"No I don't. I know you love him. It's evident in your eyes." Robin revealed, smiling that mischievous grin she is known for while looking at her. Nami grew bright red, contrary to the normal pale she would have when told something like this.

"You, really think I love Luffy?" She asked, finding herself unable still to be rid of her blush. "Can I even find myself loving that idiot?"

"I think you just answered your own question. After all there must be some feelings within you to have chosen him in the first place." Robin turned towards the orange haired woman, who seems to have gotten even redder than before.

"Well I...Luffy..." Nami began to think over Robin's interpretation, and began to evaluate if it was true. And somehow, deep within her thoughts she felt all warm inside. 'Could Robin be right...'

End Chapter

Kenshin: Look at all those words...You think we can do more?

Haou: We did more, in the Soul Calibur fic. Speaking of which we need to update it. Anyway, next chapter will have Luffy meeting with Space Hero's favorite OC and the crew he's 'working' with.